#cs(module multi-parser mzscheme
(require "")
(require "")
(require "")
(require "")
(require "")
(require "")

;; SSAX multi parser
;; Provides ID-index creation, SXML parent pointers and XLink grammar parsing
; This software is in Public Domain.
; Please send bug reports and comments to:
;      Kirill Lisovsky
;    Dmitry Lizorkin
; Primary features:
;             '()
;             '(parent)
;             '(id)
;             '(parent id)
;             '(id xlink)
;             '(parent id xlink)

; Parent seed

; Parent-related part of the seed
;  It is a list of one element:
;      a function of no arguments which returns a pointer to element's parent
;      or '*TOP-PTR* symbol for a root SXML element
; Duuring an element construction it may be just a pointer to parents head,
; because a parent itself may be under construction at the moment.

; This function is called by the NEW-LEVEL-SEED handler
;  elem-name = (if(symbol? elem-gi) elem-gi (RES-NAME->SXML elem-gi)
; A new 'parent:seed' is returned
(define (parent:new-level-seed-handler elem-name)
    ((head (list elem-name)))
    (list (lambda () head))))

; A function which constructs an element from its attributes, children
; and delayed parent information
;  parent:seed - contains a delayed pointer to element's parent
;  attrs - element's attributes
;  children - a list of child elements
(define (parent:construct-element parent:parent-seed parent:seed
                                  attrs children)
  ; car gets the only element of parent seed - a pointer to a parent
  (let((parent-ptr (car parent:parent-seed))
       (head ((car parent:seed))))
     (cons* (cons '@ attrs)
            `(@@ (*PARENT* ,parent-ptr))
; A seed
;  seed = (list  original-seed  parent:seed  id:seed  xlink:seed)
;  original-seed - the seed of the original 'SSAX:XML->SXML' function. It
; contains an SXML tree being constructed.
;  parent:seed - parent-related part
;  id:seed - id-related part
;  xlink:seed - xlink-related part

; Accessors

; (mul:seed-original seed)
(define get-sxml-seed car)

; Renamed:
; mul:seed-parent get-pptr-seed
; mul:seed-id get-id-seed
; mul:seed-xlink get-xlink-seed
; Handler for attempts to access an absent seed.
(define (bad-accessor type)
  (lambda x
  (cerr nl "MURDER!!!  -> " type nl x nl) (exit -1)))

; Seed constructor. #f seeds will be omitted.
(define (make-seed . seeds)
   (let rpt 
     ((s (cdr seeds)) (rzt (list (car seeds)))) 
       ((null? s) (reverse rzt))
       ((car s) (rpt (cdr s) 
		     (cons (car s) rzt)))
       (else (rpt (cdr s) rzt)))))
; This is a multi parser constructor function

;  parent, id, xlink - boolean parameters. #t means that we construct the
; corresponding feature, #f - otherwise
;  ns - for future development. Is not used anywhere in the function
(define (ssax:multi-parser . req-features)
    ((ns-assig '()) 
     (with-parent?  (memq 'parent req-features))
     (with-id?      (memq 'id req-features))
     (with-xlink?   (memq 'xlink req-features))
     ((get-pptr-seed get-id-seed get-xlink-seed)
	(if with-parent?  
	  cadr (bad-accessor 'par))
	(if with-id?
	  (if with-parent? caddr cadr)
	  (bad-accessor 'id))
	(if with-xlink?
	    ((and with-parent? with-id?)
	    ((or with-parent? with-id?)
	    (else cadr))
	  (bad-accessor 'xlink))))
       (initial-seed       ; Initial values for specialized seeds
            (and with-parent? (list '*TOP-PTR*))
            (and with-id? (id:make-seed '() '()))
            (and with-xlink?
		 (xlink:make-small-seed 'general '() '(1) '()))))
       ; Making a special function, which, if applyed to the final seed,
       ; will construct a document
          ((not (or with-id? with-xlink?))
           (lambda (seed)
             (let ((result (reverse (get-sxml-seed seed))))
               (cons '*TOP* result))))
          ((and with-id? (not with-xlink?))   ; with-id?
           (lambda (seed)
             (let((result (reverse (get-sxml-seed seed)))
                  (aux (list (id:ending-action (get-id-seed seed)))))
               (cons* '*TOP*
                      (cons '@@ aux)
          ((and with-id? with-xlink?)   ; with-id, with-xlink
           (lambda (seed)
             (let((result (reverse (get-sxml-seed seed)))
                  (aux (list (xlink:ending-action (get-xlink-seed seed))
                             (id:ending-action (get-id-seed seed)))))
               (cons* '*TOP*
                      (cons '@@ aux)
           (cerr "ending-actions NIY: " with-parent? with-id? with-xlink? nl)
       ; Some handlers
       ; A special function
       ; When given an input port, it becomes a handler for a NEW-LEVEL-SEED
	   ((not (or with-parent? with-id? with-xlink?))
	      (lambda (elem-gi attributes namespaces expected-content seed)
		(list '()))))
	   ((and with-parent? (not (or with-id? with-xlink?)))  ; with-parent
              (lambda (elem-gi attributes namespaces expected-content seed)
                 (and with-parent? 
                       (if (symbol? elem-gi)
                           (RES-NAME->SXML elem-gi))))
           ((and with-id? (not (or with-parent? with-xlink?)))  ; with-id
              (lambda (elem-gi attributes namespaces expected-content seed)
                (list   ; make-seed
                 (id:new-level-seed-handler (get-id-seed seed))))))
           ((and with-parent? with-id? (not with-xlink?))  ; parent, id
              (lambda (elem-gi attributes namespaces expected-content seed)
                (list   ; make-seed
                  (if(symbol? elem-gi) elem-gi (RES-NAME->SXML elem-gi)))
                 (id:new-level-seed-handler (get-id-seed seed))))))
           ((and with-id? with-xlink? (not with-parent?))   ; id, xlink
              (lambda (elem-gi attributes namespaces expected-content seed)
                (list   ; make-seed
                 (id:new-level-seed-handler (get-id-seed seed))
                  port attributes namespaces (get-xlink-seed seed))))))
           ((and with-parent? with-id? with-xlink?)  ; parent, id, xlink
              (lambda (elem-gi attributes namespaces expected-content seed)
                (list   ; make-seed
                  (if(symbol? elem-gi) elem-gi (RES-NAME->SXML elem-gi)))
                 (id:new-level-seed-handler (get-id-seed seed))
                  port attributes namespaces (get-xlink-seed seed))))))
           (else (cerr "new-level NIY: " with-parent? with-id? with-xlink? nl)
       ; A special handler function for a FINISH-ELEMENT
          ((not (or with-parent? with-id? with-xlink?))
           (lambda (elem-gi attributes namespaces parent-seed seed)
             (let ((children (reverse-collect-str-drop-ws (get-sxml-seed seed)))
                     (lambda (attr accum)
                       (cons (list 
                              (if (symbol? (car attr)) (car attr)
                                  (RES-NAME->SXML (car attr)))
                              (cdr attr)) accum))
                     '() attributes)))
               (list ; make-seed
                  (if (symbol? elem-gi) elem-gi
                      (RES-NAME->SXML elem-gi))
                  (if (null? attrs) children
                      (cons (cons '@ attrs) children)))
                 (get-sxml-seed parent-seed))))))
          ((and with-parent? (not (or with-id? with-xlink?)))  ; parent
           (lambda (elem-gi attributes namespaces parent-seed seed)
             (let((children (reverse-collect-str-drop-ws (get-sxml-seed seed)))
                    (lambda (attr accum)
                      (cons (list 
                             (if (symbol? (car attr)) (car attr)
                                 (RES-NAME->SXML (car attr)))
                             (cdr attr)) accum))
                    '() attributes)))
               (list ; make-seed
                  (get-pptr-seed parent-seed) 
                  (get-pptr-seed seed)
                  attrs children)
                 (get-sxml-seed parent-seed))
                ; pptr- seed from parent seed is not modified:
                (get-pptr-seed parent-seed)
          ((and with-id? (not (or with-parent? with-xlink?)))  ; id
           (lambda (elem-gi attributes namespaces parent-seed seed)
             (let((children (reverse-collect-str-drop-ws (get-sxml-seed seed)))
                    (lambda (attr accum)
                      (cons (list 
                             (if (symbol? (car attr)) (car attr)
                                 (RES-NAME->SXML (car attr)))
                             (cdr attr)) accum))
                    '() attributes)))
                      (if(symbol? elem-gi) 
                         (RES-NAME->SXML elem-gi))
                      (if(null? attrs) 
                         (cons (cons '@ attrs) children)))))
               (list ; make-seed
                (cons element (get-sxml-seed parent-seed))
                 elem-gi attributes (get-id-seed seed) element))))))
          ((and with-parent? with-id? (not with-xlink?))  ; parent, id
           (lambda (elem-gi attributes namespaces parent-seed seed)
             (let((children (reverse-collect-str-drop-ws (get-sxml-seed seed)))
                    (lambda (attr accum)
                      (cons (list 
                             (if (symbol? (car attr)) (car attr)
                                 (RES-NAME->SXML (car attr)))
                             (cdr attr)) accum))
                    '() attributes)))
                      (get-pptr-seed parent-seed) (get-pptr-seed seed)
                      attrs children)))
               (list ; make-seed
                (cons element (get-sxml-seed parent-seed))
                ; pptr- seed from parent seed is not modified:
                (get-pptr-seed parent-seed)
                 elem-gi attributes (get-id-seed seed) element))))))
          ((and with-id? with-xlink? (not with-parent?))  ; id, xlink
           (lambda (elem-gi attributes namespaces parent-seed seed)
             (let((children (reverse-collect-str-drop-ws (get-sxml-seed seed)))
                    (lambda (attr accum)
                      (cons (list 
                             (if (symbol? (car attr)) (car attr)
                                 (RES-NAME->SXML (car attr)))
                             (cdr attr)) accum))
                    '() attributes)))
                      (if(symbol? elem-gi) 
                         (RES-NAME->SXML elem-gi))
                      (if(null? attrs) 
                         (cons (cons '@ attrs) children)))))
               (list ; make-seed
                (cons element (get-sxml-seed parent-seed))
                 elem-gi attributes (get-id-seed seed) element)
                 (get-xlink-seed parent-seed)
                 (get-xlink-seed seed) element))))))   
          ((and with-parent? with-id? with-xlink?)  ; parent, id, xlink
           (lambda (elem-gi attributes namespaces parent-seed seed)
             (let((children (reverse-collect-str-drop-ws (get-sxml-seed seed)))
                    (lambda (attr accum)
                      (cons (list 
                             (if (symbol? (car attr)) (car attr)
                                 (RES-NAME->SXML (car attr)))
                             (cdr attr)) accum))
                    '() attributes)))
                      (get-pptr-seed parent-seed) (get-pptr-seed seed)
                      attrs children)))
               (list ; make-seed
                (cons element (get-sxml-seed parent-seed))
                ; pptr- seed from parent seed is not modified:
                (get-pptr-seed parent-seed)
                 elem-gi attributes (get-id-seed seed) element)
                 (get-xlink-seed parent-seed)
                 (get-xlink-seed seed) element))))))
	   (else (cerr "finish-element: NIY" nl) (exit))))
       ; A special function
       ; Given 'namespaces', it becomes a handler for a DOCTYPE
         (not with-id?)
         (lambda (namespaces)
           (lambda (port docname systemid internal-subset? seed)
             (when internal-subset?
               (ssax:warn port
                          "Internal DTD subset is not currently handled ")
               (ssax:skip-internal-dtd port))
             (ssax:warn port "DOCTYPE DECL " docname " "
                        systemid " found and skipped")
             (values #f '() namespaces seed)))
           ((not (or with-parent? with-xlink?))  ; with-id
            (lambda (namespaces)
              (lambda (port docname systemid internal-subset? seed)
                 #f '() namespaces
                 (list   ; make-seed
                  (get-sxml-seed seed)
                  (id:doctype-handler port systemid internal-subset?))))))
           ((and with-parent? (not with-xlink?))    ; with-parent, with-id
            (lambda (namespaces)
              (lambda (port docname systemid internal-subset? seed)
                 #f '() namespaces
                 (list   ; make-seed
                  (get-sxml-seed seed)
                  (get-pptr-seed seed)
                  (id:doctype-handler port systemid internal-subset?))))))
           ((and (not with-parent?) with-xlink?)   ; with-id, with-xlink
            (lambda (namespaces)
              (lambda (port docname systemid internal-subset? seed)
                 #f '() namespaces
                 (list   ; make-seed
                  (get-sxml-seed seed)
                  (id:doctype-handler port systemid internal-subset?)
                  (get-xlink-seed seed))))))
           (else   ; with-parent, with-id, with-xlink
            (lambda (namespaces)
              (lambda (port docname systemid internal-subset? seed)
                 #f '() namespaces
                 (list   ; make-seed
                  (get-sxml-seed seed)
                  (get-pptr-seed seed)
                  (id:doctype-handler port systemid internal-subset?)
                  (get-xlink-seed seed)))))))))
       )  ; end of letrec
    ; Constructing a special parser function
    (lambda (port)
         (map (lambda (el)
               (cons* #f (car el) (ssax:uri-string->symbol (cdr el))))
           (new-level-seed-handler port)
           (lambda (string1 string2 seed)
              (if(string-null? string2) 
                 (cons string1 (car seed))
                 (cons* string2 string1 (car seed)))
              (cdr seed)))
           (doctype-handler namespaces)
           (lambda (elem-gi seed)
             (values #f '() namespaces seed))
           ((*DEFAULT* . (lambda (port pi-tag seed)
                             (list '*PI* pi-tag 
                                   (ssax:read-pi-body-as-string port))
                             (car seed))
                            (cdr seed)))))

(provide (all-defined)))