(module bot mzscheme
(require (lib "url.ss" "net"))
(require (lib "uri-codec.ss" "net"))
(require (lib "base64.ss" "net"))
(require (lib "string.ss" "mzlib"))
(require (lib "string.ss" "srfi" "13"))
(require (planet "roos.scm" ("oesterholt" "roos.plt" 1 4)))
(provide form-data
(all-from (planet "roos.scm" ("oesterholt" "roos.plt" 1 4)))
(all-from (lib "url.ss" "net"))
(roos-doc (sp "This class can be used to post forms using the " (s% "multipart/form-data") " content-type."
"It can be used to act as a posting client, to post forms to websites, e.g. a MediaWiki."
(sp (s== "Synopsys"))
(sp (sverb "(require (planet \"bot.scm\" (\"oesterholt\" \"webbot.plt\" 1 0))"
"(define F (form-data))"
"(-> F form-add 'name \"A name\")"
"(-> F form-add 'file (build-path \"my-file.txt\"))"
"(let ((p (-> F form-post (string->url \"http://test.form.org/post-it.php\"))))"
" (display (read-string 1000000 p))"
" (close-input-port p))"
(this (form-data))
(define _form '())
(define _boundary "87689sadfgioawgfaout786TUGDQO@ggdfyudfsgajsguygOI*USW")
(define _user-agent "User-Agent: Mozilla/2.0 mzscheme-webbot/1.1")
(define _accept "Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png, */*")
(define _accept-charset "Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1,*,utf-8")
(define _accept-language "Accept-Language: en-US")
(define _url #f)
(define _uid #f)
(define _pass #f)
(define _cookies (make-hash-table))
(define _redirect #f)
(define _location "")
(define (substr s from . _to)
(let ((to (if (null? _to)
(string-length s)
(car _to))))
(let ((l (string-length s)))
(substring s from (if (> l to) to l)))))
(define (process-cookie c)
(let ((cookie-list (regexp-split "[=]" c)))
(let ((cookie (string->symbol (car cookie-list)))
(value1 (apply string-append (cdr cookie-list))))
(let ((value-list (regexp-split "[;]" value1)))
(let ((value (car value-list)))
(hash-table-put! _cookies cookie value))))))
(define (process-http S)
(let ((http-list (regexp-split "[ ]" S)))
(let ((code (string->number (cadr http-list))))
(if (or (= code 301) (= code 302))
(set! _redirect #t)))))
(define (process-location S)
(set! _location (string->url S))
(set-url-port! _location (url-port _url)))
(define (interpret header)
(let ((lines (regexp-split "\r\n" header)))
(define (interpret-lines L)
(if (null? L)
(let ((S (car L)))
((string-ci=? (substr S 0 11) "set-cookie:") (process-cookie (substr S 12)))
((string-ci=? (substr S 0 5) "http/") (process-http S))
((string-ci=? (substr S 0 9) "location:") (process-location (substr S 10))))
(interpret-lines (cdr L)))))
(set! _redirect #f)
(interpret-lines lines)))
(define (rd port)
(let ((r (read-string 1024 port)))
(if (eq? r eof)
(close-input-port port)
(string-append r (rd port)))))
(define (read-in path)
(rd (open-input-file path)))
(define (headers . my-own)
(define (result my-own)
(append (list _user-agent _accept _accept-charset _accept-language) (authorize) (cookies) my-own))
(if (not (null? my-own))
(if (list? (car my-own))
(result (car my-own))
(result my-own))
(result my-own)))
(define (authorize)
(if (eq? _uid #f)
(list (let ((s (string-append _uid ":" _pass)))
(string-append "Authorization: Basic "
(string-trim-both (bytes->string/utf-8 (base64-encode (string->bytes/utf-8 s)))))))))
((define (sp "Returns the curren stored cookies, as they would be send to the http server."))
(let ((S "Cookie: ")
(sc ""))
(hash-table-for-each _cookies (lambda (key val)
(set! S (string-append S sc (symbol->string key) "=" val ))
(set! sc ";")))
(list S)))
((define (sp "Returns #f, if c is not found, the value of the cookie of c otherwise"))
(cookie c)
(if (string? c)
(cookie (string->symbol c))
(hash-table-get _cookies c (lambda () #f))))
((define (sp "Returns #f, if c is not matched, the value of the cookie of c otherwise"))
(cookie-match c)
(let ((found #f))
(hash-table-for-each _cookies (lambda (key value)
(let ((K (symbol->string key)))
(if (regexp-match (symbol->string c) (symbol->string key))
(set! found value)))))))
((define (sp "This member can be used to add a (form) field to be posted. It automatically does the "
"right thing given it's input value. If value is of type " (s% 'path?) " the form will "
"add the file to be uploaded; otherwise the string representation of the input value "
"is taken (using " (s% "format") ".")
(sp (s% "Input parameters: ") (s% 'name:<symbol>) ", " (s% 'value:<anytype>) ".")
(sp (s% "Returns : ") (s% 'this)))
(form-add name value)
(set! _form (cons (cons name (format "~a" value)) _form))
((define (sp "Clears the form. New fields can be added.")
(sp (s% "Returns : ") (s% 'this)))
(set! _form '())
((define (sp "Converts the form to a 'bytes' representation.")
(sp (s% "Returns : ") "The converted form"))
(values (list (string-append "Content-type: multipart/form-data, boundary=" _boundary)
(apply string-append
(map (lambda (field-value)
(string-append (format "--~a~%" _boundary)
(if (path? (cdr field-value))
(format "content-disposition: form-data; name=\"~a\"; filename=\"~a\"\r\n"
(symbol->string (car field-value))
(call-with-values (lambda () (split-path (cdr field-value)))
(lambda (p n x) n)))
(format "Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary~%")
(format "~%")
(read-in (cdr field-value)))
(format "content-disposition: form-data; name=\"~a\"\r\n" (symbol->string (car field-value)))
(format "\r\n")
(format "~a\r\n" (cdr field-value))))))
((define (sp "Posts the form to the given " (s% 'url))
(sp (s%% "Input parameters: ") (s% "url:<url|string>") " (see the " (s% "net") " collection)")
(sp (s%% "Returns : ") (s% "<input-port>") " (can be used to read the results of the post), or, when no connection can be made, " (s% "'no-contact")
(form-post url)
(with-handlers ((exn:fail? (lambda (exn) 'no-contact)))
(current-alist-separator-mode 'amp)
(if (string? url) (set! url (string->url url)))
(set! _url url)
(call-with-values (lambda () (-> this form->bytes))
(lambda (content-types data)
(let ((P (post-impure-port url data (headers content-types))))
(interpret (purify-port P))
(if _redirect
(close-input-port P)
(get _location))
((define (sp "Posts the form to the given " (s% 'url))
(sp (s%% "Input parameters: ") (s% "url:<url|string>") " (see the " (s% "net") " collection)")
(sp (s%% "Returns : ") (s% "<input-port>") " (can be used to read the results of the post), or, when no connection can be made, " (s% "'no-contact")
(post url)
(with-handlers ((exn:fail? (lambda (exn) 'no-contact)))
(current-alist-separator-mode 'amp)
(if (string? url) (set! url (string->url url)))
(set! _url url)
(let ((P (post-impure-port url (string->bytes/utf-8 "") (headers))))
(interpret (purify-port P))
(if _redirect
(close-input-port P)
(form-post _location))
(sp "Gets the page given by " (s% 'url) ":<url|string>")
(sp (s%% "Returns : ") (s% "<input-port>") " (can be used to read the results of the post), or, when no connection can be made, " (s% "'no-contact")
(get url)
(with-handlers ((exn:fail? (lambda (exn) 'no-contact)))
(current-alist-separator-mode 'amp)
(if (string? url) (set! url (string->url url)))
(set! _url url)
(let ((P (get-impure-port url (headers))))
(interpret (purify-port P))
(if _redirect
(close-input-port P)
(get _location))
((define (sp "Sets uid and password for basic authorization."))
(basic-auth uid pass)
(set! _uid uid)
(set! _pass pass)))
((define (sp "Reads the whole contents from the port returned by 'form-post' or 'post'"))
(read-page port)
(rd port))
((constructor (sp "Takes no arguments"))
(current-alist-separator-mode 'amp)