#lang setup/infotab

(define name "MySQL Client Library")

(define blurb
  '("The MySQL Client Library provides access to MySQL databases via TCP."))

(define primary-file "")

(define categories '(net))

(define can-be-loaded-with 'all)

(define repositories '("4.x"))

(define scribblings '(("scribblings/manual.scrbl" (multi-page))))

(define release-notes '((p "Version 1.5: fixed yet another bug with NULL handling, this time in prepared statements.  Despite what the protocol documentation says, we are supposed to send type data for NULL parameter values.  (Thanks to Scott Hickey for the bug report.)")
                        (p "Version 1.4: fixed a bug in NULL handling. (Thanks to David Banks for the bug report.)")
                        (p "Version 1.3: fixed result-set-field-names.  (Thanks to Changying Li for the bug report.)")
                        (p "Version 1.2: documentation fixes.")
                        (p "Version 1.1: working through scribble documentation problems.")
                        (p "Version 1.0: initial release.")))