1 API Parameters
2 Resources
2.1 subscriptions
reseller-subscriptions-change Plan
reseller-subscriptions-change Renewal Settings
reseller-subscriptions-change Seats
reseller-subscriptions-start Paid Service
2.2 customers
Version: 5.3

Enterprise Apps Reseller API v1

This documentation has been automatically generated using information supplied by the Google API Discovery service.

Lets you create and manage your customers and their subscriptions. Google documentation.
(require-gapi-doc "reseller.v1.js")

1 API Parameters

The following optional keyword arguments may be passed to all functions for this web service:


(_ [#:alt alt    
  #:fields fields    
  #:key key    
  #:oauth_token oauth_token    
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint    
  #:quotaUser quotaUser    
  #:userIp userIp])  jsexpr?
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A

This is not actually a function. This is just using Scribble’s defproc form to list the optional keyword arguments that may be passed to all functions for this service.

alt: Data format for the response.

fields: Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.

key: API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.

oauth_token: OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.

prettyPrint: Returns response with indentations and line breaks.

quotaUser: Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. Overrides userIp if both are provided.

userIp: IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to enforce per-user limits.

2 Resources

2.1 subscriptions


  [#:customerNamePrefix customerNamePrefix 
  #:maxResults maxResults 
  #:pageToken pageToken 
  #:alt alt 
  #:fields fields 
  #:key key 
  #:oauth_token oauth_token 
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint 
  #:quotaUser quotaUser 
  #:userIp userIp]) 
  customerNamePrefix : string? = 'N/A
  maxResults : string? = 'N/A
  pageToken : string? = 'N/A
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A
Lists subscriptions of a reseller, optionally filtered by a customer name prefix.

customerNamePrefix: Prefix of the customer’s domain name by which the subscriptions should be filtered. Optional

maxResults: Maximum number of results to return

pageToken: Token to specify next page in the list


(reseller-subscriptions-get #:customerId customerId 
  #:subscriptionId subscriptionId 
  [#:alt alt 
  #:fields fields 
  #:key key 
  #:oauth_token oauth_token 
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint 
  #:quotaUser quotaUser 
  #:userIp userIp]) 
  customerId : string?
  subscriptionId : string?
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A
Gets a subscription of the customer.

customerId: Id of the Customer

subscriptionId: Id of the subscription, which is unique for a customer


  #:customerId customerId 
  #:subscriptionId subscriptionId 
  [#:planName planName 
  #:purchaseOrderId purchaseOrderId 
  #:seats seats 
  #:kind kind 
  #:alt alt 
  #:fields fields 
  #:key key 
  #:oauth_token oauth_token 
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint 
  #:quotaUser quotaUser 
  #:userIp userIp]) 
  customerId : string?
  subscriptionId : string?
  planName : string? = 'N/A
  purchaseOrderId : string? = 'N/A
  seats : string? = 'N/A
  kind : string? = 'N/A
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A
Changes the plan of a subscription

customerId: Id of the Customer

subscriptionId: Id of the subscription, which is unique for a customer

planName: Name of the plan to change to.

purchaseOrderId: Purchase order id for your order tracking purposes.

seats: Number/Limit of seats in the new plan.

kind: Identifies the resource as a subscription change plan request.


  #:customerId customerId 
  #:subscriptionId subscriptionId 
  [#:renewalType renewalType 
  #:kind kind 
  #:alt alt 
  #:fields fields 
  #:key key 
  #:oauth_token oauth_token 
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint 
  #:quotaUser quotaUser 
  #:userIp userIp]) 
  customerId : string?
  subscriptionId : string?
  renewalType : string? = 'N/A
  kind : string? = 'N/A
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A
Changes the renewal settings of a subscription

customerId: Id of the Customer

subscriptionId: Id of the subscription, which is unique for a customer

renewalType: Subscription renewal type.

kind: Identifies the resource as a subscription renewal setting.


  #:customerId customerId 
  #:subscriptionId subscriptionId 
  [#:maximumNumberOfSeats maximumNumberOfSeats 
  #:numberOfSeats numberOfSeats 
  #:kind kind 
  #:alt alt 
  #:fields fields 
  #:key key 
  #:oauth_token oauth_token 
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint 
  #:quotaUser quotaUser 
  #:userIp userIp]) 
  customerId : string?
  subscriptionId : string?
  maximumNumberOfSeats : string? = 'N/A
  numberOfSeats : string? = 'N/A
  kind : string? = 'N/A
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A
Changes the seats configuration of a subscription

customerId: Id of the Customer

subscriptionId: Id of the subscription, which is unique for a customer

maximumNumberOfSeats: Maximum number of seats that can be purchased. This needs to be provided only for a non-commitment plan. For a commitment plan it is decided by the contract.

numberOfSeats: Number of seats to purchase. This is applicable only for a commitment plan.

kind: Identifies the resource as a subscription change plan request.


  #:customerId customerId 
  #:subscriptionId subscriptionId 
  [#:alt alt 
  #:fields fields 
  #:key key 
  #:oauth_token oauth_token 
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint 
  #:quotaUser quotaUser 
  #:userIp userIp]) 
  customerId : string?
  subscriptionId : string?
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A
Starts paid service of a trial subscription

customerId: Id of the Customer

subscriptionId: Id of the subscription, which is unique for a customer


  #:customerId customerId 
  [#:customerAuthToken customerAuthToken 
  #:creationTime creationTime 
  #:purchaseOrderId purchaseOrderId 
  #:seats seats 
  #:plan plan 
  #:renewalSettings renewalSettings 
  #:skuId skuId 
  #:subscriptionId subscriptionId 
  #:trialSettings trialSettings 
  #:kind kind 
  #:alt alt 
  #:fields fields 
  #:key key 
  #:oauth_token oauth_token 
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint 
  #:quotaUser quotaUser 
  #:userIp userIp]) 
  customerId : string?
  customerAuthToken : string? = 'N/A
  creationTime : string? = 'N/A
  purchaseOrderId : string? = 'N/A
  seats : string? = 'N/A
  plan : string? = 'N/A
  renewalSettings : string? = 'N/A
  skuId : string? = 'N/A
  subscriptionId : string? = 'N/A
  trialSettings : string? = 'N/A
  kind : string? = 'N/A
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A
Creates/Transfers a subscription for the customer.

customerId: Id of the Customer

customerAuthToken: An auth token needed for transferring a subscription. Can be generated at https://www.google.com/a/cpanel/customer-domain/TransferToken. Optional.

creationTime: Creation time of this subscription in milliseconds since Unix epoch.

purchaseOrderId: Purchase order id for your order tracking purposes.

seats: Number/Limit of seats in the new plan.

plan: Plan details of the subscription

renewalSettings: Renewal settings of the subscription.

skuId: Name of the sku for which this subscription is purchased.

subscriptionId: The id of the subscription.

trialSettings: Trial Settings of the subscription.

kind: Identifies the resource as a Subscription.


  #:customerId customerId 
  #:subscriptionId subscriptionId 
  #:deletionType deletionType 
  [#:alt alt 
  #:fields fields 
  #:key key 
  #:oauth_token oauth_token 
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint 
  #:quotaUser quotaUser 
  #:userIp userIp]) 
  customerId : string?
  subscriptionId : string?
  deletionType : string?
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A
Cancels/Downgrades a subscription.

customerId: Id of the Customer

subscriptionId: Id of the subscription, which is unique for a customer

deletionType: Whether the subscription is to be fully cancelled or downgraded

2.2 customers


(reseller-customers-get #:customerId customerId    
  [#:alt alt    
  #:fields fields    
  #:key key    
  #:oauth_token oauth_token    
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint    
  #:quotaUser quotaUser    
  #:userIp userIp])  jsexpr?
  customerId : string?
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A
Gets a customer resource if one exists and is owned by the reseller.

customerId: Id of the Customer


  [#:customerAuthToken customerAuthToken 
  #:alternateEmail alternateEmail 
  #:customerDomain customerDomain 
  #:customerId customerId 
  #:phoneNumber phoneNumber 
  #:postalAddress postalAddress 
  #:kind kind 
  #:alt alt 
  #:fields fields 
  #:key key 
  #:oauth_token oauth_token 
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint 
  #:quotaUser quotaUser 
  #:userIp userIp]) 
  customerAuthToken : string? = 'N/A
  alternateEmail : string? = 'N/A
  customerDomain : string? = 'N/A
  customerId : string? = 'N/A
  phoneNumber : string? = 'N/A
  postalAddress : string? = 'N/A
  kind : string? = 'N/A
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A
Creates a customer resource if one does not already exist.

customerAuthToken: An auth token needed for inserting a customer for which domain already exists. Can be generated at https://www.google.com/a/cpanel//TransferToken. Optional.

alternateEmail: The alternate email of the customer.

customerDomain: The domain name of the customer.

customerId: The id of the customer.

phoneNumber: The phone number of the customer.

postalAddress: The postal address of the customer.

kind: Identifies the resource as a customer.


(reseller-customers-patch #:customerId customerId 
  [#:alternateEmail alternateEmail 
  #:customerDomain customerDomain 
  #:phoneNumber phoneNumber 
  #:postalAddress postalAddress 
  #:kind kind 
  #:alt alt 
  #:fields fields 
  #:key key 
  #:oauth_token oauth_token 
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint 
  #:quotaUser quotaUser 
  #:userIp userIp]) 
  customerId : string?
  alternateEmail : string? = 'N/A
  customerDomain : string? = 'N/A
  phoneNumber : string? = 'N/A
  postalAddress : string? = 'N/A
  kind : string? = 'N/A
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A
Update a customer resource if one it exists and is owned by the reseller. This method supports patch semantics.

customerId: Id of the Customer

alternateEmail: The alternate email of the customer.

customerDomain: The domain name of the customer.

phoneNumber: The phone number of the customer.

postalAddress: The postal address of the customer.

kind: Identifies the resource as a customer.


(reseller-customers-update #:customerId customerId 
  [#:alternateEmail alternateEmail 
  #:customerDomain customerDomain 
  #:phoneNumber phoneNumber 
  #:postalAddress postalAddress 
  #:kind kind 
  #:alt alt 
  #:fields fields 
  #:key key 
  #:oauth_token oauth_token 
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint 
  #:quotaUser quotaUser 
  #:userIp userIp]) 
  customerId : string?
  alternateEmail : string? = 'N/A
  customerDomain : string? = 'N/A
  phoneNumber : string? = 'N/A
  postalAddress : string? = 'N/A
  kind : string? = 'N/A
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A
Update a customer resource if one it exists and is owned by the reseller.

customerId: Id of the Customer

alternateEmail: The alternate email of the customer.

customerDomain: The domain name of the customer.

phoneNumber: The phone number of the customer.

postalAddress: The postal address of the customer.

kind: Identifies the resource as a customer.