#lang s-exp "../moby-lang.ss"

;; Minding the store.
;; Alerts the user whenever he or she gets
;; close to a store with items on their
;; shopping list.
;; The user specifies stores by marking them
;; on a Google Maps and telling the program
;; the RSS feed URL.  The description field is
;; used to grab the list of items at a store.
;; See:
;; http://mapki.com/wiki/Google_Map_Parameters

;; The url to the Google Maps "My Maps" RSS feed.
(define MYMAPS-URL
  ;; Noodles in New York
  (string-append "http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en"
  #;(string-append "http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&"

;; The world is current location, the places that are nearby that location, and a description
;; of the items we've found at that place.
(define-struct world (loc nearby-places))

;; A location is the latitude/longitude pair.
(define-struct loc (lat long))

;; Our initial world will be in limbo; we'll be
;; relocated as soon as we get a geolocation.
(define initial-world (make-world (make-loc 0 0) empty))

;; A place is a name string, a location,
;; a radius number, and an item string
(define-struct place (name loc radius item))

;; update-location: world number number -> world
;; Updates the current location.
(define (update-location w lat long)
  (make-world (make-loc lat long) 
               (make-loc lat long))))


;; beep-if-near: world -> effect
;; Beeps if we're near a place with items.
(define (beep-if-near w)
    [(empty? (keep-places-with-items
              (world-nearby-places w)))


;; find-nearby-places: (listof place) loc -> (listof place)
;; Finds places that match the a-loc.
(define (find-nearby-places places a-loc)
  (cond [(empty? places)
        [(place-matches? (first places) a-loc)
         (cons (first places) 
                (rest places) a-loc))]
          (rest places) a-loc)]))

;; place-matches?: place loc -> boolean
;; Returns true if the place matches the location.
(define (place-matches? a-place a-loc)
  (<= (location-distance 
       (loc-lat a-loc)
       (loc-long a-loc)
       (loc-lat (place-loc a-place))
       (loc-long (place-loc a-place)))
      (place-radius a-place)))


;; draw: world -> dom-sexpr
(define (draw w)
   (js-div '(("id" "main")))
   (list (js-div '(("id" "title"))) 
         (list (js-text "Minding the Store")))
   (list (js-div) 
         (list (js-text "Current location: "))
         (list (js-text 
                (loc->string (world-loc w)))))
   (list* (js-div) 
          (list (js-text 
                 "Nearby items by location: "))
          (draw-items w))))

;; draw-items: world -> (listof dom-sexpr)
(define (draw-items w)
  (map (lambda (p)
         (list (js-div)
               (list (js-text (place-name p)))
               (list (js-text ": "))
               (list (js-text (place-item p)))))
        (world-nearby-places w))))

;; draw-css: world -> css-sexpr
(define (draw-css w)
  '(("title" ("font-size" "20px"))
    ("main" ("border-style" "solid"))))


;; keep-places-with-items: (listof place) -> (listof place)
;; Keep the places that have items.
(define (keep-places-with-items places)
  (filter (lambda (p) 
            (not (string-whitespace? 
                  (place-item p))))

;; loc->string: loc -> string
(define (loc->string a-loc)
  (format "~a, ~a" 
          (loc-lat a-loc) 
          (loc-long a-loc)))

;; ignore: world -> world
;; Ignore the world and just return it.
(define (ignore w)

;; RSS Parser Helpers.

;; parse-places: xexpr -> (listof place)
;; Parses out the places from the RSS we get from Google Maps.
(define (parse-places xexpr)
   (sxml-find-children 'item 
                       (sxml-children (first (sxml-find-children 'channel (sxml-children xexpr)))))))

;; parse-items: (listof xexpr) -> (listof place)
(define (parse-items xexprs)
    [(empty? xexprs)
     (cons (parse-item (first xexprs))
           (parse-items (rest xexprs)))]))

;; parse-item: xexpr -> place
;; Parses an item from the RSS feed.
(define (parse-item xexpr)
  (local [(define (get-description-text x)
              [(string=? x "")
                  "<top>" x "</top>")))]))]
    (make-place (sxml-text 
                   (sxml-children xexpr))))
                     (sxml-children xexpr)))
                   (make-loc 0 0)]
                      (sxml-children xexpr))))])
                ;; At the moment, we default to a radius of 100 meters.
                     (sxml-children xexpr)))

;; parse-georss:point: xexpr -> loc
(define (parse-georss:point xexpr)
  (make-loc (string->number 
             (first (split-whitespace 
                     (sxml-text xexpr))))
             (second (split-whitespace 
                      (sxml-text xexpr))))))

;; XML Parser Helpers.
;; This code might be absorbed into the Moby library.

;; children: sxml -> (listof sxml)
(define (sxml-children a-sxml)
    [(string? a-sxml)
      "Can't have children of a string xexpr")]
     (rest (rest a-sxml))]))

;; get-text: sxml -> string
(define (sxml-text a-sxml)
  (local [;; get-text*: (listof xexpr) -> string
          (define (get-text* xexprs)
              [(empty? xexprs)
               (string-append (sxml-text
                               (first xexprs))
                               (rest xexprs)))]))]
      [(string? a-sxml)
      [(pair? a-sxml)
       (get-text* (sxml-children a-sxml))]
      [(empty? a-sxml)

;; sxml-find-children: symbol (listof sxml) -> (listof sxml)
(define (sxml-find-children name children)
  (cond [(empty? children)
         (cond [(string? (first children))
                 (rest children))]
               [(pair? (first children))
                    (first (first children)))
                    (first children)
                     name (rest children)))]
                    name (rest children))])]
                (error 'find-children

;; split-whitespace: string -> (listof string)
(define (split-whitespace str)
  (local [(define (splitter letters-so-far source)
              [(empty? source)
               (cond [(empty? letters-so-far)
                      (list (list->string (reverse letters-so-far)))])]

              [(char-whitespace? (first source))
                 [(empty? letters-so-far)
                  (splitter empty (rest source))]
                  (cons (list->string (reverse letters-so-far))
                        (splitter empty (rest source)))])]

               (splitter (cons (first source) letters-so-far)
                         (rest source))]))]
    (splitter empty (string->list str))))


;; maybe-use-hardcoded-values: string -> string
;; In the event that the HTTP get fails miserably,
;; let's use a hardcoded list.  The following is a copy
;; of the Noodling in New York data as of September 21, 2009.
(define (maybe-use-hardcoded-values content)
    [(string=? content "")
     "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<rss version='2.0' xmlns:georss='http://www.georss.org/georss' xmlns:gml='http://www.opengis.net/gml'>
  <title>Noodling in New York</title>
    <guid isPermaLink='false'>00047418c78087a80616d</guid>
    <pubDate>Mon, 21 Sep 2009 16:14:41 +0000</pubDate>
    <title>Ippudo Ny Inc</title>
    <description><![CDATA[<div dir='ltr'>Ramen Noodles</div>]]></description>
      40.730930 -73.990295
    <guid isPermaLink='false'>00047418cb1d2855d8c62</guid>
    <pubDate>Mon, 21 Sep 2009 16:15:42 +0000</pubDate>
    <title>Gahm Mi Oak Restaurant</title>
    <description><![CDATA[<div dir='ltr'>Korean Noodles</div>]]></description>
      40.748207 -73.987442
    <guid isPermaLink='false'>00047418cb1ec11c24999</guid>
    <pubDate>Mon, 21 Sep 2009 16:15:42 +0000</pubDate>
    <description><![CDATA[<div dir='ltr'>Soba Noodles</div>]]></description>
      40.717632 -74.005806
    <guid isPermaLink='false'>00047418cebf7067a783d</guid>
    <pubDate>Mon, 21 Sep 2009 16:16:43 +0000</pubDate>
    <title>Food Sing 88 Corporation</title>
    <description><![CDATA[<div dir='ltr'>Chinese Noodles</div>]]></description>
      40.713596 -73.997505
    <guid isPermaLink='false'>00047418d266a1c75ec28</guid>
    <pubDate>Mon, 21 Sep 2009 16:17:44 +0000</pubDate>
    <title>Sui Ren Japanese Restaurant</title>
    <description><![CDATA[<div dir='ltr'>Ramen Noodles</div>]]></description>
      40.714516 -73.957718
    <guid isPermaLink='false'>00047418d601872a7fbfb</guid>
    <pubDate>Mon, 21 Sep 2009 16:18:45 +0000</pubDate>
    <title>Cassinelli Pasta</title>
    <description><![CDATA[<div dir='ltr'>Italian noodles</div>]]></description>
      40.774300 -73.912804

(define ALL-PLACES
      (get-url MYMAPS-URL)))))

(js-big-bang initial-world
             (on-tick! 30 ignore beep-if-near)
             (on-location-change update-location)
             (on-draw draw draw-css))