#lang racket/base
;; $Id: test-html-template.rkt,v 1.14 2011/08/22 08:06:28 neilpair Exp $
;; See file "html-template.rkt" for legal information.

(require (planet neil/testeez:1:1)


 (test/equal "attributes"
             (html-template-to-string (hr (@ (clear "all") (id "foo"))))
             "<hr clear=\"all\" id=\"foo\" />")

 (test/equal "html-template syntax as distinct from html-template-to-string"
             (let ((os (open-output-string)))
               (parameterize ((current-output-port os))
                 (html-template (p "Hi!")))
               (begin0 (get-output-string os)
                 (close-output-port os)))

 (test/equal "simple html template"
             (let ((my-title "All About Kittens & Puppies"))
                 (html (head (title (% my-title)))
                       (body (h1 (% my-title))
                             (p "Kittens claw." (br) "Puppies pee.")))))
             "<html><head><title>All About Kittens &amp; Puppies</title></head><body><h1>All About Kittens &amp; Puppies</h1><p>Kittens claw.<br />Puppies pee.</p></body></html>")

  "simple html template debug expansion"
    (html (head (title (% my-title)))
          (body (h1 (% my-title))
                (p "Bunnies are nice." (br) "Yep."))))
  '(begin (display "<html><head><title>")
          (write-html my-title)
          (display "</title></head><body><h1>")
          (write-html my-title)
          (display "</h1><p>Bunnies are nice.<br />Yep.</p></body></html>")

 (test/equal ""
             (html-template-to-string (p))

 (test/equal ""
             (html-template-to-string (p "CONTENT"))

 (test/equal ""
             (html-template-to-string (br))
             "<br />")

 (test/equal ""
             (html-template-to-string (hr (@ (clear "all"))))
             "<hr clear=\"all\" />")

 (test/equal ""
             (html-template-to-string (hr (@ (noshade))))
             "<hr noshade />")

 (test/equal ""
             (html-template-to-string (hr (@ (noshade #t))))
             "<hr noshade />") ;; TODO: Maybe lose this test.

 (test/equal ""
             (html-template-to-string (hr (@ (noshade "noshade"))))
             "<hr noshade=\"noshade\" />")

 (test/equal ""
             (html-template-to-string (hr (@ (aaa "bbbccc"))))
             "<hr aaa=\"bbbccc\" />")
 (test/equal ""
             (html-template-to-string (hr (@ (aaa "bbb'ccc"))))
             "<hr aaa=\"bbb'ccc\" />")
 (test/equal ""
             (html-template-to-string (hr (@ (aaa "bbb\"ccc"))))
             ;; TODO: Do we actually need to use single quotes?
             ;; "<hr aaa='bbb\"ccc' />"
             "<hr aaa=\"bbb&#34;ccc\" />")
 (test/equal ""
             (html-template-to-string (hr (@ (aaa "bbb\"ccc'ddd"))))
             "<hr aaa=\"bbb&#34;ccc'ddd\" />")

 (test/equal ""
               (p (@ (align (%verbatim "'cen" "ter'"))) "x"))
             "<p align='center'>x</p>")

 (test/equal ""
               (p (@ (align (%eval/effects-only (display "'cen")
                                      (display "ter'"))))
             "<p align='center'>x</p>")

 (test/equal "" (html-template-to-string (& copy)) "&copy;")
 (test/equal "" (html-template-to-string (& rArr)) "&rArr;")
 (test/equal "" (html-template-to-string (& 151))  "&#151;")

 (test/equal ""
               (p (@ (align "center")
                     (%eval/effects-only (display " x=\"1\" y=\"2\"")))))
             "<p align=\"center\" x=\"1\" y=\"2\"></p>")

 (test/equal "attributes %eval with multiple attributes"
               (p (@ (align "center")
                     (% '((x "1") (y "2"))))))
             "<p align=\"center\" x=\"1\" y=\"2\"></p>")

 (test/equal "attributes %eval with one attribute"
               (p (@ (align "center")
                     (% '(x "1")))))
             "<p align=\"center\" x=\"1\"></p>")

 (test/equal ""
               (*pi* xml "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\""))
             "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>")

 (test/equal ""
               (*decl* DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
              "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\""
              " \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd\">"))

;;  (test/equal ""
;;              (html-template-to-string
;;                (p (*verbatim* "<i>hi</i>") "<i>hi</i>"))
;;              "<p><i>hi</i>&lt;i&gt;hi&lt;i&gt;</p>")