#lang racket/base
;; Copyright Neil Van Dyke.  See file "info.rkt".

(require "overeasy.rkt")

;; Note: At this time, these tests must be verified manually.

(define (close-enough-val-check a-values b-values)
  (and (null? (cdr a-values))
       (null? (cdr b-values))
       (equal? (round (* 1000 (car a-values)))
               (round (* 1000 (car b-values))))))

(test 3.142
      #:val-check close-enough-val-check)

(test #:id   'basic-arithmetic
      #:code (+ 1 2 3);  666)
      #:val  6
      #:fail "bug til move to new library")

(define (foo bar? power z)
  (if (zero? z)

(test-section 'foo-constant-with-z-arg-zero

  (for ((bar? (in-list '(#true #false))))

    (test-section bar?

      (for ((power (in-range 1 9)))

        (test #:id   power
              #:code (foo bar? power 0)
              #:val  42)))))

(test-section 'fundamentals

  (test-section 'writing

    (test 'abcs
          (string-append "a" "b" "c")

  (test-section 'arithmetic

    (test 'one-two-three
          (+ 1 2 3)

    (test 'for-fife-sax
          (+ 4 5 6)

(test-section 'my-first-test-section

  (test #:id   'one-two-three
        #:code (+ 1 2 3)
        #:val  6)

  (test-section 'my-nested-test-section

    (test #:id   'math-bad
          #:code (+ 1 2 3)
          #:val  777
          #:fail "arithmetic bug til move to new library")


                                        ;(test #:id   'barf
                                        ;      #:code (+ 1 2 3)
                                        ;      #:val  777)

(test #:id   'simple-printf-of-string
      #:code (printf "Hello, ~A." "world")
      #:val  (void)
      #:out  #"Hello, world.")

#;(test-section 'misc-tests-that-fail

(test #:id   'simple-format-of-string-bad
      #:code (format "Hello, ~A." "world")
      #:val  "Hello, world!")

(test #:id   'simple-printf-of-string-bad
      #:code (printf "Hello, ~A." "Mrs. Robinson")
      #:val  (void)
      #:out  #"Hello, world.")

(test #:id   'multiple-values
      #:code (begin (+ 1 2) (values 1 2))
      #:val  (values 1 2))

(test #:id   'multiple-values-1-bad
      #:code (begin (+ 1 2) 3)
      #:val  (values 3 4 5))

(test #:id   'multiple-values-2-bad
      #:code (begin (+ 1 2) (values 3 4 5))
      #:val  3)

(test #:id   'got-exception-bad
      #:code (+ 1 (error "lalala"))
      #:val  6))

(test #:id   'exn-fail
      #:code (+ 1 (error "yomomso"))
      #:exn  exn:fail?)

#;(test #:id   'exn-fail-bad
#:code (+ 1 2)
#:exn  exn:fail?)

;; (define yomo-exn? (make-exn-with-message-starts-with-predicate exn:fail? "yomo"))

;; (test #:id   'exn-starts-with-exn-match
;;       #:code (+ 1 (error "yomomso"))
;;       #:exn  yomo-exn?)
;; (test #:id   'exn-starts-with-exn-bad
;;       #:code (+ 1 (error "yomomso"))
;;       #:exn  (make-exn-with-message-starts-with-predicate exn:fail? "yoko"))
;; (test #:id   'exn-starts-with-bad
;;       #:code (+ 1 2)
;;       #:exn  yomo-exn?)

#;(test #:id        'string-match-eq-bad
#:code      (string-append "a" "b" "c")
#:val       "abc"
#:val-check eq?)

#;(test #:id   'leak-to-stdout-bad
#:code (let ((os (open-output-string))) (display 1 os) (display 2) (display 3 os))
#:val  (void))

#;(test #:id   'strange-stderr-message-bad
#:code (begin (fprintf (current-error-port)
#:val  42)

(test #:id   'id-keyword-before-keywordless
      #:code (+ 1 2)
      #:val  3)

(test-section 'exn

  (test-section 'good

    (test #:id   'exn-string
          #:code (error 'foo "no way")
          #:exn  exn:fail?)

    (test #:id   'exn-string
          #:code (error 'foo "no way")
          #:exn  "foo: no way")

    (test #:id   'exn-string-pred
          #:code (error 'foo "no way")
          #:exn  ("foo: no way" exn:fail?))

    (test #:id   'exn-rx
          #:code (error 'foo "no way")
          #:exn  #rx"^foo: .* way")

    (test #:id   'exn-rx-pred
          #:code (error 'foo "no way")
          #:exn  (#rx"^foo: .* way" exn:fail?))))