#lang racket
(require "browser-evaluate.rkt"

(printf "test-browser-evaluate.rkt\n")

(define should-follow? (lambda (src) #t))

(define evaluate (make-evaluate 
                  (lambda (program op)

                    (fprintf op "(function () {")
                    ;; The runtime code
                    (displayln (get-runtime) op)
                    (newline op)
                    (fprintf op "var innerInvoke = ")
                    (package-anonymous (make-SexpSource program)
                                       #:should-follow-children? should-follow?
                                       #:output-port op)
                    (fprintf op "();\n")
                    (fprintf op #<<EOF
return (function(succ, fail, params) {
            return innerInvoke(new plt.runtime.Machine(), succ, fail, params);

(define-syntax (test stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ s exp)
     (with-syntax ([stx stx])
       (syntax/loc #'stx
           (printf "running test... ~s" (syntax->datum #'stx))
           (let ([result (evaluate s)])
             (let ([output (evaluated-stdout result)])
               (unless (string=? output exp)
                 (printf " error!\n")
                 (raise-syntax-error #f (format "Expected ~s, got ~s" exp output)
             (printf " ok (~a milliseconds)\n" (evaluated-t result))))))]))

(define-syntax (test/exn stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ s exp)
     (with-syntax ([stx stx])
       (syntax/loc #'stx
           (printf "running test... ~s" (syntax->datum #'stx))
           (let ([an-error-happened 
                  (with-handlers ([error-happened?
                                   (lambda (exn)
                    (let ([r (evaluate s)])
                      (raise-syntax-error #f (format "Expected exception, but got ~s" r)
             (unless (regexp-match (regexp-quote exp) (error-happened-str an-error-happened))
               (printf " error!\n")
               (raise-syntax-error #f (format "Expected ~s, got ~s" exp (error-happened-str an-error-happened))
             (printf " ok (~a milliseconds)\n" (error-happened-t an-error-happened))))))]))

(test '(display 42)

(test '(displayln (+))

(test '(displayln (*))

(test '(displayln (- 3))

(test '(displayln (- 3 4))

(test '(displayln (- 3 4 -10))

(test '(display (+ 3 4))

(test/exn (evaluate '(+ "hello" 3))
          "Error: +: expected number as argument 1 but received \"hello\"")

(test '(display (/ 100 4))
;; fixme: symbols need to be represented separately from strings.
(test/exn (evaluate '(/ 3 'four))
          "Error: /: expected number as argument 2 but received four")

(test '(display (- 1))

(test/exn '(- 'one)
          "Error: -: expected number as argument 1 but received one")

(test '(display (- 5 4))

(test '(display (* 3 17))

(test/exn '(* "three" 17)
          "Error: *: expected number as argument 1 but received \"three\"")

(test '(display '#t)

(test '(display '#f)

(test '(displayln (not #t))

(test '(displayln (not #f))

(test '(displayln (not 3))

(test '(displayln (not (not 3)))

(test '(displayln (not 0))

(test '(displayln (add1 1))

(test '(displayln (if 0 1 2))

(test/exn '(displayln (add1 "0"))
          "Error: add1: expected number as argument 1 but received \"0\"")

(test '(displayln (sub1 1))

(test/exn '(displayln (sub1 "0"))
          "Error: sub1: expected number as argument 1 but received \"0\"")

(test '(displayln (< 1 2))

(test '(displayln (< 2 1 ))

(test '(displayln (< 1 1 ))

(test '(displayln (<= 1 2))

(test '(displayln (<= 2 1))

(test '(displayln (<= 2 2))

(test '(displayln (= 1 2))

(test '(displayln (= 1 1))

(test '(displayln (> 1 2))

(test '(displayln (> 2 1))

(test '(displayln (> 2 2))

(test '(displayln (>= 1 2))

(test '(displayln (>= 2 1))

(test '(displayln (>= 2 2))

(test '(displayln (car (cons 3 4)))

(test '(displayln (cdr (cons 3 4)))

(test '(displayln (let ([x (cons 5 6)])
                    (car x)))

(test '(displayln (let ([x (cons 5 6)])
                    (cdr x)))

(test '(displayln (length (list 'hello 4 5)))

(test '(let () (define (f x) 
                (if (= x 0)
                    (+ x (f (- x 1)))))
              (display (f 3))
              (display "\n")
              (display (f 4))
              (display "\n")
              (display (f 10000)))

(test '(let () (define (length l)
                (if (null? l)
                    (+ 1 (length (cdr l)))))
              (display (length (list 1 2 3 4 5 6)))
              (display (length (list "hello" "world")))

(test '(let () (define (tak x y z)
                (if (< y x)
                    (tak (tak (- x 1) y z)
                         (tak (- y 1) z x)
                         (tak (- z 1) x y))
              (display (tak 18 12 6)))

(test '(let () (define (fib x)
                (if (< x 2)
                    (+ (fib (- x 1))
                       (fib (- x 2)))))
              (displayln (fib 3))
              (displayln (fib 4))
              (displayln (fib 5))
              (displayln (fib 6)))

(test '(displayln (eq? (string->symbol "hello")

(test '(let () (define (tak x y z)
               (if (>= y x)
                   (tak (tak (- x 1) y z)
                        (tak (- y 1) z x)
                        (tak (- z 1) x y))))
             (displayln (tak 18 12 6)))

(test '(let () (displayln (+ 42 (call/cc (lambda (k) 3)))) )

(test '(let () (displayln (+ 42 (call/cc (lambda (k) (k 100) 3)))) )

(test '(let () (displayln (+ 42 (call/cc (lambda (k) 100 (k 3))))) )

(test '(let () (define program (lambda ()
                                (let ((y (call/cc (lambda (c) c))))
                                  (display 1)
                                  (call/cc (lambda (c) (y c)))
                                  (display 2)
                                  (call/cc (lambda (c) (y c)))
                                  (display 3))))

(test '(let () (define (f return)
                (return 2)
              (display (f (lambda (x) x))) ; displays 3
              (display (call/cc f)) ;; displays 2

(test  '(let ()
          (define (ctak x y z)
             (lambda (k)
               (ctak-aux k x y z))))
          (define (ctak-aux k x y z)
            (cond ((not (< y x))  ;xy
                   (k z))
                  (else (call-with-current-continuation
                           (lambda (k)
                             (ctak-aux k
                                       (- x 1)
                           (lambda (k)
                             (ctak-aux k
                                       (- y 1)
                           (lambda (k)
                             (ctak-aux k
                                       (- z 1)
          (displayln (ctak 18 12 6)))

(test '(letrec ([f (lambda (x)
                    (if (= x 0)
                        (* x (f (sub1 x)))))])
         (display (f 10)))

(test '(letrec ([tak (lambda (x y z)
                       (if (>= y x)
                           (tak (tak (- x 1) y z)
                                (tak (- y 1) z x)
                                (tak (- z 1) x y))))])
         (displayln (tak 18 12 6)))

(test '(let () (define counter 0)
              (set! counter (add1 counter))
              (displayln counter))

(test '(let () (define x 16)
              (define (f x)
                (set! x (add1 x))
              (displayln (f 3))
              (displayln (f 4))
              (displayln x))

(test/exn '(let ([x 0])
             (set! x "foo")
             (add1 x))
          "Error: add1: expected number as argument 1 but received \"foo\"")

(test '(for-each displayln (member 5 '(1 2 5 4 3)))

(test '(displayln (member 6 '(1 2 5 4 3)))

(test '(displayln (length (reverse '())))

(test '(displayln (car (reverse '("x"))))

(test '(displayln (car (reverse '("x" "y"))))

(test '(displayln (car (cdr (reverse '("x" "y")))))

(test '(displayln (car (reverse '("x" "y" "z"))))
(test '(displayln (car (cdr (reverse '("x" "y" "z")))))
(test '(displayln (car (cdr (cdr (reverse '("x" "y" "z"))))))

(test '(let ()  (displayln (vector-length (vector))))

(test '(let () (displayln (vector-length (vector 3 1 4))))

(test '(let () (displayln (vector-ref (vector 3 1 4) 0)))

(test '(let () (displayln (vector-ref (vector 3 1 4) 1)))

(test '(let () (displayln (vector-ref (vector 3 1 4) 2)))

(test '(let ()(define v (vector "hello" "world"))
	      (vector-set! v 0 'hola)
	      (displayln (vector-ref v 0)))

(test '(let () (define v (vector "hello" "world"))
	      (vector-set! v 0 'hola)
	      (displayln (vector-ref v 1)))

(test '(let () (define l (vector->list (vector "hello" "world")))
	      (displayln (length l))
	      (displayln (car l))
	      (displayln (car (cdr l))))

(test '(displayln (equal? '(1 2 3)
			  (append '(1) '(2) '(3))))

(test '(displayln (equal? '(1 2 3)
			  (append '(1 2) '(3))))

(test '(displayln (equal? '(1 2 3)
			  (append '(1 2) 3)))

(test '(displayln (equal? "hello"
			  (string-append "he" "llo")))

(test '(displayln (equal? '(1 2 (3))
			  '(1 2 (3))))

(test '(displayln (equal? (list 1 2 (vector 3))
			  (list 1 2 (vector 3))))

(test '(displayln (equal? (list 1 2 (vector 4))
			  (list 1 2 (vector 3))))

;;(test '(displayln 2/3)
;;      "2/3\n")

;;(test '(displayln -2/3)
;;      "-2/3\n")

(test '(displayln -0.0)

(test '(displayln +nan.0)

(test '(displayln +inf.0)

(test '(displayln -inf.0)

(test '(displayln (abs -42))

(test '(displayln (acos 1))

(test '(displayln (asin 0))

(test '(displayln (sin 0))

(test '(displayln (sinh 0))

(test '(displayln (tan 0))

(test '(displayln (atan 0))

(test '(displayln (angle 1))

(test '(displayln (magnitude 1))

(test '(displayln (conjugate 1))

(test '(displayln (cos 0))

(test '(displayln (cosh 0))

(test '(displayln (gcd 3 4))

(test '(displayln (lcm 3 4))

(test '(displayln (exp 0))

(test '(displayln (expt 5 2))

(test '(displayln (exact? 42))

(test '(displayln (imag-part 42))

(test '(displayln (real-part 42))

(test '(displayln (make-polar 0.0 0.0))

(test '(displayln (make-rectangular 0.0 0.0))

(test '(displayln (modulo 3 2))

(test '(displayln (remainder 3 2))

(test '(displayln (quotient 3 2))

(test '(displayln (floor 3))

(test '(displayln (ceiling 3))

(test '(displayln (round 3))

(test '(displayln (truncate 3))

(test '(displayln (truncate -3))

(test '(displayln (numerator 2/3))

(test '(displayln (denominator 2/3))

(test '(displayln (log 1))

(test '(displayln (sqr 4))

(test '(displayln (sqrt 4))

(test '(displayln (integer-sqrt 4))

(test '(displayln (sgn 3))

(test '(displayln (number->string 42))

(test '(displayln (string->number  "42"))

(test '(displayln (format "The number is ~a" 42))
      "The number is 42\n")

(test '(printf "The number is ~a" 42)
      "The number is 42")

(test '(fprintf (current-output-port) "The number is ~a" 42)
      "The number is 42")

(test '((current-print) 32)

;; Knuth's Man-or-boy-test.
;; http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Man_or_boy_test
(test '(let () (define (A k x1 x2 x3 x4 x5)
		(letrec ([B (lambda ()
			   (set! k (- k 1))
			   (A k B x1 x2 x3 x4))])
		  (if (<= k 0)
		      (+ (x4) (x5))
	      (displayln (A 10
			    (lambda () 1) 
			    (lambda () -1) 
			    (lambda () -1)
			    (lambda () 1) 
			    (lambda () 0))))

#;(test (read (open-input-file "tests/conform/program0.sch"))
      (port->string (open-input-file "tests/conform/expected0.txt")))