This driver uses the old approach of sqlid.plt to connect to a database,
with the native client library of a database. It combines the FFI with a
simple small c library, that wraps synchronous queries to the database
in an OS thread.
Otherwise, it's the same as sqld-psql-ffi. However:
- sqld-psql-ffi has problems on some operating systems, with select and
asynchronous queries blocking forever.
- sqld-psql (based on spgqsl.plt) has problems with UTF-8.
This library needs a C compiler and on UNIX: posix threads, i.e. -lpthread.
On windows, it compiles using
lc -LD c-sqld-psql.c
On Unix and MacOSX:
gcc -shared -o c-sqld-psql.c -lpthread.
I know, it's a naive method. However, it seems to give a more robuust
client implementation.
For more information, see:
(c) 2005/2006 Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema. License: LGPL.
You can also look in the manual section of the Help Desk for "SQLD-PSQL-C".
$Id: doc.txt,v 1.2 2007/07/05 20:48:29 hoesterholt Exp $