;;; Package   : sqld-sqlite.scm
;;; Author    : Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema.
;;; Copyright : HOD 2004/2005.
;;; License   : The Elemental Programming Artistic License.
;;; CVS       : $Id: sqld-sqlite-internal.scm,v 1.1 2007/01/14 01:03:11 hoesterholt Exp $
;=head1 Name
;SQLD-SQLite - SQL Driver for SQLite
;=head1 Description
;This is an SQLite driver for SQLI. It is a simple
;driver, that has no optimizations like cursor operations,
;connection pools, etc.
;This driver conforms to
;L<the interface description for drivers|SQLD - Interface description for SQLI drivers>.
;The driver must be used through SQLI.
;=head1 API
;=head2 C<(sqld-sqlite-new connection-info) : closure>
;Calling this function with a valid SQLite database filename,
;will instantiate a new driver, that can be given to a new
;instance of SQLI.
;=head1 Synopsis
;=syn scm,8
; (module test
; 	(import sqli)
; 	(import sqld-sqlite)
; 	(main main))
; (define (main argv)
;   (let* ((sqld    (sqld-sqlite-new "test.db"))
; 	   (sqlh    (sqli-connect sqld))
; (...)
;=head1 Literate section
;This module L<interfaces with a C part|SQLD-SQLite - C part> that interfaces to the
;sqlite library. The interface is built for SQLite version 3.
;=head2 Module definition
;The module definition is as follows:
;=verbatim scm,8
(module sqld-sqlite-internal mzscheme
	(require (lib "time.ss" "srfi" "19"))
	(require "sqld-i-sqlite.scm")
;As can be seen, only one function is exported, the C<sqld-sqlite-new> function.
;All other function definitions are interface definitions for C functions that
;are called from this module.
;=head2 Supportive functions
;In the next section, supportive functions and definitions are described.
;C<re-quote> defines a precompiled regular expression. This expression
;is used to escape the single quotes in a string.
;=verbatim scm,8
(define re-quote (regexp "[']"))
;The C<ierr> function displays a message and returns C<#f>. This function is
;simply used to report errors to the current output port.
;=verbatim scm,8
(define (ierr . msg)
  (define (d msg)
    (if (null? msg)
	  (display (car msg))
	  (d (cdr msg)))))
    (d msg)
;=head2 Conversion functions
;Conversion functions are used to convert between database representations
;of types and scheme representations of types. They are all straightforward.
;SQLite is SQL92 compliant, so for all strings, the single quote must be
;escaped. A simple C<pregexp-replace*> call is used to escape the single
;quotes. This function could be made more efficient, using a loop, or
;even a C function to do the same.
;=verbatim scm,8
(define (string2db s)
  (string-append "'" (regexp-replace* re-quote s "''") "'"))
;The date types aren't known in SQLite, so a date type is constructed
;from the bigloo date type, using a broken ISO8601 encoding (the zone
;info part is not there).
;The interpretation back from the database is done by expecting the
;same broken ISO8601 encoding. No checking is done for the parts of the
;strings; so, the
;precondition for the use of this function is, that the given string
;conforms to the previous definition.
;=verbatim scm,8
;#+ mzscheme
(define-syntax integer->string
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((integer->string n) (number->string n))))
(define-syntax string->integer
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((string->integer s) (string->number s))))

(define (pre-zero2 n)
  (if (< n 10) 
      (string-append "0" (integer->string n))
      (integer->string n)))

(define (date2db dt)
  (string-append "'"
  (date->string dt "~Y~m~dT~H~M~S")

(define (db2date dt)
  (string->date dt "~Y~m~dT~H~M~S")
;All other conversions are done using the standard scheme primitives.
;=head2 Connecting
;The connection function is called from the closure provided
;by C<sqld-sqlite-new>, when it is called with the C<'connect>
;argument.  It returns a closure that is used for further
;command processing and that has a connection to the SQLite
;The commands to be processed are placed in a C<cond> structure,
;with the probably most commonly used commands at front.
;Supportive functions are defined within the closure, to handle
;the interfacing for queries to the C part and fetches.
;=verbatim scm,8

(define SQLITE-SEM       (make-semaphore 1))
(define SQLITE-TRANS-SEM (make-semaphore 1))
(define IN-TRANSACTION   #f)

(define (sqld-sqlite-connect connection-info)
  (let ((db (c-sqlite-open connection-info))
        (current-query-result #f)
        (valid-handle #t)
        (nrows 0)
        (ncols 0)
        (row 0)
        (in-transaction #f))

    (define (query q)
      (set! current-query-result (c-sqlite-query db q))
      (set! row -1)
      (set! ncols (c-sqlite-ncols current-query-result))
      (set! nrows (c-sqlite-nrows current-query-result)))

    (define (fetch)

      (define (f i)
        (if (< i ncols)
            (cons (c-sqlite-cell current-query-result row i) (f (+ i 1)))

        (set! row (+ row 1))
        (if (>= row nrows)
            (f 0))))

    (lambda (cmd . args)
;      (ierr "sqld-sqlite: " cmd args)
      (if (eq? valid-handle #f)
          (ierr "ERROR: disconnected handle")

           ((eq? cmd 'string2db) (string2db (car args)))
           ((eq? cmd 'int2db) (integer->string (car args)))
           ((eq? cmd 'number2db) (number->string (car args)))
           ((eq? cmd 'date2db) (date2db (car args)))
           ((eq? cmd 'bool2db) (if (eq? (car args) #t) "1" "0"))

           ((eq? cmd 'db2date) (db2date (car args)))
           ((eq? cmd 'db2bool) (if (string=? (car args) "1") #t #f))

           ((eq? cmd 'fetchrow)
            (if (eq? current-query-result #f)

           ((eq? cmd 'lasterr) (c-sqlite-lasterr (if (eq? current-query-result #f)

           ((eq? cmd 'begin)
              (letrec ((busywait (lambda ()
                                   (semaphore-wait SQLITE-SEM)
                                   (if (IN-TRANSACTION)
                                         (semaphore-post SQLITE-SEM)
                                         (semaphore-wait SQLITE-TRANS-SEM)
                                         (set! IN-TRANSACTION #t)
                                         (semaphore-wait SQLITE-TRANS-SEM)
                                         (semaphore-post SQLITE-SEM))))))
              (if (not (eq? in-transaction #t))
                  (query "BEGIN;"))
              (set! in-transaction #t)))

           ((eq? cmd 'commit)
              (semaphore-wait SQLITE-SEM)
              (if (eq? in-transaction #t)
                  (query "COMMIT;"))
              (set! IN-TRANSACTION #f)
              (semaphore-post SQLITE-SEM)
              (semaphore-post SQLITE-TRANS-SEM)
              (set! in-transaction #f)))

           ((eq? cmd 'rollback)
              (semaphore-post SQLITE-SEM)
              (if (eq? in-transaction #t)
                  (query "ROLLBACK;"))
              (set! IN-TRANSACTION #f)
              (semaphore-post SQLITE-SEM)
              (semaphore-post SQLITE-TRANS-SEM)
              (set! in-transaction #f)))

           ((eq? cmd 'query) 
              (semaphore-wait SQLITE-SEM)
              (let ((R (query (car args))))
                (semaphore-post SQLITE-SEM)

           ((eq? cmd 'disconnect)
              (c-sqlite-close db)
              (set! valid-handle #f)))

           (else (ierr "Unknown command")))))))
;=head2 The main entry function
;Now for the main function that this driver provides: C<sqld-sqlite-new>.
;This function takes C<connection-info> as an argument, which must be
;an SQLite database. It returns a closure that handles the C<'connect>,
;C<'clean>, C<'name> and C<'version> calls. It is a very simple function.
;The C<'version> call returns the major version number of SQLite * 100 +
;the minor version number.
;=verbatim scm,8
(define (sqld-sqlite-new _connection-info)
  (let ((connection-info _connection-info))
    (lambda (cmd . args)

       ((eq? cmd 'connect) (sqld-sqlite-connect connection-info))
       ((eq? cmd 'clean) #t)

       ((eq? cmd 'name) "sqlite")
       ((eq? cmd 'version) (c-sqlite-version))

       (else (ierr "ERROR: Connect to the datebase first"))))))

   (provide sqld-sqlite-new)