@html_text_substitution=readme.txt|readme.txt @external-css=../allegro.css @document_title=Allegro QNX-specific information @
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		 QNX-specific information.

	 See readme.txt for a more general overview.
@heading QNX notes Status: it works. Only annoying bug left seems to be the display switching in fullscreen mode; just don't try to change workspace while in fullscreen or your program will crash... Also, video bitmaps and hardware acceleration are still not yet implemented. @heading Required software The library works with QNX 6.0 RTP. You need the development tools installed on your system; if you don't have them, you can get them from the QNX online repository using the Package Manager. @heading Installing Allegro As Allegro is a multiplatform library, you first need to set it up for use on QNX RTP, by running: chmod +x fix.sh ./fix.sh qnx Now you may want to generate the dependencies; this step is optional if you are using an official release, but it is required if you got a CVS snapshot of the library. make depend Then you need to build Allegro: make And finally install it (you need to be root for this): su -c "make install" Installing the library will copy the header files to /usr/include, the library file to /usr/lib and the allegro-config script into /usr/bin. @heading Using Allegro Linking with Allegro requires you to link also other libraries to your executables. To avoid you having to work out the right linker commands for yourself, the installation creates a script, allegro-config, that will print out a suitable commandline. You can use this inside a backtick command substitution, for example: gcc myfile.c -o myprogram `allegro-config --libs` Or if you want to build a debug version of your program, assuming that you have installed the debug version of Allegro: gcc myfile.c -o myprogram `allegro-config --libs debug` Unix newbies, take note that these are ` backticks, not normal ' quotes! There are also switches for printing out the Allegro version number and overriding the install paths. Run allegro-config without any arguments for a full list of options. Don't forget that you need to use the END_OF_MAIN() macro right after your main() function! @heading Final notes Allegro for QNX requires you to be running the Photon MicroGUI environment; if Photon cannot be found, the library will fail to initialize. If this happens, you're probably in a text console; just run "ph" to start Photon.