#lang s-exp ""

(require "")

;; A program is a (listof (or/c defn? expr? test-case? library-require?))

(define (list? datum)
  (or (empty? datum)
       (pair? datum)
       (list? (rest datum)))))

;; symbol<: symbol symbol -> boolean
(define (symbol< x y)
  (string<? (symbol->string x)
            (symbol->string y)))

;; expression<: expression expression -> boolean
;; Induces an ordering of expressions.
;; Returns true if one expression is less than another.
;; FIXME: this is a partial function at the moment: it doesn't know how to handle
;; +-inf.0, nan.0, or complex numbers yet.
(define (expression<? x y)
    [(< (expression-type-number x)
        (expression-type-number y))
    [(= (expression-type-number x)
        (expression-type-number y))
       [(number? (stx-e x))
        ;; FIXME: bug here if x is not a finite real number.
        (< (stx-e x) (stx-e y))]
       [(string? (stx-e x))
        (string<? (stx-e x) (stx-e y))]
       [(boolean? (stx-e x))
        (< (if (stx-e x) 1 0) (if (stx-e y) 1 0))]
       [(char? (stx-e x))
        (char<? (stx-e x) (stx-e y))]
       [(symbol? (stx-e x))
        (symbol< (stx-e x) (stx-e y))]
       [(pair? (stx-e x))
          [(< (length (stx-e x))
              (length (stx-e y)))
          [(= (length (stx-e x))
              (length (stx-e y)))
           (ormap expression<? (stx-e x) (stx-e y))]
       [(empty? (stx-e x))

;; expression-type-number: expression -> number
;; Produces an arbitrary but consistent numbering on an expression based on its type.
(define (expression-type-number x)
    [(number? (stx-e x))
    [(string? (stx-e x))
    [(boolean? (stx-e x))
    [(char? (stx-e x))
    [(symbol? (stx-e x))
    [(empty? (stx-e x))
    [(pair? (stx-e x))

;; program: any -> boolean
;; Returns true if the datum is a program.
(define (program? datum)
  (and (list? datum)
       (andmap (lambda (x) 
                 (or (defn? x)
                     (expression? x)
                     (test-case? x)
                     (library-require? x)))

;; expression?: any -> boolean
;; Returns true if the datum is an expression.
(define (expression? an-expr)
  (and (not (defn? an-expr))
       (not (test-case? an-expr))
       (not (library-require? an-expr))))

;; defn?: stx -> boolean
(define (defn? an-sexp)
    [(stx-begins-with? an-sexp 'define)
    [(stx-begins-with? an-sexp 'define-struct)

;; string-join: (listof string) string -> string
(define (string-join strs delim)
    [(empty? strs)
    [(empty? (rest strs))
     (first strs)]
      (first strs)
      (string-join (rest strs) delim))]))

;; test-case?: stx -> boolean
(define (test-case? an-sexp)
  (or (stx-begins-with? an-sexp 'check-expect)
      (stx-begins-with? an-sexp 'check-within)
      (stx-begins-with? an-sexp 'check-error)))

;; library-require?: stx -> boolean
(define (library-require? an-sexp)
  (stx-begins-with? an-sexp 'require))

;; java-identifiers: (rbtreeof symbol boolean)
(define java-identifiers
  (foldl (lambda (sym an-rbtree)
          (rbtree-insert symbol< an-rbtree sym true))
        '(abstract  continue  	for  	new  	switch
                    assert 	default 	goto 	package 	synchronized
                    boolean 	do 	if 	private 	#; this
                    break 	double 	implements 	protected 	throw
                    byte 	delete  else 	import 	public 	throws
                    case 	enum 	instanceof instanceOf 	return 	transient
                    catch 	extends 	int 	short 	try
                    char 	final 	interface 	static 	void
                    class 	finally 	long 	strictfp 	volatile
                    const 	float 	native 	super 	while null
                    comment export import in label typeof with false true

;; special-character-mappings: (rbtreeof char string)
(define special-character-mappings
  (foldl (lambda (ch+translation an-rbtree)
           (rbtree-insert char<? an-rbtree (first ch+translation) (second ch+translation)))
         '((#\- "_dash_")
           (#\_ "_underline_")
           (#\? "_question_")
           (#\! "_bang_")
           (#\. "_dot_")
           (#\: "_colon_")
           (#\= "_equal_")
           (#\@ "_at_")
           (#\# "_pound_")
           (#\$ "_dollar_")
           (#\% "_percent_")
           (#\^ "_tilde_")
           (#\& "_and_")
           (#\* "_star_")
           (#\+ "_plus_")
           (#\/ "_slash_")
           (#\< "_lessthan_")
           (#\> "_greaterthan_")
           (#\~ "_tilde_"))))

;; translate-special-character: char -> string
;; Special character mappings for identifiers.
(define (translate-special-character ch)
    [(cons? (rbtree-lookup char<? special-character-mappings ch))
     (second (rbtree-lookup char<? special-character-mappings ch))]
     (string ch)]))

;; identifier->munged-java-identifier: symbol -> symbol
(define (identifier->munged-java-identifier an-id)
    [(cons? (rbtree-lookup symbol< java-identifiers an-id))
     (string->symbol (string-append "_" (symbol->string an-id) "_"))]
     (local [(define (maybe-prepend-hyphen chars)
                 [(member (first chars) (string->list "0123456789"))
                  (cons #\- chars)]
             (define chars (maybe-prepend-hyphen (string->list (symbol->string an-id))))
             (define translated-chunks 
               (map translate-special-character chars))
             (define translated-id
                (string-join translated-chunks "")))]

;; remove-leading-whitespace/list: (listof char) -> string
;; Removes leading whitespace from a list of characters.
(define (remove-leading-whitespace/list chars)
    [(empty? chars)
    [(char-whitespace? (first chars))
     (remove-leading-whitespace/list (rest chars))]
     (list->string chars)]))

;; remove-leading-whitespace: string -> string
;; Removes the whitespace from the front of a string.
(define (remove-leading-whitespace a-str)
  (remove-leading-whitespace/list (string->list a-str)))

;; take: (listof X) number -> (listof X)
;; Produces a list of the first n elmeents of a-list.
(define (take a-list n)
    [(= n 0)
     (cons (first a-list)
           (take (rest a-list) (sub1 n)))]))

;; list-tail: (listof X) number -> (listof X)
;; Produces a list of the last n elmeents in a-list.
(define (list-tail a-list n)
    [(= n 0)
     (list-tail (rest a-list)
                (sub1 n))]))

;; range: number -> number
;; Produces a list of the numbers [0, ..., n).
(define (range n)
    [(= n 0)
     (append (range (sub1 n))
             (list (sub1 n)))]))

;; Helper to help with the destructuring and case analysis of functions.
(define (case-analyze-definition a-definition 
                                 f-function            ;; (stx (listof stx) expr-stx) -> ...
                                 f-regular-definition  ;; (stx expr-stx) -> ...
                                 f-define-struct)      ;; (stx (listof id-stx)) -> ...
    ;; (define (id args ...) body)
    [(and (stx-begins-with? a-definition 'define)
          (= (length (stx-e a-definition)) 3)
          (stx:list? (second (stx-e a-definition))))
     (local [(define id (first (stx-e (second (stx-e a-definition)))))
             (define args (rest (stx-e (second (stx-e a-definition)))))
             (define body (third (stx-e a-definition)))]
	 (check-single-body-stx! (rest (rest (stx-e a-definition))) a-definition)
	 (f-function id args body)))]

    ;; (define id (lambda (args ...) body))
    [(and (stx-begins-with? a-definition 'define)
          (= (length (stx-e a-definition)) 3)
          (symbol? (stx-e (second (stx-e a-definition))))
          (stx-begins-with? (third (stx-e a-definition)) 'lambda))
     (local [(define id (second (stx-e a-definition)))
             (define args (stx-e (second (stx-e (third (stx-e a-definition))))))
             (define body (third (stx-e (third (stx-e a-definition)))))]
	 (check-single-body-stx! (rest (rest (stx-e (third (stx-e a-definition))))) a-definition)
	 (f-function id args body)))]
    ;; (define id body)
    [(and (stx-begins-with? a-definition 'define)
          (= (length (stx-e a-definition)) 3)
          (symbol? (stx-e (second (stx-e a-definition))))
          (not (stx-begins-with? (third (stx-e a-definition)) 'lambda)))
     (local [(define id (second (stx-e a-definition)))
             (define body (third (stx-e a-definition)))]
       (f-regular-definition id body))]
    ;(define-struct id (fields ...))   
    [(and (stx-begins-with? a-definition 'define-struct)
          (= (length (stx-e a-definition)) 3)
          (symbol? (stx-e (second (stx-e a-definition))))
          (or (empty? (stx-e (third (stx-e a-definition))))
              (pair? (stx-e (third (stx-e a-definition))))))
     (local [(define id (second (stx-e a-definition)))
             (define fields (stx-e (third (stx-e a-definition))))]
       (f-define-struct id fields))]
    ;; FIXME: add more error productions as necessary to get
    ;; reasonable error messages.
    [(stx-begins-with? a-definition 'define)
      "define expects an identifier and a body.  e.g. (define answer 42)"
    [(stx-begins-with? a-definition 'define-struct)
      "define-struct expects an identifier and a list of fields.  i.e. (define-struct pizza (dough sauce toppings))"

;; symbol-stx?: any -> boolean
;; Produces true when x is a symbol syntax object.
(define (symbol-stx? x)
  (and (stx? x)
       (symbol? (stx-e x))))

;; check-duplicate-identifiers!: (listof stx) -> void
;; Return a list of the identifiers that are duplicated.
;; Also check to see that each of the ids is really a symbolic identifier.
(define (check-duplicate-identifiers! ids)
  (local [(define (loop ids known-ids)
              [(empty? ids)
               (cond [(member (stx-e (first ids)) known-ids)
                      (syntax-error (format "found a name that's used more than once: ~s"
                                            (stx->datum (first ids)))
                                    (first ids))]
                     [(not (symbol? (stx-e (first ids))))
                      (syntax-error (format "not an identifier: ~s" (stx->datum (first ids)))
                                    (first ids))]
                      (loop (rest ids) 
                            (cons (stx-e (first ids)) 
    (loop ids empty)))

;; check-single-body-stx!: (listof stx) stx -> void
(define (check-single-body-stx! stxs original-stx)
    [(empty? stxs)
     (syntax-error "There must be a single body expression"
    [(not (empty? (rest stxs)))
     (syntax-error "There must be a single body expression"

;; mapi: (X number -> Y) (listof X) -> (listof Y)
(define (mapi f lst)
  (local ([define (loop lst i)
	     [(empty? lst)
	      (cons (f (first lst) i)
		    (loop (rest lst) (add1 i)))])])
    (loop lst 0)))

(provide/contract [symbol< (symbol? symbol? . -> . boolean?)]
                  [mapi ((any/c number? . -> . any/c) (listof any/c) . -> . (listof any/c))]
                  [program? (any/c . -> . boolean?)]
                  [expression? (any/c . -> . boolean?)]
                  [defn? (any/c . -> . boolean?)]
                  [test-case? (any/c . -> . boolean?)]
                  [library-require? (any/c . -> . boolean?)]
                  [take ((listof any/c) number? . -> . (listof any/c))]
                  [list-tail ((listof any/c) number? . -> . (listof any/c))]

                  [expression<? (expression? expression? . -> . boolean?)]
                  [remove-leading-whitespace (string? . -> . string?)]
                  [identifier->munged-java-identifier (symbol? . -> . symbol?)]
                  [range (number? . -> . (listof number?))]
                  [check-duplicate-identifiers! ((listof stx?)  . -> . any)]

                  [check-single-body-stx! ((listof stx?) stx? . -> . any)]
                  [case-analyze-definition (stx? 
                                            (symbol-stx? (listof symbol-stx?) stx? . -> . any)
                                            (symbol-stx? any/c . -> . any)
                                            (symbol-stx? (listof symbol-stx?) . -> . any)
                                            . -> . any)]
                  [string-join ((listof string?) string? . -> . string?)])