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lookup/ multiple

2 Reference

Parse an input source with the parse function.
(parse source)  wikitext/c
  source : (or/c port? string?)
Parse the source into a wikitext object.
(wikitext? x)  boolean?
  x : any/c
Returns #t if x is a parsed wikitext object.

You can retrieve the body of the parsed text as an xexpr. The various creole markup commands are transformed into an HTML-like xexpr, which can then be processed as desired.
(body wikitext)  (listof xml:xexpr?)
  wikitext : wikitext/c
Extract the body of the document from the wikitext object.

If there are any keywords in the input text (indicated by ::keyword value), then these can be retrieved by one of a family of lookup functions:
(lookup wikitext key)  (or/c string? false/c)
  wikitext : wikitext/c
  key : symbol?
Retrieve the metadata value corresponding to key key. If several were specified, they are concatenated.
(lookup/multiple wikitext key)  (listof string?)
  wikitext : wikitext/c
  key : symbol?
Retrieve the multiple metadata values corresponding to key, or an empty list if there was none.
(lookup-parsed wikitext key)  any
  wikitext : wikitext/c
  key : symbol?
Like lookup, except that, depending on the key, the value is returned as a parsed object. The only ones treated specially are 'date and 'updated, which are returned as SRFI-19 date objects.
(lookup-keys wikitext)  (listof symbol?)
  wikitext : wikitext/c
Return the list of available keys.

(set-metadata! wikitext key value)  any
  wikitext : wikitext/c
  key : symbol?
  value : string?
Set a metadata key to have the given value. This appends the value, so that the value changes for LOOKUP, but is extended for LOOKUP/MULTIPLE.