LIBPATH = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + File::SEPARATOR # # builds and tests # desc 'writes lib/phonegap.js and lib/phonegap-min.js and runs docs' task :default do build doc end task :doc do doc end def doc puts 'writing the full interface source for documentation into tmp/phonegap.js' final = "#{ LIBPATH }tmp#{ File::SEPARATOR }phonegap.js" js = "" interfaces_to_build.each do |lib| js << import("#{ LIBPATH }javascripts#{ File::SEPARATOR }#{ lib }.js") end FileUtils.mkdir_p "#{ LIBPATH }tmp" open(final,'w'){|f| f.puts( js )} sh "java -jar util#{ File::SEPARATOR }jsdoc-toolkit#{ File::SEPARATOR }jsrun.jar util#{ File::SEPARATOR }jsdoc-toolkit#{ File::SEPARATOR }app#{ File::SEPARATOR }run.js -a -d=javascripts/docs -t=util#{ File::SEPARATOR }jsdoc-toolkit#{ File::SEPARATOR }templates#{ File::SEPARATOR }jsdoc tmp#{ File::SEPARATOR }phonegap.js" end def build puts 'writing the full JS file to lib/phonegap.js' platforms_to_build.each do |platform| final = "#{ LIBPATH }lib#{ File::SEPARATOR }#{ platform }#{ File::SEPARATOR }phonegap.js" js = "" interfaces_to_build.each do |interface| js << import("#{ LIBPATH }javascripts#{ File::SEPARATOR }#{ interface }.js") begin js << import("#{ LIBPATH }javascripts#{ File::SEPARATOR }#{ platform }#{ File::SEPARATOR }#{ interface }.js") rescue end end FileUtils.mkdir_p "#{ LIBPATH }lib#{ File::SEPARATOR }#{ platform }" open(final,'w'){|f| f.puts( js )} end min end # the sub libraries used by xui def interfaces_to_build %w(device acceleration accelerometer media camera contact uicontrols debugconsole file geolocation map notification orientation position sms telephony) end # the sub libraries used by xui def platforms_to_build %w(android blackberry iphone) end # helper for build_sub_libaries def import(lib) s = "" r = "" open(lib) { |f| s << "\n#{}\n\n" } s.each_line {|l| r << " #{l}"} r end # creates lib/xui-min.js (tho not obfuscates) def min puts 'minifying js' platforms_to_build.each do |platform| min_file = "#{ LIBPATH }lib#{ File::SEPARATOR }#{ platform }#{ File::SEPARATOR }phonegap-min.js" doc_file = "#{ LIBPATH }lib#{ File::SEPARATOR }#{ platform }#{ File::SEPARATOR }phonegap.js" sh "java -jar #{LIBPATH}#{ File::SEPARATOR }util#{ File::SEPARATOR }yuicompressor-2.4.2.jar --charset UTF-8 -o #{min_file} #{doc_file}" end end # opens up the specs def spec puts 'running automated test suite' #sh "open -a WebKit file://#{ LIBPATH }/spec/index.html" #sh "open -a '/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/Applications/iPhone' file://#{ LIBPATH }/spec/index.html" end