#lang scribble/manual @(require planet/scribble scribble/eval (for-label (this-package-in main) racket/base racket/sequence)) @(define myeval (make-base-eval)) @(myeval '(require racket/sequence)) @(myeval '(require racket/list)) @title{python-tokenizer: a translation of Python's @tt{tokenize.py} library for Racket} @author+email["Danny Yoo" "dyoo@hashcollision.org"] This is a fairly close translation of the @link["http://hg.python.org/cpython/file/2.7/Lib/tokenize.py"]{@tt{tokenize.py}} library from @link["http://python.org"]{Python}. The main function, @racket[generate-tokens], consumes an input port and produces a sequence of tokens. For example: @interaction[#:eval myeval (require (planet dyoo/python-tokenizer)) (define sample-input (open-input-string "def d22(a, b, c=2, d=2, *k): pass")) (define tokens (generate-tokens sample-input)) (for ([t tokens]) (printf "~s ~s ~s ~s\n" (first t) (second t) (third t) (fourth t))) ] @section{API} @defmodule/this-package[main] @defproc[(generate-tokens [inp input-port]) (sequenceof (list/c symbol? string? (list/c number? number?) (list/c number? number?) string?))]{ Consumes an input port and produces a sequence of tokens. Each token is a 5-tuple consisting of: @itemize[#:style 'ordered @item{token-type: one of the following symbols: @racket['NAME], @racket['NUMBER], @racket['STRING], @racket['OP], @racket['COMMENT], @racket['NL], @racket['NEWLINE], @racket['DEDENT], @racket['INDENT], @racket['ERRORTOKEN], or @racket['ENDMARKER]. The only difference between @racket['NEWLINE] and @racket['NL] is that @racket['NEWLINE] will only occurs if the indentation level is at @racket[0].} @item{text: the string content of the token.} @item{start-pos: the line and column as a list of two numbers} @item{end-pos: the line and column as a list of two numbers} @item{current-line: the current line that the tokenizer is on} ] The last token produced, under normal circumstances, will be @racket['ENDMARKER]. If a recoverable error occurs, @racket[generate-tokens] will produce single-character tokens with the @racket['ERRORTOKEN] type until it can recover. Unrecoverable errors occur when the tokenizer encounters @racket[eof] in the middle of a multi-line string or statement, or if an indentation level is inconsistent. On an unrecoverable error, @racket[generate-tokesn] will raise an @racket[exn:fail:token] or @racket[exn:fail:indentation] error. @defstruct[(exn:fail:token exn:fail) ([loc (list/c number number)])]{ Raised when @racket[eof] is unexpectedly encounted. @racket[exn:fail:token-loc] holds the start position. } @defstruct[(exn:fail:indentation exn:fail) ([loc (list/c number number)])]{ Raised when the indentation is inconsistent. @racket[exn:fail:indentation-loc] holds the start position. } } @section{Translator comments} The translation is a fairly direct one; I wrote an @link["https://github.com/dyoo/while-loop"]{auxiliary package} to deal with the @racket[while] loops, which proved invaluable during the translation of the code. It may be instructive to compare the @link["https://github.com/dyoo/python-tokenizer/blob/master/python-tokenizer.rkt"]{source} here to that of @link["http://hg.python.org/cpython/file/2.7/Lib/tokenize.py"]{tokenize.py}. Here are some points I observed while doing the translation: @itemize[ @item{Mutation pervades the entirety of the tokenizer's main loop. The main reason is because @racket[while] has no return type and doesn't carry variables around; the @racket[while] loop communicates values from one part of the code to others through mutation, often in wildly distant locations.} @item{Racket makes a syntactic distinction between variable definition (@racket[define]) and mutation (@racket[set!]). I've had to deduce which variables were intended to be temporaries, and hopefully I haven't induced any errors along the way.} @item{In some cases, Racket has finer-grained type distinctions than Python. Python does not use a separate type to represent individual characters, and instead uses a length-1 string. In this translation, I've used characters where I think they're appropriate.} @item{Most uses of raw strings in Python can be translated to uses of the @link["http://docs.racket-lang.org/scribble/reader-internals.html#(mod-path._at-exp)"]{at-exp} reader.} @item{Generators in Racket and in Python are pretty similar, though the Racket documentation can do a better job in documenting them. When dealing with generators in Racket, what one really wants to usually produce is a generic sequence. For that reason, the Racket documentation really needs to place more emphasis in @racket[in-generator], not the raw @racket[generator] form.} @item{Python heavily overloads the @tt{in} operator. Its expressivity makes it easy to write code with it. On the flip side, its flexibility makes it a little harder to know what it actually means.} @item{Regular expressions, on the whole, match @; Yeah, that's a pun. I had to get that in somewhere... :) well between the two languages. Minor differences in the syntax are potholes: Racket's regular expression matcher does not have an implicit @emph{begin} anchor, and Racket's regexps are more sensitive to escape characters. Python's regexp engine returns a single match object that can support different operators. Racket, on the other hand, requires the user to select between getting the position of the match, with @racket[regexp-match-positions], or getting the textual content with @racket[regexp-match].} ] @section{Release history} @itemlist[ @item{1.0 (2012-02-29): Initial release.} @item{1.1 (2012-09-10): Bug fix. Corrected an infinite-loop bug due to mis-typing a paren. Thanks to Joe Politz for the bug report!} ]