#lang scribble/manual @; $Id: scribble-emacs.scrbl,v 1.25 2011/01/09 15:43:21 neilpair Exp $ @; Note: Changes to version number must be reflected in "scribble.el" and @; "info.rkt". @title[#:version "0.2"]{Racket Scribble Emacs Mode} @author{Neil Van Dyke} License: @seclink["Legal" #:underline? #f]{LGPL 3} @hspace[1] Web: @hyperlink["http://www.neilvandyke.org/scribble-emacs/" #:underline? #f]{http://www.neilvandyke.org/scribble-emacs/} @index['("Emacs" "Scribble")] @section[#:tag "Intro"]{Introduction} This package provides an @hyperlink["http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/"]{Emacs} editing mode for Racket @hyperlink["http://docs.racket-lang.org/scribble/"]{Scribble}. @subsection[#:tag "Features"]{Features} The current version of this package provides a few features: @itemlist[ @item{Various hints to Emacs about the syntax of Scribble.} @item{Syntax coloring/fontification. Currently supported syntax is @racket[scribble/base], @racket[scribble/bnf], and some of @racket[scribble/manual]. (Note: This feature is currenty implemented using expressions derived from a detailed grammar of various Scribble procedures and special syntax. This might change in the future, since regular expressions are not very appropriate.)} @item{Syntax quick-reference help in the echo area, when clicking on a name in at-sign syntax. This is implemented using the encoded grammar and ElDoc.} @item{Menu-based navigation to particular section headings, using Imenu.} ] Some additional features are planned. @subsection[#:tag "Requirements"]{Requirements} This package is being developed with GNU Emacs 23.2 on GNU/Linux. There is an intention to have it portable to GNU Emacs 23 and 22 on all popular host OS platforms those Emacs versions support, so please let me know if you find compatibility problems. This package currently specifies the ``DejaVu'' fonts explicitly. @section[#:tag "Install"]{Installation} This package is currently distributed through PLaneT. There are two alternatives for installation: @itemlist[ @item{Evaluate the following Racket code to install the PLaneT package and to modify your personal Emacs initialization file (usually @tt{~/.emacs}) to load the @tt{scribble.el} file when you start Emacs. @RACKETBLOCK[(require (planet neil/scribble-emacs/install-in-my-emacs))] You can safely evaluate this code many times, such as to install new versions, and the configuration in your Emacs initialization file will be updated appropriately.} @item{Evaluate the following Racket code to install the PLaneT package without modifying your Emacs setup. @RACKETBLOCK[(require (planet neil/scribble-emacs))]} ] @section[#:tag "History"]{History} @itemlist[ @item{Version 0.2 --- 2011-01-09 - PLaneT @tt{(1 1)} Documentation fix. } @item{Version 0.1 --- 2011-01-09 - PLaneT @tt{(1 0)} Initial release. } ] @section[#:tag "Legal"]{Legal} @; Note: Changes to legal information must be reflected in "scribble.el". Copyright (c) 2011 Neil Van Dyke. This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License (LGPL 3), or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ for details. For other licenses and consulting, please contact the author.