#lang scribble/manual @;(defmodule and have the type (RAList A) @;(require (for-label and have the type (RAList A). @title{Random Access Lists} Following Random Access List structures implement and provide the functions list, empty?, cons, head, tail, list-ref, list-set, drop, list-length and ->list. The implementations of the two data structures are based on numerical representations. Binary random access lists uses the binary number representation and running time of its basic list and random access operations, in worst-case, is logarithmic. Where as skew binary random access lists use skew binary number representation and running time of its basic operations is constant in worst-case. And both the implementations are polymorphic. And our benchmarks indicate that the operations of skew binary random access lists are faster. @local-table-of-contents[] @include-section{binaryrandomaccesslist.scrbl} @include-section{skewbinaryrandomaccesslist.scrbl}