(module tests mzscheme
(require (lib "pretty.ss"))
(define-syntax run-test
(syntax-rules ()
((run-test desc test expected-result)
(let ((expected expected-result))
(printf "~nRunning test ~s:~n" desc)
(pretty-print (quote test))
(let ((actual test))
(if (equal? actual expected)
(begin (printf "gave the expected result: ")
(pretty-print actual))
(write (format "Unexpected result: ~s~nexpected ~s~n" actual expected) (current-error-port))))))))
(require "../xml.ss")
(define-element a)
(define-element (b a-url))
(define-element (z b-url))
(define-attribute c)
(define-attribute (d a-url))
(define-attribute e)
(define-attribute (f b-url))
(run-test "xml-element? predicate: apply to non-element (text)"
(xml-element? "abc") #f)
(run-test "xml-element? predicate: apply to non-element (xml-comment)"
(xml-element? (make-xml-comment "comment test")) #f)
(run-test "xml-element? predicate: apply to a simple, constructed element"
(xml-element? (a "abc")) #t)
(run-test "test of element-constructor: no children, no-attributes, no ns-list"
(a) '(a))
(run-test "test of element-constructor: no-attributes, no ns-list"
(a "text") '(a "text"))
(run-test "test of element-constructor: attributes, no ns-list"
(a c: "123" e: "456" "text") '(a (@ (c "123") (e "456")) "text"))
(run-test "test of element-constructor (with namespaces): attributes, no ns-list"
(b d: "123" f: "456" "text") '(a-url:b (@ (a-url:d "123") (b-url:f "456")) "text"))
(run-test "test of element-constructor (with namespaces): attributes, ns-list"
(bind-namespaces ((ap "a-url")
(bp "b-url"))
(b d: "123" f: "456" "text"))
'(a-url:b (@ (@ (*NAMESPACES* (ap "a-url") (bp "b-url"))) (a-url:d "123") (b-url:f "456")) "text"))
(run-test "test #f as an attribute value; should not create attribute"
(a d: #f "text") '(a "text"))
(run-test "test xml-element-tag (local name)"
(xml-element-tag (a)) 'a)
(run-test "test xml-element-print-tag (local name)"
(xml-element-print-tag (a)) 'a)
(run-test "test xml-element-target-ns (local name)"
(xml-element-target-ns (a)) #f)
(run-test "test xml-element-tag (qname)"
(xml-element-tag (b)) 'a-url:b)
(run-test "test xml-element-print-tag (qname)"
(xml-element-print-tag (b)) 'b)
(run-test "test xml-element-target-ns (qname)"
(xml-element-target-ns (b)) 'a-url)
(define vv
'(e "abc"
(@ (a 1) (@ (*NAMESPACES* (r "url1") (s "url2")) (*other* "text")) (b 2))
(@ (@ (*NAMESPACES* (t "url3") (u "url4"))))
(@ (c 3))))
(define xx
'(e "abc"
(@ (a 1) (@ (*NAMESPACES* (r "url1") (s "url2"))) (b 2))
(@ )
(@ (c 3))))
(run-test "test xml-element-attributes against non-normalized SXML (1)"
(xml-element-attributes vv)
'((a 1) (b 2) (c 3)))
(run-test "test xml-element-attributes against non-normalized SXML (2)"
(xml-element-attributes xx)
'((a 1) (b 2) (c 3)))
(run-test "test xml-element-ns-list against non-normalized SXML (1)"
(xml-element-ns-list vv)
'((r "url1") (s "url2") (t "url3") (u "url4")))
(run-test "test xml-element-ns-list against non-normalized SXML (2)"
(xml-element-ns-list xx)
'((r "url1") (s "url2")))
(run-test "test xml-element-contents against non-normalized SXML (1)"
(xml-element-contents vv)
'("abc" "cde" "fgh"))
(run-test "test xml-element-contents against non-normalized SXML (2)"
(xml-element-contents xx)
'("abc" "cde" "fgh"))
(define yy-attrs '((a 1) (b 2) (c 3)))
(define yy-ns-list '((r "url1") (s "url2")))
(define yy-contents '((a) "bcd" (e)))
(run-test "test list-structure sharing with xml-element-attributes (1)"
(eq? (xml-element-attributes `(e (@ . ,yy-attrs) . ,yy-contents)) yy-attrs) #t)
(run-test "test list-structure sharing with xml-element-attributes (2)"
(eq? (xml-element-attributes `(e (@ (@ (*NAMESPACES* . ,yy-ns-list)) . ,yy-attrs) . ,yy-contents))
(run-test "test list-structure sharing with xml-element-ns-list"
(eq? (xml-element-ns-list `(e (@ (@ (*NAMESPACES* . ,yy-ns-list)) . ,yy-attrs) . ,yy-contents))
(run-test "test list-structure sharing with xml-element-contents"
(eq? (xml-element-contents `(e (@ (@ (*NAMESPACES* . ,yy-ns-list)) . ,yy-attrs) . ,yy-contents))
(run-test "test xml-element-ns-list: element with attributes, but no ns-list"
(xml-element-ns-list `(e (@ . ,yy-attrs) . ,yy-contents)) '())
(run-test "test xml-element-attributes on empty attributes and ns-list structure"
(xml-element-attributes '(a (@ (@)) "text"))
(run-test "test xml-element-ns-list on empty attributes and ns-list structure"
(xml-element-ns-list '(a (@ (@)) "text"))
(run-test "test an generated attribute accessor/test: attribute present"
(&d? '(a-url:b (@ (@ (*NAMESPACES* (ap "a-url") (bp "b-url"))) (a-url:d "123") (b-url:f "456")) "text"))
(run-test "test an generated attribute accessor/test: attribute not present"
(&d? '(a-url:b (@ (@ (*NAMESPACES* (ap "a-url") (bp "b-url"))) (a-url:zz "123") (b-url:f "456")) "text"))
(require tests)