#lang racket
(require rackunit)                ;; for unit testing
(provide (all-defined-out))
;; Our state contains two pieces.
(define-struct state (data ptr)
;; Creates a new state, with a byte array of 30000 zeros, and
;; the pointer at index 0.
(define (new-state)
  (make-state (make-vector 30000 0)
;; increment the data pointer
(define (increment-ptr a-state)
  (set-state-ptr! a-state (add1 (state-ptr a-state))))
;; decrement the data pointer
(define (decrement-ptr a-state)
  (set-state-ptr! a-state (sub1 (state-ptr a-state))))
;; increment the byte at the data pointer
(define (increment-byte a-state)
  (define v (state-data a-state))
  (define i (state-ptr a-state))
  (vector-set! v i (add1 (vector-ref v i))))
;; decrement the byte at the data pointer
(define (decrement-byte a-state)
  (define v (state-data a-state))
  (define i (state-ptr a-state))
  (vector-set! v i (sub1 (vector-ref v i))))
;; print the byte at the data pointer
(define (write-byte-to-stdout a-state)
  (define v (state-data a-state))
  (define i (state-ptr a-state))
  (write-byte (vector-ref v i) (current-output-port)))
;; read a byte from stdin into the data pointer
(define (read-byte-from-stdin a-state)
  (define v (state-data a-state))
  (define i (state-ptr a-state))
  (vector-set! v i (read-byte (current-input-port))))
;; we know how to do loops!
(define-syntax-rule (loop a-state body ...)
  (local [(define (loop)
            (unless (= (vector-ref (state-data a-state) (state-ptr a-state))
              body ...

; RackUnit Testing

;; Simple exercises.
(let ([s (new-state)])
  (increment-byte s)
  (check-equal? 1 (vector-ref (state-data s) 0))
  (increment-byte s)
  (check-equal? 2 (vector-ref (state-data s) 0))
  (decrement-byte s)
  (check-equal? 1 (vector-ref (state-data s) 0)))
;; pointer movement
(let ([s (new-state)])
  (increment-ptr s)
  (increment-byte s)
  (check-equal? 0 (vector-ref (state-data s) 0))
  (check-equal? 1 (vector-ref (state-data s) 1))
  (decrement-ptr s)
  (increment-byte s)
  (check-equal? 1 (vector-ref (state-data s) 0))
  (check-equal? 1 (vector-ref (state-data s) 1)))
;; make sure standard input is doing something
(let ([s (new-state)])
  (parameterize ([current-input-port
                  (open-input-bytes (bytes 3 1 4))])
    (read-byte-from-stdin s)
    (increment-ptr s)
    (read-byte-from-stdin s)
    (increment-ptr s)
    (read-byte-from-stdin s))
  (check-equal? 3 (vector-ref (state-data s) 0))
  (check-equal? 1 (vector-ref (state-data s) 1))
  (check-equal? 4 (vector-ref (state-data s) 2)))
;; make sure standard output is doing something
(let ([s (new-state)])
  (set-state-data! s (vector 80 76 84))
  (let ([simulated-stdout (open-output-string)])
    (parameterize ([current-output-port simulated-stdout])
      (write-byte-to-stdout s)
      (increment-ptr s)
      (write-byte-to-stdout s)
      (increment-ptr s)
      (write-byte-to-stdout s))
    (check-equal? "PLT" (get-output-string simulated-stdout))))
;; Let's see that we can clear.
(let ([s (new-state)])
  (set-state-data! s (vector 0 104 101 108 112 109 101 105
                            109 109 101 108 116 105 110 103))
  (set-state-ptr! s 15)
  ;; [ [-] < ]
  (loop s
        (loop s (decrement-byte s))
        (decrement-ptr s))
  (check-equal? 0 (state-ptr s))
  (check-equal? (make-vector 16 0) (state-data s)))