#lang racket

(require 2htdp/image "config.rkt" racket/gui/base)

(provide (all-defined-out))

(struct sprite (x y dx dy image type energy))
(struct world (decor move-robot move-player score-player score-robot with-sound))

  (let ([column (apply above (make-list (quotient HEIGHT DELTA) IMAGE-GRASS))])
    (apply beside (make-list (quotient WIDTH DELTA) column))))

(define (new-player d)
  (sprite-random d IMAGE-EMPTY 'player ENERGY-PLAYER))

(define (new-robot d)
  (sprite-random d IMAGE-EMPTY 'robot ENERGY-ROBOT))

(define (image-fire f d)
  (let ([dx (sprite-dx f)]
        [dy (sprite-dy f)]
        [fire-at-left? (not (empty? (sprite-left f fire? d)))]
        [fire-at-right? (not (empty? (sprite-right f fire? d)))]
        [fire-at-top? (not (empty? (sprite-up f fire? d)))]
        [fire-at-bottom? (not (empty? (sprite-down f fire? d)))]) 
      [(and (> dx 0) (= dy 0)
            (if (and (not fire-at-left?) (not fire-at-right?)) 
                (bitmap "medias/fire-h-r.png")
                (if (not fire-at-right?)
                    (bitmap "medias/fire-h-r.png")
                    (bitmap "medias/fire-h-l.png"))))]
      [(and (< dx 0) (= dy 0)
            (if (and (not fire-at-left?) (not fire-at-right?)) 
                (bitmap "medias/fire-h-l.png")
                (if (not fire-at-left?)
                    (bitmap "medias/fire-h-l.png")
                    (bitmap "medias/fire-h-r.png"))))]
      [(and (= dx 0) (> dy 0)
            (if (and (not fire-at-top?) (not fire-at-bottom?)) 
                (bitmap "medias/fire-v-d.png")
                (if (not fire-at-bottom?)
                    (bitmap "medias/fire-v-d.png")
                    (bitmap "medias/fire-v-u.png"))))]
      [(and (= dx 0) (< dy 0)
            (if (and (not fire-at-top?) (not fire-at-bottom?)) 
                (bitmap "medias/fire-v-u.png")
                (if (not fire-at-top?)
                    (bitmap "medias/fire-v-u.png")
                    (bitmap "medias/fire-v-d.png"))))]
      [(and (> (abs dx) 0) (= dy 0)) (bitmap "medias/fire-h.png")]
      [(and (= dx 0) (> (abs dy) 0)) (bitmap "medias/fire-v.png")]
      [else (bitmap "medias/fire-c.png")])))

(define (distance s1 s2)
  (let ([x1 (sprite-x s1)]
        [y1 (sprite-y s1)]
        [x2 (sprite-x s2)]
        [y2 (sprite-y s2)])
    (sqrt (+ (sqr (- x2 x1)) (sqr (- y2 y1))))))

(define (bomb? s)
  (equal? (sprite-type s) 'bomb)) 

(define (brick? s)
  (equal? (sprite-type s) 'brick)) 

(define (rock? s)
  (equal? (sprite-type s) 'rock)) 

(define (fire? s)
  (equal? (sprite-type s) 'fire)) 

(define (player? s)
  (equal? (sprite-type s) 'player)) 

(define (robot? s)
  (equal? (sprite-type s) 'robot)) 

(define BORDER
  (flatten (append
            (for/list ([x (in-range 0 (+ WIDTH DELTA) DELTA)])
              (list (sprite x 0 0 0 IMAGE-ROCK 'rock 0)
                    (sprite x HEIGHT 0 0 IMAGE-ROCK 'rock 0)))
            (for/list ([y (in-range 0 (+ HEIGHT DELTA) DELTA)])
              (list (sprite 0 y 0 0 IMAGE-ROCK 'rock 0)
                    (sprite WIDTH y 0 0 IMAGE-ROCK 'rock 0))))))

(define (search-sprite x y test decor)
  (let ([distance (lambda (x y s)
                    (let ([x1 (sprite-x s)]
                          [y1 (sprite-y s)])
                      (sqrt (+ (sqr (- x x1)) (sqr (- y y1))))))]) 
    (if (empty? decor)
        (if (empty? (first decor))
            (if (and (< (distance x y (first decor)) (/ DELTA 2)) (test (first decor)))
                (first decor)
                (search-sprite x y test (rest decor)))))))

(define (player d)
  (if (empty? d)
      (if (equal? (sprite-type (first d)) 'player)
          (first d)
          (player (rest d)))))

(define (robot d)
  (if (empty? d)
      (if (equal? (sprite-type (first d)) 'robot)
          (first d)
          (robot (rest d)))))

(define (go-up j d)
  (if (empty? (sprite-up j (lambda (x) #t) d))
      (cons (struct-copy sprite j [y (- (sprite-y j) DELTA)]) 
            (remove j d))

(define (go-down j d)
  (if (empty? (sprite-down j (lambda (x) #t) d))
      (cons (struct-copy sprite j [y (+ (sprite-y j) DELTA)])
            (remove j d))

(define (go-left j d)
  (if (empty? (sprite-left j (lambda (x) #t) d))
      (cons (struct-copy sprite j [x (- (sprite-x j) DELTA)]) 
            (remove j d))

(define (go-right j d)
  (if (empty? (sprite-right j (lambda (x) #t) d))
      (cons (struct-copy sprite j [x (+ (sprite-x j) DELTA)])
            (remove j d))

(define (explosion? s d)
  (or (= (sprite-energy s) 0)
      (not (empty? (search-sprite (sprite-x s) (sprite-y s) fire? d)))))

(define (energy0? s)
  (<= (sprite-energy s) 0))

(define (sprite-left s type d)
  (search-sprite (- (sprite-x s) DELTA) (sprite-y s) type d))

(define (sprite-right s type d)
  (search-sprite (+ (sprite-x s) DELTA) (sprite-y s) type d))

(define (sprite-up s type d)
  (search-sprite (sprite-x s) (- (sprite-y s) DELTA) type d))

(define (sprite-down s type d)
  (search-sprite (sprite-x s) (+ (sprite-y s) DELTA) type d))

(define (blocked? s d)
  (and (not (empty? (sprite-left s (lambda (x) #t) d)))
       (not (empty? (sprite-right s (lambda (x) #t) d)))
       (not (empty? (sprite-up s (lambda (x) #t) d)))
       (not (empty? (sprite-down s (lambda (x) #t) d)))))

(define (sprite-random d image type energy)
  (let ([x (* (quotient (random WIDTH) DELTA) DELTA)]
        [y (* (quotient (random HEIGHT) DELTA) DELTA)])
    (if (empty? (search-sprite x y (lambda (x) #t) d))
        (let ([s (sprite x y 0 0 image type energy)])
          (if (blocked? s d)
              (sprite-random d image type energy)
        (sprite-random d image type energy))))

(define (make-decor d n image find-require type energy)
  (let ([sprite-random (let ([x (* (quotient (random WIDTH) DELTA) DELTA)]
                             [y (* (quotient (random HEIGHT) DELTA) DELTA)])
                         (if (empty? (search-sprite x y (lambda (x) #t) d))
                             (sprite x y 0 0 image type energy)
    (if (= n 0)
        (if (or (empty? sprite-random) 
                (and find-require (blocked? sprite-random d))) ; player or robot blocked
            (make-decor d (if find-require n (- n 1)) image find-require type energy) ; we search an other solution
            (make-decor (cons sprite-random d) (- n 1) image find-require type energy)))))

(define (consume s)
  (struct-copy sprite s 
               [energy (if (> (sprite-energy s) 0) 
                           (- (sprite-energy s) 1)

(define (drop-bomb j d)
  (if (energy0? j)
      (cons (sprite (sprite-x j) (sprite-y j) 0 0 (first IMAGES-BOMB) 'bomb ENERGY-BOMB) d)

(define (spread-fire s d)
  (let ([next (lambda (x y dx dy)
                (if (not (empty? (search-sprite x y brick? d)))
                    (struct-copy sprite s [x x] [y y] [dx dx] [dy dy] [energy 0])
                    (if (not (empty? (search-sprite x y rock? d)))
                        (struct-copy sprite s [x x] [y y] [dx dx] [dy dy]))))])
    (filter (lambda (x) (not (empty? x)))
            (if (and (> (sprite-dx s) 0)
                     (> (sprite-dy s) 0)) ; initial explosion
                 (consume s)
                 (next (+ (sprite-x s) DELTA) (sprite-y s) 1 0) ; explosion in four directions
                 (next (- (sprite-x s) DELTA) (sprite-y s) -1 0)
                 (next (sprite-x s) (+ (sprite-y s) DELTA) 0 1)
                 (next (sprite-x s) (- (sprite-y s) DELTA) 0 -1))     
                (cond ; explosion in previous direction
                  [(> (sprite-dx s) 0) (list (next (+ (sprite-x s) DELTA) (sprite-y s) (sprite-dx s) 0))]
                  [(< (sprite-dx s) 0) (list (next (- (sprite-x s) DELTA) (sprite-y s) (sprite-dx s) 0))]
                  [(> (sprite-dy s) 0) (list (next (sprite-x s) (+ (sprite-y s) DELTA) 0 (sprite-dy s)))]
                  [(< (sprite-dy s) 0) (list (next (sprite-x s) (- (sprite-y s) DELTA) 0 (sprite-dy s)))])))))

(define (tic-tac-bomb b d w)
  (if (explosion? b d)
        (if (world-with-sound w) (play-sound sound-file true) #t)
        (sprite (sprite-x b) (sprite-y b) 
                1 1 ; indicates the beginning of the deflagration (horizontal and vertical directions)
                (image-fire b d)
      (struct-copy sprite b
                   [image (if (equal? (sprite-image b) (first IMAGES-BOMB))
                              (last IMAGES-BOMB)
                              (first IMAGES-BOMB))]
                   [energy (- (sprite-energy b) 1)])))

(define (tic-tac-player-or-robot s d image energie)
  (if (energy0? s)
      (struct-copy sprite s [image image] [energy 0])
      (struct-copy sprite s [image (if (> (sprite-energy s) (/ energie 2))
                                       IMAGE-EMPTY ; if it's begining, no image
                                       (if (equal? (sprite-image s) image) ; after, flashing image
                   [energy (- (sprite-energy s) 1)])))