#lang racket/base

(require racket/contract

;; FIXME: memory usage.  We're holding the contents of an entire
;; directory into memory.  We should use a representation that isn't so
;; silly. Something like:
;;                       FILENAME\nLENGTH\nBYTES
;; or                    FILENAME\ndirectory
;; should be unambiguous.
;; FIXME: have not tested platform independence.

(define VERSION "1")

;; pack-current-directory: -> bytes
;; Produces bytes representing the content of the current
;; directory.
(define (pack-current-directory)
  (let ([bytes-output-port (open-output-bytes)])
    (pack-current-directory-to-port bytes-output-port)
    (get-output-bytes bytes-output-port)))

;; pack-current-directory-to-port: output-port -> void
;; Writes out representation of current directory to output-port.
(define (pack-current-directory-to-port an-output-port)
  (display VERSION an-output-port)
  (newline an-output-port)
  (let-values ([(ip op) (make-pipe)])
    (write (for/list ([a-path (pathlist-closure 
                               (list (build-path 'same)))])
             (cond [(directory-exists? a-path)
                    (list (munge-path a-path))]
                   [(file-exists? a-path)
                    (list (munge-path a-path)
                          (file->bytes a-path))]
                    (error 'pack-current-directory)]))
    (close-output-port op)
    (gzip-through-ports ip an-output-port #f (current-seconds))))

;; unpack-into-current-directory: bytes -> void
(define (unpack-into-current-directory directory-bytes 
                                       #:exists (exists-flag 'error))
  (unpack-port-into-current-directory (open-input-bytes directory-bytes)
                                      #:exists exists-flag))

;; unpack-port-into-current-directory: input-port -> void
;; Unpacks the contents of input-port into the current directory.
;; Assumes the content is in a form that pack-current-directory
;; produces; should produce an error otherwise.
(define (unpack-port-into-current-directory an-input-port
                                            #:exists (exists-flag 'error))
  ;; Do a version check.
  (let ([version (read-line an-input-port)])
    (unless (string=? version VERSION)
      (error 'unpack-port-into-current-directory
             "Expected version ~s, got ~s" VERSION version)))
  (make-directory* (current-directory))
  (let-values ([(inp outp) (make-pipe)])
    (gunzip-through-ports an-input-port outp)
    (let ([s-exp (read inp)])
      (for ([elt s-exp])
        (match elt
          [(list (and a-munged-path (? all-munged-path-component?)))
           (make-directory* (unmunge-path a-munged-path))]
          [(list (and a-munged-path  (? all-munged-path-component?))
                 (and some-bytes (? bytes?)))
           (call-with-output-file (unmunge-path a-munged-path)
             (lambda (op)
               (write-bytes some-bytes op))
             #:exists exists-flag)])))))


;; munge-path: path -> (listof (or/c 'same string))
;; Converts a path without ups into an s-expression, a list of
;; munged path components that should be platform independent.
(define (munge-path a-path)
  (map (lambda (component)
           [(eq? component 'same) 'same]
           [(eq? component 'up)
            (error 'munge-path)]
            (path->string component)]))
       (explode-path a-path)))

;; munged-path-component?: any -> boolean
;; Produces true if x is a munged path component.
(define (munged-path-component? x)
  (or (eq? x 'same)
      (string? x)))

;; all-munged-path-component?: any -> boolean
;; Produces true if x is a list of munged path components.
(define (all-munged-path-component? x)
  (and (list? x)
       (andmap munged-path-component? x)))

;; unmunge-path: (listof (or/c 'same string)) -> path
;; Converts the s-expression produced by munge-path back into
;; a path.
(define (unmunge-path x)
  (apply build-path x))

 [pack-current-directory (-> bytes?)]
 [pack-current-directory-to-port (output-port? . -> . any)]
 [unpack-into-current-directory ((bytes?) 
                                 (#:exists (or/c 'error
                                 . ->* . any)]
 [unpack-port-into-current-directory ((input-port?) 
                                      (#:exists (or/c 'error
                                      . ->* . any)])