#include "title.h" #include "data.h" #include "star.h" #include "display.h" #include "dirty.h" /* for parsing readme.txt */ typedef struct TEXT_LIST { char *text; struct TEXT_LIST *next; } TEXT_LIST; typedef struct README_SECTION { TEXT_LIST *head; TEXT_LIST *tail; char *flat; char *desc; } README_SECTION; /* for parsing thanks._tx and the various source files */ typedef struct CREDIT_NAME { char *name; char *text; TEXT_LIST *files; struct CREDIT_NAME *next; } CREDIT_NAME; /* text messages (loaded from readme.txt) */ static char *title_text; static int title_size; static int title_alloced; static char *end_text; static PALETTE title_palette; /* author credits scroller */ static int credit_width = 0; static int credit_scroll = 0; static int credit_offset = 0; static int credit_age = 0; static int credit_speed = 32; static int credit_skip = 1; /* text scroller at the bottom */ static int text_scroll = 0; static BITMAP *text_bmp; static int text_char; static int text_pix; static int text_width; CREDIT_NAME *credit_name = NULL; static CREDIT_NAME *credits = NULL; /* timer callback for controlling the speed of the scrolling text */ static volatile int scroll_count; static void scroll_counter(void) { scroll_count++; } END_OF_STATIC_FUNCTION(scroll_counter); /* formats a list of TEXT_LIST structure into a single string */ static char *format_text(TEXT_LIST * head, char *eol, char *gap) { TEXT_LIST *l; int size = 0; char *s; l = head; while (l) { if (l->text[0]) size += strlen(l->text) + strlen(eol); else size += strlen(gap) + strlen(eol); l = l->next; } s = malloc(size + 1); s[0] = 0; l = head; while (l) { if (l->text[0]) strcat(s, l->text); else strcat(s, gap); strcat(s, eol); l = l->next; } return s; } /* loads the scroller message from readme.txt */ static void load_text(void) { README_SECTION sect[] = { {NULL, NULL, NULL, "Introduction"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, "Features"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, "Copyright"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, "Contact info"} }; #define SPLITTER " " static char intro_msg[] = "Welcome to the Allegro demonstration game, by Shawn Hargreaves." SPLITTER "Your mission: to go where no man has gone before, to seek out strange new life, and to boldly blast it to smithereens." SPLITTER "Your controls: the arrow keys to move left and right, the up arrow to accelerate (the faster you go, the more score you get), and the space bar to fire." SPLITTER "What complexity!" SPLITTER "What subtlety." SPLITTER "What originality." SPLITTER "But enough of that. On to the serious stuff..." SPLITTER; static char splitter[] = SPLITTER; static char marker[] = "--------"; char buf[256], buf2[256]; README_SECTION *sec = NULL; TEXT_LIST *l, *p; PACKFILE *f; int inblank = TRUE; char *s; int i; get_executable_name(buf, sizeof(buf)); replace_filename(buf2, buf, "readme.txt", sizeof(buf2)); f = pack_fopen(buf2, F_READ); if (!f) { replace_filename(buf2, buf, "../readme.txt", sizeof(buf2)); f = pack_fopen(buf2, F_READ); if (!f) { title_text = "Can't find readme.txt, so this scroller is empty. "; title_size = strlen(title_text); title_alloced = FALSE; end_text = NULL; return; } } while (pack_fgets(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, f) != 0) { if (buf[0] == '=') { s = strchr(buf, ' '); if (s) { for (i = strlen(s) - 1; (uisspace(s[i])) || (s[i] == '='); i--) s[i] = 0; s++; sec = NULL; inblank = TRUE; for (i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(sect) / sizeof(sect[0])); i++) { if (stricmp(s, sect[i].desc) == 0) { sec = §[i]; break; } } } } else if (sec) { s = buf; while ((*s) && (uisspace(*s))) s++; for (i = strlen(s) - 1; (i >= 0) && (uisspace(s[i])); i--) s[i] = 0; if ((s[0]) || (!inblank)) { l = malloc(sizeof(TEXT_LIST)); l->next = NULL; l->text = malloc(strlen(s) + 1); strcpy(l->text, s); if (sec->tail) sec->tail->next = l; else sec->head = l; sec->tail = l; } inblank = (s[0] == 0); } } pack_fclose(f); if (sect[2].head) end_text = format_text(sect[2].head, "\n", ""); else end_text = NULL; title_size = strlen(intro_msg); for (i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(sect) / sizeof(sect[0])); i++) { if (sect[i].head) { sect[i].flat = format_text(sect[i].head, " ", splitter); title_size += strlen(sect[i].flat) + strlen(sect[i].desc) + strlen(splitter) + strlen(marker) * 2 + 2; } } title_text = malloc(title_size + 1); title_alloced = TRUE; strcpy(title_text, intro_msg); for (i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(sect) / sizeof(sect[0])); i++) { if (sect[i].flat) { strcat(title_text, marker); strcat(title_text, " "); strcat(title_text, sect[i].desc); strcat(title_text, " "); strcat(title_text, marker); strcat(title_text, splitter); strcat(title_text, sect[i].flat); } } for (i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(sect) / sizeof(sect[0])); i++) { l = sect[i].head; while (l) { free(l->text); p = l; l = l->next; free(p); } if (sect[i].flat) free(sect[i].flat); } } /* reads credit info from a source file */ static int parse_source(AL_CONST char *filename, int attrib, void *param) { char buf[256]; PACKFILE *f; CREDIT_NAME *c; TEXT_LIST *d; char *p; if (attrib & FA_DIREC) { p = get_filename(filename); if ((stricmp(p, ".") != 0) && (stricmp(p, "..") != 0) && (stricmp(p, "lib") != 0) && (stricmp(p, "obj") != 0)) { /* recurse inside a directory */ strcpy(buf, filename); put_backslash(buf); strcat(buf, "*.*"); for_each_file_ex(buf, 0, ~(FA_ARCH | FA_RDONLY | FA_DIREC), parse_source, param); } } else { p = get_extension(filename); if ((stricmp(p, "c") == 0) || (stricmp(p, "cpp") == 0) || (stricmp(p, "h") == 0) || (stricmp(p, "inc") == 0) || (stricmp(p, "s") == 0) || (stricmp(p, "asm") == 0)) { /* parse a source file */ f = pack_fopen(filename, F_READ); if (!f) return -1; textprintf_centre_ex(screen, font, SCREEN_W / 2, SCREEN_H / 2 + 8, makecol(160, 160, 160), 0, " %s ", filename + (int)(unsigned long)param); while (pack_fgets(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, f) != 0) { if (strstr(buf, "*/")) break; c = credits; while (c) { if (strstr(buf, c->name)) { for (d = c->files; d; d = d->next) { if (strcmp (d->text, filename + (int)(unsigned long)param) == 0) break; } if (!d) { d = malloc(sizeof(TEXT_LIST)); d->text = malloc(strlen (filename + (int)(unsigned long)param) + 1); strcpy(d->text, filename + (int)(unsigned long)param); d->next = c->files; c->files = d; } } c = c->next; } } pack_fclose(f); } } return 0; } /* sorts a list of text strings */ static void sort_text_list(TEXT_LIST ** head) { TEXT_LIST **prev, *p; int done; do { done = TRUE; prev = head; p = *head; while ((p) && (p->next)) { if (stricmp(p->text, p->next->text) > 0) { *prev = p->next; p->next = p->next->next; (*prev)->next = p; p = *prev; done = FALSE; } prev = &p->next; p = p->next; } } while (!done); } /* sorts a list of credit strings */ static void sort_credit_list(void) { CREDIT_NAME **prev, *p; TEXT_LIST *t; int n, done; do { done = TRUE; prev = &credits; p = credits; while ((p) && (p->next)) { n = 0; for (t = p->files; t; t = t->next) n--; for (t = p->next->files; t; t = t->next) n++; if (n == 0) n = stricmp(p->name, p->next->name); if (n > 0) { *prev = p->next; p->next = p->next->next; (*prev)->next = p; p = *prev; done = FALSE; } prev = &p->next; p = p->next; } } while (!done); } /* reads credit info from various places */ static void load_credits(void) { static int once = FALSE; char buf[256], buf2[256], *p, *p2; CREDIT_NAME *c = NULL; PACKFILE *f; if (once) return; once = TRUE; textout_centre_ex(screen, font, "Scanning for author credits...", SCREEN_W / 2, SCREEN_H / 2 - 16, makecol(160, 160, 160), 0); load_text(); /* Don't load top scroller with small screens. */ if (SCREEN_W < 640) return; /* parse thanks._tx */ get_executable_name(buf, sizeof(buf)); replace_filename(buf2, buf, "../docs/src/thanks._tx", sizeof(buf2)); f = pack_fopen(buf2, F_READ); if (!f) return; while (pack_fgets(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, f) != 0) { if (stricmp(buf, "Thanks!") == 0) break; while ((p = strstr(buf, "<")) != NULL) { *p = '<'; memmove(p + 1, p + 3, strlen(p + 2)); } while ((p = strstr(buf, ">")) != NULL) { *p = '>'; memmove(p + 1, p + 3, strlen(p + 2)); } p = buf; while ((*p) && (uisspace(*p))) p++; p2 = p; while ((*p2) && ((!uisspace(*p2)) || (*(p2 + 1) != '('))) p2++; if ((strncmp(p2, " (", 9) == 0) || (strncmp(p2, " (email", 7) == 0)) { *p2 = 0; c = malloc(sizeof(CREDIT_NAME)); c->name = malloc(strlen(p) + 1); strcpy(c->name, p); c->text = NULL; c->files = NULL; c->next = credits; credits = c; } else if (*p) { if (c) { p2 = p + strlen(p) - 1; while ((p2 > p) && (uisspace(*p2))) *(p2--) = 0; if (c->text) { c->text = realloc(c->text, strlen(c->text) + strlen(p) + 2); strcat(c->text, " "); strcat(c->text, p); } else { c->text = malloc(strlen(p) + 1); strcpy(c->text, p); } } } else c = NULL; } pack_fclose(f); /* parse source files */ get_executable_name(buf, sizeof(buf)); replace_filename(buf2, buf, "../*.*", sizeof(buf2)); for_each_file_ex(buf2, 0, ~(FA_ARCH | FA_RDONLY | FA_DIREC), parse_source, (void *)(unsigned long)(strlen(buf2) - 3)); /* sort the lists */ sort_credit_list(); for (c = credits; c; c = c->next) { sort_text_list(&c->files); } } static void scroller(void) { int c, n; TEXT_LIST *tl; starfield_3d(); /* move the scroller at the bottom */ text_scroll++; /* update the credits position */ if (credit_scroll <= 0) { if (credit_name) credit_name = credit_name->next; if (!credit_name) credit_name = credits; if (credit_name) { credit_width = text_length(data[TITLE_FONT].dat, credit_name->name) + 24; if (credit_name->text) credit_scroll = strlen(credit_name->text) * 8 + SCREEN_W - credit_width + 64; else credit_scroll = 256; tl = credit_name->files; n = 0; while (tl) { n++; tl = tl->next; } credit_offset = 0; if (n) { credit_skip = 1 + n / 50; credit_speed = 8 + fixtoi(fixdiv(itofix(512), itofix(n))); if (credit_speed > 200) credit_speed = 200; c = 1024 + (n - 1) * credit_speed; if (credit_scroll < c) { credit_offset = credit_scroll - c; credit_scroll = c; } } credit_age = 0; } } else { credit_scroll--; credit_age++; } } static void draw_scroller(BITMAP *bmp) { /* for the text scroller */ char buf[2] = " "; TEXT_LIST *tl; int n, n2, c, c2, c3; char *p; char cbuf[2] = " "; FONT *bigfont = data[TITLE_FONT].dat; int th = text_height(bigfont); /* draw the text scroller at the bottom */ blit(text_bmp, text_bmp, text_scroll, 0, 0, 0, SCREEN_W, th); rectfill(text_bmp, SCREEN_W - text_scroll, 0, SCREEN_W, th, 0); while (text_scroll > 0) { text_pix += text_scroll; if (text_char >= 0) buf[0] = title_text[text_char]; textout_ex(text_bmp, bigfont, buf, SCREEN_W - text_pix, 0, -1, 0); if (text_pix >= text_width) { text_scroll = text_pix - text_width; text_char++; if (text_char >= title_size) text_char = 0; buf[0] = title_text[text_char]; text_pix = 0; text_width = text_length(data[TITLE_FONT].dat, buf); } else text_scroll = 0; } blit(text_bmp, bmp, 0, 0, 0, SCREEN_H - th, SCREEN_W, th); if (animation_type == DIRTY_RECTANGLE) dirty_rectangle(0, SCREEN_H - th, SCREEN_W, th); /* draw author file credits */ if (credit_name) { int x, y, z; int ix, iy; tl = credit_name->files; n = credit_width; n2 = 0; while (tl) { c = 1024 + n2 * credit_speed - credit_age; if ((c > 0) && (c < 1024) && ((n2 % credit_skip) == 0)) { x = itofix(SCREEN_W / 2); y = itofix(SCREEN_H / 2 - 32); c2 = c * ((n / 13) % 17 + 1) / 32; if (n & 1) c2 = -c2; c2 -= 96; c3 = (32 + fixtoi(ABS(fixsin(itofix(c / (15 + n % 42) + n))) * 128)) * SCREEN_W / 640; x += fixsin(itofix(c2)) * c3; y += fixcos(itofix(c2)) * c3; if (c < 512) { z = fixsqrt(itofix(c) / 512); x = fixmul(itofix(32), itofix(1) - z) + fixmul(x, z); y = fixmul(itofix(16), itofix(1) - z) + fixmul(y, z); } else if (c > 768) { z = fixsqrt(itofix(1024 - c) / 256); if (n & 2) x = fixmul(itofix(128), itofix(1) - z) + fixmul(x, z); else x = fixmul(itofix(SCREEN_W - 128), itofix(1) - z) + fixmul(x, z); y = fixmul(itofix(SCREEN_H - 128), itofix(1) - z) + fixmul(y, z); } c = 128 + (512 - ABS(512 - c)) / 24; c = MIN(255, c * 1.25); ix = fixtoi(x); iy = fixtoi(y); c2 = strlen(tl->text); ix -= c2 * 4; textout_ex(bmp, font, tl->text, ix, iy, c, 0); if (animation_type == DIRTY_RECTANGLE) dirty_rectangle(ix, iy, c2 * 8, 8); } tl = tl->next; n += 1234567; n2++; } } draw_starfield_3d(bmp); /* draw author name/desc credits */ if (credit_name) { if (credit_name->text) { c = credit_scroll + credit_offset; p = credit_name->text; c2 = strlen(p); if (c > 0) { if (c2 > c / 8) { p += c2 - c / 8; c &= 7; } else { c -= c2 * 8; } c += credit_width; while ((*p) && (c < SCREEN_W - 32)) { if (c < credit_width + 96) c2 = 128 + (c - credit_width - 32) * 127 / 64; else if (c > SCREEN_W - 96) c2 = 128 + (SCREEN_W - 32 - c) * 127 / 64; else c2 = 255; if ((c2 > 128) && (c2 <= 255)) { cbuf[0] = *p; textout_ex(bmp, font, cbuf, c, 16, c2, 0); } p++; c += 8; } } } c = 4; if (credit_age < 100) c -= (100 - credit_age) * (100 - credit_age) * credit_width / 10000; if (credit_scroll < 150) c += (150 - credit_scroll) * (150 - credit_scroll) * SCREEN_W / 22500; textprintf_ex(bmp, data[TITLE_FONT].dat, c, 4, -1, 0, "%s:", credit_name->name); if (animation_type == DIRTY_RECTANGLE) dirty_rectangle(0, 4, SCREEN_W, text_height(data[TITLE_FONT].dat)); } /* draw the Allegro logo over the top */ draw_sprite(bmp, data[TITLE_BMP].dat, SCREEN_W / 2 - 160, SCREEN_H / 2 - 96); } /* displays the title screen */ int title_screen(void) { static int color = 0; int c; BITMAP *bmp; RGB rgb; int updated; int scroll_pos = 0; text_scroll = 0; credit_width = 0; credit_scroll = 0; credit_offset = 0; credit_age = 0; credit_speed = 32; credit_skip = 1; text_char = -1; text_pix = 0; text_width = 0; text_bmp = create_bitmap(SCREEN_W, 24); clear_bitmap(text_bmp); play_midi(data[TITLE_MUSIC].dat, TRUE); play_sample(data[WELCOME_SPL].dat, 255, 127, 1000, FALSE); load_credits(); init_starfield_3d(); for (c = 0; c < 8; c++) title_palette[c] = ((RGB *) data[TITLE_PAL].dat)[c]; /* set up the colors differently each time we display the title screen */ for (c = 8; c < PAL_SIZE / 2; c++) { rgb = ((RGB *) data[TITLE_PAL].dat)[c]; switch (color) { case 0: rgb.b = rgb.r; rgb.r = 0; break; case 1: rgb.g = rgb.r; rgb.r = 0; break; case 3: rgb.g = rgb.r; break; } title_palette[c] = rgb; } for (c = PAL_SIZE / 2; c < PAL_SIZE; c++) title_palette[c] = ((RGB *) data[TITLE_PAL].dat)[c]; color++; if (color > 3) color = 0; clear_display(); set_palette(title_palette); LOCK_VARIABLE(scroll_count); LOCK_FUNCTION(scroll_counter); scroll_count = 1; install_int(scroll_counter, 5); while ((c = scroll_count) < 160) stretch_blit(data[TITLE_BMP].dat, screen, 0, 0, 320, 128, SCREEN_W / 2 - c, SCREEN_H / 2 - c * 64 / 160 - 32, c * 2, c * 128 / 160); remove_int(scroll_counter); blit(data[TITLE_BMP].dat, screen, 0, 0, SCREEN_W / 2 - 160, SCREEN_H / 2 - 96, 320, 128); clear_keybuf(); scroll_count = 0; install_int(scroll_counter, 6); do { updated = 0; while (scroll_pos <= scroll_count) { scroller(); scroll_pos++; updated = 1; } if (max_fps || updated) { bmp = prepare_display(); draw_scroller(bmp); flip_display(); } /* rest for a short while if we're not in CPU-hog mode and too fast */ if (!max_fps && !updated) { rest(1); } poll_joystick(); } while ((!keypressed()) && (!joy[0].button[0].b) && (!joy[0].button[1].b)); remove_int(scroll_counter); fade_out(5); destroy_bitmap(text_bmp); while (keypressed()) if ((readkey() & 0xff) == 27) return FALSE; return TRUE; } void end_title(void) { CREDIT_NAME *cred; TEXT_LIST *tl; if (end_text) { allegro_message("%shttp://alleg.sourceforge.net/\n\n", end_text); free(end_text); } if ((title_text) && (title_alloced)) free(title_text); while (credits) { cred = credits; credits = cred->next; if (cred->name) free(cred->name); if (cred->text) free(cred->text); while (cred->files) { tl = cred->files; cred->files = tl->next; if (tl->text) free(tl->text); free(tl); } free(cred); } }