#lang racket

(require "../cegis.rkt" "../state.rkt" "../greensyn.rkt" "../programs.rkt"

;; >>> 0x3ffff = 262143
;; >>> 0x1ffff = 131071
;; >>> 0xffff = 65535
;; >>> 0x7fff = 32767
;; >>> 0x3fff = 16383
;; >>> 0x1fff = 8191

;;; swap only at m is 1 xym -> - y' (first part)
;(optimize "a! over over nop a - and nop push a and nop pop over over nop or push and nop pop or nop nop"
;          #:name "swap" #:num-bits 4 #:inst-pool `no-mem-no-p #:f18a #t)

;;; x - (x & y)
(optimize "over and - 1 + +" #:constraint (constraint t))

;;; x | y
;(optimize "over over or a! and a or" #:constraint (constraint s t) #:bin-search `time)
;("over - and nop +" . 15)

;;; round up to multiple of 8 (8-bit)
;(optimize "@p nop + @p 7 8 - @p nop + 1 and nop nop nop" #:name "roundup"
;          #:constraint (constraint t)
;          #:num-bits 8 #:inst-pool `no-mem)

;; communication
;(optimize "@p b! !b . 325 @p b! !b . 325"
;          #:constraint constraint-none #:num-bits 9 #:name "comm")
;; (optimize-linear "@p b! !b @p 325 325 b! !b nop nop"
;;                  #:slots "325 b! !b nop !b"
;;                  #:constraint constraint-none #:num-bits 18 #:name "comm")

;(optimize "1 2 3 4 5" #:constraint (constraint-data 1 s t) #:num-bits 4
;          #:f18a #f)

; i want: 65535 dup push . and 4 a! . !+ @ pop
#|(optimize-linear "65535 and 4 b! !b 5 b! @b 65535" 
                 #:slots 11
                 ;;"65535 dup push nop and 4 a! nop !+ @ pop"
                 #:length-limit 20
                 #:constraint (constraint (data 1) s t memory) #:f18a #f
                 #:mem 6 #:num-bits 18)|#

#|(optimize "nop nop b! !b down a!"
          #:constraint (constraint (return 1) r s t memory b a)  #:f18a #f
          #:start-state (default-state (a 469))
          #:mem 5 #:num-bits 18)|#

;(optimize "10 -1 + b! @b right b! !b"
;          #:constraint (constraint (return 2) (data 1) r s t memory)  #:f18a #f
;          #:mem 3 #:num-bits 18)

;(program-diff? "over - and or" "over - and +" 5 (constraint s t) 18)

;(optimize "2* dup or . . and 2* dup . and 2* dup"
;          #:init "nop + or _"
;          #:slots "dup 2* nop nop" #:repeat 2 #:constraint (constraint t) #:f18a #t)

;(compile-to-string "+ or 0 dup 2* dup 2*")

;(optimize "up b! @b down b! !b left b! @b right b! !b"
;          #:constraint constraint-none)