#lang racket/base
;; Provides a queue for elements that have dependencies.  An element
;; can be pushed onto the queue along with its dependencies.  We can
;; also tell the queue when some dependency has been
;; satisfied. Finally, we can get elements from the queue whose
;; dependencies are all satisfied.
(require racket/contract

;; Data types

;; A dependency is assumed to be an opaque value that can be only compared by eq?.

;; A target contains the number of unsatisfied dependencies, and the
;; element that we return when the dependency count goes to zero.
(define-struct target (dep-count elt) #:mutable)

;; tqueues represent the topological queue structure.  They are opaque.
;; a tqueue holds:
;; satisfied-deps: a set of the satisfied dependencies.
;; dep-to-targets: a map from a dependency to a (listof target) that depend on it.
;; ready: an async-channel that holds all the elements.
;; External interaction will pass things off through the worker-channel
;; to serialize operations into the queue.
(define-struct tqueue (satisfied-deps dep-to-targets ready worker-channel worker-thread) #:mutable)

;; new-tqueue: -> tqueue
;; Returns a new topological queue.  Creates an internal thread
;; to handle serialized access to the thread.
(define (new-tqueue)
  (let ([a-tqueue
         (make-tqueue (make-hasheq) ;; satisifed-deps will be the keys
                      (make-hasheq) ;; dep-to-targets will map a dep to a list of targets
                      (make-async-channel) ; ready will contain any ready elements.
                      (make-channel) ;; worker channel
                      #f ;; Worker thread will be assigned.
    ;; Start the worker thread loop at this point:
     (thread (lambda () (worker-thread-loop a-tqueue))))

;; cmds will let us interact with the worker thread.
(define-struct cmd ())
(define-struct (cmd:add! cmd) (elt deps done))
(define-struct (cmd:satisfy! cmd) (dep done))

;; tqueue-add!: tqueue X (listof dep) -> void
;; Adds a new element to the topological queue.
(define (tqueue-add! a-tqueue an-elt deps)
  (keep-worker-thread-alive! a-tqueue)
  (let ([sema (make-semaphore)])
    (channel-put (tqueue-worker-channel a-tqueue)
                 (make-cmd:add! an-elt deps sema))
    (sync sema)

;; tqueue-satisfy!: tqueue dep -> void
;; Tells the tqueue that a certain dependency has just been satisfied.
;; Any target targets whose dependencies are cleared are moved into the
;; ready channel.
(define (tqueue-satisfy! a-tqueue a-dep)
  (keep-worker-thread-alive! a-tqueue)
  (let ([sema (make-semaphore)])
    (channel-put (tqueue-worker-channel a-tqueue)
                 (make-cmd:satisfy! a-dep sema))
    (sync sema)

;; tqueue-get: tqueue -> elt
;; Gets a ready element from the tqueue.  Blocks if none are available.
(define (tqueue-get a-tqueue)
  (keep-worker-thread-alive! a-tqueue)
  (async-channel-get (tqueue-ready a-tqueue)))

;; tqueue-try-get: tqueue -> (or/c elt #f)
;; Try to get an element out of the queue.  If no such element exists, returns #f.
(define (tqueue-try-get a-tqueue)
  (keep-worker-thread-alive! a-tqueue)
  (async-channel-try-get (tqueue-ready a-tqueue)))

;; tqueue-ready-channel: tqueue -> async-channel
;; Returns low-level access to the async-channel that returns
;; the ready elements.
(define (tqueue-ready-channel a-tqueue)
  (keep-worker-thread-alive! a-tqueue)
  (tqueue-ready a-tqueue))

;; Helpers and internal definitions.

;; keep-worker-thread-alive!: tqueue -> void
;; For kill-safety, we resume the worker thread if it had stopped earlier.
(define (keep-worker-thread-alive! a-tqueue)
  (thread-resume (tqueue-worker-thread a-tqueue) (current-thread)))

;; worker-thread-loop: tqueue -> void
;; The worker thread will just do things.
(define (worker-thread-loop a-tqueue)
  (let ([cmd (channel-get (tqueue-worker-channel a-tqueue))])
    (match cmd
      [(struct cmd:add! (elt deps done))
       (internal-add! a-tqueue elt deps)
       (semaphore-post done)]
      [(struct cmd:satisfy! (dep done))
       (internal-satisfy! a-tqueue dep)
       (semaphore-post done)]))
  (worker-thread-loop a-tqueue))

;; internal-add!: tqueue X (listof dep) -> void
;; Adds a new element to the system.
(define (internal-add! a-tqueue an-elt deps)
  (let ([a-target (make-target (length deps) an-elt)])
      ;; Degenerate case: if there aren't any dependencies, just add it to our ready queue.
      [(empty? deps)
       (when (target-can-execute? a-target)
         (add-to-ready! a-tqueue a-target))]
      ;; Otherwise, mark off the dependencies that are already satisfied.
       (for-each (lambda (a-dep)
                     [(dependency-satisifed? a-tqueue a-dep)
                      (target-decrement-dep-count!/maybe-add-to-ready a-tqueue a-target)]
                      (register-dependency! a-tqueue a-target a-dep)]))

;; internal-satisfy!: tqueue dep -> void
;; Tells the tqueue that a certain dependency has just been satisfied.
;; Any target targets whose dependencies are cleared are moved into the
;; ready channel.
(define (internal-satisfy! a-tqueue a-dep)
  (for-each (lambda (a-target)
              (target-decrement-dep-count!/maybe-add-to-ready a-tqueue a-target))
            (hash-ref (tqueue-dep-to-targets a-tqueue) a-dep '()))
  (hash-remove! (tqueue-dep-to-targets a-tqueue) a-dep)
  (hash-set! (tqueue-satisfied-deps a-tqueue) a-dep #t))

;; dependency-satisifed?: tqueue dep -> boolean
;; Returns true when a-tqueue knows that a-dep is already satisfied.
(define (dependency-satisifed? a-tqueue a-dep)
  (hash-ref (tqueue-satisfied-deps a-tqueue) a-dep #f))

;; target-decrement-dep-count!: target -> void
;; Decrements the dependency count of the target element.
(define (target-decrement-dep-count!/maybe-add-to-ready a-tqueue a-target)
  (unless (> (target-dep-count a-target) 0)
    (error 'target-decrement-dep-count!
           "Impossible to decrement past zero."))
  (set-target-dep-count! a-target (sub1 (target-dep-count a-target)))
  ;; When the count goes to zero, add to the ready queue.
  (when (target-can-execute? a-target)
    (add-to-ready! a-tqueue a-target)))

;; add-to-ready!: tqueue target -> void
(define (add-to-ready! a-tqueue a-target)
  (async-channel-put (tqueue-ready a-tqueue) (target-elt a-target)))

;; target-can-execute?: target -> boolean
;; Returns true if the target is ready for execution.
(define (target-can-execute? a-target)
  (= (target-dep-count a-target) 0))

;; register-dependency!: tqueue target dep -> void
;; Adds a new dep->target mapping.
(define (register-dependency! a-tqueue a-target a-dep)
  (let ([ht (tqueue-dep-to-targets a-tqueue)])
    (hash-set! ht a-dep (cons a-target (hash-ref ht a-dep '())))))

;; An element can be anything.
(define elt/c any/c)
;; A dependency can be anything.
(define dep/c any/c)

(provide/contract [new-tqueue (-> tqueue?)]
                  [tqueue? (any/c . -> . boolean?)]
                  [tqueue-add! (tqueue? elt/c (listof dep/c) . -> . any)]
                  [tqueue-satisfy! (tqueue? dep/c . -> . any)]
                  [tqueue-get (tqueue? . -> . elt/c)]
                  [tqueue-try-get (tqueue? . -> . (or/c elt/c false/c))]
                  [tqueue-ready-channel (tqueue? . -> . async-channel?)])