#lang scribble/manual @(require planet/scribble)) @(require (for-label (planet dyoo/js-vm/ffi/ffi))) @title[#:tag "ffi"]{Racket to Javascript FFI} @defmodule/this-package[ffi/ffi] This API provides a foriegn function interface that allows javascript to be accessed directly and explicitly through @racketmodname[racket]. This allows access to native javascript functionality and allows external javascript APIs to be used in @racketmodname[racket] code without modifying the source code of the runtime infrastructure that evaluates the code. The contents of this module need to run in a Javascript context. @;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @section{Type Conversions} These procedures are designed to convert between @racketmodname[racket] and javascript types. @defproc[(racket->prim-js [v (or/c boolean? char? real? string? symbol? vector?)]) js-value?]{ Converts a @racketmodname[racket] value to a javascript value using the following rules: @itemize[ @item{When @racket[v] is a boolean, string, or inexact number, @racket[racket->prim-js] converts directly to the javascript boolean, string, or number with the same value.} @item{When @racket[v] is an exact number, @racket[racket->prim-js] returns a floating point number equivalent to @racket[(racket->prim-js (exact->inexact v))] if @racket[v] is in [@racket[minimum-js-fixnum], @racket[maximum-js-fixnum]]. Otherwise it will raise an @racket[exn:fail:contract] exception.} @item{When @racket[v] is a char, @racket[racket->prim-js] returns a on-character javascript string corresponding to @racket[(racket->prim-js (string v))].} @item{When @racket[v] is a symbol, @racket[racket->prim-js] returns a javascript string corresponding to @racket[(racket->prim-js (symbol->string v))].} @item{When @racket[v] is a vector, @racket[racket->prim-js] returns a javascript array whose elements are @racket[eq?] to the elements of the vector.} ]} The @racket[racket->prim-js] procedure cannot convert a procedure because @racketmodname[racket] procedures cannot be converted to javascript in a straightforward manner. When @racketmodname[racket] procedures are evaluated, they are evaluated in continuation passing style, and hence any javascript procedure constructed from a @racketmodname[racket] procedure must either be in CPS or must return void. @defproc[(procedure->cps-js-fun [proc procedure?]) js-function?]{ Converts a @racketmodname[racket] procedure to a javascript function. The javascript function returned is in continuation passing style and takes a continuation as its first argument. When called, the javascript function passes the return value of @racket[proc] applied to all arguments but the first to the function's first argument.} @defproc[(procedure->void-js-fun [proc procedure?]) js-function?]{ Converts a @racketmodname[racket] procedure to a javascript function. The javascript function will apply @racket[proc] to its arguments, and then ignore @racket[proc]'s return value and return undefined (javascript's version of returning void).} @defproc[(prim-js->racket [v js-value?]) (or/c boolean? inexact-real? string? vector?)]{ Converts a javascript value to its corresponding @racketmodname[racket] value. @itemize[ @item{When @racket[v] is a javascript boolean or string, @racket[prim-js->racket] returns the @racketmodname[racket] equivalent of that value.} @item{When @racket[v] is a number, @racket[prim-js->racket] returns an inexact number with the same value as the javascript number.} @item{When @racket[v] is an array, @racket[prim-js->racket] returns a vector whose elements are @racket[eq?] to the elements of @racket[v].} ] If @racket[v] is not an array, boolean, function, number, or string, @racket[prim-js->racket] will raise an @racket[exn:fail:contract] exception.} @;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @section{Checking Javascript Types and Values} The following procedures are useful for checking the values and types of javascript values. @defproc[(js-value? [x any/c]) boolean?]{ Returns @racket[#t] if @racket[x] is a javascript value, @racket[#f] otherwise.} @defproc[(js-object? [x any/c]) boolean?]{ Returns @racket[#t] if @racket[x] is a javascript function, @racket[#f] otherwise.} @defproc[(js-function? [x any/c]) boolean?]{ Returns @racket[#t] if @racket[x] is a javascript object, @racket[#f] otherwise.} @defproc[(js-=== [v1 js-value?] [v2 js-value?]) boolean?]{ Returns @racket[#t] if @racket[v1] and @racket[v2] are equal according to javascript's @racketidfont{===}. Otherwise returns @racket[#f].} @defproc[(js-typeof [v js-value?]) string?]{ Returns a string representing the javascript type of @racket[v]. The string is obtained by calling javascript's @racketidfont{typeof} on @racket[v].} @defproc[(js-instanceof [v js-value?] [type js-function?]) boolean?]{ Returns @racket[#t] if @racket[v] is an instance of the javascript type @racket[type] and @racket[#f] otherwise.} @defproc[(js-null? [v js-value?]) boolean?]{ Produces true if v is null. } @defproc[(js-undefined? [v js-value?]) boolean?]{ Produces true if v is undefined. } @;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @section{Accessing Javascript Values} The following procedures are useful for accessing javascript values from external APIs as well as constructing new values to pass to other javascript functions. @defproc[(js-get-global-value [name string?]) js-value?]{ Interprets @racket[name] as an identifier, and returns the javascript value bound to that identifier in the global scope. If no such value exists, then a js-value containing javascript's @racketidfont{undefined} is returned. So, for example, @racket[(js-get-global-value "setTimeout")] would return javascript's @racketidfont{setTimeout} procedure.} @defproc[(js-get-field [obj js-value?] [selector string?] ...+) js-value?]{ Begins by accessing the field of @racket[obj] named by the first @racket[selector], then accesses the field named by the second @racket[selector] of that object, and so-on until there are no more @racket[selector]s. If at any point this action would result in accessing a field of a @racketmodname[racket] value or javascript's @racketidfont{undefined}, @racket[js-get-field] will raise an @racket[exn:fail:contract] exception.} @defproc[(js-set-field![obj (or/c js-object? js-function?)] [field string?] [v any/c]) void?]{ Mutatively sets the field named @racket[field] of @racket[obj] to @racket[v] and returns @|void-const|.} @defproc[(js-new [constructor js-function?] [args any/c] ...) js-object?]{ Constructs a new instance of @racket[constructor] with @racket[args ...] as arguments.} @defproc[(js-make-hash [bindings (listof (list/c string? any/c)) empty]) js-object?]{ Constructs a new javascript hash table. For each element of @racket[bindings], the element is put into the hash table with the @racket[first] as the key and the @racket[second] as the value. If multiple elements in @racket[bindings] have @racket[first]s that are @racket[equal?], then only the last binding will exist (the others will be overwritten).} @defthing[js-null js-value?]{The null value.} @defthing[js-undefined js-value?]{The undefined value.} @defthing[minimum-js-fixnum]{The minimum number that can be exactly representable.} @defthing[maximum-js-fixnum]{The maximum number that can be exactly representable.} @;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @section{Calling Javascript Functions} @defproc[(js-call [f js-function?] [this-arg (or/c js-object? false?)] [args any/c] ...) any]{ Applies @racket[f] to @racket[args ...] with @racket[this-arg] as the @racketidfont{this} object. If @racket[this-arg] is @racket[#f], then javascript's @racketidfont{null} is used. This is equivalent to javascript's @racketfont{f.call(this-arg, args ...)}.} @;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @;@section{Examples} @;This section contains a few simple examples of how to use the FFI. @; @;Example One: @;@racketblock[ @;(js-call (js-get-global-value "setTimeout") @; #f @; (procedure->void-js-fun @; (lambda () (printf "tick!"))) @; (racket->prim-js 1000)) @;] @;This code will return @|void-const|, and after one second it will print @;@racketoutput{tick!}. Note that this is non-blocking because javascript's @;@racketidfont{setTimeout} is non-blocking. @;Example Two: @;@racketblock[ @;(define js-ht (js-make-hash '(("foo" 1) ("bar" 2)))) @;(js-set-field! js-ht "foo" 3) @;] @;After evaluation, @racket[js-ht] will be a javascript hash table with the @;bindings of @racketidfont{js-ht}@racketparenfont{[}@racketvalfont{"foo"} @;@racketparenfont{]}@racketidfont{ = }@racketvalfont{3} and @;@racketidfont{js-ht}@racketparenfont{[}@racketvalfont{"bar"} @;@racketparenfont{]}@racketidfont{ = }@racketvalfont{2}.