; Module header is generated automatically
#cs(module common mzscheme

; common.scm
; This file is the part of SSAX package (,
; which is in public domain.

;; For PLT Schemes v.200

  (lib "")
  (lib "")
  (rename (lib "") pp pretty-print))
(define (command-line)
  (cons "plt" (vector->list (current-command-line-arguments)
	;	argv

 ;(define (call-with-input-string str fun)
 ;   (fun (open-input-string str)))
 ;(define (call-with-output-string fun)
 ;  (let ((outs (open-output-string)))
 ;  (fun outs)
 ;  (get-output-string outs)))

(define close-output-string get-output-string)

(define (filter pred lis)			
  (let rpt ((l lis))		
    (if (null? l) 
       (if (pred (car l))
	 (cons (car l) (rpt (cdr l)))
	 (rpt (cdr l))))))

(define-syntax and-let*                                                            
  (syntax-rules ()                   
		((and-let* () body ...)
		 (begin body ...))
		((and-let* ((var expr) clauses ...) body ...) 
		 (let ((var expr))
		   (if var (and-let* (clauses ...) body ...) #f)))
		((and-let* ((expr) clauses ...) body ...)
		 (if expr (and-let* (clauses ...) body ...) #f))
		((and-let* (var clauses ...) body ...)
		 (if var (and-let* (clauses ...) body ...) #f))

(provide (all-defined)))