#lang scribble/manual @(defmodule "bankers-deque.ss") @(require (for-label "bankers-deque.ss") "helper.rkt") @(require scribble/eval) @(define evaluate (make-base-eval)) @(evaluate '(require typed/scheme)) @(evaluate '(require "bankers-deque.ss")) @title{Bankers Deque} Bankers Deques are Amortized double ended deques also known as deque developed using Bankers method. Provides amortized running time of @bold{@italic{O(1)}} for the operations @scheme[head], @scheme[tail], @scheme[last], @scheme[init], @scheme[enqueue-front] and @scheme[enqueue]. Uses lazy evaluation and memoization to achieve the amortized running time. @;section{Bankers Deque Construction and Operations} @defproc[(deque [a A] ...) (Deque A)]{ Function @scheme[deque] creates a Bankers Deque with the given inputs. @examples[#:eval evaluate (deque 1 2 3 4 5 6) ] In the above example, the deque obtained will have 1 as its head element. } @defthing[empty (Deque Nothing)]{ An empty deque} @defproc[(empty? [dq (Deque A)]) Boolean]{ Function @scheme[empty?] checks if the given deque is empty. @examples[#:eval evaluate (empty? empty) (empty? (deque 1 2)) ]} @defproc[(enqueue [a A] [deq (Deque A)]) (Deque A)]{ Function @scheme[enqueue] takes an element and a deque and enqueues the given element in the @scheme[deque]. @examples[#:eval evaluate (enqueue 10 (deque 3 2 4)) ] In the above example, @scheme[(enqueue 10 deq)] adds the element 10 to @scheme[(deque 3 2 4)]. 10 will be the last element in the deque. } @defproc[(enqueue-front [a A] [deq (Deque A)]) (Deque A)]{ Function @scheme[enqueue-front] takes an element and a deque and puts the given element to the front of the given deque. @examples[#:eval evaluate (enqueue-front 10 (deque 5 6 3 4)) ] In the above example, @scheme[(enqueue-front 10 (deque 5 6 3 4))] adds 10 to the front of the @scheme[(deque 5 6 3 4)]. 10 will be the head element. } @defproc[(head [deq (Deque A)]) A]{ Function @scheme[head] takes a deque and gives the first element in the deque if deque is not empty else throws an error. @examples[#:eval evaluate (head (deque 5 2 3)) (head empty) ] In the above example, @scheme[(head empty)] throws an error since the given deque is empty. } @defproc[(last [deq (Deque A)]) A]{ Function @scheme[last] takes a deque and gives the last element in the deque if deque is not empty else throws an error. @examples[#:eval evaluate (last (deque 1 2 3 4 5 6)) (last empty) ] In the above example, @scheme[(last empty)]throws an error since the given deque is empty. } @defproc[(tail [deq (Deque A)]) (Deque A)]{ Function @scheme[tail] takes a deque and returns the given deque without the first element if the given deque is non empty else throws an error. @examples[#:eval evaluate (tail (deque 1 2 3 4 5 6)) (tail empty) ] In the above example, @scheme[(tail (deque 1 2 3 4 5 6))], removes the head of the given deque returns @scheme[(deque 2 3 4 5 6)]. } @defproc[(init [deq (Deque A)]) (Deque A)]{ Function @scheme[init] takes a deque and returns the given deque without the last element if the given deque is not empty else throws an error. @examples[#:eval evaluate (init (deque 1 2 3 4 5 6)) (init empty) ] In the above example, @scheme[(init (deque 1 2 3 4 5 6))], removes the last element 6 and returns @scheme[(deque 1 2 3 4 5)]. } @defproc[(deque->list [deq (Deque A)]) (Listof A)]{ Function @scheme[deque->list] takes a deque and returns a list of elements. The list will have head of the given deque as its first element. If the given deque is empty, then it returns an empty list. @examples[#:eval evaluate (deque->list (deque 10 2 34 4 15 6)) (deque->list empty) ]} @defproc[(map [func (A B ... B -> C)] [deq1 (Deque A)] [deq2 (Deque B)] ...) (Deque A)]{ Function @scheme[map] is similar to @|racket-map| for lists. @examples[#:eval evaluate (deque->list (map add1 (deque 1 2 3 4 5 6))) (deque->list (map * (deque 1 2 3 4 5 6) (deque 1 2 3 4 5 6))) ]} @defproc[(foldl [func (C A B ... B -> C)] [init C] [deq1 (Deque A)] [deq2 (Deque B)] ...) C]{ Function @scheme[foldl] is similar to @|racket-foldl| @margin-note{@scheme[foldl] currently does not produce correct results when the given function is non-commutative.} @examples[#:eval evaluate (foldl + 0 (deque 1 2 3 4 5 6)) (foldl * 1 (deque 1 2 3 4 5 6) (deque 1 2 3 4 5 6)) ]} @defproc[(foldr [func (C A B ... B -> C)] [init C] [deq1 (Deque A)] [deq2 (Deque B)] ...) C]{ Function @scheme[foldr] is similar to @|racket-foldr| @margin-note{@scheme[foldr] currently does not produce correct results when the given function is non-commutative.} @examples[#:eval evaluate (foldr + 0 (deque 1 2 3 4 5 6)) (foldr * 1 (deque 1 2 3 4 5 6) (deque 1 2 3 4 5 6)) ]} @defproc[(filter [func (A -> Boolean)] [que (Deque A)]) (Deque A)]{ Function @scheme[filter] is similar to @|racket-filter|. @examples[#:eval evaluate (define que (deque 1 2 3 4 5 6)) (deque->list (filter (λ: ([x : Integer]) (> x 5)) que)) (deque->list (filter (λ: ([x : Integer]) (< x 5)) que)) (deque->list (filter (λ: ([x : Integer]) (<= x 5)) que)) ]} @defproc[(remove [func (A -> Boolean)] [que (Deque A)]) (Deque A)]{ Function @scheme[remove] is similar to @|racket-filter| but @scheme[remove] removes the elements which match the predicate. @examples[#:eval evaluate (deque->list (remove (λ: ([x : Integer]) (> x 5)) (deque 1 2 3 4 5 6))) (deque->list (remove (λ: ([x : Integer]) (< x 5)) (deque 1 2 3 4 5 6))) (deque->list (remove (λ: ([x : Integer]) (<= x 5)) (deque 1 2 3 4 5 6))) ]} @(close-eval evaluate)