(module mediawiki-bot mzscheme
(require "bot.scm")
(require "mediawiki-xml.scm")
(require (lib "string.ss" "srfi" "13"))
(require (planet "xml.scm" ("oesterholt" "ho-utils.plt" 1 0)))
(provide mediawiki-bot
(all-from "bot.scm"))
(this (mediawiki-bot _base-url))
(supers (form-data) (mediawiki-xml))
(define _user #f)
(define _pass #f)
(define (get-attr key attrs)
(let ((k (assq key attrs)))
(if (eq? k #f)
(cadr k))))
((define (sp "logs in on the mediawiki with username 'user' and password 'pass'."
" It can still be necessary to authenticate to the server itself.")
(sp "returns #t, if logged in, #f otherwise."))
(login user pass)
(-> this form-clear)
(-> this form-add 'wpName user)
(-> this form-add 'wpPassword pass)
(-> this form-add 'wpLoginattempt "Aanmelden & Inschrijven")
(-> this form-add 'title "Special:Userlogin")
(-> this form-add 'action "submitlogin")
(-> this form-add 'type "login")
(let ((p (-> this form-post _base-url)))
(if (port? p)
(close-input-port p))
(if (not (eq? (-> this cookie-match 'UserID) #f))
((define (sp "Reads a page, and returns it's text contents, or #f, if the page does not exist."))
(page pagename)
(let ((p (-> this get (string-append _base-url "?title=Special:Export" "/" pagename)))
(text #f))
(if (port? p)
(let ((xexpr (read-xexpr p)))
(xexpr-sax (lambda (element attributes value level inode xexprs)
(if (eq? element 'text)
(set! text value))
(set! text p))
((define (sp "Puts a page."))
(page! pagename text)
(set! text (string-trim-both text))
(let ((wpEditToken #f)
(wpAutoSummary #f)
(wpStarttime #f)
(wpEdittime #f))
(let ((p (-> this get (string-append _base-url "?title=" pagename "&action=edit"))))
(let ((xexpr (read-xexpr p)))
(xexpr-sax (lambda (element attributes value level inode xexprs)
(if (eq? element 'input)
(let ((name (let ((v (get-attr 'name attributes)))
(if (string? v)
(string->symbol v)
((eq? name 'wpEditToken) (set! wpEditToken (get-attr 'value attributes)))
((eq? name 'wpAutoSummary) (set! wpAutoSummary (get-attr 'value attributes)))
((eq? name 'wpStarttime) (set! wpStarttime (get-attr 'value attributes)))
((eq? name 'wpEdittime) (set! wpEdittime (get-attr 'value attributes))))))
(-> this form-clear)
(-> this form-add 'title pagename)
(-> this form-add 'action "submit")
(-> this form-add 'wpSave "Pagina opslaan")
(-> this form-add 'wpEditToken wpEditToken)
(-> this form-add 'wpStarttime wpStarttime)
(-> this form-add 'wpEdittime wpStarttime)
(-> this form-add 'wpTextbox1 text)
(let ((p (-> this form-post _base-url)))
(if (port? p)
(close-input-port p)))
(let ((check (-> this page pagename)))
(display (format "~s~%" check))
(display (format "~s~%" text))
(if (equal? check text)