#lang scribble/manual @(require planet/scribble racket/sandbox scribble/eval (for-label (except-in racket load) (this-package-in main))) @(define yaml-evaluator (call-with-trusted-sandbox-configuration (lambda () (parameterize ([sandbox-output 'string] [sandbox-error-output 'string]) (make-evaluator 'racket #:requires '((planet esilkensen/yaml))))))) @(interaction-eval #:eval yaml-evaluator (current-print pretty-print-handler)) @title{YAML} @author{@(author+email "Erik Silkensen" "ejs@ccs.neu.edu")} @defmodule/this-package[main] This module provides utilities for parsing and emitting data in the YAML data serialization format to and from Racket values. See the @link["http://yaml.org"]{YAML web site} for more information about YAML. The implementation is ported from @link["http://pyyaml.org"]{PyYAML}. @section{Examples} As a quick introduction, this section shows an example of using the module to go from Racket values to YAML and back again. The @racket[write-yaml] procedure turns a Racket value into YAML output. Here it displays a sequence of mappings in @emph{flow style} (by default): @interaction[#:eval yaml-evaluator (write-yaml '(#hash(("name" . "Mark McGwire") ("hr" . 65) ("avg" . 0.278)) #hash(("name" . "Sammy Sosa") ("hr" . 63) ("avg" . 0.288))))] The @racket[string->yaml] procedure turns YAML text into a Racket value. Here it constructs the same sequence of mappings from above, where this time the YAML is in @emph{block style}: @interaction[#:eval yaml-evaluator (string->yaml (string-append "- name: Mark McGwire\n" " hr: 65\n" " avg: 0.278\n" "- name: Sammy Sosa\n" " hr: 63\n" " avg: 0.288\n"))] The @racket[yaml-struct] macro defines a @racket[struct] that can be written to and read from YAML: @interaction[#:eval yaml-evaluator (yaml-struct player (name hr avg) #:transparent) (write-yaml (player "Mark McGwire" 65 0.278)) (string->yaml "!!struct:player {hr: 65, avg: 0.278, name: Mark McGwire}")] @section{YAML Expressions} @defproc[(yaml? [v any/c]) boolean?]{ Returns @racket[#t] if @racket[v] is a YAML expression, @racket[#f] otherwise. This library defines a subset of Racket values that can be represented as YAML strings, and this predicate checks for such values. A @deftech{YAML expression} is one of: @itemize[ @item{the value of @racket[(yaml-null)]} @item{@racket[(or/c boolean? string? exact-integer? inexact-real? date?)]} @item{@racket[(cons/c yaml? yaml?)]} @item{a nonempty @racket[(listof yaml?)]} @item{a nonempty @racket[(hash/c yaml? yaml?)]} @item{a nonempty @racket[(set/c yaml?)]} @item{a @racket[yaml-struct?] whose fields are all @racket[yaml?]}]} @defparam[yaml-null null any/c]{ A parameter that determines the Racket value that corresponds to a YAML ``@tt{null}'' (empty scalar) value. It is @racket['null] by default.} @defproc[(yaml-struct? [v any/c]) boolean?]{ Returns @racket[#t] if @racket[v] is an instance of a YAML structure, @racket[#f] otherwise.} @defform[(yaml-struct id maybe-super (field ...) struct-option ...)]{ Creates a new structure that can be used as a YAML expression. This macro expands to a call to @racket[struct] that uses @racket[#:methods] to register itself with the YAML implementation. } @section{Reading YAML} @defproc[(read-yaml [in input-port? (current-input-port)]) yaml?]{ Parses the first @link["http://www.yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#id2800132"]{YAML document} from @racket[in] and returns the corresponding YAML expression in Racket.} @defproc[(read-yaml* [in input-port? (current-input-port)]) (listof yaml?)]{ Like @racket[read-yaml], but parses @emph{all} @link["http://www.yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#id2800132"]{YAML documents} from @racket[in] and returns a list of the corresponding YAML expressions in Racket.} @defproc[(string->yaml [str string?]) yaml?]{ Equivalent to @racketblock[ (with-input-from-string str (λ () (read-yaml 'string)))]} @defproc[(string->yaml* [str string?]) (listof yaml?)]{ Equivalent to @racketblock[ (with-input-from-string str (λ () (read-yaml* 'string)))]} @section{Writing YAML} @defproc[(write-yaml [document yaml?] [out output-port? (current-output-port)]) void?]{ Equivalent to @racketblock[(write-yaml* (list document) out ....)] Accepts the same keyword arguments as @racket[write-yaml*] (represented above by @racket[....]).} @defproc[(write-yaml* [documents (listof yaml?)] [out output-port? (current-output-port)] [#:canonical canonical boolean? #f] [#:indent indent exact-positive-integer? 2] [#:width width exact-positive-integer? 80] [#:explicit-start explicit-start boolean? #f] [#:explicit-end explicit-end boolean? #f] [#:scalar-style scalar-style (or/c #\" #\' #\| #\> 'plain) 'plain] [#:style style (or/c 'block 'flow 'best) 'best]) void?]{ Writes a sequence of Racket YAML expressions to @racket[out] as YAML text formatted with the keyword arguments. See the @link["http://www.yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html"]{YAML specification} for more information on style.} @defproc[(yaml->string [document yaml?]) string?]{ Equivalent to @racketblock[ (with-output-to-string (λ () (write-yaml document ....)))] Accepts the same keyword arguments as @racket[write-yaml] (represented above by @racket[....]).} @defproc[(yaml*->string [documents (listof yaml?)]) string?]{ Equivalent to @racketblock[ (with-output-to-string (λ () (write-yaml* documents ....)))] Accepts the same keyword arguments as @racket[write-yaml*] (represented above by @racket[....]).}