


By Jay McCarthy <>

Keywords: _database_


A simple content-addressed storage layer.

You probably want to wrap this in a caching layer, like one of my
other packages.

This is used is some of my web applications to give user's keys to
persistent data.


Require it like this:

> (require (planet "" ("jaymccarthy" "hash-store.plt" 1)))

It provides the follow identifiers:

> SHA1 : bytes? -> bytes?


Require it like this:

> (require (planet "" ("jaymccarthy" "hash-store.plt" 1)))

It provides the follow identifiers:

> hash-store? : any/c -> boolean?

> create : path? -> hash-store?

> store! : hash-store? bytes? -> bytes?

If the bytes are already in the store, there is no writing. The
hash-code is returned.

> lookup : hash-store? bytes? -> bytes?

If the bytes are the key of something in the store, return that thing.

> exn:fail:hash-store:exists? : any/c -> boolean?

Thrown when `lookup' fails.


See _test.ss_


June 23rd, 2006
     * Filename safe base64 mode (requires SVN of same day)

June 22nd, 2006
     * Initial