(module xml-match-tests mzscheme
  (require (lib "pretty.ss"))
  (require (lib "xml.ss" "webit")
           (lib "html.ss" "webit"))
  (define-syntax run-test
    (syntax-rules ()
      ((run-test desc test expected-result)
       (let ((expected expected-result))
         (printf "~nRunning test ~s:~n" desc)
         (pretty-print (quote test))
         (let ((actual test))
           (if (equal? actual expected)
               (begin (printf "gave the expected result: ")
                      (pretty-print actual))
               (write (format "Unexpected result: ~s~nexpected ~s~n" actual expected) (current-error-port))))))))
  (define-syntax compile-match
    (syntax-rules ()
      [(compile-match pat action0 action ...)
       (lambda (x)
         (xml-match x [pat action0 action ...]))]))
  (run-test "basic match of a top-level pattern var"
            (xml-match '(e 3 4 5)
              [,y (list "matched" y)])
            '("matched" (e 3 4 5)))
  (run-test "match of simple element contents with pattern vars"
            ((compile-match (e ,a ,b ,c) (list a b c)) '(e 3 4 5))
            '(3 4 5))
  (run-test "match a literal pattern within a element pattern"
            ((compile-match (e ,a "abc" ,c) (list a c)) '(e 3 "abc" 5))
            '(3 5))
  (run-test "match an empty element"
            ((compile-match (e) "match") '(e))
  (run-test "match a nested element"
            ((compile-match (e ,a (f ,b ,c) ,d) (list a b c d)) '(e 3 (f 4 5) 6))
            '(3 4 5 6))
  (run-test "match a dot-rest pattern within a nested element"
            ((compile-match (e ,a (f . ,y) ,d) (list a y d)) '(e 3 (f 4 5) 6))
            '(3 (4 5) 6))
  (run-test "match a basic list pattern"
            ((compile-match (list ,a ,b ,c ,d ,e) (list a b c d e)) '("i" "j" "k" "l" "m"))
            '("i" "j" "k" "l" "m"))
  (run-test "match a list pattern with a dot-rest pattern"
            ((compile-match (list ,a ,b ,c . ,y) (list a b c y)) '("i" "j" "k" "l" "m"))
            '("i" "j" "k" ("l" "m")))
  (run-test "basic test of a multi-clause xml-match"
            (xml-match '(a 1 2 3)
              ((a ,n) n)
              ((a ,m ,n) (+ m n))
              ((a ,m ,n ,o) (list "matched" (list m n o))))
            '("matched" (1 2 3)))
  (run-test "basic test of a xml-match-let"
            (xml-match-let ([(a ,i ,j) '(a 1 2)])
              (+ i j))
  (run-test "basic test of a xml-match-let*"
            (xml-match-let* ([(a ,k) '(a (b 1 2))]
                             [(b ,i ,j) k])
              (list i j))
            '(1 2))
  (run-test "match of top-level literal string pattern"
            ((compile-match "abc" "match") "abc")
  (run-test "match of top-level literal number pattern"
            ((compile-match 77 "match") 77)
  (run-test "test of multi-expression guard in pattern"
            (xml-match '(a 1 2 3)
              ((a ,n) n)
              ((a ,m ,n) (+ m n))
              ((a ,m ,n ,o) (guard (number? m) (number? n) (number? o)) (list "guarded-matched" (list m n o))))
            '("guarded-matched" (1 2 3)))
  (run-test "basic test of multiple action items in match clause"
            ((compile-match 77 (display "match-77\n") "match") 77)
  ;(define simple-eval
  ;  (lambda (x)
  ;    (xml-match x
  ;      [,i (guard (integer? i)) i]
  ;      [(+ ,[x*] ...) (apply + x*)]
  ;      [(* ,[x*] ...) (apply * x*)]
  ;      [(- ,[x] ,[y]) (- x y)]
  ;      [(/ ,[x] ,[y]) (/ x y)]
  ;      [,otherwise (error "simple-eval: invalid expression" x)])))
  (define simple-eval
    (lambda (x)
      (xml-match x
        [,i (guard (integer? i)) i]
        [(+ ,x ,y) (+ (simple-eval x) (simple-eval y))]
        [(* ,x ,y) (* (simple-eval x) (simple-eval y))]
        [(- ,x ,y) (- (simple-eval x) (simple-eval y))]
        [(/ ,x ,y) (/ (simple-eval x) (simple-eval y))]
        [,otherwise (error "simple-eval: invalid expression" x)])))
  (run-test "basic test of explicit recursion in match clauses"
            (simple-eval '(* (+ 7 3) (- 7 3)))
  (define simple-eval2
    (lambda (x)
      (xml-match x
        [,i (guard (integer? i)) i]
        [(+ ,[x] ,[y]) (+ x y)]
        [(* ,[x] ,[y]) (* x y)]
        [(- ,[x] ,[y]) (- x y)]
        [(/ ,[x] ,[y]) (/ x y)]
        [,otherwise (error "simple-eval: invalid expression" x)])))
  (run-test "basic test of anonymous catas"
            (simple-eval2 '(* (+ 7 3) (- 7 3)))
  (define simple-eval3
    (lambda (x)
      (xml-match x
        [,i (guard (integer? i)) i]
        [(+ ,[simple-eval3 -> x] ,[simple-eval3 -> y]) (+ x y)]
        [(* ,[simple-eval3 -> x] ,[simple-eval3 -> y]) (* x y)]
        [(- ,[simple-eval3 -> x] ,[simple-eval3 -> y]) (- x y)]
        [(/ ,[simple-eval3 -> x] ,[simple-eval3 -> y]) (/ x y)]
        [,otherwise (error "simple-eval: invalid expression" x)])))
  (run-test "test of named catas"
            (simple-eval3 '(* (+ 7 3) (- 7 3)))
  ; need a test case for cata on a ". rest)" pattern
  (run-test "successful test of attribute matching: pat-var in value position"
            (xml-match '(e (@ (z 1)) 3 4 5)
              [(e z: ,d ,a ,b ,c) (list d a b c)]
              [,otherwise #f])
            '(1 3 4 5))
  (run-test "failing test of attribute matching: pat-var in value position"
            (xml-match '(e (@ (a 1)) 3 4 5)
              [(e z: ,d ,a ,b ,c) (list d a b c)]
              [,otherwise #f])
  (run-test "test of attribute matching: literal in value position"
            ((compile-match (e z: 1 ,a ,b ,c) (list a b c)) '(e (@ (z 1)) 3 4 5))
            '(3 4 5))
  (run-test "test of attribute matching: default-value spec in value position"
            ((compile-match (e z: (,d 1) ,a ,b ,c) (list d a b c)) '(e 3 4 5))
            '(1 3 4 5))
  (run-test "test of attribute matching: multiple attributes in pattern"
            ((compile-match (e y: ,e z: ,d ,a ,b ,c) (list e d a b c)) '(e (@ (z 1) (y 2)) 3 4 5))
            '(2 1 3 4 5))
  (run-test "basic test of ellipses in pattern; no ellipses in output"
            ((compile-match (e ,i ...) i) '(e 3 4 5))
            '(3 4 5))
  (run-test "test of non-null tail pattern following ellipses"
            ((compile-match (e ,i ... ,a ,b) i) '(e 3 4 5 6 7))
            '(3 4 5 ))
  (define simple-eval4
    (lambda (x)
      (xml-match x
        [,i (guard (integer? i)) i]
        [(+ ,[x*] ...) (apply + x*)]
        [(* ,[x*] ...) (apply * x*)]
        [(- ,[x] ,[y]) (- x y)]
        [(/ ,[x] ,[y]) (/ x y)]
        [,otherwise (error "simple-eval: invalid expression" x)])))
  (run-test "test of catas with ellipses in pattern"
            (simple-eval4 '(* (+ 7 3) (- 7 3)))
  (run-test "simple test of ellipses in pattern and output"
            ((compile-match (e ,i ...) ((lambda rst (cons 'f rst)) i ...)) '(e 3 4 5))
            '(f 3 4 5))
  (define simple-eval5
    (lambda (x)
      (xml-match x
        [,i (guard (integer? i)) i]
        [(+ ,[x*] ...) (+ x* ...)]
        [(* ,[x*] ...) (* x* ...)]
        [(- ,[x] ,[y]) (- x y)]
        [(/ ,[x] ,[y]) (/ x y)]
        [,otherwise (error "simple-eval: invalid expression" x)])))
  (run-test "test of catas with ellipses in pattern and output"
            (simple-eval5 '(* (+ 7 3) (- 7 3)))
  (run-test "test of nested dots in pattern and output"
            ((lambda (x)
               (xml-match x
                 [(d (a ,b ...) ...)
                  (list (list b ...) ...)]))
             '(d (a 1 2 3) (a 4 5) (a 6 7 8) (a 9 10)))
            '((1 2 3) (4 5) (6 7 8) (9 10)))
  (run-test "test successful tail pattern match (after ellipses)"
            (xml-match '(e 3 4 5 6 7) ((e ,i ... 6 7) #t) (,otherwise #f))
  (run-test "test failing tail pattern match (after ellipses), too few items"
            (xml-match '(e 3 4 5 6) ((e ,i ... 6 7) #t) (,otherwise #f))
  (run-test "test failing tail pattern match (after ellipses), too many items"
            (xml-match '(e 3 4 5 6 7 8) ((e ,i ... 6 7) #t) (,otherwise #f))
  (run-test "test failing tail pattern match (after ellipses), wrong items"
            (xml-match '(e 3 4 5 7 8) ((e ,i ... 6 7) #t) (,otherwise #f))
  (run-test "test of ellipses in output quasiquote"
            (xml-match '(e 3 4 5 6 7)
              [(e ,i ... 6 7) `("start" ,i ... "end")]
              [,otherwise #f])
            '("start" 3 4 5 "end"))
  (run-test "test of ellipses in output quasiquote, with more complex unquote expression"
            (xml-match '(e 3 4 5 6 7)
              [(e ,i ... 6 7) `("start" ,(list 'wrap i) ... "end")]
              [,otherwise #f])
            '("start" (wrap 3) (wrap 4) (wrap 5) "end"))
  (run-test "test of a quasiquote expr within the dotted unquote expression"
            (xml-match '(e 3 4 5 6 7)
              [(e ,i ... 6 7) `("start" ,`(wrap ,i) ... "end")]
              [,otherwise #f])
            '("start" (wrap 3) (wrap 4) (wrap 5) "end"))
  (define-element d)
  (define-element a)
  (define x (d (a 1 2 3) (a 4 5) (a 6 7 8) (a 9 10)))
  (run-test "quasiquote tests"
            (xml-match x
              [(d (a ,b ...) ...)
               `(,`(,b ...) ...)])
            '((1 2 3) (4 5) (6 7 8) (9 10)))
  (run-test "quasiquote tests"
            (xml-match x
              [(d (a ,b ...) ...)
               (list (list b ...) ...)])
            '((1 2 3) (4 5) (6 7 8) (9 10)))
  (run-test "quasiquote tests"
            (xml-match x
              [(d (a ,b ...) ...)
               `(xx ,`(y ,b ...) ...)])
            '(xx (y 1 2 3) (y 4 5) (y 6 7 8) (y 9 10)))
  (run-test "quasiquote tests"
            (xml-match x
              [(d (a ,b ...) ...)
               `(xx ,@(map (lambda (i) `(y ,@i)) b))])
            '(xx (y 1 2 3) (y 4 5) (y 6 7 8) (y 9 10)))
  (run-test "quasiquote tests"
            (xml-match x
              [(d (a ,b ...) ...)
               `(xx ,(cons 'y b) ...)])
            '(xx (y 1 2 3) (y 4 5) (y 6 7 8) (y 9 10)))
  (run-test "quasiquote tests"
            (xml-match x
              [(d (a ,b ...) ...)
               `(xx ,`(y ,b ...) ...)])
            '(xx (y 1 2 3) (y 4 5) (y 6 7 8) (y 9 10)))
  (run-test "quasiquote tests"
            (xml-match x
              [(d (a ,b ...) ...)
               `(xx ,`(y ,@b) ...)])
            '(xx (y 1 2 3) (y 4 5) (y 6 7 8) (y 9 10)))
  (run-test "quasiquote tests"
            (xml-match x
              [(d (a ,b ...) ...)
               `((,b ...) ...)])
            '((1 2 3) (4 5) (6 7 8) (9 10)))
  (run-test "quasiquote tests"
            (xml-match x
              [(d (a ,b ...) ...)
               `(xx (y ,b ...) ...)])
            '(xx (y 1 2 3) (y 4 5) (y 6 7 8) (y 9 10)))
  (define (prog-trans p)
    (xml-match p
      [(Program (Start ,start-time) (Duration ,dur) (Series ,series-title)
                (Description . ,desc)
       (h4:div (h4:p start-time
                     (h4:br) series-title
                     (h4:br) desc)
      [(Program (Start ,start-time) (Duration ,dur) (Series ,series-title)
                (Description . ,desc))
       (h4:div (h4:p start-time
                     (h4:br) series-title
                     (h4:br) desc))]
      [(Program (Start ,start-time) (Duration ,dur) (Series ,series-title))
       (h4:div (h4:p start-time
                     (h4:br) series-title))]))
  (run-test "test for shrinking-order list of pattern clauses"
            (prog-trans '(Program (Start "2001-07-05T20:00:00") (Duration "PT1H") (Series "HomeFront")))
            '(div (p "2001-07-05T20:00:00" (br) "HomeFront")))
  (run-test "test nested xml-match forms (each with ellipsis)"
            (xml-match '(a (b 1 2) (b 3 4 5) (b 6 7))
              [(a ,i ...)
               (list (xml-match i
                       [(b ,j ...) (list i j ...)]) ...)])
            '(((b 1 2) 1 2) ((b 3 4 5) 3 4 5) ((b 6 7) 6 7)))
  (run-test "test shadowing of same identifier in nested xml-match-let"
            (xml-match-let ([(a ,k) '(a (b 1 2))])
              (xml-match-let ([(c ,i ,k) '(c 3 4)])
                (list i k)))
            '(3 4))
  (run-test "test ellipsis within a finite-length pattern following ellipsis"
            (xml-match '(a 1 2 3 4 (c 5 6 7))
              [(a ,b ... (c ,i ...)) (list b ... i ...)])
            '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
  (run-test "test tunnelling dotted vars info inwards to a nested xml-match with no dotted vars"
            (xml-match '(a 1 2 3 4)
              [(a ,i ...) (xml-match '(b 5 6 7)
                            [(b ,j ,k ,l) (list j k l i ...)])])
            '(5 6 7 1 2 3 4))
  (run-test "second test of tunnelling dotted vars info inwards to a nested xml-match with no dotted vars"
            (xml-match '(a 1 2 3 4)
              [(a ,i ...) (xml-match '(b 5 6 7)
                            [,j (list j i ...)])])
            '((b 5 6 7) 1 2 3 4))
  (run-test "test ellipsis in xml-match-let body"
            (xml-match-let ([(a ,i ...) '(a 1 2 3 4)]
                            [,j '(b 5 6 7)])
              (list j i ...))
            '((b 5 6 7) 1 2 3 4))
  (run-test "test shadowing of dotted vars, by a non-dotted var"
            (xml-match-let* ([(a ,i ,j ...) '(a 1 2 3 4)]
                             [(b ,k . ,j) '(b 5 6 7 8 9)])
              (list i k j))
            '(1 5 (6 7 8 9)))

(require xml-match-tests)