@echo off rem Sets up the Allegro package for building with the specified compiler, rem and if possible converting text files from LF to CR/LF format. rem Test if there are too many args. if [%4] == [] goto arg3 goto help :arg3 rem Test if third arg is ok. if [%3] == [--crlf] goto arg2 if [%3] == [--quick] goto arg2 if [%3] == [--msvcpaths] goto arg2 if [%3] == [] goto arg2 goto help :arg2 rem Test if second arg is ok. if [%2] == [--crlf] goto arg1 if [%2] == [--quick] goto arg1 if [%2] == [--msvcpaths] goto arg1 if [%2] == [] goto arg1 goto help :arg1 rem Test if first arg is ok. if [%1] == [bcc32] goto head if [%1] == [djgpp] goto head if [%1] == [mingw32] goto head if [%1] == [msvc] goto head if [%1] == [msvc6] goto head if [%1] == [msvc7] goto head if [%1] == [msvc8] goto head if [%1] == [icl] goto head if [%1] == [watcom] goto head goto help :head rem Generate header of makefile and alplatf.h, rem then go to platform specific function. echo # generated by fix.bat > makefile echo /* generated by fix.bat */ > include\allegro\platform\alplatf.h if [%1] == [bcc32] goto bcc32 if [%1] == [djgpp] goto djgpp if [%1] == [mingw32] goto mingw32 if [%1] == [msvc] goto msvc if [%1] == [msvc6] goto msvc6 if [%1] == [msvc7] goto msvc7 if [%1] == [msvc8] goto msvc8 if [%1] == [icl] goto icl if [%1] == [watcom] goto watcom echo fix.bat internal error: not reached goto help :bcc32 echo Configuring Allegro for Windows/BCC32... echo MAKEFILE_INC = makefile.bcc >> makefile echo #define ALLEGRO_BCC32 >> include\allegro\platform\alplatf.h goto tail :djgpp echo Configuring Allegro for DOS/djgpp... echo MAKEFILE_INC = makefile.dj >> makefile echo #define ALLEGRO_DJGPP >> include\allegro\platform\alplatf.h goto tail :mingw32 echo Configuring Allegro for Windows/Mingw32... echo MAKEFILE_INC = makefile.mgw >> makefile echo #define ALLEGRO_MINGW32 >> include\allegro\platform\alplatf.h goto tail :icl echo Configuring Allegro for Windows/ICL... echo COMPILER_ICL = 1 >> makefile goto msvccommon :msvc8 echo Configuring Allegro for Windows/MSVC8... echo COMPILER_MSVC8 = 1 >> makefile goto msvccommon :msvc7 echo Configuring Allegro for Windows/MSVC7... echo COMPILER_MSVC7 = 1 >> makefile goto msvccommon :msvc echo. echo Notice: Because no version was specified, MSVC 6 has been chosen. echo. echo If you are using a newer version, you should use 'msvc7' or 'msvc8' instead. echo msvc7 should be used for MSVC .NET or MSVC .NET 2003 echo msvc8 should be used for MSVC .NET 2005 echo. :msvc6 echo Configuring Allegro for Windows/MSVC6... goto msvccommon :msvccommon echo MAKEFILE_INC = makefile.vc >> makefile echo #define ALLEGRO_MSVC >> include\allegro\platform\alplatf.h if "%MSVCDir%" == "" set MSVCDir=%VCINSTALLDIR% goto tail :watcom echo Configuring Allegro for DOS/Watcom... echo MAKEFILE_INC = makefile.wat >> makefile echo #define ALLEGRO_WATCOM >> include\allegro\platform\alplatf.h goto tail :help echo. echo Usage: fix platform [--crlf] [--msvcpaths] echo. echo Where platform is one of: echo bcc32, djgpp, mingw32, msvc6, msvc7, msvc8, icl, or watcom. echo. echo The --crlf parameter is used to turn on LF to CR/LF conversion. echo. echo Use the --msvcpaths parameter if your MSVCDir variable contains echo spaces (you can view content of that variable by typing echo echo %%MSVCDir%% echo on the command line). Remember that this will only work if you echo have MinGW gcc in your PATH. echo With MSVC 8 and higher the variable name is VCINSTALLDIR instead echo of MSVCDir. echo. goto end :convertmsvcdir echo Converting MSVCDir path... gcc -s -o msvchelp.exe misc/msvchelp.c msvchelp MSVCDir del msvchelp.exe echo include makefile.helper >> makefile goto realtail :tail if [%3] == [--msvcpaths] goto convertmsvcdir if [%2] == [--msvcpaths] goto convertmsvcdir :realtail rem Generate last line of makefile and optionally convert CR/LF. echo include makefile.all >> makefile if [%2] == [--crlf] goto crlf if [%3] == [--crlf] goto crlf goto done :crlf echo Converting Allegro files to DOS CR/LF format... utod .../*.bat .../*.sh .../*.c *.cfg .../*.h .../*.inc .../*.rc utod .../*.rh .../*.inl .../*.s .../*.txt .../*._tx makefile.* :done echo Done! :end