1 API Parameters
2 Resources
2.1 files
2.2 dimension Values
dfareporting-dimension Values-query
2.3 reports
3 Resources
3.1 user Profiles
dfareporting-user Profiles-list
dfareporting-user Profiles-get
Version: 5.3

DFA Reporting API v1.1

This documentation has been automatically generated using information supplied by the Google API Discovery service.

Lets you create, run and download reports. Google documentation.

    1 API Parameters

    2 Resources

      2.1 files

      2.2 dimensionValues

      2.3 reports

    3 Resources

      3.1 userProfiles

(require-gapi-doc "dfareporting.v1.1.js")

1 API Parameters

The following optional keyword arguments may be passed to all functions for this web service:


(_ [#:alt alt    
  #:fields fields    
  #:key key    
  #:oauth_token oauth_token    
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint    
  #:quotaUser quotaUser    
  #:userIp userIp])  jsexpr?
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A

This is not actually a function. This is just using Scribble’s defproc form to list the optional keyword arguments that may be passed to all functions for this service.

alt: Data format for the response.

fields: Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.

key: API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.

oauth_token: OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.

prettyPrint: Returns response with indentations and line breaks.

quotaUser: Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. Overrides userIp if both are provided.

userIp: IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to enforce per-user limits.

2 Resources

2.1 files


(dfareporting-files-list #:profileId profileId    
  [#:sortOrder sortOrder    
  #:sortField sortField    
  #:maxResults maxResults    
  #:pageToken pageToken    
  #:alt alt    
  #:fields fields    
  #:key key    
  #:oauth_token oauth_token    
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint    
  #:quotaUser quotaUser    
  #:userIp userIp])  jsexpr?
  profileId : string?
  sortOrder : string? = 'N/A
  sortField : string? = 'N/A
  maxResults : string? = 'N/A
  pageToken : string? = 'N/A
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A
Lists files for a user profile.

profileId: The DFA profile ID.

sortOrder: Order of sorted results, default is ’DESCENDING’.

sortField: The field by which to sort the list.

maxResults: Maximum number of results to return.

pageToken: The value of the nextToken from the previous result page.

2.2 dimensionValues


  #:profileId profileId 
  [#:maxResults maxResults 
  #:pageToken pageToken 
  #:endDate endDate 
  #:startDate startDate 
  #:dimensionName dimensionName 
  #:kind kind 
  #:filters filters 
  #:alt alt 
  #:fields fields 
  #:key key 
  #:oauth_token oauth_token 
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint 
  #:quotaUser quotaUser 
  #:userIp userIp]) 
  profileId : string?
  maxResults : string? = 'N/A
  pageToken : string? = 'N/A
  endDate : string? = 'N/A
  startDate : string? = 'N/A
  dimensionName : string? = 'N/A
  kind : string? = 'N/A
  filters : string? = 'N/A
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A
Retrieves list of report dimension values for a list of filters.

profileId: The DFA user profile ID.

maxResults: Maximum number of results to return.

pageToken: The value of the nextToken from the previous result page.

endDate: The end date of the date range for which to retrieve dimension values. A string of the format: "yyyy-MM-dd".

startDate: The start date of the date range for which to retrieve dimension values. A string of the format: "yyyy-MM-dd".

dimensionName: The name of the dimension for which values should be requested.

kind: The kind of request this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValueRequest.

filters: The list of filters by which to filter values. The filters are ANDed.

2.3 reports

3 Resources


(dfareporting-reports-list #:profileId profileId    
  [#:sortOrder sortOrder    
  #:sortField sortField    
  #:maxResults maxResults    
  #:pageToken pageToken    
  #:alt alt    
  #:fields fields    
  #:key key    
  #:oauth_token oauth_token    
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint    
  #:quotaUser quotaUser    
  #:userIp userIp])  jsexpr?
  profileId : string?
  sortOrder : string? = 'N/A
  sortField : string? = 'N/A
  maxResults : string? = 'N/A
  pageToken : string? = 'N/A
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A
Retrieves list of reports.

profileId: The DFA user profile ID.

sortOrder: Order of sorted results, default is ’DESCENDING’.

sortField: The field by which to sort the list.

maxResults: Maximum number of results to return.

pageToken: The value of the nextToken from the previous result page.


(dfareporting-reports-get #:reportId reportId    
  #:profileId profileId    
  [#:alt alt    
  #:fields fields    
  #:key key    
  #:oauth_token oauth_token    
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint    
  #:quotaUser quotaUser    
  #:userIp userIp])  jsexpr?
  reportId : string?
  profileId : string?
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A
Retrieves a report by its ID.

reportId: The ID of the report.

profileId: The DFA user profile ID.


(dfareporting-reports-run #:reportId reportId    
  #:profileId profileId    
  [#:synchronous synchronous    
  #:alt alt    
  #:fields fields    
  #:key key    
  #:oauth_token oauth_token    
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint    
  #:quotaUser quotaUser    
  #:userIp userIp])  jsexpr?
  reportId : string?
  profileId : string?
  synchronous : string? = 'N/A
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A
Runs a report.

reportId: The ID of the report.

profileId: The DFA profile ID.

synchronous: If set and true, tries to run the report synchronously.


  #:profileId profileId 
  [#:format format 
  #:id id 
  #:fileName fileName 
  #:lastModifiedTime lastModifiedTime 
  #:activeGrpCriteria activeGrpCriteria 
  #:criteria criteria 
  #:crossDimensionReachCriteria crossDimensionReachCriteria 
  #:delivery delivery 
  #:floodlightCriteria floodlightCriteria 
  #:ownerProfileId ownerProfileId 
  #:pathToConversionCriteria pathToConversionCriteria 
  #:reachCriteria reachCriteria 
  #:schedule schedule 
  #:subAccountId subAccountId 
  #:name name 
  #:type type 
  #:kind kind 
  #:accountId accountId 
  #:etag etag 
  #:alt alt 
  #:fields fields 
  #:key key 
  #:oauth_token oauth_token 
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint 
  #:quotaUser quotaUser 
  #:userIp userIp]) 
  profileId : string?
  format : string? = 'N/A
  id : string? = 'N/A
  fileName : string? = 'N/A
  lastModifiedTime : string? = 'N/A
  activeGrpCriteria : string? = 'N/A
  criteria : string? = 'N/A
  crossDimensionReachCriteria : string? = 'N/A
  delivery : string? = 'N/A
  floodlightCriteria : string? = 'N/A
  ownerProfileId : string? = 'N/A
  pathToConversionCriteria : string? = 'N/A
  reachCriteria : string? = 'N/A
  schedule : string? = 'N/A
  subAccountId : string? = 'N/A
  name : string? = 'N/A
  type : string? = 'N/A
  kind : string? = 'N/A
  accountId : string? = 'N/A
  etag : string? = 'N/A
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A
Creates a report.

profileId: The DFA user profile ID.

format: The output format of the report, currently only "CSV" is supported. If not specified, default format is "CSV". Note that the actual format in the completed report file might differ if for instance the report’s size exceeds the format’s capabilities. "CSV" will then be the fallback format.

id: The unique ID identifying this report resource.

fileName: The file name used when generating report files for this report.

lastModifiedTime: The timestamp (in milliseconds since epoch) of when this report was last modified.

activeGrpCriteria: The report criteria for a report of type "ACTIVE_GRP".

criteria: The report criteria for a report of type "STANDARD".

crossDimensionReachCriteria: The report criteria for a report of type "CROSS_DIMENSION_REACH".

delivery: The report’s email delivery settings.

floodlightCriteria: The report criteria for a report of type "FLOODLIGHT".

ownerProfileId: The user profile id of the owner of this report.

pathToConversionCriteria: The report criteria for a report of type "PATH_TO_CONVERSION".

reachCriteria: The report criteria for a report of type "REACH".

schedule: The report’s schedule. Can only be set if the report’s ’dateRange’ is a relative date range and the relative date range is not "TODAY".

subAccountId: The subbaccount ID to which this report belongs if applicable.

name: The name of the report.


kind: The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#report.

accountId: The account ID to which this report belongs.

etag: The eTag of this response for caching purposes.


  #:reportId reportId 
  #:profileId profileId 
  [#:format format 
  #:id id 
  #:fileName fileName 
  #:lastModifiedTime lastModifiedTime 
  #:activeGrpCriteria activeGrpCriteria 
  #:criteria criteria 
  #:crossDimensionReachCriteria crossDimensionReachCriteria 
  #:delivery delivery 
  #:floodlightCriteria floodlightCriteria 
  #:ownerProfileId ownerProfileId 
  #:pathToConversionCriteria pathToConversionCriteria 
  #:reachCriteria reachCriteria 
  #:schedule schedule 
  #:subAccountId subAccountId 
  #:name name 
  #:type type 
  #:kind kind 
  #:accountId accountId 
  #:etag etag 
  #:alt alt 
  #:fields fields 
  #:key key 
  #:oauth_token oauth_token 
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint 
  #:quotaUser quotaUser 
  #:userIp userIp]) 
  reportId : string?
  profileId : string?
  format : string? = 'N/A
  id : string? = 'N/A
  fileName : string? = 'N/A
  lastModifiedTime : string? = 'N/A
  activeGrpCriteria : string? = 'N/A
  criteria : string? = 'N/A
  crossDimensionReachCriteria : string? = 'N/A
  delivery : string? = 'N/A
  floodlightCriteria : string? = 'N/A
  ownerProfileId : string? = 'N/A
  pathToConversionCriteria : string? = 'N/A
  reachCriteria : string? = 'N/A
  schedule : string? = 'N/A
  subAccountId : string? = 'N/A
  name : string? = 'N/A
  type : string? = 'N/A
  kind : string? = 'N/A
  accountId : string? = 'N/A
  etag : string? = 'N/A
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A
Updates a report. This method supports patch semantics.

reportId: The ID of the report.

profileId: The DFA user profile ID.

format: The output format of the report, currently only "CSV" is supported. If not specified, default format is "CSV". Note that the actual format in the completed report file might differ if for instance the report’s size exceeds the format’s capabilities. "CSV" will then be the fallback format.

id: The unique ID identifying this report resource.

fileName: The file name used when generating report files for this report.

lastModifiedTime: The timestamp (in milliseconds since epoch) of when this report was last modified.

activeGrpCriteria: The report criteria for a report of type "ACTIVE_GRP".

criteria: The report criteria for a report of type "STANDARD".

crossDimensionReachCriteria: The report criteria for a report of type "CROSS_DIMENSION_REACH".

delivery: The report’s email delivery settings.

floodlightCriteria: The report criteria for a report of type "FLOODLIGHT".

ownerProfileId: The user profile id of the owner of this report.

pathToConversionCriteria: The report criteria for a report of type "PATH_TO_CONVERSION".

reachCriteria: The report criteria for a report of type "REACH".

schedule: The report’s schedule. Can only be set if the report’s ’dateRange’ is a relative date range and the relative date range is not "TODAY".

subAccountId: The subbaccount ID to which this report belongs if applicable.

name: The name of the report.


kind: The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#report.

accountId: The account ID to which this report belongs.

etag: The eTag of this response for caching purposes.


  #:reportId reportId 
  #:profileId profileId 
  [#:format format 
  #:id id 
  #:fileName fileName 
  #:lastModifiedTime lastModifiedTime 
  #:activeGrpCriteria activeGrpCriteria 
  #:criteria criteria 
  #:crossDimensionReachCriteria crossDimensionReachCriteria 
  #:delivery delivery 
  #:floodlightCriteria floodlightCriteria 
  #:ownerProfileId ownerProfileId 
  #:pathToConversionCriteria pathToConversionCriteria 
  #:reachCriteria reachCriteria 
  #:schedule schedule 
  #:subAccountId subAccountId 
  #:name name 
  #:type type 
  #:kind kind 
  #:accountId accountId 
  #:etag etag 
  #:alt alt 
  #:fields fields 
  #:key key 
  #:oauth_token oauth_token 
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint 
  #:quotaUser quotaUser 
  #:userIp userIp]) 
  reportId : string?
  profileId : string?
  format : string? = 'N/A
  id : string? = 'N/A
  fileName : string? = 'N/A
  lastModifiedTime : string? = 'N/A
  activeGrpCriteria : string? = 'N/A
  criteria : string? = 'N/A
  crossDimensionReachCriteria : string? = 'N/A
  delivery : string? = 'N/A
  floodlightCriteria : string? = 'N/A
  ownerProfileId : string? = 'N/A
  pathToConversionCriteria : string? = 'N/A
  reachCriteria : string? = 'N/A
  schedule : string? = 'N/A
  subAccountId : string? = 'N/A
  name : string? = 'N/A
  type : string? = 'N/A
  kind : string? = 'N/A
  accountId : string? = 'N/A
  etag : string? = 'N/A
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A
Updates a report.

reportId: The ID of the report.

profileId: The DFA user profile ID.

format: The output format of the report, currently only "CSV" is supported. If not specified, default format is "CSV". Note that the actual format in the completed report file might differ if for instance the report’s size exceeds the format’s capabilities. "CSV" will then be the fallback format.

id: The unique ID identifying this report resource.

fileName: The file name used when generating report files for this report.

lastModifiedTime: The timestamp (in milliseconds since epoch) of when this report was last modified.

activeGrpCriteria: The report criteria for a report of type "ACTIVE_GRP".

criteria: The report criteria for a report of type "STANDARD".

crossDimensionReachCriteria: The report criteria for a report of type "CROSS_DIMENSION_REACH".

delivery: The report’s email delivery settings.

floodlightCriteria: The report criteria for a report of type "FLOODLIGHT".

ownerProfileId: The user profile id of the owner of this report.

pathToConversionCriteria: The report criteria for a report of type "PATH_TO_CONVERSION".

reachCriteria: The report criteria for a report of type "REACH".

schedule: The report’s schedule. Can only be set if the report’s ’dateRange’ is a relative date range and the relative date range is not "TODAY".

subAccountId: The subbaccount ID to which this report belongs if applicable.

name: The name of the report.


kind: The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#report.

accountId: The account ID to which this report belongs.

etag: The eTag of this response for caching purposes.


(dfareporting-reports-delete #:reportId reportId 
  #:profileId profileId 
  [#:alt alt 
  #:fields fields 
  #:key key 
  #:oauth_token oauth_token 
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint 
  #:quotaUser quotaUser 
  #:userIp userIp]) 
  reportId : string?
  profileId : string?
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A
Deletes a report by its ID.

reportId: The ID of the report.

profileId: The DFA user profile ID.

3.1 userProfiles


(dfareporting-userProfiles-list [#:alt alt 
  #:fields fields 
  #:key key 
  #:oauth_token oauth_token 
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint 
  #:quotaUser quotaUser 
  #:userIp userIp]) 
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A
Retrieves list of user profiles for a user.


(dfareporting-userProfiles-get #:profileId profileId 
  [#:alt alt 
  #:fields fields 
  #:key key 
  #:oauth_token oauth_token 
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint 
  #:quotaUser quotaUser 
  #:userIp userIp]) 
  profileId : string?
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A
Gets one user profile by ID.

profileId: The user profile ID.