#lang s-exp "../../lang/base.rkt"
(require "testing.rkt")
(Section 'basic)
(require scheme/flonum
(test '() 'null null)
(test '() 'null '())
(let ([f (lambda () #&7)])
(test #t eq? (f) (f)))
'(+ - ... !.. $.+ %.- &.! *.: /:. :+. <-. =. >. ?. ~. _. ^.)
(define disjoint-type-functions
(list boolean? char? null? number? pair? procedure? string? symbol? vector?))
(define type-examples
#t #f #\a '() 9739 '(test) record-error "test" "" 'test '#() '#(a b c) ))
(define i 1)
(for-each (lambda (x) (display (make-string i #\ ))
(set! i (+ 3 i))
(write x)
(define type-matrix
(map (lambda (x)
(let ((t (map (lambda (f) (f x)) disjoint-type-functions)))
(write t)
(write x)
(test #f not #t)
(test #f not 3)
(test #f not (list 3))
(test #t not #f)
(test #f not '())
(test #f not (list))
(test #f not 'nil)
(arity-test not 1 1)
(test #t boolean? #f)
(test #t boolean? #t)
(test #f boolean? 0)
(test #f boolean? '())
(arity-test boolean? 1 1)
(test #t eqv? 'a 'a)
(test #f eqv? 'a 'b)
(test #t eqv? 2 2)
(test #f eqv? 2 2.0)
(test #t eqv? '() '())
(test #t eqv? '10000 '10000)
(test #t eqv? 10000000000000000000 10000000000000000000)
(test #f eqv? 10000000000000000000 10000000000000000001)
(test #f eqv? 10000000000000000000 20000000000000000000)
(test #f eqv? (cons 1 2) (cons 1 2))
(test #f eqv? (lambda () 1) (lambda () 2))
(test #f eqv? #f 'nil)
(let ((p (lambda (x) x)))
(test #t eqv? p p))
(define gen-counter
(lambda ()
(let ((n 0))
(lambda () (set! n (+ n 1)) n))))
(let ((g (gen-counter))) (test #t eqv? g g))
(test #f eqv? (gen-counter) (gen-counter))
(letrec ((f (lambda () (if (eqv? f g) 'f 'both)))
(g (lambda () (if (eqv? f g) 'g 'both))))
(test #f eqv? f g))
(test #t eq? 'a 'a)
(test #f eq? (list 'a) (list 'a))
(test #t eq? '() '())
(test #t eq? car car)
(let ((x '(a))) (test #t eq? x x))
(let ((x '#())) (test #t eq? x x))
(let ((x (lambda (x) x))) (test #t eq? x x))
(test #t equal? 'a 'a)
(test #t equal? '("a") '("a"))
(test #t equal? '(a) '(a))
(test #t equal? '(a (b) c) '(a (b) c))
(test #t equal? '("a" ("b") "c") '("a" ("b") "c"))
(test #t equal? "abc" "abc")
(test #t equal? 2 2)
(test #t equal? (make-vector 5 'a) (make-vector 5 'a))
(test #t equal? (box "a") (box "a"))
(test #f equal? "" (string #\null))
(test #f equal? 'a "a")
(test #f equal? 'a 'b)
(test #f equal? '(a) '(b))
(test #f equal? '(a (b) d) '(a (b) c))
(test #f equal? '(a (b) c) '(d (b) c))
(test #f equal? '(a (b) c) '(a (d) c))
(test #f equal? "abc" "abcd")
(test #f equal? "abcd" "abc")
(test #f equal? 2 3)
(test #f equal? 2.0 2)
(test #f equal? (make-vector 5 'b) (make-vector 5 'a))
(test #f equal? (box "a") (box "b"))
(test #t equal? #\a #\a)
(test #t equal? (integer->char 1024) (integer->char 1024))
(test #f equal? (integer->char 1024) (integer->char 1025))
(arity-test eq? 2 2)
(arity-test eqv? 2 2)
(arity-test equal? 2 2)
(disable (err/rt-test (set-mcdr! (list 1 2) 4)))
(test '(a b c d e) 'dot '(a . (b . (c . (d . (e . ()))))))
(disable (define x (mcons 'a (mcons 'b (mcons 'c null))))
(define y x)
(set-mcdr! x 4)
(test (mcons 'a 4) 'set-mcdr! x)
(set-mcar! x 'z)
(test (mcons 'z 4) 'set-mcar! x)
(test #t eqv? x y)
(test '(a b c . d) 'dot '(a . (b . (c . d))))
(test #f list? y)
(test #f list? (cons 'a 4))
(arity-test list? 1 1))
(test #t pair? '(a . b))
(test #t pair? '(a . 1))
(test #t pair? '(a b c))
(test #f pair? '())
(test #f pair? '#(a b))
(arity-test pair? 1 1)
(test '(a) cons 'a '())
(test '((a) b c d) cons '(a) '(b c d))
(test '("a" b c) cons "a" '(b c))
(test '(a . 3) cons 'a 3)
(test '((a b) . c) cons '(a b) 'c)
(arity-test cons 2 2)
(test 'a car '(a b c))
(test '(a) car '((a) b c d))
(test 1 car '(1 . 2))
(arity-test car 1 1)
(err/rt-test (car 1))
(test '(b c d) cdr '((a) b c d))
(test 2 cdr '(1 . 2))
(arity-test cdr 1 1)
(err/rt-test (cdr 1))
(test '(a 7 c) list 'a (+ 3 4) 'c)
(test '() list)
(test 3 length '(a b c))
(test 3 length '(a (b) (c d e)))
(test 0 length '())
(arity-test length 1 1)
(err/rt-test (length 1))
(err/rt-test (length '(1 . 2)))
(err/rt-test (length "a"))
(disable (err/rt-test (let ([p (cons 1 (make-placeholder #f))])
(placeholder-set! (cdr p) p)
(length (make-reader-graph p)))))
(define x (cons 4 0))
(err/rt-test (length x))
(disable (arity-test set-mcar! 2 2)
(arity-test set-mcdr! 2 2)
(err/rt-test (set-mcar! 4 4))
(err/rt-test (set-mcdr! 4 4))
(err/rt-test (set-mcar! (cons 1 4) 4))
(err/rt-test (set-mcdr! (cons 1 4) 4)))
(define (box-tests box unbox box? set-box! set-box!-name unbox-name)
(define b (box 5))
(test 5 unbox b)
(when set-box!
(set-box! b 6)
(test 6 unbox b))
(test #t box? b)
(test #f box? 5)
(arity-test box 1 1)
(arity-test unbox 1 1)
(arity-test box? 1 1)
(when set-box!
(arity-test set-box! 2 2))
(err/rt-test (unbox 8))
(when set-box!
(err/rt-test (set-box! 8 8))))
(box-tests box unbox box? set-box! 'set-box! 'unbox)
(disable (box-tests make-weak-box weak-box-value weak-box? #f #f 'weak-box-value))
(test '(x y) append '(x) '(y))
(test '(a b c d) append '(a) '(b c d))
(test '(a (b) (c)) append '(a (b)) '((c)))
(test '() append)
(test '(a b c . d) append '(a b) '(c . d))
(test 'a append '() 'a)
(test 1 append 1)
(test '(1 . 2) append '(1) 2)
(test '(1 . 2) append '(1) 2)
(err/rt-test (append '(1 2 . 3) 1))
(err/rt-test (append '(1 2 3) 1 '(4 5 6)))
(define l '(1 2))
(define l2 '(3 4 . 7))
(define l3 (append l l2))
(test '(1 2 3 4 . 7) 'append l3)
(test '(c b a) reverse '(a b c))
(test '((e (f)) d (b c) a) reverse '(a (b c) d (e (f))))
(arity-test reverse 1 1)
(err/rt-test (reverse 1))
(err/rt-test (reverse '(1 . 1)))
(test 'c list-ref '(a b c d) 2)
(test 'c list-ref '(a b c . d) 2)
(arity-test list-ref 2 2)
(err/rt-test (list-ref 1 1) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (list-ref '(a b . c) 2) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (list-ref '(1 2 3) 2.0))
(err/rt-test (list-ref '(1) '(1)))
(err/rt-test (list-ref '(1) 1) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (list-ref '() 0) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (list-ref '() 0) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (list-ref '(1) -1))
(err/rt-test (list-ref '(1) 2000000000000) exn:application:mismatch?)
(test '(c d) list-tail '(a b c d) 2)
(test '(a b c d) list-tail '(a b c d) 0)
(test '(b c . d) list-tail '(a b c . d) 1)
(test 1 list-tail 1 0)
(arity-test list-tail 2 2)
(err/rt-test (list-tail 1 1) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (list-tail '(1 2 3) 2.0))
(err/rt-test (list-tail '(1) '(1)))
(err/rt-test (list-tail '(1) -1))
(err/rt-test (list-tail '(1) 2) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (list-tail '(1 2 . 3) 3) exn:application:mismatch?)
(define (test-mem memq memq-name)
(test '(a b c) memq 'a '(a b c))
(test '(b c) memq 'b '(a b c))
(test '(b . c) memq 'b '(a b . c))
(test '#f memq 'a '(b c d))
(arity-test memq 2 2)
(err/rt-test (memq 'a 1) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (memq 'a '(1 . 2)) exn:application:mismatch?))
(test-mem memq 'memq)
(test-mem memv 'memv)
(test-mem member 'member)
(test #f memq "apple" '("apple"))
(test #f memv "apple" '("apple"))
(test '("apple") member "apple" '("apple"))
(test '(1/2) memv 1/2 '(1/2))
(test '(1/2) member 1/2 '(1/2))
(test '((1 2)) member '(1 2) '(1 2 (1 2)))
(define (test-ass assq assq-name)
(define e '((a 1) (b 2) (c 3)))
(test '(a 1) assq 'a e)
(test '(b 2) assq 'b e)
(test #f assq 'd e)
(test '(a 1) assq 'a '((x 0) (a 1) b 2))
(test '(a 1) assq 'a '((x 0) (a 1) . 0))
(arity-test assq 2 2)
(err/rt-test (assq 1 1) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (assq 1 '(1 2)) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (assq 1 '((0) . 2)) exn:application:mismatch?))
(test-ass assq 'assq)
(test-ass assv 'assv)
(test-ass assoc 'assoc)
(test #f assq '(a) '(((a)) ((b)) ((c))))
(test #f assv '(a) '(((a)) ((b)) ((c))))
(test '((b) 1) assoc '(b) '(((a)) ((b) 1) ((c))))
(test '(1/2) assv '1/2 '(((a)) (1/2) ((c))))
(test '(1/2) assoc '1/2 '(((a)) (1/2) ((c))))
(test #f immutable? (cons 1 null))
(test #f immutable? (list 1))
(test #f immutable? (list 1 2))
(test #f immutable? (list* 1 null))
(test #f immutable? (list* 1 2 null))
(test #f immutable? 1)
(test #t immutable? #(1 2 3))
(test #f immutable? (vector 1 2 3))
(test #f immutable? (vector))
(test #t immutable? #())
(test #f immutable? (string-copy "hi"))
(test #t immutable? "hi")
(test #t immutable? (string->immutable-string "hi"))
(test #t immutable? (string->immutable-string (string-copy "hi")))
(disable (test #t immutable? (make-immutable-hasheq null)))
(disable (test #t immutable? (make-immutable-hasheq '((a . b)))))
(disable (test #t immutable? (make-immutable-hash '((a . b)))))
(test #f immutable? (make-hasheq))
(disable (test #f immutable? (make-hasheqv)))
(test #f immutable? (make-hash))
(disable (test #f immutable? (make-weak-hasheq)))
(disable (test #f immutable? (make-weak-hash)))
(test #t symbol? 'foo)
(test #t symbol? (car '(a b)))
(test #f symbol? "bar")
(test #t symbol? 'nil)
(test #f symbol? '())
(test #f symbol? #f)
#ci(parameterize ([read-case-sensitive #f])
(define char-standard-case char-upcase)
(if (string=? (symbol->string 'A) "a")
(set! char-standard-case char-downcase)
(test #t 'standard-case
(string=? (symbol->string 'a) (symbol->string 'A)))
(test #t 'standard-case
(or (string=? (symbol->string 'a) "A")
(string=? (symbol->string 'A) "a")))
(let ()
(define (str-copy s)
(let ((v (make-string (string-length s))))
(do ((i (- (string-length v) 1) (- i 1)))
((< i 0) v)
(string-set! v i (string-ref s i)))))
(define (string-standard-case s)
(set! s (str-copy s))
(do ((i 0 (+ 1 i))
(sl (string-length s)))
((>= i sl) s)
(string-set! s i (char-standard-case (string-ref s i)))))
(test (string-standard-case "flying-fish") symbol->string 'flying-fish)
(test (string-standard-case "martin") symbol->string 'Martin)
(test "Malvina" symbol->string (string->symbol "Malvina"))
(test #t 'standard-case (eq? 'a 'A)))))
(set! x (string #\a #\b))
(define y (string->symbol x))
(string-set! x 0 #\c)
(test "cb" 'string-set! x)
(test "ab" symbol->string y)
(test y string->symbol "ab")
#ci(test #t eq? 'mISSISSIppi 'mississippi)
#ci(test #f 'string->symbol (eq? 'bitBlt (string->symbol "bitBlt")))
#cs(test #t 'string->symbol (eq? 'bitBlt (string->symbol "bitBlt")))
(test 'JollyWog string->symbol (symbol->string 'JollyWog))
#ci(test 'JollyWog string->symbol (symbol->string 'JollyWog))
(arity-test symbol? 1 1)
(disable (test #t keyword? '#:a)
(test #f keyword? 'a)
(test '#:apple string->keyword "apple")
(test "apple" keyword->string '#:apple)
(test #t keyword<? '#:a '#:b)
(test #f keyword<? '#:b '#:b)
(test #t keyword<? '#:b '#:bb)
(test #f keyword<? '#:b '#:)
(test #t keyword<? (string->keyword "a") (string->keyword "\uA0"))
(test #t keyword<? (string->keyword "a") (string->keyword "\uFF"))
(test #f keyword<? (string->keyword "\uA0") (string->keyword "a"))
(test #f keyword<? (string->keyword "\uFF") (string->keyword "a"))
(test #t keyword<? (string->keyword "\uA0") (string->keyword "\uFF"))
(test #f keyword<? (string->keyword "\uFF") (string->keyword "\uA0"))
(test #f keyword<? (string->keyword "\uA0") (string->keyword "\uA0"))
(arity-test keyword? 1 1)
(arity-test keyword<? 2 -1))
(define (char-tests)
(test #t eqv? '#\ #\Space)
(test #t eqv? #\space '#\Space)
(test #t char? #\a)
(test #t char? #\()
(test #t char? #\ )
(test #t char? '#\newline)
(arity-test char? 1 1)
(test #f char=? #\A #\B)
(test #f char=? #\A #\A #\B)
(test #f char=? #\A #\B #\A)
(test #f char=? #\a #\b)
(test #f char=? #\9 #\0)
(test #t char=? #\A #\A)
(test #t char=? #\A #\A #\A)
(test #t char=? #\370 #\370)
(test #f char=? #\371 #\370)
(test #f char=? #\370 #\371)
(arity-test char=? 2 -1)
(err/rt-test (char=? #\a 1))
(err/rt-test (char=? #\a #\b 1))
(err/rt-test (char=? 1 #\a))
(test #t char<? #\A #\B)
(test #t char<? #\A #\B #\C)
(test #f char<? #\A #\B #\A)
(test #f char<? #\A #\A #\C)
(test #t char<? #\a #\b)
(test #f char<? #\9 #\0)
(test #f char<? #\A #\A)
(test #f char<? #\370 #\370)
(test #f char<? #\371 #\370)
(test #t char<? #\370 #\371)
(arity-test char<? 2 -1)
(err/rt-test (char<? #\a 1))
(err/rt-test (char<? #\a #\a 1))
(err/rt-test (char<? 1 #\a))
(test #f char>? #\A #\B)
(test #t char>? #\B #\A)
(test #f char>? #\A #\B #\C)
(test #f char>? #\B #\A #\C)
(test #t char>? #\C #\B #\A)
(test #f char>? #\a #\b)
(test #t char>? #\9 #\0)
(test #f char>? #\A #\A)
(test #f char>? #\370 #\370)
(test #t char>? #\371 #\370)
(test #f char>? #\370 #\371)
(arity-test char>? 2 -1)
(err/rt-test (char>? #\a 1))
(err/rt-test (char>? #\a #\a 1))
(err/rt-test (char>? 1 #\a))
(test #t char<=? #\A #\B)
(test #t char<=? #\A #\B #\C)
(test #t char<=? #\A #\A #\C)
(test #f char<=? #\A #\B #\A)
(test #f char<=? #\B #\A #\C)
(test #t char<=? #\a #\b)
(test #f char<=? #\9 #\0)
(test #t char<=? #\A #\A)
(test #t char<=? #\370 #\370)
(test #f char<=? #\371 #\370)
(test #t char<=? #\370 #\371)
(arity-test char<=? 2 -1)
(err/rt-test (char<=? #\a 1))
(err/rt-test (char<=? #\b #\a 1))
(err/rt-test (char<=? 1 #\a))
(test #f char>=? #\A #\B)
(test #f char>=? #\a #\b)
(test #t char>=? #\9 #\0)
(test #t char>=? #\A #\A)
(test #t char>=? #\370 #\370)
(test #t char>=? #\371 #\370)
(test #f char>=? #\370 #\371)
(arity-test char>=? 2 -1)
(err/rt-test (char>=? #\a 1))
(err/rt-test (char>=? #\a #\b 1))
(err/rt-test (char>=? 1 #\a))
(test #f char-ci=? #\A #\B)
(test #f char-ci=? #\A #\A #\B)
(test #f char-ci=? #\a #\B)
(test #f char-ci=? #\A #\b)
(test #f char-ci=? #\a #\b)
(test #f char-ci=? #\9 #\0)
(test #t char-ci=? #\A #\A)
(test #t char-ci=? #\A #\a)
(test #t char-ci=? #\A #\a #\A)
(test #t char-ci=? #\370 #\370)
(test #f char-ci=? #\371 #\370)
(test #f char-ci=? #\370 #\371)
(arity-test char-ci=? 2 -1)
(err/rt-test (char-ci=? #\a 1))
(err/rt-test (char-ci=? #\a #\b 1))
(err/rt-test (char-ci=? 1 #\a))
(test #t char-ci<? #\A #\B)
(test #t char-ci<? #\A #\B #\C)
(test #t char-ci<? #\a #\B)
(test #t char-ci<? #\A #\b)
(test #t char-ci<? #\A #\b #\C)
(test #t char-ci<? #\a #\b)
(test #f char-ci<? #\9 #\0)
(test #f char-ci<? #\A #\A)
(test #f char-ci<? #\A #\a)
(test #f char-ci<? #\A #\b #\B)
(test #f char-ci<? #\370 #\370)
(test #f char-ci<? #\371 #\370)
(test #t char-ci<? #\370 #\371)
(arity-test char-ci<? 2 -1)
(err/rt-test (char-ci<? #\a 1))
(err/rt-test (char-ci<? #\b #\a 1))
(err/rt-test (char-ci<? 1 #\a))
(test #f char-ci>? #\A #\B)
(test #f char-ci>? #\B #\A #\C)
(test #t char-ci>? #\C #\B #\A)
(test #f char-ci>? #\a #\B)
(test #f char-ci>? #\A #\b)
(test #f char-ci>? #\a #\b)
(test #t char-ci>? #\C #\b #\A)
(test #t char-ci>? #\9 #\0)
(test #f char-ci>? #\A #\A)
(test #f char-ci>? #\A #\a)
(test #f char-ci>? #\370 #\370)
(test #t char-ci>? #\371 #\370)
(test #f char-ci>? #\370 #\371)
(arity-test char-ci>? 2 -1)
(err/rt-test (char-ci>? #\a 1))
(err/rt-test (char-ci>? #\a #\b 1))
(err/rt-test (char-ci>? 1 #\a))
(test #t char-ci<=? #\A #\B)
(test #t char-ci<=? #\a #\B)
(test #t char-ci<=? #\a #\B #\C)
(test #f char-ci<=? #\a #\b #\A)
(test #t char-ci<=? #\A #\b)
(test #t char-ci<=? #\a #\b)
(test #f char-ci<=? #\9 #\0)
(test #t char-ci<=? #\A #\A)
(test #t char-ci<=? #\A #\a)
(test #t char-ci<=? #\370 #\370)
(test #f char-ci<=? #\371 #\370)
(test #t char-ci<=? #\370 #\371)
(arity-test char-ci<=? 2 -1)
(err/rt-test (char-ci<=? #\a 1))
(err/rt-test (char-ci<=? #\b #\a 1))
(err/rt-test (char-ci<=? 1 #\a))
(test #f char-ci>=? #\A #\B)
(test #f char-ci>=? #\B #\A #\C)
(test #t char-ci>=? #\B #\B #\A)
(test #f char-ci>=? #\a #\B)
(test #f char-ci>=? #\A #\b)
(test #f char-ci>=? #\a #\b)
(test #t char-ci>=? #\9 #\0)
(test #t char-ci>=? #\A #\A)
(test #t char-ci>=? #\A #\a)
(test #t char-ci>=? #\370 #\370)
(test #t char-ci>=? #\371 #\370)
(test #f char-ci>=? #\370 #\371)
(arity-test char-ci>=? 2 -1)
(err/rt-test (char-ci>=? #\a 1))
(err/rt-test (char-ci>=? #\a #\b 1))
(err/rt-test (char-ci>=? 1 #\a)))
(define (ascii-range start end)
(let ([s (or (and (number? start) start) (char->integer start))]
[e (or (and (number? end) end) (char->integer end))])
(let loop ([n e][l (list (integer->char e))])
(if (= n s)
(let ([n (sub1 n)])
(loop n (cons (integer->char n) l)))))))
(define uppers (ascii-range #\A #\Z))
(define lowers (ascii-range #\a #\z))
(define alphas (append uppers lowers))
(define digits (ascii-range #\0 #\9))
(define whites (list #\newline #\return #\space #\page #\tab #\vtab))
(define (test-all is-a? name members)
(let loop ([n 0])
(unless (= n 128)
(let ([c (integer->char n)])
(test (and (memq c members) #t) `(,is-a? (integer->char ,n)) (is-a? c))
(loop (add1 n)))))
(arity-test is-a? 1 1)
(err/rt-test (is-a? 1)))
(test-all char-alphabetic? 'char-alphabetic? alphas)
(test-all char-numeric? 'char-numeric? digits)
(test-all char-whitespace? 'char-whitespace? whites)
(test-all char-upper-case? 'char-upper-case? uppers)
(test-all char-lower-case? 'char-lower-case? lowers)
(let loop ([n 0])
(unless (= n 512)
(test n 'integer->char (char->integer (integer->char n)))
(loop (add1 n))))
(test 0 char->integer #\nul)
(test 10 char->integer #\newline)
(test 13 char->integer #\return)
(test 9 char->integer #\tab)
(test 8 char->integer #\backspace)
(test 12 char->integer #\page)
(test 32 char->integer #\space)
(test 127 char->integer #\rubout)
(test #\null 'null #\nul)
(test #\newline 'linefeed #\linefeed)
(test #\. integer->char (char->integer #\.))
(test #\A integer->char (char->integer #\A))
(test #\a integer->char (char->integer #\a))
(test #\371 integer->char (char->integer #\371))
(test #\U12345 integer->char (char->integer #\U12345))
(arity-test integer->char 1 1)
(arity-test char->integer 1 1)
(err/rt-test (integer->char 5.0))
(err/rt-test (integer->char 'a))
(err/rt-test (integer->char -1))
(err/rt-test (integer->char (expt 2 32)))
(err/rt-test (integer->char 10000000000000000))
(err/rt-test (char->integer 5))
(define (test-up/down case case-name members memassoc)
(let loop ([n 0])
(unless (= n 128)
(let ([c (integer->char n)])
(if (memq c members)
(test (cdr (assq c memassoc)) case c)
(test c case c)))
(loop (add1 n))))
(arity-test case 1 1)
(err/rt-test (case 2)))
(test-up/down char-upcase 'char-upcase lowers (map cons lowers uppers))
(test-up/down char-downcase 'char-downcase uppers (map cons uppers lowers))
(test #t string? "The word \"recursion\\\" has many meanings.")
(test #t string? "")
(arity-test string? 1 1)
(test 3 'make-string (string-length (make-string 3)))
(test "" make-string 0)
(arity-test make-string 1 2)
(err/rt-test (make-string "hello"))
(err/rt-test (make-string 5 "hello"))
(err/rt-test (make-string 5.0 #\b))
(err/rt-test (make-string 5.2 #\a))
(err/rt-test (make-string -5 #\f))
(disable (define 64-bit-machine? (eq? (expt 2 40) (eq-hash-code (expt 2 40))))
(unless 64-bit-machine?
(err/rt-test (make-string 500000000000000 #\f) exn:fail:out-of-memory?)) (err/rt-test (make-string 50000000000000000000 #\f) exn:fail:out-of-memory?) )
(define f (make-string 3 #\*))
(test "?**" 'string-set! (begin (string-set! f 0 #\?) f))
(arity-test string-set! 3 3)
(test #t immutable? "hello")
(err/rt-test (string-set! "hello" 0 #\a)) (define hello-string (string-copy "hello"))
(err/rt-test (string-set! hello-string 'a #\a))
(err/rt-test (string-set! 'hello 4 #\a))
(err/rt-test (string-set! hello-string 4 'a))
(err/rt-test (string-set! hello-string 4.0 'a))
(err/rt-test (string-set! hello-string 5 #\a) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (string-set! hello-string -1 #\a))
(err/rt-test (string-set! hello-string (expt 2 100) #\a) exn:application:mismatch?)
(test "abc" string #\a #\b #\c)
(test "" string)
(err/rt-test (string #\a 1))
(err/rt-test (string 1 #\a))
(err/rt-test (string 1))
(test 3 string-length "abc")
(test 0 string-length "")
(arity-test string-length 1 1)
(err/rt-test (string-length 'apple))
(test #\a string-ref "abc" 0)
(test #\c string-ref "abc" 2)
(arity-test string-ref 2 2)
(err/rt-test (string-ref 'apple 4))
(err/rt-test (string-ref "apple" 4.0))
(err/rt-test (string-ref "apple" '(4)))
(err/rt-test (string-ref "apple" 5) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (string-ref "" 0) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (string-ref "" (expt 2 100)) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (string-ref "apple" -1))
(test "" substring "ab" 0 0)
(test "" substring "ab" 1 1)
(test "" substring "ab" 2 2)
(test "a" substring "ab" 0 1)
(test "b" substring "ab" 1 2)
(test "ab" substring "ab" 0 2)
(test "ab" substring "ab" 0)
(test "b" substring "ab" 1)
(test "" substring "ab" 2)
(test (string #\a #\nul #\b) substring (string #\- #\a #\nul #\b #\*) 1 4)
(arity-test substring 2 3)
(err/rt-test (substring 'hello 2 3))
(err/rt-test (substring "hello" "2" 3))
(err/rt-test (substring "hello" 2.0 3))
(err/rt-test (substring "hello" 2 3.0))
(err/rt-test (substring "hello" 2 "3"))
(err/rt-test (substring "hello" 2 7) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (substring "hello" -2 3))
(err/rt-test (substring "hello" 4 3) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (substring "hello" (expt 2 100) 3) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (substring "hello" (expt 2 100) 5) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (substring "hello" 3 (expt 2 100)) exn:application:mismatch?)
(test "foobar" string-append "foo" "bar")
(test "foo" string-append "foo")
(test "foo" string-append "foo" "")
(test "foogoo" string-append "foo" "" "goo")
(test "foo" string-append "" "foo")
(test "" string-append)
(test (string #\a #\nul #\b #\c #\nul #\d)
string-append (string #\a #\nul #\b) (string #\c #\nul #\d))
(err/rt-test (string-append 1))
(err/rt-test (string-append "hello" 1))
(err/rt-test (string-append "hello" 1 "done"))
(test "" make-string 0)
(define s (string-copy "hello"))
(define s2 (string-copy s))
(test "hello" 'string-copy s2)
(string-set! s 2 #\x)
(test "hello" 'string-copy s2)
(test (string #\a #\nul #\b) string-copy (string #\a #\nul #\b))
(string-fill! s #\x)
(test "xxxxx" 'string-fill! s)
(arity-test string-copy 1 1)
(arity-test string-fill! 2 2)
(err/rt-test (string-copy 'blah))
(err/rt-test (string-fill! 'sym #\1))
(err/rt-test (string-fill! "static" #\1))
(err/rt-test (string-fill! (string-copy "oops") 5))
(let ([s (make-string 10 #\x)])
(test (void) string-copy! s 0 "hello")
(test "helloxxxxx" values s)
(test (void) string-copy! s 3 "hello")
(test "helhelloxx" values s)
(err/rt-test (string-copy! s 6 "hello") exn:application:mismatch?)
(test (void) string-copy! s 5 "hello" 3)
(test "helhelooxx" values s)
(test (void) string-copy! s 5 "hello" 3)
(test "helhelooxx" values s)
(test (void) string-copy! s 0 "hello" 3 4)
(test "lelhelooxx" values s)
(test (void) string-copy! s 1 "hello" 3 5)
(test "llohelooxx" values s)
(err/rt-test (string-copy! s 1 "hello" 3 6) exn:application:mismatch?)))
(arity-test string-copy! 3 5)
(let ([s (string-copy x)])
(err/rt-test (string-copy! "x" 0 "x"))
(err/rt-test (string-copy! s "x" "x"))
(err/rt-test (string-copy! 0 0 "x"))
(err/rt-test (string-copy! s 0 "x" -1))
(err/rt-test (string-copy! s 0 "x" 1 0) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (string-copy! s 2 "x" 0 1) exn:application:mismatch?)))
(test "Hello, and how are you?" string->immutable-string "Hello, and how are you?")
(arity-test string->immutable-string 1 1)
(err/rt-test (string->immutable-string 'hello))
(define ax (string #\a #\nul #\370 #\x))
(define abigx (string #\a #\nul #\370 #\X))
(define ax2 (string #\a #\nul #\370 #\x))
(define ay (string #\a #\nul #\371 #\x))
(define (string-tests)
(test #t string=? "" "")
(test #f string<? "" "")
(test #f string>? "" "")
(test #t string<=? "" "")
(test #t string>=? "" "")
(test #t string-ci=? "" "")
(test #f string-ci<? "" "")
(test #f string-ci>? "" "")
(test #t string-ci<=? "" "")
(test #t string-ci>=? "" "")
(test #f string=? "A" "B")
(test #f string=? "a" "b")
(test #f string=? "9" "0")
(test #t string=? "A" "A")
(test #f string=? "A" "AB")
(test #t string=? ax ax2)
(test #f string=? ax abigx)
(test #f string=? ax ay)
(test #f string=? ay ax)
(test #t string<? "A" "B")
(test #t string<? "a" "b")
(test #f string<? "9" "0")
(test #f string<? "A" "A")
(test #t string<? "A" "AB")
(test #f string<? "AB" "A")
(test #f string<? ax ax2)
(test #t string<? ax ay)
(test #f string<? ay ax)
(test #f string>? "A" "B")
(test #f string>? "a" "b")
(test #t string>? "9" "0")
(test #f string>? "A" "A")
(test #f string>? "A" "AB")
(test #t string>? "AB" "A")
(test #f string>? ax ax2)
(test #f string>? ax ay)
(test #t string>? ay ax)
(test #t string<=? "A" "B")
(test #t string<=? "a" "b")
(test #f string<=? "9" "0")
(test #t string<=? "A" "A")
(test #t string<=? "A" "AB")
(test #f string<=? "AB" "A")
(test #t string<=? ax ax2)
(test #t string<=? ax ay)
(test #f string<=? ay ax)
(test #f string>=? "A" "B")
(test #f string>=? "a" "b")
(test #t string>=? "9" "0")
(test #t string>=? "A" "A")
(test #f string>=? "A" "AB")
(test #t string>=? "AB" "A")
(test #t string>=? ax ax2)
(test #f string>=? ax ay)
(test #t string>=? ay ax)
(test #f string-ci=? "A" "B")
(test #f string-ci=? "a" "B")
(test #f string-ci=? "A" "b")
(test #f string-ci=? "a" "b")
(test #f string-ci=? "9" "0")
(test #t string-ci=? "A" "A")
(test #t string-ci=? "A" "a")
(test #f string-ci=? "A" "AB")
(test #t string-ci=? ax ax2)
(test #t string-ci=? ax abigx)
(test #f string-ci=? ax ay)
(test #f string-ci=? ay ax)
(test #f string-ci=? abigx ay)
(test #f string-ci=? ay abigx)
(test #t string-ci<? "A" "B")
(test #t string-ci<? "a" "B")
(test #t string-ci<? "A" "b")
(test #t string-ci<? "a" "b")
(test #f string-ci<? "9" "0")
(test #f string-ci<? "A" "A")
(test #f string-ci<? "A" "a")
(test #t string-ci<? "A" "AB")
(test #f string-ci<? "AB" "A")
(test #f string-ci<? ax ax2)
(test #f string-ci<? ax abigx)
(test #t string-ci<? ax ay)
(test #f string-ci<? ay ax)
(test #t string-ci<? abigx ay)
(test #f string-ci<? ay abigx)
(test #f string-ci>? "A" "B")
(test #f string-ci>? "a" "B")
(test #f string-ci>? "A" "b")
(test #f string-ci>? "a" "b")
(test #t string-ci>? "9" "0")
(test #f string-ci>? "A" "A")
(test #f string-ci>? "A" "a")
(test #f string-ci>? "A" "AB")
(test #t string-ci>? "AB" "A")
(test #f string-ci>? ax ax2)
(test #f string-ci>? ax abigx)
(test #f string-ci>? ax ay)
(test #t string-ci>? ay ax)
(test #f string-ci>? abigx ay)
(test #t string-ci>? ay abigx)
(test #t string-ci<=? "A" "B")
(test #t string-ci<=? "a" "B")
(test #t string-ci<=? "A" "b")
(test #t string-ci<=? "a" "b")
(test #f string-ci<=? "9" "0")
(test #t string-ci<=? "A" "A")
(test #t string-ci<=? "A" "a")
(test #t string-ci<=? "A" "AB")
(test #f string-ci<=? "AB" "A")
(test #t string-ci<=? ax ax2)
(test #t string-ci<=? ax abigx)
(test #t string-ci<=? ax ay)
(test #f string-ci<=? ay ax)
(test #t string-ci<=? abigx ay)
(test #f string-ci<=? ay abigx)
(test #f string-ci>=? "A" "B")
(test #f string-ci>=? "a" "B")
(test #f string-ci>=? "A" "b")
(test #f string-ci>=? "a" "b")
(test #t string-ci>=? "9" "0")
(test #t string-ci>=? "A" "A")
(test #t string-ci>=? "A" "a")
(test #f string-ci>=? "A" "AB")
(test #t string-ci>=? "AB" "A")
(test #t string-ci>=? ax ax2)
(test #t string-ci>=? ax abigx)
(test #f string-ci>=? ax ay)
(test #t string-ci>=? ay ax)
(test #f string-ci>=? abigx ay)
(test #t string-ci>=? ay abigx))
(disable (map (lambda (pred)
(arity-test pred 2 -1)
(err/rt-test (pred "a" 1))
(err/rt-test (pred "a" "b" 5))
(err/rt-test (pred 1 "a")))
(list string=?
(test #t byte? 10)
(test #t byte? 0)
(test #t byte? 255)
(test #f byte? 256)
(test #f byte? -1)
(test #f byte? (expt 2 40))
(test #f byte? (expt 2 100))
(test #f byte? #\newline)
(test #t bytes? #"The word \"recursion\\\" has many meanings.")
(test #t bytes? #"")
(arity-test bytes? 1 1)
(test 3 'make-bytes (bytes-length (make-bytes 3)))
(test #"" make-bytes 0)
(arity-test make-bytes 1 2)
(err/rt-test (make-bytes #"hello"))
(err/rt-test (make-bytes 5 #"hello"))
(err/rt-test (make-bytes 5.0 98))
(err/rt-test (make-bytes 5.2 97))
(err/rt-test (make-bytes -5 98))
(err/rt-test (make-bytes 50000000000000000000 #\f))
(unless 64-bit-machine?
(err/rt-test (make-bytes 500000000000000 45) exn:fail:out-of-memory?)) (err/rt-test (make-bytes 50000000000000000000 45) exn:fail:out-of-memory?) )
(set! f (make-bytes 3 (char->integer #\*)))
(test #"?**" 'bytes-set! (begin (bytes-set! f 0 (char->integer #\?)) f))
(arity-test bytes-set! 3 3)
(err/rt-test (bytes-set! #"hello" 0 #\a)) (define hello-bytes (bytes-copy #"hello"))
(err/rt-test (bytes-set! hello-bytes 'a 97))
(err/rt-test (bytes-set! 'hello 4 97))
(err/rt-test (bytes-set! hello-bytes 4 'a))
(err/rt-test (bytes-set! hello-bytes 4.0 'a))
(err/rt-test (bytes-set! hello-bytes 5 97) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (bytes-set! hello-bytes -1 97))
(err/rt-test (bytes-set! hello-bytes (expt 2 100) 97) exn:application:mismatch?)
(test #"abc" bytes 97 98 99)
(test #"" bytes)
(err/rt-test (bytes #\a 1))
(err/rt-test (bytes 1 #\a))
(err/rt-test (bytes #\1))
(test 3 bytes-length #"abc")
(test 0 bytes-length #"")
(arity-test bytes-length 1 1)
(err/rt-test (bytes-length 'apple))
(test 97 bytes-ref #"abc" 0)
(test 99 bytes-ref #"abc" 2)
(arity-test bytes-ref 2 2)
(err/rt-test (bytes-ref 'apple 4))
(err/rt-test (bytes-ref #"apple" 4.0))
(err/rt-test (bytes-ref #"apple" '(4)))
(err/rt-test (bytes-ref #"apple" 5) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (bytes-ref #"" 0) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (bytes-ref #"" (expt 2 100)) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (bytes-ref #"apple" -1))
(test #"" subbytes #"ab" 0 0)
(test #"" subbytes #"ab" 1 1)
(test #"" subbytes #"ab" 2 2)
(test #"a" subbytes #"ab" 0 1)
(test #"b" subbytes #"ab" 1 2)
(test #"ab" subbytes #"ab" 0 2)
(test #"ab" subbytes #"ab" 0)
(test #"b" subbytes #"ab" 1)
(test #"" subbytes #"ab" 2)
(test (bytes 97 0 98) subbytes (bytes 32 97 0 98 45) 1 4)
(arity-test subbytes 2 3)
(err/rt-test (subbytes 'hello 2 3))
(err/rt-test (subbytes #"hello" #"2" 3))
(err/rt-test (subbytes #"hello" 2.0 3))
(err/rt-test (subbytes #"hello" 2 3.0))
(err/rt-test (subbytes #"hello" 2 #"3"))
(err/rt-test (subbytes #"hello" 2 7) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (subbytes #"hello" -2 3))
(err/rt-test (subbytes #"hello" 4 3) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (subbytes #"hello" (expt 2 100) 3) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (subbytes #"hello" (expt 2 100) 5) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (subbytes #"hello" 3 (expt 2 100)) exn:application:mismatch?)
(test #"foobar" bytes-append #"foo" #"bar")
(test #"foo" bytes-append #"foo")
(test #"foo" bytes-append #"foo" #"")
(test #"foogoo" bytes-append #"foo" #"" #"goo")
(test #"foo" bytes-append #"" #"foo")
(test #"" bytes-append)
(test (bytes 97 0 98 99 0 100)
bytes-append (bytes 97 0 98) (bytes 99 0 100))
(err/rt-test (bytes-append 1))
(err/rt-test (bytes-append #"hello" 1))
(err/rt-test (bytes-append #"hello" 1 #"done"))
(test #"" make-bytes 0)
(set! s (bytes-copy #"hello"))
(set! s2 (bytes-copy s))
(test #"hello" 'bytes-copy s2)
(bytes-set! s 2 (char->integer #\x))
(test #"hello" 'bytes-copy s2)
(test (bytes 97 0 98) bytes-copy (bytes 97 0 98))
(bytes-fill! s (char->integer #\x))
(test #"xxxxx" 'bytes-fill! s)
(arity-test bytes-copy 1 1)
(arity-test bytes-fill! 2 2)
(err/rt-test (bytes-copy 'blah))
(err/rt-test (bytes-fill! 'sym 1))
(err/rt-test (bytes-fill! #"static" 1))
(err/rt-test (bytes-fill! (bytes-copy #"oops") #\5))
(disable (define r (regexp "(-[0-9]*)+"))
(test '("-12--345" "-345") regexp-match r "a-12--345b")
(test '((1 . 9) (5 . 9)) regexp-match-positions r "a-12--345b")
(test '("--345" "-345") regexp-match r "a-12--345b" 2)
(test '("--34" "-34") regexp-match r "a-12--345b" 2 8)
(test '((4 . 9) (5 . 9)) regexp-match-positions r "a-12--345b" 2)
(test '((4 . 8) (5 . 8)) regexp-match-positions r "a-12--345b" 2 8)
(test '("a-b") regexp-match "a[-c]b" "a-b")
(test '("a-b") regexp-match "a[c-]b" "a-b")
(test #f regexp-match "x+" "12345")
(test "su casa" regexp-replace "mi" "mi casa" "su")
(define r2 (regexp "([Mm])i ([a-zA-Z]*)"))
(define insert "\\1y \\2")
(test "My Casa" regexp-replace r2 "Mi Casa" insert)
(test "my cerveza Mi Mi Mi" regexp-replace r2 "mi cerveza Mi Mi Mi" insert)
(test "my cerveza My Mi Mi" regexp-replace* r2 "mi cerveza Mi Mi Mi" insert)
(test "bbb" regexp-replace* "a" "aaa" "b")
(test '(#"") regexp-match "" (open-input-string "123") 3)
(test '(#"") regexp-match "$" (open-input-string "123") 3)
(test '(#"") regexp-match-peek "" (open-input-string "123") 3)
(test "b1b2b3b" regexp-replace* "" "123" "b")
(test "1b23" regexp-replace* "(?=2)" "123" "b")
(test "xax\u03BBx" regexp-replace* "" "a\u03BB" "x")
(test "xax\u03BBxbx" regexp-replace* "" "a\u03BBb" "x")
(test #"xax\316x\273xbx" regexp-replace* #"" "a\u03BBb" #"x")
(test "==1=2===3==" regexp-replace* "2*" "123" (lambda (s) (string-append "=" s "=")))
(test "==1=2===3==4==" regexp-replace* "2*" "1234" (lambda (s) (string-append "=" s "=")))
(test "x&b\\ab=cy&w\\aw=z" regexp-replace* #rx"a(.)" "xabcyawz" "\\&\\1\\\\&\\99=")
(test "x&cy&z" regexp-replace* #rx"a(.)" "xabcyawz" "\\&")
(test "x\\cy\\z" regexp-replace* #rx"a(.)" "xabcyawz" "\\\\")
(test "myCERVEZA myMI Mi"
regexp-replace* "([Mm])i ([a-zA-Z]*)" "mi cerveza Mi Mi Mi"
(lambda (all one two)
(string-append (string-downcase one) "y"
(string-upcase two))))
(test #"fox in socks, blue seal. trout in socks, blue fish!"
#rx#"([a-z]+) ([a-z]+)"
#"red fox, blue seal. red trout, blue trout!"
(lambda (total color what)
((equal? color #"red") (bytes-append what #" in socks"))
((equal? what #"trout") (bytes-append color #" fish"))
(else (bytes-append color #" " what)))))
(define (test-weird-offset regexp-match regexp-match-positions)
(test #f regexp-match "e" (open-input-string ""))
(test #f regexp-match "e" (open-input-string "") (expt 2 100))
(test #f regexp-match "e" (open-input-string "") (expt 2 100) (expt 2 101))
(test #f regexp-match "e" (open-input-string "") (expt 2 100) (expt 2 101))
(test '((3 . 4)) regexp-match-positions "e" (open-input-string "eaae") 2 (expt 2 101))
(test #f regexp-match "" (open-input-string "123") 4)
(test #f regexp-match-positions "" (open-input-string "123") 4)
(test #f regexp-match "" (open-input-string "123") 999)
(test #f regexp-match-positions "" (open-input-string "123") 999)
(test #f regexp-match "" (open-input-string "123") (expt 2 101)))
(test-weird-offset regexp-match regexp-match-positions)
(test-weird-offset regexp-match-peek regexp-match-peek-positions)
(define (do-the-tests prefix suffix start end)
(define input (format "~a~a~a" prefix "<tag1 b=5> <tag2 bb=7>" suffix))
(define (check-greedy-stuff mk-input regexp-match regexp-match-positions)
(define (testre s-answer p-answer pattern)
(let ([p-answer (if (and p-answer start)
(list (cons (+ start (caar p-answer))
(+ start (cdar p-answer))))
(test s-answer regexp-match pattern (mk-input) start (+ end (string-length input)))
(test p-answer regexp-match-positions pattern (mk-input) start (+ end (string-length input)))]
(test s-answer regexp-match pattern (mk-input) start)
(test p-answer regexp-match-positions pattern (mk-input) start)]
(test s-answer regexp-match pattern (mk-input))
(test p-answer regexp-match-positions pattern (mk-input))])))
(define strs
(if (string? (mk-input))
(lambda l (map string->bytes/utf-8 l))))
(testre (strs "<tag1 b=5> <tag2 bb=7>") '((0 . 22)) "<.*>")
(testre (strs "<tag1 b=5>") '((0 . 10)) "<.*?>")
(testre (strs "<tag1 b=5> <tag2 bb=7>") '((0 . 22)) "<.*?>$")
(testre (strs "") '((0 . 0)) "b*")
(testre (strs "<tag") '((0 . 4)) "^<[tag]*")
(testre (strs "<tag") '((0 . 4)) "<[tag]*")
(testre (strs "<tag1") '((0 . 5)) "<[tag]*1")
(testre (strs "") '((0 . 0)) "b*?")
(testre (strs "<") '((0 . 1)) "<[tag]*?")
(testre (strs "<tag1") '((0 . 5)) "<[tag]*?1")
(testre (strs "b") '((6 . 7)) "b+?")
(testre #f #f "^b+?")
(testre (strs "<t") '((0 . 2)) "<[tag]+?")
(testre (strs "<tag1") '((0 . 5)) "<[tag]+?1")
(testre (strs "") '((0 . 0)) "b??")
(testre (strs "") '((0 . 0)) "[tag]??")
(testre (strs "g1") '((3 . 5)) "[tag]??1")
(testre (strs "ag") '((2 . 4)) "[a-m]+"))
(check-greedy-stuff (lambda () input) regexp-match regexp-match-positions)
(check-greedy-stuff (lambda () (open-input-string input)) regexp-match regexp-match-positions)
(let ([p (open-input-string input)])
(check-greedy-stuff (lambda () p) regexp-match-peek regexp-match-peek-positions))
(let ([mk (lambda ()
(let-values ([(r w) (make-pipe)])
(thread (lambda ()
(let loop ([s 0])
(let ([e (min (+ s 1)
(string-length input))])
(display (substring input s e) w)
(unless (= e s)
(loop e))))
(close-output-port w)))
(check-greedy-stuff mk regexp-match regexp-match-positions)
(let ([p (mk)])
(check-greedy-stuff (lambda () p) regexp-match-peek regexp-match-peek-positions))))
(do-the-tests "" "" #f #f)
(do-the-tests "" "" 0 #f)
(do-the-tests "" "" 0 0)
(do-the-tests "ack" "" 3 #f)
(do-the-tests "ack" "" 3 0)
(do-the-tests "ack" "hmm" 3 -3)
(test '((10002 . 10003)) regexp-match-positions "a" (open-input-string (format "~abbac" (make-string 10000 #\x))))
(let* ([s (string #\a #\b #\nul #\c)]
[3s (string-append s s s)])
(test #f regexp-match (string #\nul) "no nulls")
(test (list s) regexp-match s s)
(test (list 3s s) regexp-match (format "(~a)*" s) 3s)
(test (list (string #\b #\nul #\c)) regexp-match (string #\[ #\nul #\b #\] #\* #\c) s)
(test (list (string #\a #\b #\nul)) regexp-match (string #\a #\[ #\b #\nul #\] #\+) s)
(test "hihihi" regexp-replace* (string #\nul) (string #\nul #\nul #\nul) "hi"))
(test (string #\- #\nul #\+ #\- #\nul #\+ #\- #\nul #\+)
regexp-replace* "a" "aaa" (string #\- #\nul #\+))
(test "xpple" regexp-replace #rx"a" "apple" "x")
(test #"xpple" regexp-replace #rx#"a" "apple" "x")
(test #"xpple" regexp-replace #rx"a" #"apple" "x")
(test #"xpple" regexp-replace #rx#"a" #"apple" "x")
(err/rt-test (regexp-replace #rx"a" "apple" #"x"))
(test "pAPple" regexp-replace #rx"a(.)" "apple" (lambda (a b) (string-append b (string-upcase a))))
(test #"p.ap.ple" regexp-replace #rx#"a(.)" "apple" (lambda (a b) (bytes-append b #"." a #".")))
(test #"p.ap.ple" regexp-replace #rx"a(.)" #"apple" (lambda (a b) (bytes-append b #"." a #".")))
(test #"p.ap.ple" regexp-replace #rx#"a(.)" #"apple" (lambda (a b) (bytes-append b #"." a #".")))
(err/rt-test (regexp-replace #rx#"a(.)" #"apple" (lambda (a b) "string")))
(err/rt-test (regexp-replace #rx#"a(.)" "apple" (lambda (a b) "string")))
(err/rt-test (regexp-replace #rx"a(.)" #"apple" (lambda (a b) "string")))
(err/rt-test (regexp-replace #rx"a(.)" "apple" (lambda (a b) #"bytes")))
(lambda (mx)
(let* ([v (make-vector mx null)]
[open (make-vector mx #t)])
(let loop ([n 0][m 0][s null])
[(and (= n mx) (zero? m))
(let* ([s (list->string (reverse s))]
[plain (regexp-replace* "[()]" s "")])
(test (cons plain (map list->string (map reverse (vector->list v)))) regexp-match s plain))]
[(or (= n mx) (< (random 10) 3))
(if (and (positive? m)
(< (random 10) 7))
(let loop ([p 0][m (sub1 m)])
(if (vector-ref open p)
(if (zero? m)
(vector-set! open p #f)
(loop (add1 p) (sub1 m)))
(loop (add1 p) m)))
(loop n (sub1 m) (cons #\) s)))
(let ([c (integer->char (+ (char->integer #\a) (random 26)))])
(let loop ([p 0])
(unless (= p n)
(when (vector-ref open p)
(vector-set! v p (cons c (vector-ref v p))))
(loop (add1 p))))
(loop n m (cons c s))))]
(loop (add1 n) (add1 m) (cons #\( s))]))))
'(1 10 100 500))
(define (test-bad-re-args who)
(err/rt-test (who 'e "hello"))
(err/rt-test (who "e" 'hello))
(err/rt-test (who "e" "hello" -1 5))
(err/rt-test (who "e" "hello" (- (expt 2 100)) 5))
(err/rt-test (who "e" (open-input-string "") (- (expt 2 100)) 5))
(err/rt-test (who "e" "hello" 1 (- (expt 2 100))))
(err/rt-test (who "e" (open-input-string "") 1 (- (expt 2 100))))
(err/rt-test (who "e" "hello" 1 +inf.0))
(err/rt-test (who "e" "" 0 1) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (who "e" "hello" 3 2) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (who "e" "hello" 3 12) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (who "e" "hello" (expt 2 100) 5) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (who "e" (open-input-string "") (expt 2 100) 5) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (who "e" (open-input-string "") (expt 2 100) (sub1 (expt 2 100))) exn:application:mismatch?))
(test-bad-re-args regexp-match)
(test-bad-re-args regexp-match-positions)
(test '("1aaa2" "a") regexp-match #rx"1(a)*2" "01aaa23")
(test '("1aaa2") regexp-match #rx"1(?:a)*2" "01aaa23")
(test '("1akakak2" "ak") regexp-match #rx"1(ak)*2" "01akakak23")
(test '("1akakak2") regexp-match #rx"1(?:ak)*2" "01akakak23")
(test '("1akakkakkkk2" "akkkk") regexp-match #rx"1(ak*)*2" "01akakkakkkk23")
(test '("1akakkakkkk2") regexp-match #rx"1(?:ak*)*2" "01akakkakkkk23")
(test '("01akakkakkkk23" "1akakkakkkk2" "1" "a" "k" "2")
regexp-match #rx"(?:0)(((?:1))(?:(a)(?:(k))*)*((?:2)))(?:3)" "_01akakkakkkk23_")
(test '((1 . 10) (7 . 9)) regexp-match-positions #rx"1(ak*)*2" "01akakkak23")
(test '((1 . 10)) regexp-match-positions #rx"1(?:ak*)*2" "01akakkak23")
(err/rt-test (regexp "[a--b]") exn:fail?)
(err/rt-test (regexp "[a-b-c]") exn:fail?)
(test '("load-extension: couldn't open \\\" (%s)\"")
(regexp "^(?:[^\\\"]|\\\\.)*\"") "load-extension: couldn't open \\\" (%s)\"")
(let ([is (open-input-string "barfoo")])
(test '(#f #\f) list (regexp-match "^foo" is 0 3) (read-char is)))
(let ([is (open-input-string "barfoo")])
(test '(#f #\f) list (regexp-match "foo" is 0 3) (read-char is)))
(arity-test regexp 1 1)
(arity-test regexp? 1 1)
(arity-test regexp-match 2 6)
(arity-test regexp-match-positions 2 6)
(arity-test regexp-match-peek 2 6)
(arity-test regexp-match-peek-positions 2 6)
(arity-test regexp-replace 3 4)
(arity-test regexp-replace* 3 4)
(test #t procedure? car)
(test #f procedure? 'car)
(test #t procedure? (lambda (x) (* x x)))
(test #f procedure? '(lambda (x) (* x x)))
(test #t call-with-current-continuation procedure?)
(disable (test #t call-with-escape-continuation procedure?))
(test #t procedure? (case-lambda ((x) x) ((x y) (+ x y))))
(arity-test procedure? 1 1)
(test 7 apply + (list 3 4))
(test 7 apply (lambda (a b) (+ a b)) (list 3 4))
(test 17 apply + 10 (list 3 4))
(test '() apply list '())
(define compose (lambda (f g) (lambda args (f (apply g args)))))
(test 30 (compose sqrt *) 12 75)
(err/rt-test (apply) exn:application:arity?)
(err/rt-test (apply (lambda x x)) exn:application:arity?)
(err/rt-test (apply (lambda x x) 1))
(err/rt-test (apply (lambda x x) 1 2))
(err/rt-test (apply (lambda x x) 1 '(2 . 3)))
(test '(b e h) map cadr '((a b) (d e) (g h)))
(test '(5 7 9) map + '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))
(test '#(0 1 4 9 16) 'for-each
(let ((v (make-vector 5)))
(for-each (lambda (i) (vector-set! v i (* i i)))
'(0 1 2 3 4))
(define (map-tests map)
(let ([size? exn:application:mismatch?]
[non-list? type?])
(err/rt-test (map (lambda (x y) (+ x y)) '(1 2) '1))
(err/rt-test (map (lambda (x y) (+ x y)) '2 '(1 2)))
(err/rt-test (map (lambda (x y) (+ x y)) '(1 2) '(1 2 3)) size?)
(err/rt-test (map (lambda (x y) (+ x y)) '(1 2 3) '(1 2)) size?)
(err/rt-test (map (lambda (x) (+ x)) '(1 2 . 3)) non-list?)
(err/rt-test (map (lambda (x y) (+ x y)) '(1 2 . 3) '(1 2)) non-list?)
(err/rt-test (map (lambda (x y) (+ x y)) '(1 2 . 3) '(1 2 3)) non-list?)
(err/rt-test (map (lambda (x y) (+ x y)) '(1 2) '(1 2 . 3)) non-list?)
(err/rt-test (map (lambda (x y) (+ x y)) '(1 2 3) '(1 2 . 3)) non-list?)
(err/rt-test (map) exn:application:arity?)
(err/rt-test (map (lambda (x y) (+ x y))) exn:application:arity?)
(err/rt-test (map (lambda () 10) null) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (map (case-lambda [() 9] [(x y) 10]) '(1 2 3)) exn:application:mismatch?)
(err/rt-test (map (lambda (x) 10) '(1 2) '(3 4)) exn:application:mismatch?)))
(map-tests map)
(map-tests for-each)
(map-tests andmap)
(map-tests ormap)
(test-values (list (void)) (lambda () (for-each (lambda (x) (values 1 2)) '(1 2))))
(err/rt-test (map (lambda (x) (values 1 2)) '(1 2)) arity?)
(test #t andmap add1 null)
(test #t andmap < null null)
(test #f ormap add1 null)
(test #f ormap < null null)
(test #f andmap positive? '(1 -2 3))
(test #t ormap positive? '(1 -2 3))
(test #f andmap < '(1 -2 3) '(2 2 3))
(test #t ormap < '(1 -2 3) '(0 2 4))
(test #f andmap negative? '(1 -2 3))
(test #t ormap negative? '(1 -2 3))
(test #t andmap < '(1 -2 3) '(2 2 4))
(test #f ormap < '(1 -2 3) '(0 -2 3))
(test 4 andmap add1 '(1 2 3))
(test 2 ormap add1 '(1 2 3))
(test #t andmap < '(1 -2 3) '(2 2 4) '(5 6 7))
(test #t ormap < '(1 -2 3) '(0 -2 4) '(0 0 8))
(err/rt-test (ormap (lambda (x) (values 1 2)) '(1 2)) arity?)
(err/rt-test (andmap (lambda (x) (values 1 2)) '(1 2)) arity?)
(test-values '(1 2) (lambda () (ormap (lambda (x) (values 1 2)) '(1))))
(test-values '(1 2) (lambda () (andmap (lambda (x) (values 1 2)) '(1))))
(test -3 call-with-current-continuation
(lambda (exit)
(for-each (lambda (x) (if (negative? x) (exit x) (void)))
'(54 0 37 -3 245 19))
(define list-length
(lambda (obj)
(lambda (return)
(letrec ((r (lambda (obj) (cond ((null? obj) 0)
((pair? obj) (+ (r (cdr obj)) 1))
(else (return #f))))))
(r obj))))))
(test 4 list-length '(1 2 3 4))
(test #f list-length '(a b . c))
(test '() map cadr '())
(test 10 'exns
(with-handlers ([integer? (lambda (x) 10)])
(raise 12)))
(test '(apple) 'exns
(with-handlers ([void (lambda (x) (list x))])
(with-handlers ([integer? (lambda (x) 10)])
(raise 'apple))))
(test '((10)) 'exns
(with-handlers ([void (lambda (x) (list x))])
(with-handlers ([integer? (lambda (x) (raise (list x)))])
(raise 10))))
(disable (test '((10)) 'exns
(let/ec esc
(parameterize ([uncaught-exception-handler (lambda (x) (esc (list x)))])
(with-handlers ([integer? (lambda (x) (raise (list x)))])
(raise 10))))))
(disable (test '#((10)) 'exns
(let/ec esc
(with-handlers ([void (lambda (x) (vector x))])
(parameterize ([uncaught-exception-handler (lambda (x) (esc (list x)))])
(with-handlers ([integer? (lambda (x) (raise (list x)))])
(raise 10)))))))
(disable (test '(except) 'escape
(let/ec k
(lambda (exn)
(k (list exn)))
(lambda () (raise 'except))))))
(disable (test '#&except 'escape
(let/ec k
(lambda (exn)
(k (list exn)))
(lambda ()
(lambda (exn)
(k (box exn)))
(lambda ()
(raise 'except))))))))
(disable (test '#(except) 'escape
(with-handlers ([void (lambda (x) x)])
(lambda (exn)
(vector exn))
(lambda ()
(raise 'except)))))))
(disable (test '#((except)) 'escape
(with-handlers ([void (lambda (x) x)])
(lambda (exn)
(vector exn))
(lambda ()
(lambda (exn)
(list exn))
(lambda ()
(raise 'except)))))))))
(disable (test '#((except)) 'escape
(with-handlers ([void (lambda (x) x)])
(lambda (exn)
(vector exn))
(lambda ()
(lambda (exn)
(list exn))
(lambda ()
(raise 'except))))))))))
(define (next-leaf-generator obj eot)
(letrec ((return #f)
(cont (lambda (x)
(recurx obj)
(set! cont (lambda (x) (return eot)))
(cont #f)))
(recurx (lambda (obj)
(if (pair? obj)
(for-each recurx obj)
(lambda (c)
(set! cont c)
(return obj)))))))
(lambda () (call-with-current-continuation
(lambda (ret) (set! return ret) (cont #f))))))
(define (leaf-eq? x y)
(let* ((eot (list 'eot))
(xf (next-leaf-generator x eot))
(yf (next-leaf-generator y eot)))
(letrec ((loop (lambda (x y)
(cond ((not (eq? x y)) #f)
((eq? eot x) #t)
(else (loop (xf) (yf)))))))
(loop (xf) (yf)))))
(define (test-cont)
(display ";testing continuations; ")
(test #t leaf-eq? '(a (b (c))) '((a) b c))
(test #f leaf-eq? '(a (b (c))) '((a) b c d))
(define (test-cc-values test-call/cc)
(test '(a b c)
(lambda ()
(lambda (k)
(lambda ()
(k 'a 'b 'c))
(lambda ()
(values 1 2))))))
(test 1 dynamic-wind
(lambda () (test-call/cc void))
(lambda () 1)
(lambda () (test-call/cc void)))
(test 2 test-call/cc
(lambda (exit)
(lambda () (exit 2))
(test 3 test-call/cc
(lambda (exit)
(lambda () (exit 3)))))
(let ([rv
(lambda (get-v)
(let ([x 0])
(lambda (exit)
(lambda () (exit))
(lambda () (set! x (get-v))))))
(lambda ()
(let ([x 0]
[y 1]
[c1 #f])
(lambda () (set! x (add1 x)))
(lambda ()
(let/cc k (set! c1 k))
(if (>= x 5)
(set! c1 #f)
(lambda () (set! y (add1 y))))
(when c1 (c1))
(list x y)))]
(lambda (get-x get-y)
(let ([c1 #f]
[x 0]
[y 0])
(let ([v
(lambda () (set! y x))
(lambda () (let/cc k (set! c1 k)))
(lambda ()
(set! x (get-x))
(when c1
(set! c1 #f))
(cons y v))))]
(lambda (get-v)
(let ([c1 #f]
[give-up #f])
(lambda (exit)
(lambda () (when give-up (give-up (get-v))))
(lambda () (let/cc k (set! c1 k)))
(lambda () (set! give-up exit) (c1)))))))]
(lambda ()
(let ([c2 #f]
[x 10]
[y 11])
(let ([v (dynamic-wind
(lambda () (set! y (add1 y)))
(lambda () (begin0 x (set! x (add1 x))))
(lambda () (let/cc k (set! c2 k))))])
(when c2 ((begin0
(set! c2 #f))))
(list v x y))))]
(lambda ()
(let ([c0 #f]
[x 11]
[y 12])
(lambda () (let/cc k (set! c0 k)))
(lambda () (set! x (add1 x)))
(lambda ()
(set! y (add1 y))
(when c0 ((begin0
(set! c0 #f))))))
(cons x y)))]
(lambda (get-a get-b)
(let ([l null])
(let ((k-in (test-call/cc (lambda (k1)
(lambda () (set! l (append l (list (get-a)))))
(lambda ()
(call/cc (lambda (k2) (k1 k2))))
(lambda () (set! l (append l (list (get-b))))))))))
(k-in (lambda (v) l)))))])
(test 4 rv (lambda () 4))
(test '(5 6) r56)
(test '(7 . 8) rx.y (lambda () 7) (lambda () 8))
(test 9 rv2 (lambda () 9))
(test '(10 11 12) r10-11-12)
(test '(13 . 14) r13.14)
(test '(enter exit enter exit)
ra-b-a-b (lambda () 'enter) (lambda () 'exit))
(test '((13 . 14) (10 11 12) (13 . 14) (10 11 12))
ra-b-a-b r13.14 r10-11-12)
(test '((10 11 12) (13 . 14) (10 11 12) (13 . 14))
ra-b-a-b r10-11-12 r13.14)
(test 10 call/cc (lambda (k) (k 10)))
(test '((enter exit enter exit)
(exit enter exit enter)
(enter exit enter exit)
(exit enter exit enter))
(lambda () (ra-b-a-b (lambda () 'enter) (lambda () 'exit)))
(lambda () (ra-b-a-b (lambda () 'exit) (lambda () 'enter))))
(test '(enter exit enter exit)
rv (lambda () (ra-b-a-b (lambda () 'enter) (lambda () 'exit))))
(test '(enter exit enter exit)
rv2 (lambda () (ra-b-a-b (lambda () 'enter) (lambda () 'exit))))
(test '(10 11 12) rv r10-11-12)
(test '(10 11 12) rv2 r10-11-12)
(test '(13 . 14) rv r13.14)
(test '(13 . 14) rv2 r13.14)
(test 12 'dw/ec (test-call/cc
(lambda (k0)
(lambda (k1)
(lambda (k2)
(lambda () (k1 6))
(lambda () (k2 12))))))))))
(test 13 'dw/ec (test-call/cc
(lambda (k0)
(lambda (k1)
(lambda (k2)
(lambda () (k1 6))
(lambda () (k2 12)))))
(k0 13))))))
(test 42 test-call/cc (lambda (k)
(call-with-exception-handler k (lambda () (add1 (raise 42))))))
(test-cc-values call/cc)
(test-cc-values call/ec))
(test 'ok
(with-handlers ([void (lambda (x) 'ok)])
(define f
(let ([k #f])
(lambda (n)
(case n
[(0) (let/ec r (r (set! k (let/cc k k))))]
[(1) (k)]))))
(f 0)
(f 1)))
(test '(1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4) 'dyn-wind-pre/post-order
(let ([x null]
[go-back #f])
(lambda () (set! x (cons 4 x)))
(lambda () (dynamic-wind
(lambda () (set! x (cons 3 x)))
(lambda () (set! go-back (let/cc k k)))
(lambda () (set! x (cons 2 x)))))
(lambda () (set! x (cons 1 x))))
(if (procedure? go-back)
(go-back 1)
(test '(5 . 5) 'suspended-cont-escape
(let ([retry #f])
(let ([v (let/ec exit
(lambda () (exit 5))
(lambda ()
(let/ec inner-escape
(set! retry (let/cc k k))
(inner-escape 12)
(if (procedure? retry)
(retry 10)
(cons v v)))))
(test '(here) 'escape-interrupt-full-jump-up
(let ([b #f]
[v null])
(define (f g)
(lambda ()
(set! v (cons 'here v))
(b 10))))
(let/ec big
(set! b big)
(let/cc ok
(f (lambda ()
(ok #f)))))
(let ()
(define (try n m)
(let ([retries (make-vector n)]
[copy #f]
[special -1]
[in (let loop ([i n])
(if (= i 0)
(cons (- n i) (loop (sub1 i)))))])
(let ([v (apply
(lambda (a . rest)
(+ (let/cc k (vector-set! retries a k) 1)
(let loop ([m m])
(if (zero? m)
(cons in (loop (sub1 m))))))])
(test (map (lambda (i)
(if (= i special)
(+ i 2)
(add1 i)))
`(map/cc ,n ,m)
(if copy
(when (pair? copy)
(set! special (add1 special))
((begin0 (car copy) (set! copy (cdr copy)))
(set! copy (vector->list retries))
((vector-ref retries (random n)) 1)))))
(try 3 1)
(try 10 1)
(try 3 2)
(try 10 2)
(try 5 3)
(try 3 5)
(try 10 5))
(test 2 'let+call/cc
(let ([count 0])
(let ([first-time? #t]
[k (call/cc values)])
(if first-time?
(set! first-time? #f)
(set! count (+ count 1))
(k values))
(test #f 'letrec+call/cc
(letrec ((x (call-with-current-continuation list)))
(if (pair? x)
((car x) (lambda () x))
(pair? (x)))))
(arity-test call/cc 1 2)
(disable (arity-test call/ec 1 1))
(err/rt-test (call/cc 4))
(err/rt-test (call/cc (lambda () 0)))
(disable (err/rt-test (call/ec 4))
(err/rt-test (call/ec (lambda () 0))))
(disable (test #t primitive? car)
(test #f primitive? leaf-eq?)
(arity-test primitive? 1 1))
(test 1 procedure-arity procedure-arity)
(test 2 procedure-arity cons)
(test (make-arity-at-least 2) procedure-arity >)
(disable (test (list 0 1) procedure-arity current-output-port))
(test (list 1 3 (make-arity-at-least 5))
procedure-arity (case-lambda [(x) 0] [(x y z) 1] [(x y z w u . rest) 2]))
(disable (test (make-arity-at-least 0) procedure-arity (lambda x 1)))
(disable (test (make-arity-at-least 0) procedure-arity (case-lambda [() 10] [x 1])))
(disable (test (make-arity-at-least 0) procedure-arity (lambda x x)))
(arity-test procedure-arity 1 1)
(test '() normalize-arity '())
(test 1 normalize-arity 1)
(test 1 normalize-arity '(1))
(test '(1 2) normalize-arity '(1 2))
(test '(1 2) normalize-arity '(2 1))
(test (make-arity-at-least 2) normalize-arity (list (make-arity-at-least 2) 3))
(test (list 1 (make-arity-at-least 2))
normalize-arity (list (make-arity-at-least 2) 1))
(test (list 1 (make-arity-at-least 2))
normalize-arity (list (make-arity-at-least 2) 1 3))
(test (list 0 1 (make-arity-at-least 2))
normalize-arity (list (make-arity-at-least 2) 1 0 3))
(test (list 0 1 (make-arity-at-least 2))
normalize-arity (list (make-arity-at-least 2)
(make-arity-at-least 4) 1 0 3))
(test (list 0 1 (make-arity-at-least 2))
normalize-arity (list (make-arity-at-least 4)
(make-arity-at-least 2) 1 0 3))
(test (list 1 2) normalize-arity (list 1 1 2 2))
(test 1 normalize-arity (list 1 1 1))
(test (list 1 (make-arity-at-least 2))
normalize-arity (list (make-arity-at-least 2) 1 1))
(test (list 1 (make-arity-at-least 2))
(list (make-arity-at-least 2)
(make-arity-at-least 2) 1 1)))
(let ()
(define (normalized-arity? a)
(or (null? a)
(arity? a)
(and (list? a)
((length a) . >= . 2)
(andmap arity? a)
(if (arity-at-least? (last a))
(non-empty-non-singleton-sorted-list-ending-with-arity? a)
(non-singleton-non-empty-sorted-list? a)))))
(define (arity? a)
(or (nat? a)
(and (arity-at-least? a)
(nat? (arity-at-least-value a)))))
(define (nat? a)
(and (number? a)
(integer? a)
(a . >= . 0)))
(define (non-empty-non-singleton-sorted-list-ending-with-arity? a)
(let loop ([bound (car a)]
[lst (cdr a)])
[(null? (cdr lst))
(and (arity-at-least? (car lst))
(> (arity-at-least-value (car lst)) bound))]
(and (nat? (car lst))
((car lst) . > . bound)
(loop (car lst)
(cdr lst)))])))
(define (non-empty-sorted-list? a)
(and (pair? a)
(sorted-list? a)))
(define (non-singleton-non-empty-sorted-list? a)
(and (pair? a)
(pair? (cdr a))
(sorted-list? a)))
(define (sorted-list? a)
(or (null? a)
(sorted/bounded-list? (cdr a) (car a))))
(define (sorted/bounded-list? a bound)
(or (null? a)
(and (number? (car a))
(< bound (car a))
(sorted/bounded-list? (cdr a) (car a)))))
(for ((i (in-range 1 2000)))
(let* ([rand-bound (ceiling (/ i 10))]
[l (build-list (random rand-bound)
(λ (i) (if (zero? (random 5))
(make-arity-at-least (random rand-bound))
(random rand-bound))))]
[res (normalize-arity l)])
(unless (normalized-arity? res)
(error 'normalize-arity-failed "input ~s; output ~s" l res))))))
(test #t procedure-arity-includes? cons 2)
(test #f procedure-arity-includes? cons 0)
(test #f procedure-arity-includes? cons 3)
(test #t procedure-arity-includes? list 3)
(test #t procedure-arity-includes? list 3000)
(test #t procedure-arity-includes? (lambda () 0) 0)
(test #f procedure-arity-includes? (lambda () 0) 1)
(test #f procedure-arity-includes? cons 10000000000000000000000000000)
(test #t procedure-arity-includes? list 10000000000000000000000000000)
(test #t procedure-arity-includes? (lambda x x) 10000000000000000000000000000)
(err/rt-test (procedure-arity-includes? cons -1))
(err/rt-test (procedure-arity-includes? cons 1.0))
(err/rt-test (procedure-arity-includes? 'cons 1))
(arity-test procedure-arity-includes? 2 2)
(display ";testing scheme 4 functions; ")
(test '(#\P #\space #\l) string->list "P l")
(test '() string->list "")
(test "1\\\"" list->string '(#\1 #\\ #\"))
(test "" list->string '())
(arity-test list->string 1 1)
(arity-test string->list 1 1)
(err/rt-test (string->list 'hello))
(err/rt-test (list->string 'hello))
(err/rt-test (list->string '(#\h . #\e)))
(err/rt-test (list->string '(#\h 1 #\e)))
(test '(dah dah didah) vector->list '#(dah dah didah))
(test '() vector->list '#())
(test '#(dididit dah) list->vector '(dididit dah))
(test '#() list->vector '())
(arity-test list->vector 1 1)
(arity-test vector->list 1 1)
(err/rt-test (vector->list 'hello))
(err/rt-test (list->vector 'hello))
(err/rt-test (list->vector '(#\h . #\e)))
(arity-test make-hash 0 1)
(arity-test make-hasheq 0 1)
(disable (arity-test make-hasheqv 0 1)
(arity-test make-weak-hash 0 1)
(arity-test make-weak-hasheq 0 1)
(arity-test make-weak-hasheqv 0 1))
(define (hash-tests make-hash make-hasheq make-hasheqv
make-weak-hash make-weak-hasheq make-weak-hasheqv
hash-ref hash-set! hash-ref! hash-update! hash-has-key?
hash-remove! hash-count
hash-map hash-for-each
hash-iterate-first hash-iterate-next
hash-iterate-value hash-iterate-key
(define-struct ax (b c)) (define-struct a (b c) #:inspector (make-inspector))
(define save
(let ([x null]) (case-lambda [() x] [(a) (set! x (cons a x)) a])))
(define an-ax (make-ax 1 2))
(define (check-hash-tables weak? reorder?)
(let ([h1 (if weak? (make-weak-hasheq) (make-hasheq))]
[l (list 1 2 3)])
(test #t eq? (eq-hash-code l) (eq-hash-code l))
(test #t eq? (eqv-hash-code l) (eqv-hash-code l))
(test #t eq? (equal-hash-code l) (equal-hash-code l))
(test #t eq? (equal-hash-code l) (equal-hash-code (list 1 2 3)))
(hash-set! h1 l 'ok)
(test 'ok hash-ref h1 l)
(test #t hash-has-key? h1 l)
(test #f hash-has-key? h1 (cdr l))
(when hash-ref!
(test 'ok hash-ref! h1 l 'blah)
(test 'blah hash-ref! h1 (cdr l) 'blah)
(test #t hash-has-key? h1 (cdr l))
(test 'blah hash-ref h1 (cdr l))
(hash-remove! h1 (cdr l)))
(hash-update! h1 l (curry cons 'more))
(test '(more . ok) hash-ref h1 l)
(hash-update! h1 l cdr)
(test 'nope hash-ref h1 (list 1 2 3) (lambda () 'nope))
(test '(((1 2 3) . ok)) hash-map h1 (lambda (k v) (cons k v)))
(hash-remove! h1 l)
(test 'nope hash-ref h1 l (lambda () 'nope))
(err/rt-test (hash-update! h1 l add1))
(hash-update! h1 l add1 0)
(test 1 hash-ref h1 l)
(hash-remove! h1 l))
(let ([h1 (if weak? (make-weak-hasheqv) (make-hasheqv))]
[n (expt 2 500)]
[q (/ 1 2)]
[s (make-string 2 #\q)])
(hash-set! h1 n 'power)
(hash-set! h1 q 'half)
(hash-set! h1 s 'string)
(test 'power hash-ref h1 (expt (read (open-input-string "2")) 500))
(test 'half hash-ref h1 (/ 1 (read (open-input-string "2"))))
(test #f hash-ref h1 (make-string (read (open-input-string "2")) #\q) #f))
(let ([h1 (if weak? (make-weak-hash) (make-hash))]
[l (list 1 2 3)]
[v (vector 5 6 7)]
[a (make-a 1 (make-a 2 3))]
[b (box (list 1 2 3))]
[fl (flvector 1.0 +nan.0 0.0)])
(test 0 hash-count h1)
(let ([puts1 (lambda ()
(hash-set! h1 (save l) 'list)
(hash-set! h1 (save "Hello World!") 'string)
(hash-set! h1 (save 123456789123456789123456789) 'bignum)
(hash-set! h1 (save 3.45) 'flonum)
(hash-set! h1 (save 3/45) 'rational)
(hash-set! h1 (save 3+45i) 'complex)
(hash-set! h1 (save (integer->char 955)) 'char)
(hash-set! h1 (save fl) 'flvector))]
[puts2 (lambda ()
(hash-set! h1 (save (list 5 7)) 'another-list)
(hash-set! h1 (save 3+0.0i) 'izi-complex)
(hash-set! h1 (save v) 'vector)
(hash-set! h1 (save a) 'struct)
(hash-set! h1 (save an-ax) 'structx)
(hash-set! h1 (save b) 'box))])
(if reorder?
(test 6 hash-count h1)
(test 8 hash-count h1)
(when reorder?
(let loop ([i 0.0])
(unless (= i 1000.0)
(hash-set! h1 i #t)
(loop (add1 i))
(hash-remove! h1 i))))
(test 14 hash-count h1)
(test 'list hash-ref h1 l)
(test 'list hash-ref h1 (list 1 2 3))
(test 'another-list hash-ref h1 (list 5 7))
(test 'string hash-ref h1 "Hello World!")
(test 'bignum hash-ref h1 123456789123456789123456789)
(test 'flonum hash-ref h1 3.45)
(test 'rational hash-ref h1 3/45)
(test 'complex hash-ref h1 3+45i)
(test 'izi-complex hash-ref h1 3+0.0i)
(test 'vector hash-ref h1 v)
(test 'vector hash-ref h1 #(5 6 7))
(test 'struct hash-ref h1 a)
(test 'struct hash-ref h1 (make-a 1 (make-a 2 3)))
(test 'structx hash-ref h1 an-ax)
(test #f hash-ref h1 (make-ax 1 2) (lambda () #f))
(test 'box hash-ref h1 b)
(test 'box hash-ref h1 #&(1 2 3))
(test 'char hash-ref h1 (integer->char 955))
(test 'flvector hash-ref h1 (flvector 1.0 +nan.0 0.0))
(test #t
(lambda (i)
(and (member i (hash-map h1 (lambda (k v) (cons k v))))
`(((1 2 3) . list)
((5 7) . another-list)
("Hello World!" . string)
(123456789123456789123456789 . bignum)
(3.45 . flonum)
(3/45 . rational)
(3+45i . complex)
(3+0.0i . izi-complex)
(#(5 6 7) . vector)
(,(make-a 1 (make-a 2 3)) . struct)
(,an-ax . structx)
(#\u3BB . char)
(#&(1 2 3) . box)
(,(flvector 1.0 +nan.0 0.0) . flvector)))
(hash-remove! h1 (list 1 2 3))
(test 13 hash-count h1)
(test 'not-there hash-ref h1 l (lambda () 'not-there))
(let ([c 0])
(hash-for-each h1 (lambda (k v) (set! c (add1 c))))
(test 13 'count c))
(define (check-tables-equal mode t1 t2 weak?)
(test #t equal? t1 t2)
(test (equal-hash-code t1) equal-hash-code t2)
(test #t equal? t1 (hash-copy t1))
(let ([again (if weak? (make-weak-hash) (make-hash))])
(let loop ([i (hash-iterate-first t1)])
(when i
(hash-set! again
(hash-iterate-key t1 i)
(hash-iterate-value t1 i))
(loop (hash-iterate-next t1 i))))
(test #t equal? t1 again))
(let ([meta-ht (make-hash)])
(hash-set! meta-ht t1 mode)
(test mode hash-ref meta-ht t2 (lambda () #f)))
(test (hash-count t1) hash-count t2))
(check-tables-equal 'the-norm-table
(check-hash-tables #f #f)
(check-hash-tables #f #t)
(when make-weak-hash
(check-tables-equal 'the-weak-table
(check-hash-tables #t #f)
(check-hash-tables #t #t)
(hash-tests make-hash make-hasheq make-hasheqv
make-weak-hash make-weak-hasheq make-weak-hasheqv
hash-ref hash-set! hash-ref! hash-update! hash-has-key?
hash-remove! hash-count
hash-map hash-for-each
hash-iterate-first hash-iterate-next
hash-iterate-value hash-iterate-key
(let ([ub-wrap (lambda (proc)
(lambda (ht . args)
(apply proc (unbox ht) args)))])
(hash-tests (lambda () (box #hash()))
(lambda () (box #hasheq()))
(lambda () (box #hasheqv()))
#f #f #f
(ub-wrap hash-ref)
(lambda (ht k v) (set-box! ht (hash-set (unbox ht) k v)))
[(ht k u) (set-box! ht (hash-update (unbox ht) k u))]
[(ht k u def) (set-box! ht (hash-update (unbox ht) k u def))])
(ub-wrap hash-has-key?)
(lambda (ht k) (set-box! ht (hash-remove (unbox ht) k)))
(ub-wrap hash-count)
(ub-wrap hash-map)
(ub-wrap hash-for-each)
(ub-wrap hash-iterate-first)
(ub-wrap hash-iterate-next)
(ub-wrap hash-iterate-value)
(ub-wrap hash-iterate-key)
(lambda (ht) (box (unbox ht))))))
(test #f hash? 5)
(test #t hash? (make-hasheq))
(disable (test #t hash? (make-hasheqv))
(test #t hash-eq? (make-hasheq))
(test #f hash-eq? (make-hash))
(test #f hash-eq? (make-hasheqv))
(test #t hash-eq? (make-weak-hasheq))
(test #f hash-eq? (make-weak-hash))
(test #f hash-eq? (make-weak-hasheqv))
(test #f hash-eqv? (make-hasheq))
(test #f hash-eqv? (make-hash))
(test #t hash-eqv? (make-hasheqv))
(test #f hash-eqv? (make-weak-hasheq))
(test #f hash-eqv? (make-weak-hash))
(test #t hash-eqv? (make-weak-hasheqv))
(test #f hash-weak? (make-hasheq))
(test #f hash-weak? (make-hash))
(test #f hash-weak? (make-hasheqv))
(test #t hash-weak? (make-weak-hasheq))
(test #t hash-weak? (make-weak-hash))
(test #t hash-weak? (make-weak-hasheqv)))
(let ([ht (make-hasheqv)]
[l (list #x03B1 #x03B2 #x03B3)]
[l2 '(1 2 3)])
(for-each (lambda (a b)
(hash-set! ht (integer->char a) b))
l l2)
(test '(3 2 1)
(lambda (a)
(hash-ref ht (integer->char a) #f))
(reverse l))))
(disable (err/rt-test (hash-eq? 5)))
(disable (err/rt-test (hash-eqv? 5)))
(disable (err/rt-test (hash-weak? 5)))
(let ([a (expt 2 500)]
[b (expt (read (open-input-string "2")) 500)])
(test #t equal? (eqv-hash-code a) (eqv-hash-code b))
(test #t equal? (equal-hash-code a) (equal-hash-code b))))
(let ([ht (make-weak-hasheq)])
(let loop ([n 10])
(unless (zero? n)
(hash-set! ht (make-string 10) #f)
(loop (sub1 n))))
(map (lambda (i) (format "~a" i)) (hash-map ht cons))))
(let ([test-del-eq
(lambda (mk)
(let ([ht1 (mk)]
[ht2 (mk)])
(test #t equal? ht1 ht2)
(hash-set! ht1 'apple 1)
(hash-set! ht2 'apple 1)
(test #t equal? ht1 ht2)
(hash-set! ht2 'banana 2)
(test #f equal? ht1 ht2)
(hash-remove! ht2 'banana)
(test #t equal? ht1 ht2)))])
(test-del-eq make-hasheq)
(test-del-eq make-hash)
(disable (test-del-eq make-weak-hasheq))
(disable (test-del-eq make-weak-hash)))
(disable (err/rt-test (hash-count 0)))
(err/rt-test (hash-set! 1 2 3))
(err/rt-test (hash-ref 1 2))
(err/rt-test (hash-remove! 1 2))
(err/rt-test (hash-ref (make-hasheq) 2) exn:application:mismatch?)
(let ([mk (lambda (mk)
(let ([ht (mk)])
(hash-set! ht make-hash 2)
(test #t equal? (mk make-hash) (mk make-hash))
(test #t equal? (mk make-hasheq) (mk make-hasheq))
(disable (test #t equal? (mk make-hasheqv) (mk make-hasheqv)))
(test #f equal? (mk make-hash) (mk make-hasheq))
(disable (test #f equal? (mk make-hash) (mk make-hasheqv)))
(disable (test #f equal? (mk make-hasheq) (mk make-hasheqv)))
(disable (test #f equal? (mk make-hash) (mk make-weak-hash)))
(disable (test #f equal? (mk make-hasheq) (mk make-weak-hasheq)))
(disable (test #f equal? (mk make-hasheqv) (mk make-weak-hasheqv))))
(let ([mk (lambda (mk)
(mk `((1 . 2))))])
(test #t equal? (mk make-immutable-hash) (mk make-immutable-hash))
(test #t equal? (mk make-immutable-hasheq) (mk make-immutable-hasheq))
(test #t equal? (mk make-immutable-hasheqv) (mk make-immutable-hasheqv))
(test #f equal? (mk make-immutable-hash) (mk make-immutable-hasheq))
(test #f equal? (mk make-immutable-hash) (mk make-immutable-hasheqv))
(test #f equal? (mk make-immutable-hasheq) (mk make-immutable-hasheqv))))
(define im-t (make-immutable-hasheq null))
(test #t hash? im-t)
(test #t hash-eq? im-t)
(test null hash-map im-t cons)
(err/rt-test (hash-set! im-t 1 2))
(test #f hash-ref im-t 5 (lambda () #f))
(set! im-t (make-immutable-hasheq '((1 . 2))))
(test '((1 . 2)) hash-map im-t cons)
(test 2 hash-ref im-t 1)
(set! im-t (make-immutable-hasheq '(("hello" . 2))))
(test 'none hash-ref im-t "hello" (lambda () 'none))
(set! im-t (make-immutable-hash '(("hello" . 2))))
(test 2 hash-ref im-t "hello" (lambda () 'none))
(test #f hash-eq? im-t))
(test #f equal? #hash((x . 0)) #hash((y . 0)))
(test #t equal? #hash((y . 0)) #hash((y . 0)))
(err/rt-test (hash-set! im-t 1 2))
(err/rt-test (hash-remove! im-t 1))
(err/rt-test (make-immutable-hasheq '(1)))
(err/rt-test (make-immutable-hasheq '((1 . 2) . 2)))
(err/rt-test (make-immutable-hasheq '((1 . 2) 3)))
(define cyclic-alist (read (open-input-string "#0=((1 . 2) . #0#)")))
(err/rt-test (make-immutable-hasheq cyclic-alist))
(err/rt-test (make-immutable-hasheq '((1 . 2)) 'weak)))
(disable (test 2 hash-ref (hash-copy #hasheq((1 . 2))) 1)
(test (void) hash-set! (hash-copy #hasheq((1 . 2))) 3 4))
(test #f hash-iterate-first (make-hasheq))
(test #f hash-iterate-first (make-weak-hasheq))
(err/rt-test (hash-iterate-next (make-hasheq) 0))
(err/rt-test (hash-iterate-next (make-weak-hasheq) 0)))
(let ([check-all-bad
(lambda (op)
(err/rt-test (op #f 0))
(err/rt-test (op (make-hasheq) -1))
(err/rt-test (op (make-hasheq) (- (expt 2 100))))
(err/rt-test (op (make-hasheq) 1.0)))])
(check-all-bad hash-iterate-next)
(check-all-bad hash-iterate-key)
(check-all-bad hash-iterate-value)))
(disable (arity-test make-immutable-hash 1 1))
(disable (arity-test make-immutable-hasheq 1 1))
(disable (arity-test hash-count 1 1))
(arity-test hash-ref 2 3)
(arity-test hash-set! 3 3)
(disable (arity-test hash-set 3 3))
(arity-test hash-remove! 2 2)
(disable (arity-test hash-remove 2 2))
(arity-test hash-map 2 2)
(arity-test hash-for-each 2 2)
(arity-test hash? 1 1)
(disable (arity-test hash-eq? 1 1))
(disable (arity-test hash-weak? 1 1))
(let ()
(define ht (make-hash))
(define ht2 (make-hash))
(define wht (make-weak-hash))
(define wht2 (make-weak-hash))
(define keys (make-hash))
(struct a (x) #:transparent)
(define (shuffle c l)
(if (zero? c)
(sub1 c)
(let ([n (quotient (length l) 2)])
(let loop ([a (take l n)][b (drop l n)])
[(null? a) b]
[(null? b) a]
[(zero? (random 2))
(cons (car a) (loop (cdr a) b))]
(cons (car b) (loop a (cdr b)))]))))))
(define l (for/list ([i (in-range 1000)])
(define l2 (shuffle 7 l))
(define (reg v)
(hash-set! keys v #t)
(for ([i (in-list l)])
(hash-set! ht (a i) (a (a i))))
(for ([i (in-list l2)])
(hash-set! ht2 (a i) (a (a i))))
(for ([i (in-list l)])
(hash-set! wht (reg (a i)) (a (a i))))
(for ([i (in-list l2)])
(hash-set! wht2 (reg (a i)) (a (a i))))
(test (equal-hash-code ht) values (equal-hash-code ht2))
(test (equal-hash-code wht) values (equal-hash-code wht2))
(test (equal-secondary-hash-code ht) values (equal-secondary-hash-code ht2))
(let ([ht (for/hash ([i (in-list l)])
(values (a i) (a (a i))))]
[ht2 (for/hash ([i (in-list l2)])
(values (a i) (a (a i))))])
(test (equal-hash-code ht) values (equal-hash-code ht2))
(test (equal-secondary-hash-code ht) values (equal-secondary-hash-code ht2)))))
(disable (test #t string? (version))
(test #t string? (banner))
(test #t symbol? (system-type))
(test (system-type) system-type 'os)
(test #t string? (system-type 'machine))
(test #t symbol? (system-type 'link))
(test #t relative-path? (system-library-subpath))
(test #t 'cmdline (let ([v (current-command-line-arguments)])
(and (vector? v)
(andmap string? (vector->list v)))))
(err/rt-test (current-command-line-arguments '("a")))
(err/rt-test (current-command-line-arguments #("a" 1)))
(arity-test version 0 0)
(arity-test banner 0 0)
(arity-test system-type 0 1)
(arity-test system-library-subpath 0 1)
(arity-test current-command-line-arguments 0 1))
(lambda (jit?)
(parameterize ([eval-jit-enabled jit?])
(let ([f #f])
(set! f (eval '(lambda (x) (lambda () x))))
((f 'c)) (test #t procedure-closure-contents-eq? (f 'a) (f 'a))
(test #f procedure-closure-contents-eq? (f 'a) (f 'b))
(set! f (eval '(case-lambda
[(x) (lambda () 12)]
[(x y) (lambda () (list x y))])))
((f 'c)) ((f 'c 'd)) (test #t procedure-closure-contents-eq? (f 'a) (f 'a))
(test #t procedure-closure-contents-eq? (f 'a 'b) (f 'a 'b))
(test #f procedure-closure-contents-eq? (f 'a 'b) (f 'c 'b)))))
'(#t #f))
(test #t procedure-closure-contents-eq? add1 add1))
(let ([check-ok
(lambda (proc ar inc not-inc)
(lambda (proc)
(let ([a (procedure-reduce-arity proc ar)])
(test #t procedure? a)
(test (normalize-arity ar) procedure-arity a)
(map (lambda (i)
(test #t procedure-arity-includes? a i)
(when (i . < . 100)
(test i apply a (let loop ([i i])
(if (zero? i)
(cons 1 (loop (sub1 i))))))))
(map (lambda (i)
(test #f procedure-arity-includes? a i)
(err/rt-test (procedure-reduce-arity a i))
(err/rt-test (procedure-reduce-arity a (make-arity-at-least i)))
(err/rt-test (procedure-reduce-arity a (list 0 i)))
(err/rt-test (procedure-reduce-arity a (list 0 (make-arity-at-least i))))
(err/rt-test (procedure-reduce-arity a (make-arity-at-least 0)))
(when (i . < . 100)
(err/rt-test (apply a (let loop ([i i])
(if (zero? i)
(cons 1 (loop (sub1 i))))))
(list proc (procedure-reduce-arity proc ar))))])
(let ([check-all-but-one
(lambda (+)
(check-ok + 0 '(0) '(1))
(check-ok + 2 '(2) '(0 1 3 4))
(check-ok + 10 '(10) (list 0 11 (expt 2 70)))
(check-ok + (expt 2 70) (list (expt 2 70)) (list 0 10 (add1 (expt 2 70))))
(check-ok + (make-arity-at-least 2) (list 2 5 (expt 2 70)) (list 0 1))
(check-ok + (list 2 4) '(2 4) '(0 3))
(check-ok + (list 2 4) '(4 2) '(0 3))
(check-ok + (list 0 (make-arity-at-least 2)) (list 0 2 5 (expt 2 70)) (list 1))
(check-ok + (list 4 (make-arity-at-least 2)) '(2 3 4 10) '(0 1))
(check-ok + (list 2 (make-arity-at-least 4)) '(2 4 10) '(0 1 3)))])
(check-all-but-one +)
(check-all-but-one (procedure-rename + 'plus))
(check-all-but-one (lambda args (apply + args)))
(check-all-but-one (procedure-rename (lambda args (apply + args)) 'PLUS))
(check-all-but-one (case-lambda
[() 0]
[(a b . args) (apply + a b args)]))
(check-all-but-one (case-lambda
[(b . args) (apply + b args)]
[() 0]))
(check-all-but-one (case-lambda
[(a b c) (+ a b c)]
[(a b) (+ a b)]
[(a b c d) (+ a b c d)]
[() 0]
[(a b c d . e) (apply + a b c d e)]))
(check-all-but-one (case-lambda
[(a b) (+ a b)]
[(a b c d) (+ a b c d)]
[(a b c) (+ a b c)]
[() 0]
[(a b c d . e) (apply + a b c d e)]))))
(test '+ object-name (procedure-reduce-arity + 3))
(test 'plus object-name (procedure-rename + 'plus))
(test 'again object-name (procedure-rename (procedure-rename + 'plus) 'again))
(test 'again object-name (procedure-rename (procedure-reduce-arity + 3) 'again))
(test 3 procedure-arity (procedure-rename (procedure-reduce-arity + 3) 'again)))
"last item in file"