(!default-title "DDE Client: Dynamic Data Exchange for PLT Scheme")
(!index 2 0)
(!index 4 0)
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(!toc-entry 0 "1" 1 "node_sec_1" "{Introduction}")
(!toc-entry 0 "2" 1 "node_sec_2" "{Realization}")
(!toc-entry 0 "3" 1 "node_sec_3" "{Features}")
(!toc-entry 0 "4" 1 "node_sec_4" "{Requirements}")
(!toc-entry 0 "5" 1 "node_sec_5" "{Files and Directories}")
(!toc-entry 0 "6" 1 "node_sec_6" "{Getting Started}")
(!toc-entry 0 "7" 1 "node_sec_7" "{Structure of a DDE process}")
(!toc-entry 0 "8" 1 "node_sec_8" "{Procedures}")
(!toc-entry 1 "8.1" 1 "node_sec_8.1" "{List of procedure arguments}")
(!toc-entry 1 "8.2" 1 "node_sec_8.2" "{List of procedures}")
(!index 6 1)
(!index 8 1)
(!index 10 1)
(!index 12 1)
(!index 14 1)
(!index 16 1)
(!index 18 1)
(!index 20 1)
(!index 22 1)
(!index 24 1)
(!toc-entry 0 "9" 1 "node_sec_9" "{Supported Clipboard Formats}")
(!toc-entry 0 "10" 1 "node_sec_10" "{Thanks}")
(!toc-entry 0 "11" 1 "node_sec_11" "{Glossary}")
(!index 26 1)
(!index 28 1)
(!index 30 1)
(!index 32 1)
(!index 34 1)
(!index 36 1)
(!toc-entry 0 "12" 2 "node_sec_12" "{License}")
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(!last-modification-time 1162377577)