#lang scribble/doc @(require scribble/manual (for-label "../packing.rkt" "../chunk.rkt")) @title[#:tag "chunk"]{Chunk Packings} @local-table-of-contents[] @defmodule[(planet "chunk.rkt" ("murphy" "packed-io.plt" 1 1))]{ This module provides packings of variable size chunks of data. } @section{Sizes and Counts} @defproc[(with-size/p [size (or/c 1 2 4 8)] [packing packing?] [#:adjustment adjustment 0]) packing?]{ Limits the size of input that can be consumed by @racket[packing], adding a @racket[size] bytes long unsigned integer to the packed representation that determines the size of the following data. The given @racket[adjustment] is added to the size of the data packed by @racket[packing] while packing and subtracted while unpacking. } @defproc[(with-count/p [size (or/c 1 2 4 8)] [packing packing?] [#:adjustment adjustment 0]) packing?]{ Produces a packing for a vector of elements packed using @racket[packing]. The length of the vector is stored as a @racket[size] bytes long unsigned integer. The given @racket[adjustment] is added to the length of the packed vector packing and subtracted while unpacking. } @section{Blocks of Unlimited Packed Size} @defthing[bytes/p packing?]{ Reads all remaining input into a byte string when unpacking and writes a plain byte string to the output when packing. Combine this with @racket[with-size/p] to pack a byte string together with length information. } @defthing[string/p packing?]{ Reads all remaining input into a string when unpacking and writes a plain string to the output when packing. Combine this with @racket[with-size/p] to pack a string together with length information. } @section[#:tag "chunk-derived"]{Derived Types} @defthing[symbol/p packing?]{ Reads all remaining input into a string and converts it into a symbol when unpacking and writes a plain string representation of a symbol to the output when packing. Combine this with @racket[with-size/p] to pack a symbol together with length information. }