#lang scribble/doc @(require scribble/manual scribble/basic scribble/extract planet/scribble (for-label (file "main.rkt") (file "extras.rkt"))) @title[#:tag "top"]{Slideshow LaTeX} @author[(author+email "Jay McCarthy" "jay@racket-lang.org")] @defmodule/this-package[main] This package provides a bunch of macros for including LaTeX figures in your slideshows, plus some other goodies. @margin-note{This package was written by Neil Toronto, but then modified for distribution by Jay.} The best way, right now, to use this package is to look at (and run) the example that it includes by running: @racketmod[slideshow (require (planet jaymccarthy/slideshow-latex/example))] from DrRacket and then left-click the module name and @onscreen{Open} it and read the source. (Obviously, you need LaTeX installed in a sensible place.) Hopefully we will write good documentation shortly. Maybe you can help?