#lang planet dyoo/whalesong

(require (planet dyoo/whalesong/web-world))

(define view (->view (xexp->dom `(html (head)
                                       (body (p "hello world, this is a test")
                                             (div (@ (id "a div"))))))))
(define new-view
  (view-focus view "a div"))

(view-text new-view) ;; should be ""

(define updated-new-view
  (update-view-text new-view "some text"))

(view-text updated-new-view) ;; should be "some text"

(view->xexp (view-up (view-up updated-new-view)))

(define (my-view-top v)
  (cond [(view-up? v)
         (my-view-top (view-up v))]

;; Trying attribute editing
(view-attr (view-down
              (->view (xexp->dom `(html (head)
                                        (body (p (@ (class "blah"))))))))))

(view-attr (update-view-attr (view-down
                       (->view (xexp->dom `(html (head)
                                                 (body (p (@ (class "blah"))))))))))

  (update-view-attr (view-down
                       (->view (xexp->dom `(html (head)
                                                 (body (p (@ (class "blah"))))))))))

"css test"

(view-css (view-down
              (->view (xexp->dom `(html (head)
                                        (body (p (@ (style "text-decoration: line-through"))))))))))

(view-css (update-view-css (view-down
                       (->view (xexp->dom `(html (head)
                                                 (body (p (@ (style "text-decoration: line-through"))))))))))

  (update-view-css (view-down
                       (->view (xexp->dom `(html (head)
                                                 (body (p (@ (style "text-decoration: line-through"))))))))))

(view-down? (->view (xexp->dom `(html))))
(view-up? (->view (xexp->dom `(html))))
(view-left? (->view (xexp->dom `(html))))
(view-right? (->view (xexp->dom `(html))))


(view-down? (->view (xexp->dom `(html (head) (body)))))
(view-up? (->view (xexp->dom `(html (head) (body)))))
(view-left? (->view (xexp->dom `(html (head) (body)))))
(view-right? (->view (xexp->dom `(html (head) (body)))))


(view-down? (view-down (->view (xexp->dom `(html (head) (body))))))
(view-up? (view-down (->view (xexp->dom `(html (head) (body))))))
(view-left? (view-down (->view (xexp->dom `(html (head) (body))))))
(view-right? (view-down (->view (xexp->dom `(html (head) (body))))))


(view-down? (view-right (view-down (->view (xexp->dom `(html (head) (body)))))))
(view-up? (view-right (view-down (->view (xexp->dom `(html (head) (body)))))))
(view-left? (view-right (view-down (->view (xexp->dom `(html (head) (body)))))))
(view-right? (view-right (view-down (->view (xexp->dom `(html (head) (body)))))))


"adding elements"
 (view-append-child (view-focus (->view (xexp->dom '(html (head)
                                                          (body (h1 (@ (id "header")))
                                                                (p (@ (id "para")))))))
                    (xexp->dom '(li "An item"))))

    (view-focus (->view (xexp->dom '(html (head)
                                          (body (h1 (@ (id "header")))
                                                (p (@ (id "para"))
                                                   (ul (li "one")))))))
  (xexp->dom '(li "two"))))

    (view-down (view-focus (->view (xexp->dom '(html (head)
                                                     (body (h1 (@ (id "header")))
                                                           (p (@ (id "para"))
                                                              (ul (li "one")))))))
   (xexp->dom '(li "two")))
  (xexp->dom '(li "three"))))

   (view-down (view-focus (->view (xexp->dom '(html (head)
                                                    (body (h1 (@ (id "header")))
                                                          (p (@ (id "para"))
                                                             (ul (li "one")))))))
  (xexp->dom '(li "zero"))))


 (view-focus (->view
              (xexp->dom '(html (head)
                                (body (input (@ (id "my-field")
                                                (type "text")
                                                (value "this is a message")))))))

  (view-focus (->view
               (xexp->dom '(html (head)
                                 (body (input (@ (id "my-field")
                                                 (type "text")
                                                 (value "this is a message")))))))
  "hello again"))

;; For some reason, updating the form value doesn't touch the attribute, so the
;; xexp stays the same.
  (view-focus (->view
               (xexp->dom '(html (head)
                                 (body (input (@ (id "my-field")
                                                 (type "text")
                                                 (value "this is a message")))))))
  "hello again"))

;; When you change the attribute, it also changes the form value...
;; Good grief, sometimes I dislike the DOM...
  (view-focus (->view
               (xexp->dom '(html (head)
                                 (body (input (@ (id "my-field")
                                                 (type "text")
                                                 (value "this is a message")))))))
  "hello again"))

  (view-focus (->view
               (xexp->dom '(html (head)
                                 (body (input (@ (id "my-field")
                                                 (type "text")
                                                 (value "this is a message")))))))
  "hello again"))

 (view-focus (->view (xexp->dom '(html (head) (body (p (@ (id "para")))))))

  (view-focus (->view
               (xexp->dom '(html (head)
                                 (body (input (@ (id "my-field")
                                                 (type "text")
                                                 (value "this is a message")))
                                       "some text"))))
  (view-focus (->view
               (xexp->dom '(html (head)
                                 (body (input (@ (id "my-field")
                                                 (type "text")
                                                 (value "this is a message")))
                                       "some text"))))

"forward and backward"