# If you are only using this collection, then you don't need to run # the unit tests and you may disregard this file. # # Supply a file in this format as ~/.aws-tests-data. # You should change the values to those suitable for your AWS account # and email addresses. # Name of a test bucket on S3. # WARNING: THIS BUCKET WILL BE CREATED AND DELETED DURING THE TEST!!! # Remember that bucket names are global (shared among all S3 users) # therefore you may want to pick a name with your domain name in it. # Do NOT use leading / in the name. test/bucket = test-bucket # Name of a test resource to put/get/delete on S3. # This will be created under test/bucket. # Do NOT use leading / in the name. test/path = path/to/test.txt # Email address you HAVE verified with SES. test/verified-sender = # Email address you have NOT verified with SES. test/unverified-sender = # Email recipient of some test emails test/recipient = # Name of a test domain (i.e. "table") on SDB. # THIS DOMAIN WILL GET MUNGED -- DATA ADDED/DELETED, AND IN FACT THE # ENTIRE DOMAIN WILL BE CREATED/DELETED -- SO PICK AN SDB DOMAIN NAME # YOU'RE NOT USING IN PRODUCTION! test/domain = TestDomain # Name of a test topic with SNS # THIS TOPIC WILL GET MUNGED -- DATA ADDED/DELETED, AND IN FACT THE # ENTIRE TOPIC WILL BE CREATED/DELETED -- SO PICK AN SDB TOPIC NAME # YOU'RE NOT USING IN PRODUCTION! test/topic = TestTopic # Name of a test queue with SNS # THIS QUEUE WILL GET MUNGED -- MESSAGES ADDED/REMOVED, AND IN FACT # THE ENTIRE QUEUE WILL BE CREATED/DELETED -- SO PICK AN SQS QUEUE # NAME YOU'RE NOT USING IN PRODUCTION! test/queue = TestQueue # Name of a namespace and metric with CloudWatch # This will get test metric data put to it, so pick names you're # not using in production! test/namespace = testnamespace test/metric = testmetric # Name of a test vault on Glacier. # THIS VAULT WILL BE CREATED (IF IF DOESN'T ALREADY EXIST) AND TEST # ARCHIVES WILL BE CREATED AND DELETED IN IT. test/vault = testvault # Name of a test table on Dynamo # THIS TABLE WILL BE CREATED AND DELETED! test/dynamo-table = test-dynamo-table # Name of a hosted zone on Route 53 # THIS HOSTED ZONE WILL BE CREATED AND DELETED! test/domain.com = test.com.