#lang racket/base
;; For legal info, see file "info.rkt".

(require (planet neil/mcfly))

(doc (section "Introduction")

     (para "The "
           (code "json-parsing")
           " package for Racket provides JSON parsing and format conversion
using a streaming tree fold.  This tree fold approach permits processing JSON
input of arbitrary size in relatively small space for some applications, unlike
the common approach of parsing the entire input to an AST before processing the

     (para "The supported JSON format is as specified on "
           (url "http://json.org/")
           ", as viewed on 2010-12-25.")

     (para "The format converters in package include a convertor to "
           (deftech "SJSON")
           " s-expression format.  SJSON has been made to be fully compatible
with the "
           (italic "jsexpr")
           " of Dave Herman's PLaneT package "
           (code "dherman/json:3:=0")

     (para "The parser does not consume any characters not belonging to the
JSON value,and can be used to read multiple JSON values or to be intermixed
with other kinds of reading from the same input.")

     (para "The tree fold approach of this package's parser was inspired and
informed by Oleg Kiselyov's "
           (hyperlink "http://okmij.org/ftp/Scheme/xml.html"
           " XML parsing work.")

     (para "Implementing the "
           (code "json-parsing")
           " package was originally intended as an exercise for getting more
experience with SSAX-like folding, before undertaking some new XML packages,
but the JSON work has turned out useful in its own right.  A future version of
this package might also implement alternative tree fold approaches."))

(doc (section "Exceptions")

     (para "When the parser encounters invalid JSON, it raises an "
           (racket exn:fail:invalid-json)
           " exception.  While this exception will be caught by
handlers such as "
           (racket exn:fail?)
           ", the distinct exception type permits
JSON-parsing errors to be handled separately from other errors, and it also
includes some location information."))

(doc (defproc (exn:fail:invalid-json? (x any/c))
       (para "Type predicate.")))
(provide exn:fail:invalid-json?)

(doc (defproc (exn:fail:invalid-json-location (exn exn:fail:invalid-json?))
         (list/c (or/c exact-positive-integer?    #f)
                 (or/c exact-nonnegative-integer? #f)
                 (or/c exact-positive-integer?    #f))
       (para "Gets information on the location of the error within the input
stream.  Currently, this is a list of three elements, of the three values
returned by Racket's "
             (racket port-next-location)
             " procedure.")))
(provide exn:fail:invalid-json-location)

(define-struct (exn:fail:invalid-json exn:fail)

(define (%json-parsing:make-invalid-json-exc
         #:text               text
         #:continuation-marks continuation-marks
         #:location           (location #f))
  (let ((location (if (input-port? location)
                          (lambda () (port-next-location location))
    (make-exn:fail:invalid-json (format "~A: invalid JSON: ~A~A"
                                        (if location
                                            (format ", location ~S" location)

(define-syntax %json-parsing:raise-invalid-json-error
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ SYM ARGn ...)
     (raise (%json-parsing:make-invalid-json-exc
             #:continuation-marks (current-continuation-marks)
             ARGn ...)))))

(doc (section "Parse Fold"))

(define-syntax %json-parsing:syntax-error
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_) #f)))

(define-syntax %json-parsing:case-read-token
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ (IN ...) SEED C0 Cn ...)
     (let ((in (IN ...)))
       (%json-parsing:case-read-token in SEED C0 Cn ...)))
    ((_ IN (SEED ...) C0 Cn ...)
     (let ((seed (SEED ...)))
       (%json-parsing:case-read-token IN seed C0 Cn ...)))
    ((_ IN SEED C0 Cn ...)
     (%json-parsing:case-read-token:2 (C0 Cn ...) () IN SEED (C0 Cn ...)))))

(define-syntax %json-parsing:case-read-token:2
  ;; (_ Cs As IN SEED SCs)
  (syntax-rules (else else-error)
    ;; No more clauses so go to next transformer:
    ((_ () As IN SEED SCs)
     (%json-parsing:case-read-token:3 SCs () IN SEED As))
    ;; Else clause:
    ((_ ((else En ...) Cn ...) As IN SEED SCs)
     (%json-parsing:case-read-token:2 (Cn ...) As IN SEED SCs))
    ((_ ((else-error En ...) Cn ...) As IN SEED SCs)
     (%json-parsing:case-read-token:2 (Cn ...) As IN SEED SCs))
    ;; Clause, so add to acceptable tokens:
    ((_ ((T En ...) Cn ...) (An ...) IN SEED SCs)
     (%json-parsing:case-read-token:2 (Cn ...) (An ... T) IN SEED SCs))
    ;; Error: invalid clause.  Internal error.
    ((_ (C0 Cn ...) (An ...) IN SEED SCs)
     (%json-parsing:syntax-error "invalid case-read-token clause" C0))))

(define-syntax %json-parsing:case-read-token:3
  ;; (_ ICs OCs IN SEED As)
  (syntax-rules (=>
    ;; No clauses left, so assemble.
    ((_ () (OCn ...) IN SEED As)
     (let loop ()
       (let ((c (peek-char IN)))
         (case c
           ((#\space #\tab #\return #\newline #\page) (read-char IN) (loop))
           OCn ...))))
    ;; Clauses...
    ((_ ((open-curly E0 En ...) ICn ...) (OCn ...) IN SEED As)
     (%json-parsing:case-read-token:3 (ICn ...)
                                      (OCn ... ((#\{) (read-char IN) E0 En ...))
                                      IN SEED As))
    ((_ ((close-curly E0 En ...) ICn ...) (OCn ...) IN SEED As)
     (%json-parsing:case-read-token:3 (ICn ...)
                                      (OCn ... ((#\}) (read-char IN) E0 En ...))
                                      IN SEED As))
    ((_ ((comma E0 En ...) ICn ...) (OCn ...) IN SEED As)
     (%json-parsing:case-read-token:3 (ICn ...)
                                      (OCn ... ((#\,) (read-char IN) E0 En ...))
                                      IN SEED As))
    ((_ ((colon E0 En ...) ICn ...) (OCn ...) IN SEED As)
     (%json-parsing:case-read-token:3 (ICn ...)
                                      (OCn ... ((#\:) (read-char IN) E0 En ...))
                                      IN SEED As))
    ((_ ((open-square E0 En ...) ICn ...) (OCn ...) IN SEED As)
     (%json-parsing:case-read-token:3 (ICn ...)
                                      (OCn ... ((#\[) (read-char IN) E0 En ...))
                                      IN SEED As))
    ((_ ((close-square E0 En ...) ICn ...) (OCn ...) IN SEED As)
     (%json-parsing:case-read-token:3 (ICn ...)
                                      (OCn ... ((#\]) (read-char IN) E0 En ...))
                                      IN SEED As))
    ((_ ((string => P) ICn ...) (OCn ...) IN SEED As)
      (ICn ...)
      (OCn ...
            (read-char IN)
            (P (%json-parsing:read-string IN) SEED)))
      IN SEED As))
    ((_ ((number => P) ICn ...) (OCn ...) IN SEED As)
      (ICn ...)
      (OCn ... ((#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9 #\-)
                (P (%json-parsing:read-number IN) SEED)))
      IN SEED As))
    ((_ ((true => P) ICn ...) (OCn ...) IN SEED As)
      (ICn ...)
      (OCn ... ((#\t)
                 IN (#\r #\u #\e) "true" ((P 'true SEED)))))
      IN SEED As))
    ((_ ((false => P) ICn ...) (OCn ...) IN SEED As)
      (ICn ...)
      (OCn ... ((#\f)
                 IN (#\a #\l #\s #\e) "false" ((P 'false SEED)))))
      IN SEED As))
    ((_ ((null => P) ICn ...) (OCn ...) IN SEED As)
      (ICn ...)
      (OCn ... ((#\n)
                 IN (#\u #\l #\l) "null" ((P 'null SEED)))))
      IN SEED As))
    ((_ ((else E0 En ...) ICn ...) (OCn ...) IN SEED As)
     (%json-parsing:case-read-token:3 (ICn ...)
                                      (OCn ... (else E0 En ...))
                                      IN SEED As))
    ((_ ((else X ...) IC0 ICn ...) (OCn ...) IN SEED As)
     (%json-parsing:syntax-error "stuff after else clause" (else X ...)))
    ((_ ((else-error CONTEXT) ICn ...) (OCn ...) IN SEED As)
      (ICn ...)
      (OCn ... (else (%json-parsing:raise-invalid-json-error
                      #:text (format "character ~S in context ~S"
                                     (peek-char IN)
                      #:location IN)))
      IN SEED As))
    ((_ ((else-error X ...) IC0 ICn ...) (OCn ...) IN SEED As)
     (%json-parsing:syntax-error "stuff after else-error clause"
                                 (else-error X ...)))
    ((_ ((T E0 En ...) ICn ...) (OCn ...) IN SEED As)
      "invalid token name" T "in clause" (T E0 En ...)))
    ((_ (IC0 ICn ...) (OCn ...) IN SEED As)
     (%json-parsing:syntax-error "invalid clause" IC0))))

(define-syntax %json-parsing:parse-keyword
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ IN (Cn ...) KW (E0 En ...))
     (begin (read-char IN)
            (if (and (eqv? (read-char IN) Cn) ...
                     (let ((c (peek-char IN)))
                       (or (eof-object? c)
                           ;; TODO: Rework this test to use "char-alphabetic?"
                           ;; and perhaps check for other chars too.
                           (let ((n (char->integer c)))
                             (not (or (<= 97 n 122)
                                      (<= 65 n 90)
                                      (<= 48 n 57)))))))
                (begin E0 En ...)
                 #:text (format "invalid keyword that started to be ~S" KW)
                 #:location IN))))))

(define (%json-parsing:read-string in)
  (let loop ((result '()))
    (let ((c (read-char in)))
      (case c
        ((#\") (apply string (reverse result)))
         (let ((c (read-char in)))
           (case c
             ((#\" #\\ #\/) (loop (cons c           result)))
             ((#\b)         (loop (cons #\backspace result)))
             ((#\f)         (loop (cons #\page      result)))
             ((#\n)         (loop (cons #\newline   result)))
             ((#\r)         (loop (cons #\return    result)))
             ((#\t)         (loop (cons #\tab       result)))
              (let loop-u ((mults  '(4096 256 16 1))
                           (num 0))
                (if (null? mults)
                    (loop (cons (integer->char num) result))
                    ;; TODO: Maybe make this tail calls.  Or otherwise do it
                    ;; faster.
                    (loop-u (cdr mults)
                            (+ num
                               (* (car mults)
                                  (let ((c (read-char in)))
                                    (case c
                                      ((#\0)     0)
                                      ((#\1)     1)
                                      ((#\2)     2)
                                      ((#\3)     3)
                                      ((#\4)     4)
                                      ((#\5)     5)
                                      ((#\6)     6)
                                      ((#\7)     7)
                                      ((#\8)     8)
                                      ((#\9)     9)
                                      ((#\a #\A) 10)
                                      ((#\b #\B) 11)
                                      ((#\c #\C) 12)
                                      ((#\d #\D) 13)
                                      ((#\e #\E) 14)
                                      ((#\f #\F) 15)
                                         "invalid character ~S in \\u in string"
                                        #:location in))))))))))
             (else (%json-parsing:raise-invalid-json-error
                    #:text (format "invalid escape sequence \"\\~A\" in string"
                    #:location in)))))
        (else (if (eof-object? c)
                  (%json-parsing:raise-invalid-json-error '%json-parsing:read-string
                                            #:text "EOF in string"
                                            #:location in)
                  (loop (cons c result))))))))

(define %json-parsing:read-number
  ;; TODO: We could do this a little more optimally, as a DFA, and with more
  ;; tail calls.
  (letrec ((read-digits
            (lambda (in chars required?)
              ;; TODO: Maybe use "max", to prevent stupid DoS, such as sending
              ;; huge exponents that take a lot of compute time to calculate.
              (let loop ((chars     chars)
                         (required? required?))
                (let ((c (peek-char in)))
                  (case c
                    ((#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9)
                     (read-char in)
                     (loop (cons c chars) #f))
                    (else (if required?
                               #:text "missing digits in number"
                               #:location in)
    (lambda (in)
      (let* ((chars (let ((c (read-char in)))
                      (case c
                        ((#\-) (read-digits in '(#\-) #t))
                        (else  (read-digits in `(,c)  #f)))))
             (chars (let ((c (peek-char in)))
                      (case c
                         (read-char in)
                         (read-digits in `(#\. ,@chars) #t))
                        (else  chars))))
             (chars (case (peek-char in)
                      ((#\e #\E)
                       (read-char in)
                       (case (peek-char in)
                          (read-char in)
                          (read-digits in `(#\- #\e ,@chars) #t))
                          (read-char in)
                          (read-digits in `(#\+ #\e ,@chars) #t))
                          (read-digits in `(    #\e ,@chars) #t))))
                      (else chars))))
        (let ((c (peek-char in)))
          (if (or (eof-object? c)
                  (not (or (eqv? #\- c)
                           (eqv? #\+ c)
                           (char-alphabetic? c))))
              (string->number (apply string (reverse chars)))
               #:text (format "invalid character ~S after number" c)
               #:location in)))))))

(doc (defform (json-fold-lambda
               #:error-name         error-name-symbol
               #:visit-object-start visit-object-start-proc
               #:visit-object-end   visit-object-end-proc
               #:visit-member-start visit-member-start-proc
               #:visit-member-end   visit-member-end-proc
               #:visit-array-start  visit-array-start-proc
               #:visit-array-end    visit-array-end-proc
               #:visit-string       visit-string-proc
               #:visit-number       visit-number-proc
               #:visit-constant     visit-constant-proc)
       (para "Special syntax that expands to a JSON parser procedure.  Normally
you would use this if you were defining a new application of what processing
the parser should do while it is parsing JSON.  The resulting procedure of this
syntax has the arguments:")

       (RACKETBLOCK (in seed exhaust?))

       (para "where "
             (racket in)
             " is an input port or string, "
             (racket seed)
             " is a seed value,and "
             (racket exhaust?)
             " is whether or not to exhaustively consume all input and ensure
that there is no other non-JSON-whitespace.")

       (para ""
             (racket json-fold-lambda)
             " has many arguments, all of which must be present. Here is an
example of how you might define a "
             (racket my-json-to-sjson)
             " procedure using "
             (racket json-fold-lambda)

        (define my-json-to-sjson
           #:error-name         'my-json-to-sjson
           #:visit-object-start (lambda (seed)
           #:visit-object-end   (lambda (seed parent-seed)
                                  `(,seed ,@parent-seed))
           #:visit-member-start (lambda (name seed)
           #:visit-member-end   (lambda (name seed parent-seed)
                                  (hash-set! parent-seed
                                             (string->symbol name)
                                             (car seed))
           #:visit-array-start  (lambda (seed)
           #:visit-array-end    (lambda (seed parent-seed)
                                  `(,(reverse seed) ,@parent-seed))
           #:visit-string       (lambda (str seed)
                                  `(,str ,@seed))
           #:visit-number       (lambda (num seed)
                                  `(,num ,@seed))
           #:visit-constant     (lambda (name seed)
                                  `(,(case name
                                       ((true)  #t)
                                       ((false) #f)
                                       ((null)  #\null)
                                       (else (error 'my-json-to-sjson
                                                    "invalid constant ~S"

       (para "As you can see, the arguments provide a set of procedures that
are applied at various states in the parsing.  Each of these callback
procedures accepts at least one seed value from its preceding sibling and/or
parent, and it produces a seed value for the next sibling, child, or parent.")

       (para "The concepts "
             (deftech "object")
             ", "
             (deftech "member")
             ", and "
             (deftech "array")
             " are non-leaf nodes in the tree.  The "
             (deftech "start")
             " callback for each non-leaf node receives a seed from its
preceding sibling, and the value it produces is the seed for its first child.
The "
             (deftech "end")
             " callback receives both the seed from the last child, and the
parent seed (the sibling predecessor seed of the node; the same seed received
by the corresponding "
             (tech "start")

       (para "The leaf nodes each simply receive a seed from the sibling
predecessor callback (or, if the first sibling, from the parent "
             (tech "start")
             "; or, if the first callback, from the seed provided to the parser
call), and provide one to the sibling successor (or, if the last sibling, to
the parent "
             (tech "end")
             "; or, if the last callback, to the result of the parser call).")

       (para "Note that two different techniques are used above to build
collections of objects during processing, using seeds.  The first is to use a
hash that is passed in the seed, which in this case is used because SJSON
requires a hash as part of its format.  The second, and more common, is to
construct lists by incrementally consing onto the front of the list, so that
the list is ordred backwards, and waiting til the list is finished to put it in
correct order using the "
             (racket reverse)
             " procedure.")

       (para "The parser procedure returns either the value of the last
callback, or, if the end of the input is reached without a JSON value, the "
             (code "eof-object")
(provide json-fold-lambda)
(define-syntax json-fold-lambda
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ #:error-name         EN
        #:visit-object-start VOS
        #:visit-object-end   VOE
        #:visit-member-start VMS
        #:visit-member-end   VME
        #:visit-array-start  VAS
        #:visit-array-end    VAE
        #:visit-string       VS
        #:visit-number       VN
        #:visit-constant     VC)
          ;; Begin Macro Arguments.
          (error-name         EN)
          (visit-object-start VOS)
          (visit-object-end   VOE)
          (visit-member-start VMS)
          (visit-member-end   VME)
          (visit-array-start  VAS)
          (visit-array-end    VAE)
          (visit-string       VS)
          (visit-number       VN)
          (visit-constant     VC)
          ;; End Macro Arguments.
           (lambda (in seed)
              (open-curly  (do-object in seed))
              (open-square (do-array  in seed))
              (string      => visit-string)
              (number      => visit-number)
              (true        => visit-constant)
              (false       => visit-constant)
              (null        => visit-constant)
              (else-error  "value"))))
           (lambda (in seed)
             (do-object-members in (visit-object-start seed) seed)))
           (lambda (in object-seed object-parent-seed)
              (close-curly (visit-object-end object-seed object-parent-seed))
               => (lambda (name dummy-seed)
                    (let ((value-seed (visit-member-start name object-seed)))
                        (let ((value-seed (do-value in value-seed)))
                          (let ((object-seed (visit-member-end
                                              value-seed object-seed)))
                             (close-curly (visit-object-end
                             (comma       (do-object-members
                             (else-error  "object comma or end")))))
                       (else-error "object member colon")))))
              (else-error  "object member name or end"))))
           (lambda (in seed)
             (do-array-members in (visit-array-start seed) seed)))
           (lambda (in seed parent-seed)
             ;; TODO: We're doing an extra dispatch on char with the "else"
             ;; clause going to "do-value" here.
              (close-square (visit-array-end seed parent-seed))
              (else         (let ((seed (do-value in seed)))
                               (close-square (visit-array-end seed
                               (comma        (do-array-members in
                               (else-error   "array comma or end"))))))))
       ;; TODO: Add an option for exhausting the input.
       (lambda (in seed exhaust?)
         (let ((in (if (string? in)
                       (open-input-string in)
           ;; Use our token macro to skip over whitespace and check for EOF,
           ;; then either return EOF or parse a value.
             (let ((c (peek-char in)))
               (if (eof-object? c)
                   (begin0 (do-value in seed)
                     (and exhaust?
                            (or (eof-object? (peek-char in))
                                 (format "input not exhausted; character ~S"
                                         (peek-char in))
                                 #:location in))))))))))))))))

(doc (defproc (make-json-fold
               (#:error-name         error-name symbol? '<make-json-fold>)
               (#:visit-object-start visit-object-start (->         any/c       any/c))
               (#:visit-object-end   visit-object-end   (->         any/c any/c any/c))
               (#:visit-member-start visit-member-start (-> symbol? any/c       any/c))
               (#:visit-member-end   visit-member-end   (-> symbol? any/c any/c any/c))
               (#:visit-array-start  visit-array-start  (->         any/c       any/c))
               (#:visit-array-end    visit-array-end    (->         any/c any/c any/c))
               (#:visit-string       visit-string       (-> string? any/c       any/c))
               (#:visit-number       visit-number       (-> number? any/c       any/c))
               (#:visit-constant     visit-constant     (-> symbol? any/c       any/c)))
         (->* ((or/c input-port? string?)
              (#:exhaust? boolean?)
       (para "This is like "
             (racket json-fold-lambda)
             ", except it is a procedure, rather than syntax.  "
             (racket make-json-fold)
             " can be used in the less-common case that you need to define a
new parser dynamically.")

       (para "Note that, in the produced procedure, the "
             (racket exhaust?)
             " argument is optional (defaulting to "
             (racket #t)
(provide make-json-fold)
(define (make-json-fold
         #:error-name         (error-name '<make-json-fold>)
         #:visit-object-start visit-object-start
         #:visit-object-end   visit-object-end
         #:visit-member-start visit-member-start
         #:visit-member-end   visit-member-end
         #:visit-array-start  visit-array-start
         #:visit-array-end    visit-array-end
         #:visit-string       visit-string
         #:visit-number       visit-number
         #:visit-constant     visit-constant)
   #:error-name         error-name
   #:visit-object-start visit-object-start
   #:visit-object-end   visit-object-end
   #:visit-member-start visit-member-start
   #:visit-member-end   visit-member-end
   #:visit-array-start  visit-array-start
   #:visit-array-end    visit-array-end
   #:visit-string       visit-string
   #:visit-number       visit-number
   #:visit-constant     visit-constant))

(doc (section "Conversion"))

(doc (subsection "Conversion to JSON"))

(doc (defproc*
         (((json-to-sjson-visit-object-start                (seed any/c)                    ) any/c)
          ((json-to-sjson-visit-object-end                  (seed any/c) (parent-seed any/c)) any/c)
          ((json-to-sjson-visit-member-start (name symbol?) (seed any/c)                    ) any/c)
          ((json-to-sjson-visit-member-end   (name symbol?) (seed any/c) (parent-seed any/c)) any/c)
          ((json-to-sjson-visit-array-start                 (seed any/c)                    ) any/c)
          ((json-to-sjson-visit-array-end                   (seed any/c) (parent-seed any/c)) any/c)
          ((json-to-sjson-visit-string       (str string?)  (seed any/c)                    ) any/c)
          ((json-to-sjson-visit-number       (num number?)  (seed any/c)                    ) any/c)
          ((json-to-sjson-visit-constant     (name symbol?) (seed any/c)                    ) any/c)))
     (para "Fold visitor procedures used by "
           (racket json->sjson)
           ".  May also be used by other fold definitions."))

(provide json-to-sjson-visit-object-start)
(define (json-to-sjson-visit-object-start seed)

(provide json-to-sjson-visit-object-end)
(define (json-to-sjson-visit-object-end seed parent-seed)
  `(,seed ,@parent-seed))

(provide json-to-sjson-visit-member-start)
(define (json-to-sjson-visit-member-start name seed)

(provide json-to-sjson-visit-member-end)
(define (json-to-sjson-visit-member-end name seed parent-seed)
  (hash-set! parent-seed
             (string->symbol name)
             (car seed))

(provide json-to-sjson-visit-array-start)
(define (json-to-sjson-visit-array-start seed)

(provide json-to-sjson-visit-array-end)
(define (json-to-sjson-visit-array-end seed parent-seed)
  `(,(reverse seed) ,@parent-seed))

(provide json-to-sjson-visit-string)
(define (json-to-sjson-visit-string str seed)
  `(,str ,@seed))

(provide json-to-sjson-visit-number)
(define (json-to-sjson-visit-number num seed)
  `(,num ,@seed))

(provide json-to-sjson-visit-constant)
(define (json-to-sjson-visit-constant name seed)
  `(,(case name
       ((true)  #t)
       ((false) #f)
       ((null)  #\null)
       (else (error 'json->sjson
                    "invalid constant ~S"

;; TODO: Make the hashes immutable (build an alist while parsing, and convert
;; it with "make-immutable-hasheq" as finishing)?

(define %json-parsing:json->sjson:fold
   #:error-name         'json->sjson
   #:visit-object-start  json-to-sjson-visit-object-start
   #:visit-object-end    json-to-sjson-visit-object-end
   #:visit-member-start  json-to-sjson-visit-member-start
   #:visit-member-end    json-to-sjson-visit-member-end
   #:visit-array-start   json-to-sjson-visit-array-start
   #:visit-array-end     json-to-sjson-visit-array-end
   #:visit-string        json-to-sjson-visit-string
   #:visit-number        json-to-sjson-visit-number
   #:visit-constant      json-to-sjson-visit-constant))

(doc (defproc (json->sjson (           in       (or/c input-port? string?))
                           (#:exhaust? exhaust? boolean? #t))
       (para "Parse a JSON value from input port or string "
             (racket in)
             ", and return an "
             (tech "SJSON")
             " parsed representation.")))
(provide json->sjson)
(define (json->sjson in #:exhaust? (exhaust? #t))
  (let ((result (%json-parsing:json->sjson:fold in '() exhaust?)))
    (if (eof-object? result)
        (car result))))

(doc (subsection "Conversion to SXML"))

;; TODO: Expose the visitor procedures?

(define %json-parsing:json->sxml:fold
   #:error-name         'json->sxml
   #:visit-object-start (lambda (seed)
   #:visit-object-end   (lambda (seed parent-seed)
                          `((object ,@(reverse seed)) ,@parent-seed))
   #:visit-member-start (lambda (name seed)
   #:visit-member-end   (lambda (name seed parent-seed)
                          `((member (@ (name ,name)) ,@seed) ,@parent-seed))
   #:visit-array-start  (lambda (seed)
   #:visit-array-end    (lambda (seed parent-seed)
                          `((array ,@(reverse seed)) ,@parent-seed))
   #:visit-string       (lambda (str seed)
                          `((string ,str) ,@seed))
   #:visit-number       (lambda (num seed)
                          `((number ,(number->string num)) ,@seed))
   #:visit-constant     (lambda (name seed)
                          `((,name) ,@seed))))

(doc (defproc (json->sxml (           in       (or/c input-port? string?))
                          (#:exhaust? exhaust? boolean? #t))
       (para "Parse the JSON input from input port or string "
             (racket in)
             ", and return in a contrived XML data format that can be processed
with various SXML tools.")))
(provide json->sxml)
(define (json->sxml in #:exhaust? (exhaust? #t))
  (let ((result (%json-parsing:json->sxml:fold in '() exhaust?)))
    (if (eof-object? result)
        (cons '*TOP* result))))

(doc (subsection "Conversion to XML"))

(define %json-parsing:write-json-as-xml:fold
  ;; TODO: This doesn't properly escape special characters in attribute of
  ;; "member" element and in content of "string" element.
  ;; TODO: Maybe add an extra fields argument to json-fold-lambda, so that
  ;; we can pass "out" directly to it?
  (lambda (in seed exhaust? out)
      #:error-name         'write-json-as-xml
      #:visit-object-start (lambda (seed)
                             (display "<object>" out)
      #:visit-object-end   (lambda (seed parent-seed)
                             (display "</object>" out)
      #:visit-member-start (lambda (name seed)
                             (fprintf out "<member name=\"~A\">" name)
      #:visit-member-end   (lambda (name seed parent-seed)
                             (display "</member>" out)
      #:visit-array-start  (lambda (seed)
                             (display "<array>" out)
      #:visit-array-end    (lambda (seed parent-seed)
                             (display "</array>" out)
      #:visit-string       (lambda (str seed)
                             (fprintf out "<string>~A</string>" str)
      #:visit-number       (lambda (num seed)
                             (fprintf out
                                      (number->string num))
      #:visit-constant     (lambda (name seed)
                             (fprintf out "<~A/>" name)))
     in seed exhaust?)))

(doc (defproc (write-json-as-xml
               (           in       (or/c input-port? string?))
               (#:exhaust? exhaust? boolean? #t)
               (#:out      out      output-port? (current-output-port)))
       (para "Parse the JSON input from input port or string "
             (racket in)
             ", and write it in contrived XML data format to output port "
             (racket out)
             " (which defaults to the value of the "
             (racket current-output-port)
             " parameter).  This is mainly a demonstration of ``streaming''
processing that can scale to arbitrary JSON input sizes.")))
(provide write-json-as-xml)
(define (write-json-as-xml in
                           #:exhaust? (exhaust? #t)
                           #:out      (out      (current-output-port)))
  (or (%json-parsing:write-json-as-xml:fold in #f exhaust? out)
      (error 'write-json-as-xml
             "no JSON to read"))

(doc (defproc (json->xml (in (or/c input-port? string?))
                         (#:exhaust? exhaust? boolean? #t))
     (para "This is like "
           (racket write-json-as-xml)
           ", but instead of writing to a port, it returns the XML as a string.
Most people would not choose to do this."))
(provide json->xml)
(define (json->xml in #:exhaust? (exhaust? #t))
  (let ((out (open-output-string)))
    (write-json-as-xml in #:exhaust? exhaust? #:out out)
    (get-output-string out)))

(doc history

     (#:planet 2:0 #:date "2012-06-13"

               "Converted to McFly and Overeasy.")

     (#:version "0.3" #:date "2011-08-22" #:planet 1:2
                "Added "
                (racket json-to-sjson-visit-)
                " procedures.
Documentation fix.")

     (#:version "0.2" #:date "2010-12-27" #:planet 1:1
                "Added missing export.")

     (#:version "0.1" #:date "2010-12-26" #:planet 1:0
                "Initial release."))