doc.txt : Portable SXML to XML conversion

_xxexpr.ss_ : Portable SXML to XML conversion

By Tony Garnock-Jones (tonyg at lshift dot net)
Documentation by Noel Welsh (noelwelsh at yahoo dot com)

Time-stamp: <05/11/13 21:26:48 noel>

Keywords: _xxexpr_ _sxml_ _xml_ _xexpr_


The SSAX XML parsing- and processing-library provides
robust, high-quality XML reading tools for Scheme, but
doesn't include a general purpose XML writer. This library
provides functions to convert SXML-like data to an XML 1.0
external representation.

The library is parameterized over a choice of double- or
single-quotes for attribute printing, and can, if required,
be instructed to use explicit close-tags when an empty-tag
is encountered. It provides procedures for producing a
string representation of an XML fragment, for printing an
XML fragment directly to a port, and for pretty-printing an
XML fragment with indentation. For example,

    (let ((title "My Page"))
        '(*pi* xml (version "1.0"))
        `(html (head (title ,title))
           (body (h1 ,title)
                 (p "Hello, world!"))))))

produces the following output:

  <?xml version='1.0'?>
        <title>My Page</title>
        <h1>My Page</h1>
        <p>Hello, world!</p>

The code is portable and available for Chicken, SISC, and
MzScheme 209 in addition to this package.  The code can be
retrieved using darcs with the command

  darcs get

or browsed at


To use this code:

  (require (planet "lshift" ("" "xxexpr.plt" 1 0)))

> xml-empty-tags-mode : Parameter containing #t or #f

This parameter determines if empty tags are rendered without
an explicit close tag, using the <tag/> shortcut syntax
(#t), or are rendered with an explicit close tag (#f).  The
default value is #t, meaning empty tags are rendered using
the shortcut syntax.

> xml-double-quotes-mode : Parameter containing #t or #f

This parameter determines whether double or single quotes
are used for delimiting attributes.  The default value is
#f., meaning attributes are delimited with single quotes.

> xxexpr->string : (list-of sxml) -> string

Converts  list of SXML fragments to a string.

> xxexpr->string/notags : (list-of xml) -> string

Converts a list of SXML fragments to a string, stripping
tags (that is, tags are not skipped).

> write-xxexpr : (list-of sxml) [output-port] -> #t

Writes the list of SXML fragments to the given output port,
or current-output-port if none is given.

> write-xxexpr/notags : (list-of sxml) [output-port] -> #t

Writes the list of SXML fragments, skipping tags, to the
given output port, or current-output-port if none is given.

> pretty-print-xxexpr : (list-of sxml) [output-port] -> #t

Pretty prints the list of SXML fragments to the given output
port, or current-output-port if none is given.


See the tests in