#lang setup/infotab

(define name "Whalesong")
(define blurb '("A Racket to JavaScript compiler"))
(define release-notes '((p "Corrected bug that would cause Whalesong to fail on Windows, reduced size of generated JS files, added hash tables, and other bug fixes.")))
(define version "1.5")
(define categories '(devtools))
(define repositories '("4.x"))
(define required-core-version "5.1.1")

;; I am disabling the automatic launchers: it's causing issues with
;; file permissions.  The program "make-launcher.rkt" will build a
;; whalesong launcher, so I need to revise the instructions to use it
;; instead.
;; (define racket-launcher-libraries '("whalesong.rkt"))
;; (define racket-launcher-names '("whalesong"))

(define homepage "")
(define scribblings '(("scribblings/manual.scrbl")))
(define compile-omit-paths '("tests"
(define can-be-loaded-with 'all)