/* ______ ___ ___ * /\ _ \ /\_ \ /\_ \ * \ \ \L\ \\//\ \ \//\ \ __ __ _ __ ___ * \ \ __ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ /'__`\ /'_ `\/\`'__\/ __`\ * \ \ \/\ \ \_\ \_ \_\ \_/\ __//\ \L\ \ \ \//\ \L\ \ * \ \_\ \_\/\____\/\____\ \____\ \____ \ \_\\ \____/ * \/_/\/_/\/____/\/____/\/____/\/___L\ \/_/ \/___/ * /\____/ * \_/__/ * * Makedoc's html output routines. * * By Shawn Hargreaves. * * Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz made the output valid HTML 4.0, made sorted * TOCs, added support for cross references and optional CSS to color * output, added support for auto types' cross references generation, * and a few smaller details more. * * Robert J. Ohannessian did some cosmetic improvements to the HTML * output and separated the CSS file. * * See readme.txt for copyright information. * * See allegro/docs/src/makedoc/format.txt for a brief description of * the source of _tx files. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "makehtml.h" #include "makemisc.h" #include "makedoc.h" #include "maketexi.h" #define TOKEN_NORMAL 'n' #define TOKEN_TEXT 't' typedef struct t_post POST; struct t_post { char filename[1024]; char **token; int num; }; int html_flags; char charset[256]="iso-8859-1"; const char *html_extension = "html"; char *html_document_title; char *html_footer; char *html_see_also_text; char *html_examples_using_this_text; char *html_css_filename; char *html_return_value_text; char *html_text_substitution[256]; static POST **_post; static FILE *_file; static char _filename[1024]; static char *_xref[256], *_eref[256]; static char *_full_eref_list; static int _xrefs, _erefs; static int _empty_count; static char *_word_substitution[256]; static const char *_codeblock_start = "
static const char *_codeblock_end = "
"; static const int _codeblock_start_len = 30; static const int _codeblock_end_len = 19; /* MSVC doesn't like long strings. */ static const char *_css_data1 = "\ A.xref:link {\n\ \tcolor: blue;\n\ \ttext-decoration: none;\n\ \tbackground: transparent;\n\ }\n\ A.xref:visited {\n\ \tcolor: blue;\n\ \ttext-decoration: none;\n\ \tbackground: transparent;\n\ }\n\ A.xref:hover {\n\ \tcolor: blue;\n\ \ttext-decoration: underline;\n\ \tbackground: rgb(220, 220, 220);\n\ }\n\ A.xref:active {\n\ \tcolor: red;\n\ \ttext-decoration: none;\n\ \tbackground: rgb(255, 204, 50);\n\ }\n\ A.eref:link {\n\ \tcolor: blue;\n\ \ttext-decoration: none;\n\ \tbackground: transparent;\n\ }\n\ A.eref:visited {\n\ \tcolor: blue;\n\ \ttext-decoration: none;\n\ \tbackground: transparent;\n\ }\n\ A.eref:hover {\n\ \tcolor: blue;\n\ \ttext-decoration: underline;\n\ \tbackground: rgb(255, 165, 214);\n\ }\n\ A.eref:active {\n\ \tcolor: red;\n\ \ttext-decoration: none;\n\ \tbackground: rgb(255, 204, 50);\n\ }\n\ A.autotype:link {\n\ \tcolor: rgb(64, 64, 255);\n\ \ttext-decoration: none;\n\ \tbackground: transparent;\n\ }\n\ A.autotype:visited {\n\ \tcolor: rgb(64, 64, 255);\n\ \ttext-decoration: none;\n\ \tbackground: transparent;\n\ }\n\ A.autotype:hover {\n\ \tcolor: rgb(64, 64, 255);\n\ \ttext-decoration: underline;\n\ \tbackground: transparent;\n\ }\n\ "; static const char *_css_data2 = "\ A.autotype:active {\n\ \tcolor: red;\n\ \ttext-decoration: none;\n\ \tbackground: transparent;\n\ }\n\ blockquote.xref {\n\ \tfont-family: helvetica, verdana, serif;\n\ \tfont-size: smaller;\n\ \tborder: thin solid rgb(220, 220, 220);\n\ \tcolor: black;\n\ \tbackground: rgb(240, 240, 240);\n\ }\n\ blockquote.eref {\n\ \tfont-family: helvetica, verdana, serif;\n\ \tfont-size: smaller;\n\ \tborder: thin solid rgb(255, 165, 214);\n\ \tcolor: black;\n\ \tbackground: rgb(255, 201, 230);\n\ }\n\ blockquote.code {\n\ \tborder: thin solid rgb(255, 234, 190);\n\ \tcolor: black;\n\ \tbackground: rgb(255, 255, 205);\n\ }\n\ blockquote.text {\n\ \tborder: thin solid rgb(190, 234, 255);\n\ \tcolor: black;\n\ \tbackground: rgb(225, 255, 255);\n\ }\n\ div.al-api {\n\ \tpadding-left: 0.5em;\n\ \tcolor: black;\n\ \tbackground: rgb(255, 234, 100);\n\ \tfont-weight: bold;\n\ \tborder-bottom: medium solid rgb(255, 204, 51);\n\ \tborder-left: medium solid rgb(255, 204, 51);\n\ \tmargin-top: 2em;\n\ }\n\ div.al-api-cont {\n\ \tpadding-left: 0.5em;\n\ \tcolor: black;\n\ \tbackground: rgb(255, 234, 100);\n\ \tfont-weight: bold;\n\ \tborder-bottom: medium solid rgb(255, 204, 51);\n\ \tborder-left: medium solid rgb(255, 204, 51);\n\ \tmargin-top: -1em;\n\ }\n\ div.faq-shift-to-right {\n\ \tmargin-left: 2em;\n\ }\n\ div.al-back-to-contents {\n\ \ttext-align: center;\n\ \tfont-family: sans-serif;\n\ \tmargin-top: 1em;\n\ \tfont-weight: bold;\n\ \t/* Removing the comments of the next line create longer pages */\n\ \t/* margin-bottom: 100em; */\n\ }\n\ "; /* Internal functions */ static void _write_html_ref_list(char **ref, int *refs, const char *type); static void _write_html_ref(char *ref, const char *type); static void _output_html_footer(char *main_filename); static void _output_toc(char *filename, int root, int body, int part); static void _hfprintf(char *format, ...); static void _hfputs(char *string); static int _toc_scmp(const void *e1, const void *e2); static int _str_cmp(const void *s1, const void *s2); static int _output_section_heading(LINE *line, char *filename, int section_number); static void _output_custom_markers(LINE *line); static void _output_buffered_text(void); static void _output_html_header(char *section); static void _add_post_process_ref(const LINE *token, char type); static void _post_process_pending_refs(void); static POST *_search_post_section(const char *filename); static POST *_search_post_section_with_token(const char *token); static POST *_create_post_section(const char *filename); static void _destroy_post_page(POST *p); static void _post_process_filename(char *filename); static int _verify_correct_input(void); static void _close_html_file(FILE *file); static void _output_sorted_nested_toc(TOC **list, unsigned int num_items); static int _detect_non_paragraph_sections(const char *text); static char *_mark_up_auto_types(char *line, char **auto_types); static void _write_css_file(char *html_path, char *css_filename); static void _prepare_html_text_substitution(void); static void _free_html_text_substitution_memory(void); static char *_do_text_substitution(char *input); static void _output_symbol_index(void); static const char *_find_short_description(const LINE *line); static const char *_look_up_short_description(const char *token, int len); static char *_scan_line_for_code_tokens(char *line, int *code_scanning); static char *_replace_code_tokens(char *line, int column, int *end); static char *_find_potential_token(char *line, int column, int end, int *found_size); /* write_html: * Entry point to the function which translates makedoc's format * to correct html output. */ int write_html(char *filename) { int block_empty_lines = 0, section_number = 0, ret; int last_line_was_a_definition = 0; LINE *line = head; char **auto_types; if (_verify_correct_input()) return 1; /* English default text initialization */ if (!html_see_also_text) html_see_also_text = m_strdup("See also:"); if (!html_examples_using_this_text) html_examples_using_this_text = m_strdup("Examples using this:"); if (!html_return_value_text) html_return_value_text = m_strdup("Return value:"); /*printf("writing %s\n", filename);*/ _file = fopen(filename, "w"); if (!_file) return 1; /* build up a table with Allegro's structures' names (spelling?) */ auto_types = build_types_lookup_table(0); strcpy(_filename, filename); if(html_document_title) _output_html_header(0); /* write out css if specified and allowed */ if(html_css_filename && !(html_flags & HTML_IGNORE_CSS)) _write_css_file(filename, html_css_filename); while (line) { if (line->flags & HTML_FLAG) { if (line->flags & (HEADING_FLAG | NODE_FLAG | DEFINITION_FLAG)) { _write_html_ref_list(_xref, &_xrefs, "xref"); _write_html_ref_list(_eref, &_erefs, "eref"); } if (line->flags & HEADING_FLAG) { _output_buffered_text(); if (_output_section_heading(line, filename, section_number)) return 1; _add_post_process_ref(line, TOKEN_TEXT); section_number++; } else if (line->flags & RETURN_VALUE_FLAG) { assert(html_return_value_text); fputs("

", _file); fputs(html_return_value_text, _file); fputs("\n", _file); } else if (line->flags & NODE_FLAG) { _output_buffered_text(); /* output a node marker, which will be followed by a chunk of text inside a chapter */ fprintf(_file, "


\n", line->text, line->text); _add_post_process_ref(line, TOKEN_TEXT); } else if (line->flags & DEFINITION_FLAG) { static int prev_continued = 0; char *temp = m_strdup(line->text); if (_empty_count && !block_empty_lines) _empty_count++; _output_buffered_text(); /* output a function definition */ _add_post_process_ref(line, TOKEN_NORMAL); temp = _mark_up_auto_types(temp, auto_types); if (!prev_continued) { if (!(html_flags & HTML_IGNORE_CSS)) { if (!last_line_was_a_definition) { fputs("

", _file); } else { fputs("
", _file); } } else { if (!last_line_was_a_definition) { fputs("
", _file); } else { fputs("", _file); } } } _hfprintf("%s", temp); if (!(line->flags & CONTINUE_FLAG)) { if (!(html_flags & HTML_IGNORE_CSS)) { fputs("

", _file); } else { fputs("

", _file); } prev_continued = 0; } else { prev_continued = 1; } fputs("\n", _file); free(temp); } else if ((!(line->flags & NO_EOL_FLAG)) && (is_empty(strip_html(line->text))) && (!strstr(line->text, "
  • "))) { _hfprintf("%s\n", line->text); if (!block_empty_lines) _empty_count++; } else if (strstr(line->text, "") || strstr(line->text, "")) { _output_buffered_text(); _output_custom_markers(line); } else { /* output a normal line */ _output_buffered_text(); if ((html_flags & HTML_SPACED_LI) && strstr(line->text, "
  • ")) fputs("

    ", _file); _hfputs(line->text); fputs("\n", _file); } /* mutex to control extra line output in preformated sections */ ret = _detect_non_paragraph_sections(line->text); if (ret) { if(!block_empty_lines) _empty_count = 0; block_empty_lines += ret; } } else if (line->flags & TOC_FLAG) { _write_html_ref_list(_xref, &_xrefs, "xref"); _write_html_ref_list(_eref, &_erefs, "eref"); if (flags & MULTIFILE_FLAG) { _output_buffered_text(); _output_toc(filename, 1, 0, -1); } else if (line->flags & SHORT_TOC_FLAG) { _output_buffered_text(); _output_toc(filename, 0, 1, -1); } else { _output_buffered_text(); _output_toc(filename, 1, 1, -1); } } else if (line->flags & XREF_FLAG) { if (line->flags & EREF_FLAG) _eref[_erefs++] = line->text; /* buffer example reference */ else _xref[_xrefs++] = line->text; /* buffer cross reference */ } else if (line->flags & INDEX_FLAG) { _output_buffered_text(); _output_symbol_index(); } /* Keep track of continuous definitions */ last_line_was_a_definition = (line->flags & DEFINITION_FLAG); line = line->next; } if ((flags & MULTIFILE_FLAG) && (section_number > 1)) _output_html_footer(filename); _close_html_file(_file); _post_process_pending_refs(); free(html_see_also_text); free(html_examples_using_this_text); free(html_return_value_text); free(_full_eref_list); destroy_types_lookup_table(auto_types, 0); return 0; } /* _output_custom_markers: * Converts the and custom markers to proper html code. */ static void _output_custom_markers(LINE *line) { char *s2, *s3; /* special munging for links */ char *s = line->text; do { s2 = strstr(s, ""); s3 = strstr(s, ""); if ((s2) || (s3)) { int i; char buf[256]; if ((s3) && ((!s2) || (s3 < s2))) s2 = s3; i = 0; while (s < s2) buf[i++] = *(s++); buf[i] = 0; _hfputs(buf); while (*s != '>') s++; s++; i = 0; while ((*s) && (*s != '<')) buf[i++] = *(s++); buf[i] = 0; if (s2[1] == 'e') _hfprintf("%s", buf, buf); else _hfprintf("%s", buf, buf); } } while (s2); _hfputs(s); fputs("\n", _file); } /* _write_html_ref_list: * Recieves an array of pointers and a pointer to the variable holding * the number of buffered text lines. Returns if there are none waiting * to be printed, otherwise sorts the list and writes a block of cross * references. Type should be the string "xref" or "eref". */ static void _write_html_ref_list(char **ref, int *refs, const char *type) { int i; assert(html_see_also_text); assert(html_examples_using_this_text); assert(type); assert(*type); if (!(*refs)) return; fputs("\n", type); else fputs(">", _file); /* select different wording depending on ref type */ if (*type == 'e') fputs(html_examples_using_this_text, _file); else fputs(html_see_also_text, _file); fputs("\n", _file); for (i=0; i<(*refs); i++) { if (i) _hfprintf(",\n"); _write_html_ref(ref[i], type); } *refs = 0; _hfprintf(".%s\n", (html_flags & HTML_IGNORE_CSS) ? "" : ""); _empty_count = 0; } /* _write_html_ref: * Writes a single cross reference splitting ref if needed. * Type should be the string "xref" or "eref". */ static void _write_html_ref(char *ref, const char *type) { char *tok, first = 1; tok = strtok(ref, ",;"); while (tok) { while ((*tok) && (myisspace(*tok))) tok++; if (!first) _hfprintf(",\n"); first = 0; _hfprintf("%s", tok, tok, tok); else _hfprintf("href=\"#%s\" title=\"@SHORTDESC %s@\">%s", tok, tok, tok); tok = strtok(NULL, ",;"); } } /* _write_css_file: * Writes a separate CSS file. Requires two path components: the first * one is the normal html path, the second is a relative path indicating * where to put the css file. The final path will be a composition of * both. */ static void _write_css_file(char *html_path, char *css_filename) { FILE *file; char *full_path; assert(html_path); assert(css_filename); full_path = m_replace_filename(html_path, css_filename); file = fopen(full_path, "wt"); if (!file) { free(full_path); return; } fputs(_css_data1, file); fputs(_css_data2, file); fclose(file); free(full_path); return; } /* _output_html_footer: * Writes that "Back to contets" message at the end of a file with a link. */ static void _output_html_footer(char *main_filename) { assert(html_footer); if (html_flags & HTML_OLD_F_TAG_FLAG) fprintf(_file, html_footer, get_filename(main_filename)); else fprintf(_file, "
    \n", get_filename(main_filename), html_footer); } /* _output_toc: */ static void _output_toc(char *filename, int root, int body, int part) { char name[256]; char *s; TOC *toc; int nested = 0; #define ALT_TEXT(toc) ((toc->alt) ? toc->alt : toc->text) if (root) { int section_number = 0; toc = tochead; if (toc) toc = toc->next; fprintf(_file, "
      \n"); while (toc) { if (toc->root) { if (toc->htmlable) { if (toc->otherfile) { sprintf(name, "%s.%s", toc->text, html_extension); mystrlwr(name); _hfprintf("
    • %s\n", name, ALT_TEXT(toc)); } else if (body) { _hfprintf("
    • %s\n", toc->text, ALT_TEXT(toc)); section_number++; } else { strcpy(name, filename); s = get_extension(name)-1; if (s - get_filename(name) > 5) s = get_filename(name)+5; sprintf(s, "%03d.%s", section_number, html_extension); _hfprintf("
    • %s\n", get_filename(name), ALT_TEXT(toc)); section_number++; } } else if (toc->root == 2) { _hfprintf("


      \n", ALT_TEXT(toc)); } else if (toc->root == 3) { _hfprintf("
      \n"); } } toc = toc->next; } fprintf(_file, "
    \n"); } if (body) { toc = tochead; if (toc) toc = toc->next; if (part <= 0) { TOC *ptr[TOC_SIZE]; int i = 0; if (root) fprintf(_file, "
      \n"); else fprintf(_file, "
        \n"); while (toc) { if ((toc->htmlable) && (!toc->otherfile)) { if (!toc->root) { if (!nested) { fprintf(_file, "
          \n"); nested = 1; } } else { if (nested) { _output_sorted_nested_toc(ptr, i); nested = i = 0; } } if (nested) { if (i < TOC_SIZE) ptr[i++] = toc; } else _hfprintf("
        • %s\n", toc->text, ALT_TEXT(toc)); } toc = toc->next; } if (nested) _output_sorted_nested_toc(ptr, i); if (root) fprintf(_file, "
        \n"); else fprintf(_file, "
      \n"); } else if (!(html_flags & HTML_OPTIMIZE_FOR_CHM) && !(html_flags & HTML_OPTIMIZE_FOR_DEVHELP)) { /* Outputs the function TOC for the current section. */ TOC *ptr[TOC_SIZE]; int j, i = 0; int section_number = 0; fprintf(_file, "\n
        \n"); while ((toc) && (section_number < part)) { if ((toc->htmlable) && (toc->root) && (!toc->otherfile)) section_number++; toc = toc->next; } while ((toc) && (!toc->root) && (i < TOC_SIZE)) { if (toc->htmlable) ptr[i++] = toc; toc = toc->next; } if (i > 1) qsort(ptr, i, sizeof(TOC *), _toc_scmp); for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { _hfprintf("
      • %s", ptr[j]->text, ALT_TEXT(ptr[j])); fprintf(_file, " — "); _hfprintf("@SHORTDESC %s@\n", ALT_TEXT(ptr[j])); } fprintf(_file, "
      \n"); } } } /* _hfprintf: */ static void _hfprintf(char *format, ...) { char buf[1024]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); vsprintf(buf, format, ap); va_end(ap); _hfputs(buf); } /* _hfputs: * Outputs string to _file. At the same time some things are substituted: * (>) for (>), (<) for (<), (&) for (&) and (`word') for * (`word'). */ static void _hfputs(char *string) { char *end = 0; while (*string) { /* Found simple text comma? */ if ((end == 0) && (string[0] == '`')) { end = strchr(string + 1, 39); /* Is there a closing comma? */ if (end) { char *p = string + 1; /* Check for a specific character range */ while ((p < end) && ((*p >= '.') && (*p <= 'z'))) p++; if ((p == end) && (p - string > 1)) { fputs("`", _file); string++; continue; } else { end = 0; } } } /* Is closing comma search active? */ if ((string[0] == 39) && end == string) { fputs("'", _file); string++; end = 0; continue; } if ((string[0] == '&') && ((string[1] == 'l') || (string[1] == 'g')) && (string[2] == 't')) { fputc('&', _file); fputc(string[1], _file); fputc('t', _file); fputc(';', _file); string += 3; } else if ((string[0] == '&') && (string[1] != 'l') && (string[1] != 'g')) { fputs("&", _file); string++; } else { fputc(*string, _file); string++; } } } /* _toc_scmp: * qsort helper which compares two TOC nodes alphabeticaly. */ static int _toc_scmp(const void *e1, const void *e2) { TOC *t1 = *((TOC **)e1); TOC *t2 = *((TOC **)e2); return mystricmp(t1->text, t2->text); } /* _str_cmp: * qsort helper which compares two tokens alphabetically. */ static int _str_cmp(const void *s1, const void *s2) { const char *t1 = *((const char **)s1); const char *t2 = *((const char **)s2); return strcmp(t1, t2); } /* _output_section_heading: * Used to mark a new section of the document. In multifile output closes * the actual file and writes a new one. */ static int _output_section_heading(LINE *line, char *filename, int section_number) { char buf[256], *s; /* output a section heading, switching file as required */ if ((flags & MULTIFILE_FLAG) && (section_number > 0)) { if (section_number > 1) _output_html_footer(filename); _close_html_file(_file); strcpy(buf, filename); s = get_extension(buf)-1; if (s - get_filename(buf) > 5) s = get_filename(buf)+5; sprintf(s, "%03d.%s", section_number-1, html_extension); /*printf("writing %s\n", buf);*/ _file = fopen(buf, "w"); if (!_file) return 1; strcpy(_filename, buf); _output_html_header(line->text); } _hfprintf("


      \n", line->text); if ((flags & MULTIFILE_FLAG) && (!(line->flags & NOCONTENT_FLAG)) && (section_number > 0)) { _output_toc(filename, 0, 1, section_number); } return 0; } /* _output_html_header: * The header of an HTML document is a little bit complex, so it deserves * it's own function. In the header you have the title of the document, * the character set definition and the style sheet specification. This * function just outputs to _file the correct tags, it presumes _file * has just been opened. The title is specified in the source document * with a @document_title= line, and section can be another text which will * be appended to the title. */ static void _output_html_header(char *section) { assert(html_document_title); if (html_flags & HTML_OLD_H_TAG_FLAG) { if (section && strlen(strip_html(section))) { int i; for (i=0; html_document_title[i]; i++) { if (html_document_title[i] == '#') fputs(strip_html(section), _file); else fputc(html_document_title[i], _file); } } } else { fputs("\n", _file); fputs("\n", _file); fputs(html_document_title, _file); if (section && strlen(strip_html(section))) { fputs(": ", _file); fputs(strip_html(section), _file); } fputs("\n\n", _file); fputs("\n", _file); /* optional style sheet output */ if (!(html_flags & HTML_IGNORE_CSS)) { fputs("\n", _file); if (html_css_filename) { fprintf(_file, "", html_css_filename); } else { fputs("\n", _file); } } /* header end and body start */ fputs("\n", _file); } } /* _output_buffered_text: * Outputs buffered text, which might be a set of cross references * followed by a number of empty lines, which will be transformed * to apropiate HTML tags. */ static void _output_buffered_text(void) { if (_empty_count) { if (_empty_count > 1) fputs("

      \n", _file); else fputs("

      \n", _file); _empty_count = 0; } } /* _post_process_pending_refs: * Reopens all the created files and scans for post process tags, which * will be replaced with correct filenames according to the post process * info in memory. Additionally, it will also look for text substitutions * placed in the html_text_substitution global array. */ static void _post_process_pending_refs(void) { int f; if (!_post) return ; _prepare_html_text_substitution(); for(f = 0; _post[f]; f++) _post_process_filename(_post[f]->filename); for(f = 0; _post[f]; f++) _destroy_post_page(_post[f]); _free_html_text_substitution_memory(); free(_post); _post = 0; } /* _add_post_process_ref: * Adds a token to a buffer with the current filename for a post process. * The type of the reference will be stored as the first character of * the clean token, and a comma will separate its short description if * there is any available. */ static void _add_post_process_ref(const LINE *line, char type) { const char *token, *short_desc; char *clean_token; POST *p; assert(line); token = line->text; clean_token = get_clean_ref_token(token); /* ignore empty tokens, or those with space at the beginning */ if (!clean_token[0] || myisspace(clean_token[0])) { free(clean_token); return ; } p = _search_post_section(_filename); if (!p) p = _create_post_section(_filename); short_desc = _find_short_description(line); /* Reserve memory for the list, and the token with type. */ p->token = m_xrealloc(p->token, sizeof(char*) * (1 + p->num)); p->token[p->num] = m_strcat(m_strdup(" "), clean_token); p->token[p->num][0] = type; /* If we found a short description, add it with a comma. */ if (short_desc) { p->token[p->num] = m_strcat(p->token[p->num], ","); p->token[p->num] = m_strcat(p->token[p->num], short_desc); } p->num++; } /* _search_post_section: * Searches the globals for an existant POST page which matches filename. * Returns the POST page or NULL if none was found. */ static POST *_search_post_section(const char *filename) { int f; if (!_post) return 0; for(f = 0; _post[f]; f++) if (!strcmp(_post[f]->filename, filename)) return _post[f]; return 0; } /* _search_post_section_with_token: * Similar to _search_post_section, but instead of matching filenames, * returns the page containing the specified token, NULL if none was found. */ static POST *_search_post_section_with_token(const char *token) { int f, g, len; if (!_post) return 0; len = strlen(token); for(f = 0; _post[f]; f++) { for(g = 0; g < _post[f]->num; g++) { if (!strncmp(_post[f]->token[g] + 1, token, len)) { /* Still, we have to verify the tokens have correct size. */ const char *desc = strchr(_post[f]->token[g], ','); if (desc && (desc - _post[f]->token[g] - 1) == len) return _post[f]; else if (!desc && strlen(_post[f]->token[g] + 1) == (size_t)len) return _post[f]; } } } return 0; } /* _look_up_short_description: * Retrieves from the cached short description the one which matches * len characters from the string token. Returns NULL if none is found. */ static const char *_look_up_short_description(const char *token, int len) { int f, g; if (!_post) return 0; for(f = 0; _post[f]; f++) { for(g = 0; g < _post[f]->num; g++) { /* First see if this entry has a short description. */ const char *desc = strchr(_post[f]->token[g], ','); if (!desc) continue; /* Does the found token have the lenght we are looking for? */ if ((desc - _post[f]->token[g] - 1) != len) continue; /* Verify that the token is the same and has correct length. */ if (!strncmp(_post[f]->token[g] + 1, token, len)) return desc + 1; /* Avoid the comma. */ } } return 0; } /* _create_post_section: * Adds one POST section matching filename to the global array of pages * after creating a new POST page, which will be returned. */ static POST *_create_post_section(const char *filename) { int num; POST *p; p = m_xmalloc(sizeof(POST)); p->token = m_xmalloc(sizeof(char*)); p->num = 0; strcpy(p->filename, filename); if (!_post) { _post = m_xmalloc(sizeof(POST*)); _post[0] = 0; } for(num = 0; _post[num]; num++) ; _post = m_xrealloc(_post, sizeof(POST*) * (2 + num)); _post[num++] = p; _post[num] = 0; return p; } /* _destroy_post_page: * Frees the memory used by a post page. */ static void _destroy_post_page(POST *p) { int f; for(f = 0; f < p->num; f++) free(p->token[f]); free(p->token); free(p); } /* _post_process_filename: * Opens the filename and replaces the post process tags. */ static void _post_process_filename(char *filename) { int code_scanning = 0; char *new_filename, *p; char *line; FILE *f1 = 0, *f2 = 0; new_filename = m_strdup(filename); if (!new_filename || strlen(new_filename) < 2) goto cancel; new_filename[strlen(filename)-1] = 'x'; f1 = fopen(filename, "rt"); f2 = fopen(new_filename, "wt"); if (!f1 || !f2) goto cancel; /*printf("post processing %s\n", filename);*/ code_scanning = 0; while ((line = m_fgets(f1))) { /* Transform read lines into hyperlinks with post process marks. */ line = _scan_line_for_code_tokens(line, &code_scanning); /* Loop over pending filename post process marks. */ while ((p = strstr(line, "\"post_process#"))) { char *clean_token = get_clean_ref_token(p + 2); POST *page = _search_post_section_with_token(clean_token); if (!page) { printf("Didn't find ref for %s (clean: %s)\n", line, clean_token); memmove(p, p + 14, strlen(p + 14) + 1); } else { char *temp = m_xmalloc(1 + strlen(line) + 13 + strlen(get_filename(page->filename))); strncpy(temp, line, p - line + 1); if (!(html_flags & HTML_OPTIMIZE_FOR_DEVHELP) && !strcmp(filename, page->filename)) strcpy(&temp[p - line + 1], p + 13); else { strcpy(&temp[p - line + 1], get_filename(page->filename)); strcat(temp, p + 13); } free(line); line = temp; } free(clean_token); } /* Loop over pending short description marks. */ while ((p = strstr(line, "@SHORTDESC "))) { const char *desc; char *end = strchr(p + 11, '@'); if (!end) { printf("Didn't find closing of @SHORTDESC!\n"); abort(); } desc = _look_up_short_description(p + 11, end - p - 11); if (desc) { /* Substitute with found test. */ char *temp = m_xmalloc(1 + strlen(line) + strlen(desc)); strncpy(temp, line, p - line); strcpy(temp + (p - line), desc); strcat(temp, end + 1); /* Don't copy the @ from end. */ free(line); line = temp; } else { /* Remove the description then. */ if (strncmp(p - 8, "— ", 8) == 0) { /* Remove the previous dash too. */ p -= 8; } memmove(p, end + 1, strlen(end)); } } line = _do_text_substitution(line); fputs(line, f2); free(line); } fclose(f1); fclose(f2); f1 = f2 = 0; if (remove(filename)) goto cancel; rename(new_filename, filename); cancel: if (f1) fclose(f1); if (f2) fclose(f2); if (new_filename) { remove(new_filename); free(new_filename); } } /* _verify_correct_input: * Goes through some bits marked during _tx read and verifies that the * input file is ok, returning non-zero with bad files. */ static int _verify_correct_input(void) { int ret = 0; if (html_flags & HTML_OLD_H_TAG_FLAG) { printf("The tag '@h=#' and its variant "); printf("is obsolete.\nPlease use '@document_title blah blah blah' instead.\n"); printf("Otherwise the output won't be valid HTML code and won't use CSS.\n"); printf("And make sure you aren't using any , or <body> tags!.\n"); } if (!(html_flags & HTML_DOCUMENT_TITLE_FLAG) && (flags & MULTIFILE_FLAG)) { printf("Missing tag for document title. You should use one of these:\n"); printf("@document_title=Allegro manual. (this is recommended)\n ...or...\n"); printf("@h=<html><head><title>#.\n...and later...\n"); printf("@\n@\n@Allegro - a game programming library\n@\n"); ret++; } if (html_flags & HTML_OLD_F_TAG_FLAG) { printf("The tags '@f=blah', '@f1=blah' and '@f2=blah' are obsolete.\n"); printf("Please use '@html_footer=Back to contents' or something similar instead.\n"); printf("And make sure you aren't using any , or <body> tags!.\n"); } if (!(html_flags & HTML_FOOTER_FLAG) && (flags & MULTIFILE_FLAG)) { printf("For multifile documents please use '@html_footer=Back to contents'.\n"); } return ret; } /* _close_html_file: * Closes the stream after writting the apropiate html close tags. */ static void _close_html_file(FILE *file) { fputs("\n</body>\n</html>\n", file); fclose(file); } /* _output_sorted_nested_toc: * Outputs the buffered TOC list, according to num_items. After the * list a </ul> is appended to the text. */ static void _output_sorted_nested_toc(TOC **list, unsigned int num_items) { unsigned int f; if (num_items > 1) qsort(list, num_items, sizeof(TOC *), _toc_scmp); for (f = 0; f < num_items; f++) { _hfprintf("<li><a href=\"#%s\">%s</a>", list[f]->text, ALT_TEXT(list[f])); fprintf(_file, " — "); _hfprintf("@SHORTDESC %s@\n", ALT_TEXT(list[f])); } fprintf(_file, "</ul>\n"); } /* _detect_non_paragraph_sections: * Used on a line of text, detects if the line contains tags after which the * paragraph tag <p> can't exist because it would break html validity. * The return value is a bit special: it * will be zero if no tags where found. For each opening tag the function * will add one to the return value. Equally, each closing tag will substract * one from the return value. Examples: * <pre>..</pre>...<pre> will return 1 * <pre>..<pre>...<pre> will return 3 (note that HTML isn't valid) * ..</pre>.. will return -1 */ static int _detect_non_paragraph_sections(const char *text) { static const char *tags[] = {"pre>", "ul>", "h1>", "h2>", "h3>", "h4>", "h5>", "h6>", "i>", "strong>", "em>", "b>", 0}; const char *p = text; int f, ret = 0; assert(text); while ((p = strchr(p, '<'))) { p++; if (*p == '/') p++; for (f = 0; tags[f]; f++) { if (strncmp(p, tags[f], strlen(tags[f])) == 0) { if (*(p-1) == '/') ret--; else ret++; } } } return ret; } /* _mark_up_auto_types: * Instead of flooding the xref section with detected autotypes, and in * order to obtain a higher coolness factor, autotypes are detected at * definition lines and turned into hyperlinks. For this to happen you * need to pass the text line you would output for a normal definition * line, but it HAS to be dynamic memory (ie: m_strdup'ed). Pass a * previously generated auto_types table. * line has to be dynamic because it will be expanded whenever auto types * are found. Since this is done reallocating, this function will return * the new line pointer you should be using after calling this. */ static char *_mark_up_auto_types(char *line, char **auto_types) { int length; char *p; assert(line); assert(auto_types); /* Did we find some auto type? */ while ((p = strstruct(line, auto_types, &length, 0))) { char *temp = m_strdup(p); *p = 0; if (flags & MULTIFILE_FLAG) { int offset = 22; char *mark = m_xmalloc(3 * length + 47 + 21); if (html_flags & HTML_IGNORE_CSS) strcpy(mark, "<a href=\"post_process#"); else { strcpy(mark, "<a class=\"autotype\" href=\"post_process#"); offset += 17; } strncpy(mark + offset, temp, length); offset += length; strcpy(mark + offset, "\" title=\"@SHORTDESC "); offset += 20; strncpy(mark + offset, temp, length); offset += length; strcpy(mark + offset, "@\">"); offset += 3; strncpy(mark + offset, temp, length); offset += length; strcpy(mark + offset, "</a>"); line = m_strcat(line, mark); free(mark); line = m_strcat(line, temp + length); } else { int offset = 10; char *mark = m_xmalloc(3 * length + 35 + 21); if (html_flags & HTML_IGNORE_CSS) strcpy(mark, "<a href=\"#"); else { strcpy(mark, "<a class=\"autotype\" href=\"#"); offset += 17; } strncpy(mark + offset, temp, length); offset += length; strcpy(mark + offset, "\" title=\"@SHORTDESC "); offset += 20; strncpy(mark + offset, temp, length); offset += length; strcpy(mark + offset, "@\">"); offset += 3; strncpy(mark + offset, temp, length); offset += length; strcpy(mark + offset, "</a>"); line = m_strcat(line, mark); free(mark); line = m_strcat(line, temp + length); } free(temp); } return line; } /* _prepare_html_text_substitution(): * The html_text_substitution array has pointers to text lines in the form * word|text. This function fills a global array with duplicates of word, * and at the same time makes html_text_substitution point directly at * text. With two arrays it is easier to search for words and replace with * the text when they are found. */ static void _prepare_html_text_substitution(void) { int f; char *p; for (f = 0; html_text_substitution[f]; f++) { assert(f < 256); p = strchr(html_text_substitution[f] + 1, '|'); assert(p); *p = 0; _word_substitution[f] = m_strdup(html_text_substitution[f]); p = m_strdup(p + 1); free(html_text_substitution[f]); html_text_substitution[f] = p; } } /* _free_html_text_substitution_memory: * Frees memory stored in the _word_substitution global array. */ static void _free_html_text_substitution_memory(void) { int f; for (f = 0; _word_substitution[f]; f++) { free(html_text_substitution[f]); free(_word_substitution[f]); } } /* _do_text_substitution: * Given a malloc'ed string, searches all _word_substitution in it and * replaces them with html_text_substition if found. Returns a new * string or the one you passed if no changes were made. */ static char *_do_text_substitution(char *input) { int start, end, middle, f; char *temp, *found, *reader; for (f = 0; _word_substitution[f]; f++) { reader = input; while ((found = strstr(reader, _word_substitution[f]))) { /* Find lengths */ start = found - input; middle = strlen(html_text_substitution[f]); end = strlen(found + strlen(_word_substitution[f])); /* Create new string and free old one */ temp = m_xmalloc(start + middle + end + 1); strncpy(temp, input, start); strcpy(temp + start, html_text_substitution[f]); strcat(temp, found + strlen(_word_substitution[f])); free(input); /* Prepare for next loop */ input = temp; reader = temp + start + middle; } } return input; } /* _output_symbol_index: * Called at the end of the first html pass, generates a list of links * to the so far found tokens in the text, which will be hyperlinked * correctly during the second pass. */ static void _output_symbol_index(void) { int f, g, num = 0; char last_letter; char **list = NULL; for(f = 0; _post[f]; f++) { for(g = 0; g < _post[f]->num; g++) { char *tok = _post[f]->token[g]; /* filter text tokens, they are not interesting */ if (tok[0] == TOKEN_TEXT) continue; tok++; /* filter normal tokens from the example list */ if (_full_eref_list && strstr(_full_eref_list, tok)) continue; list = m_xrealloc(list, sizeof(char *) * (num + 1)); list[num++] = tok; } } if (num < 1) return ; qsort(list, num, sizeof(char *), _str_cmp); /* Create minitoc scanning first letters of sorted list. */ fprintf(_file, "<div class='mini_toc' id='top'>\n\t"); for (f = 0, last_letter = -1; f < num; f++) { /* Valid range? */ if (list[f][0] >= 'A' && list[f][0] <= 'z') { /* Different letter? */ if (last_letter != list[f][0]) { last_letter = list[f][0]; fprintf(_file, "<a href='#mini_toc_%c%d'>%c</a>\n\t", last_letter, last_letter > '_', last_letter); } } } fprintf(_file, "\n</div>\n\n"); for (f = 0, last_letter = -1; f < num; f++) { char *p, *temp; /* Did we change letter section? */ if (list[f][0] >= 'A' && list[f][0] <= 'z' && list[f][0] != last_letter) { /* Is this the first section or another one? */ if (last_letter != -1) fprintf(_file, "\n</ul>\n"); last_letter = list[f][0]; fprintf(_file, "<h1 class='mini_toc' " "id='mini_toc_%c%d'><a href='#top'>%c</a></h1>\n<ul>\n", last_letter, last_letter > '_', last_letter); } /* Before writing the string, remove possible short descriptions. */ temp = m_strdup(list[f]); p = strchr(temp, ','); if (p) *p = 0; _hfprintf("<li><a href=\"post_process#%s\">%s</a>", temp, temp); fprintf(_file, " — "); _hfprintf("@SHORTDESC %s@\n", temp); } fprintf(_file, "</ul>"); } /* _find_short_description: * Given a line, looks forward enough to find a @shortdesc definition. * Returns a const pointer to the text of the line, or NULL if no * short definition was found. */ static const char *_find_short_description(const LINE *line) { assert(line); while (1) { line = line->next; if (!line) return 0; /* So, did we find a short description? */ if (line->flags & SHORT_DESC_FLAG) return line->text; /* Continue parsing through continuations or definitions. */ if (line->flags & (CONTINUE_FLAG | DEFINITION_FLAG)) continue; /* Abort on beginning of new chapters, nodes, and paragraphs. */ if (line->flags & (HEADING_FLAG | NODE_FLAG | TEXT_FLAG)) return 0; /* Safe abort on (nearl) empty lines. */ if (strlen(line->text) < 2) return 0; } return 0; } /* _scan_line_for_code_tokens: * Transforms line looking for code tokens. line has to be a dynamic * reallocable string. The code_scanning variable should point to a * state variable indicating whether the line we are processing should be * looked for code tokens or not. When looking for code tokens, anything * in the global token cache will be hyperlinked. */ static char *_scan_line_for_code_tokens(char *line, int *code_scanning) { int column = 0; assert(line); assert(code_scanning); while (1) { if (*code_scanning) { int end; /* Substituting text and looking for closing tags. */ char *p = strstr(line + column, _codeblock_end); if (!p) { end = strlen(line); return _replace_code_tokens(line, column, &end); } /* Looks like we have to change state. */ end = p - line; line = _replace_code_tokens(line, column, &end); column = end; *code_scanning = 0; } else { /* Looking for code chunks. */ char *p = strstr(line + column, _codeblock_start); if (!p) return line; /* Looks like we did find something. Change state. */ column = (p - line) + _codeblock_start_len; *code_scanning = 1; } } } /* _replace_code_tokens: * Given a dynamic line, a beginning and an end, this function replaces * all known tokens with hyperlinks to be post processed. When the new * line is returned, end will have been updated to point at the new * end character in the returned string (because it will grow). */ static char *_replace_code_tokens(char *line, int column, int *end) { int found_size; POST *page; char buf[256]; char *p, *new_line; int expanded; while ((p = _find_potential_token(line, column, *end, &found_size))) { assert(found_size < 255); /* Extract potential token into separate buffer. */ strncpy(buf, p, found_size); buf[found_size] = 0; page = _search_post_section_with_token(buf); if (!page) { column = p - line + found_size; continue; } column = p - line; /* Found a token. Resize line and replace token with hyperlink. */ new_line = m_xmalloc(strlen(line) + found_size * 3 + 69); strncpy(new_line, line, column); new_line[column] = 0; strcat(new_line, "<a href=\"post_process#"); strcat(new_line, buf); strcat(new_line, "\" class=\"autotype\" title=\"@SHORTDESC "); strcat(new_line, buf); strcat(new_line, "@\">"); strcat(new_line, buf); strcat(new_line, "</a>"); expanded = strlen(new_line) - column - found_size; strcat(new_line, line + column + found_size); free(line); line = new_line; column += expanded + found_size; *end = *end + expanded; } return line; } /* _find_potential_token: * In aline, starting at column and endign at end, tries to find potential * tokens, which is words composed of alphanumeric characters and the * underscore. If found, a pointer to the token inside the line is * returned and the length stored in found_size. */ static char *_find_potential_token(char *line, int column, int end, int *found_size) { char *p = line + column; *found_size = 0; #define VALID_CHARACTER() \ (*p == '_' || \ (*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'Z') || \ (*p >= 'a' && *p <= 'z') || \ (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9')) /* Discard bad characters. */ while (!VALID_CHARACTER()) { p++; column++; if (p - line >= end) return 0; } /* Now accept good ones. */ while (VALID_CHARACTER()) { p++; *found_size = *found_size + 1; if (column + *found_size == end) break; } #undef VALID_CHARACTER if (*found_size > 0) return line + column; else return 0; }