(module hwikiplugin mzscheme
        ;; To be able to test plugins without having to create a planet
        ;; package with the plugin each time, it is necessary to require
        ;; the plugins.scm from the planet stuff
        ;; The same applies to special pages, which can be part of a plugin
        (require (planet "hwikireq.scm" ("oesterholt" "hwiki.plt" 1 0))
                 (planet "config.scm"  ("oesterholt" "hwiki.plt" 1 0))
                 (planet "plugins.scm" ("oesterholt" "hwiki.plt" 1 0))
                 (planet "users.scm"   ("oesterholt" "hwiki.plt" 1 0))
                 (planet "context.scm" ("oesterholt" "hwiki.plt" 1 0))
                 (planet "page.scm"    ("oesterholt" "hwiki.plt" 1 0))
                 (planet "template.scm" ("oesterholt" "hwiki.plt" 1 0))

        (provide (all-from (planet "hwikireq.scm" ("oesterholt" "hwiki.plt" 1 0)))
                 (all-from (planet "config.scm"   ("oesterholt" "hwiki.plt" 1 0)))
                 (all-from (planet "users.scm"    ("oesterholt" "hwiki.plt" 1 0)))
                 (all-from (planet "context.scm"  ("oesterholt" "hwiki.plt" 1 0)))
                 (all-from (planet "page.scm"     ("oesterholt" "hwiki.plt" 1 0)))
                 (all-from (planet "template.scm" ("oesterholt" "hwiki.plt" 1 0)))
                 (all-from (planet "plugins.scm" ("oesterholt" "hwiki.plt" 1 0)))