#lang scribble/doc @(require scribble/manual (for-label "../url.ss")) @title[#:tag "url" #:style '(toc)]{URLs} @defmodule[(planet "url.ss" ("murphy" "websockets.plt" 1 0))]{ This module provides convenient accessors for URL structures that represent WebSocket URLs. It also reexports all URL structure functionality and the @scheme[url->string] and @scheme[string->url] procedures. } @defproc[(ws-url? [v any/c]) any]{ Checks whether the given value is a WebSocket URL. The result is @scheme[#t] iff @scheme[v] is a @scheme[url] structure, has the scheme @scheme["ws"] or @scheme["wss"], is absolute and contains no fragment. } @defproc[(ws-url-secure? [url ws-url?]) any]{ Checks whether the given WebSocket URL specifies a secure connection. } @defproc[(ws-url-default-port [url ws-url?]) natural-number/c]{ Determines the default TCP port that would be used to connect to the given WebSocket @scheme[url] if it contained no explicitly specified port number. } @defproc[(ws-url-port [url ws-url?]) natural-number/c]{ Determines the TCP port that should be used to connect to the given WebSocket @scheme[url]. } @defproc[(ws-url-resource [url ws-url?]) string?]{ Extracts the resource part of the given WebSocket @scheme[url] as a string. }