1 API Parameters
2 Resources
2.1 location
2.2 current Location
latitude-current Location-get
latitude-current Location-insert
latitude-current Location-delete
Version: 5.3

Google Latitude API v1

This documentation has been automatically generated using information supplied by the Google API Discovery service.

Lets you read and update your current location and work with your location history Google documentation.
(require-gapi-doc latitude.v1.js)

1 API Parameters

The following optional keyword arguments may be passed to all functions for this web service:


(_ [#:alt alt    
  #:fields fields    
  #:key key    
  #:oauth_token oauth_token    
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint    
  #:quotaUser quotaUser    
  #:userIp userIp])  jsexpr?
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A

This is not actually a function. This is just using Scribble’s defproc form to list the optional keyword arguments that may be passed to all functions for this service.

alt: Data format for the response.

fields: Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.

key: API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.

oauth_token: OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.

prettyPrint: Returns response with indentations and line breaks.

quotaUser: Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters. Overrides userIp if both are provided.

userIp: IP address of the site where the request originates. Use this if you want to enforce per-user limits.

2 Resources

2.1 location


(latitude-location-list [#:granularity granularity    
  #:max-results max-results    
  #:max-time max-time    
  #:min-time min-time    
  #:alt alt    
  #:fields fields    
  #:key key    
  #:oauth_token oauth_token    
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint    
  #:quotaUser quotaUser    
  #:userIp userIp])  jsexpr?
  granularity : string? = 'N/A
  max-results : string? = 'N/A
  max-time : string? = 'N/A
  min-time : string? = 'N/A
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A
Lists the user’s location history.

granularity: Granularity of the requested locations.

max-results: Maximum number of locations to return.

max-time: Maximum timestamp of locations to return (ms since epoch).

min-time: Minimum timestamp of locations to return (ms since epoch).


(latitude-location-get #:locationId locationId    
  [#:granularity granularity    
  #:alt alt    
  #:fields fields    
  #:key key    
  #:oauth_token oauth_token    
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint    
  #:quotaUser quotaUser    
  #:userIp userIp])  jsexpr?
  locationId : string?
  granularity : string? = 'N/A
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A
Reads a location from the user’s location history.

locationId: Timestamp of the location to read (ms since epoch).

granularity: Granularity of the location to return.


(latitude-location-insert [#:kind kind 
  #:accuracy accuracy 
  #:activityId activityId 
  #:altitude altitude 
  #:altitudeAccuracy altitudeAccuracy 
  #:heading heading 
  #:latitude latitude 
  #:longitude longitude 
  #:speed speed 
  #:timestampMs timestampMs 
  #:alt alt 
  #:fields fields 
  #:key key 
  #:oauth_token oauth_token 
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint 
  #:quotaUser quotaUser 
  #:userIp userIp]) 
  kind : string? = 'N/A
  accuracy : string? = 'N/A
  activityId : string? = 'N/A
  altitude : string? = 'N/A
  altitudeAccuracy : string? = 'N/A
  heading : string? = 'N/A
  latitude : string? = 'N/A
  longitude : string? = 'N/A
  speed : string? = 'N/A
  timestampMs : string? = 'N/A
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A
Inserts or updates a location in the user’s location history.

kind: Kind of this item.

accuracy: Accuracy of the latitude and longitude coordinates, in non-negative meters. Optional.

activityId: Unique ID of the Buzz message that corresponds to the check-in associated with this location. Available only for check-in locations. Optional.

altitude: Altitude of the location, in meters. Optional.

altitudeAccuracy: Accuracy of the altitude value, in meters. Optional.

heading: Direction of travel of the user when this location was recorded. In degrees, clockwise relative to true north. Optional.

latitude: Latitude of the location, in decimal degrees.

longitude: Longitude of the location, in decimal degrees.

speed: Ground speed of the user at the time this location was recorded, in meters per second. Non-negative. Optional.

timestampMs: Timestamp of the Location Resource, in milliseconds since the epoch (UTC). This is also the Location Resource’s unique id.


(latitude-location-delete #:locationId locationId    
  [#:alt alt    
  #:fields fields    
  #:key key    
  #:oauth_token oauth_token    
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint    
  #:quotaUser quotaUser    
  #:userIp userIp])  jsexpr?
  locationId : string?
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A
Deletes a location from the user’s location history.

locationId: Timestamp of the location to delete (ms since epoch).

2.2 currentLocation


(latitude-currentLocation-get [#:granularity granularity 
  #:alt alt 
  #:fields fields 
  #:key key 
  #:oauth_token oauth_token 
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint 
  #:quotaUser quotaUser 
  #:userIp userIp]) 
  granularity : string? = 'N/A
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A
Returns the authenticated user’s current location.

granularity: Granularity of the requested location.


(latitude-currentLocation-insert [#:alt alt 
  #:fields fields 
  #:key key 
  #:oauth_token oauth_token 
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint 
  #:quotaUser quotaUser 
  #:userIp userIp]) 
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A
Updates or creates the user’s current location.


(latitude-currentLocation-delete [#:alt alt 
  #:fields fields 
  #:key key 
  #:oauth_token oauth_token 
  #:prettyPrint prettyPrint 
  #:quotaUser quotaUser 
  #:userIp userIp]) 
  alt : string? = 'N/A
  fields : string? = 'N/A
  key : string? = (api-key)
  oauth_token : string? = 'N/A
  prettyPrint : string? = 'N/A
  quotaUser : string? = 'N/A
  userIp : string? = 'N/A
Deletes the authenticated user’s current location.