On this page:
exn: fail: aws
header&response->exn: fail: aws

4 Exception handling

 (require (planet gh/aws:1:=0/exn))


(struct exn:fail:aws (http-code http-message aws-code aws-message)
  #:extra-constructor-name make-exn:fail:aws)
  http-code : exact-positive-integer?
  http-message : string?
  aws-code : string?
  aws-message : string?


(header&response->exn:fail:aws headers    
  ccm)  exn:fail:aws?
  headers : string?
  entity : (or/c bytes? xexpr?)
  ccm : continuation-mark-set?
Given an HTTP response’s headers and entity, return a exn:fail:aws constructed with information from the response.


(check-response in headers)

  (or/c string? (raise/c exn:fail:aws?))
  in : input-port?
  headers : string?
Convenience: Given an input-port? and response headers as a string? check the headers. Unless HTTP the status code is one of 200, 206, 301, 302, or 307, read the XML response body from the port and raise an exn:fail:aws constructed with information from the reponse. Otherwise, return headers and the caller may read the response entity from in.

Note: This does not close the input port in before raising an exception. It assumes you are using call/requests, call/input-request, or call/output-request from the http/request library (or using dynamic-wind or other exception handling, or a custodian—or whatever) to make sure the port is closed!