#lang s-exp "../"

(require "")
(require "")
(require "../../collects/moby/runtime/")

;; strings to prepend onto fragments and name anonymous expressions
(define frag-prepend "f~a_~a")
(define statement-name "statement~a")

;; finfo is used to hold fragmentation information
;;    - return : stx representing the new expression
;;    - fragments : (list-of stx) containing the definitions of new fragments
;;    - gensym : a gensym counter counting the number of fragments
(define-struct finfo (return fragments gensym))

;; split is used when splitting a list of definitions inside local fragmentation
;;    - keep : (list-of stx), a list of definitions to keep (and fragment)
;;    - current : (or stx false), the first value definition, kept in this fragment
;;    - move : (list-of stx), the reamining value definitions to fragment out
(define-struct split (keep current move))

;; get-bound-id: stx -> symbol
;; consumes a definition (as a syntax object)
;; returns the id bound by the define statement
(define (get-bound-id defn)
  (if (stx-begins-with? defn 'define)
      (if (stx:atom? (second (stx-e defn)))
          (stx-e (second (stx-e defn)))
          (stx-e (first (stx-e (second (stx-e defn))))))
      (error 'get-bound-id (format "expected definition, found: ~a" defn))))

;; split-def-list: (listof stx) -> split
;; consumes a list of definitions
;; returns a split where the keep is the beginning of the input list
;;    up to (and including) the first value definition that is not a boxed undefined
;;    the current is that first definition if it exists (false otherwise)
;;    and the move is everything after that definition
(define (split-def-list def-list)
    [(empty? def-list) (make-split empty #f empty)]
    [(and (cons? def-list)
          (stx-begins-with? (first def-list) 'define))
     (let ([components (stx-e (first def-list))])
       (if (or (stx:list? (second components))
               (equal? (stx->datum (third components))
                       '(box 'undefined)))
           (let ([rec-return (split-def-list (rest def-list))])
             (make-split (cons (first def-list)
                               (split-keep rec-return))
                         (split-current rec-return)
                         (split-move rec-return)))
           (make-split (list (first def-list))
                       (first def-list)
                       (rest def-list))))]
    [else (error 'split-def-list
                 (format "expected list of defininitions, found: ~a" def-list))]))

;; fragment-help: stx (list-of symbol) symbol number -> finfo
;; consumes an expression (as a syntax object),
;;    a list of arguments for any new fragments (generated by finding closures),
;;    the name of the procedure/statement we're fragmenting,
;;    and a counter to tell us how many fragments we've already made
;; produces finfo where the return is the first fragment (or the expression itself),
;;    the fragements are all other fragments of the current expression
;;    and the gensym is the index of the next fragment
(define (fragment-help expr args name frag-counter)
  ;; if we have an atomic element there's nothing to fragment
  (if (stx:atom? expr)
      (make-finfo expr empty frag-counter)
      ;; otherwise we have a list
      (let* ([expr-list (stx-e expr)]
             [first-elt (stx-e (first expr-list))])
          ;; if we have a LOCAL, then we may have fragments
          ;; unless everything is either a procedure or boxed undefine
          [(equal? first-elt 'local)
           (let* (;; first split the definition list into procedures/boxed undefined
                  ;; and temporary statement definitions
                  ;; and get the identifiers bound by the first set of defines
                  [split-defs (split-def-list (stx-e (second expr-list)))]
                  [new-bound-ids (map get-bound-id (split-keep split-defs))]
                  ;; make a recursive call, that depends on the definitions
                   ;; if there are no temporary value definitions at all
                   ;; then just recur on the body of the local
                   ;; because we don't need any more fragments
                   (if (false? (split-current split-defs))
                       (fragment-help (third expr-list)
                                      (append new-bound-ids args)
                       ;; otherwise recur on a new procedure fragment
                         (list 'define
                               (cons (string->symbol (format frag-prepend
                                     (append new-bound-ids args))
                               ;; the contents of the new definitions are just
                               ;; the local body if we hit the last temp definition
                               (if (empty? (split-move split-defs))
                                   (third expr-list)
                                   ;; or a new local with the rest otherwise
                                   (list 'local
                                         (split-move split-defs)
                                         (third expr-list))))
                         (stx-loc expr))
                        (add1 frag-counter)))]
                  [more-fragments? (stx-begins-with? (finfo-return rec-rest) 'define)])
             ;; now make new linfo with the fragmented local definitions
             ;;    that we kept, and either a call to the next fragment or
             ;;    the fragmented body of the local
             ;; the fragments are the recursive fragments with the new
             ;;    fragment consed on if it exists
             (make-finfo (datum->stx
                          (list 'local
                                (apply append
                                       (map get-fragments
                                            (split-keep split-defs)))
                                (if more-fragments?
                                    (second (stx-e (finfo-return rec-rest)))
                                    (finfo-return rec-rest)))
                          (stx-loc expr))
                         (if more-fragments?
                             (cons (finfo-return rec-rest)
                                   (finfo-fragments rec-rest))
                             (finfo-fragments rec-rest))
                         (finfo-gensym rec-rest)))]
          ;; if we have a BEGIN, AND, or OR, then recursively fragment a new
          ;;    procedure with all but the first expression
          ;; then return finfo where the return is the same type of statement
          ;;    that first calls the first instruction and then the next fragment
          ;;    and the raise is the rest of the fragments
          [(or (equal? first-elt 'begin)
               (equal? first-elt 'and)
               (equal? first-elt 'or))
           (let* ([first-expr (fragment-help (second expr-list) args name frag-counter)]
                   (fragment-help (datum->stx
                                   (list 'define
                                         (cons (string->symbol
                                                (format frag-prepend
                                                        (finfo-gensym first-expr)
                                         (if (empty? (rest (rest (rest expr-list))))
                                             (third expr-list)
                                             (cons (first expr-list)
                                                   (rest (rest expr-list)))))
                                   (stx-loc expr))
                                  (add1 (finfo-gensym first-expr)))])
             (make-finfo (datum->stx false
                                     (list (first expr-list)
                                           (finfo-return first-expr)
                                           (second (stx-e (finfo-return rec-rest))))
                                     (stx-loc expr))
                         (append (finfo-fragments first-expr)
                                 (cons (finfo-return rec-rest)
                                       (finfo-fragments rec-rest)))
                         (finfo-gensym rec-rest)))]
          ;; if we have a DEFINE, then collect the arguments for the closure
          ;; then recursively fragment the body, and return the fragmented body
          ;; inside the same define (with the fragments in the raise)
          [(equal? first-elt 'define)
           (let* ([new-args (if (stx:list? (second expr-list))
                                (rest (stx->datum (second expr-list)))
                  [filtered-args (append new-args
                                         (filter (lambda (elt)
                                                   (not (member elt new-args)))
                  [rec-rest (fragment-help (third expr-list)
             (make-finfo (datum->stx false
                                     (list 'define
                                           (second expr-list)
                                           (finfo-return rec-rest))
                                     (stx-loc expr))
                         (finfo-fragments rec-rest)
                         (finfo-gensym rec-rest)))]
          ;; with an IF statement we need to recursively fragment both
          ;; the then and else clauses
          [(equal? first-elt 'if)
           (let* ([then-info (fragment-help (third expr-list) args name frag-counter)]
                  [else-info (fragment-help (fourth expr-list)
                                            (finfo-gensym then-info))])
             (make-finfo (datum->stx false
                                     (list 'if
                                           (second expr-list)
                                           (finfo-return then-info)
                                           (finfo-return else-info))
                                     (stx-loc expr))
                         (append (finfo-fragments then-info)
                                 (finfo-fragments else-info))
                         (finfo-gensym else-info)))]
          ;; if we have any other type of expression then it cannot contain
          ;; more than one call to anything other than a first-order primitive
          ;; since everything is already in a-normal form, so simply return it
          [else (make-finfo expr empty frag-counter)]))))

;; get-fragments: stx -> (list-of stx)
;; consumes a syntax object representing a toplevel expression
;; fragments the expression into mini-procedures and returns a list
;;    of those fragments
;; NOTE: assumes the input has already been run through anormalize
(define (get-fragments expr)
  (let* ([name (if (stx-begins-with? expr 'define)
                   (get-bound-id expr)
                   (string->symbol (format statement-name (gensym))))]
         [frag-info (fragment-help expr empty name 0)])
    (reverse (cons (finfo-return frag-info)
                   (finfo-fragments frag-info)))))
;; fragment: stx:list? -> stx:list?
;; consumes a syntax object representing a program
;; returns a semantically equivalent program that has been
;;    completely a-normalized and fragmented
;; NOTE: resets the stateful gensym counter to insure it acts
;;       as a pure function
(define (fragment program)
    (datum->stx false
                (apply append (map get-fragments
                                   (stx-e (anormalize program))))
                (stx-loc program))))

 [fragment (stx:list? . -> . stx:list?)])