#lang scribble/doc @(require "common.ss") @title[#:tag "trying" #:style 'unnumbered]{Trying Scribble} To install an HTML version of this paper where Scheme and Scribble identifiers are hyperlinked to their documentation, first install PLT Scheme 4.1.5 or later from @show-link{http://plt-scheme.org/}. Then, start DrScheme, enter the program @code-block{ #lang scheme (require (planet mflatt/scribble-paper)) } @no-indent and click @onscreen{Run}. Running the program installs the paper and directs your default browser to the starting page. To view the document source, click @onscreen{Check Syntax} and then right-click on @scheme[mflatt/scribble-paper] to open its source. @'nbsp @no-indent @bold{Acknowledgements:} We would like to thank Matthias Felleisen and the anonymous reviewers for helpful feedback on this paper. This work is supported in part by the NSF.