(module mreddesigner-properties-widget mzscheme
(require (lib "class.ss")
(lib "mred.ss" "mred")
(file "mreddesigner-misc.ss")
(define property-value%
(class horizontal-panel%
(name #f)
(value #f)
(callback #f)
(name-width #f)
(editable? #t)
(define current #f)
(define name-editor #f)
(define name-canvas #f)
(define value-editor #f)
(define value-canvas #f)
(define blue (make-object color% 10 36 106))
(define white (make-object color% 255 255 255))
(define grey (make-object color% 200 200 200))
(define black (make-object color% 0 0 0))
(define delta-normal (make-object style-delta%))
(define delta-select (make-object style-delta%))
(define delta-inactive (make-object style-delta%))
(public is-editable?)
(define (is-editable?)
(public set-editable?)
(define (set-editable? bool)
(set! editable? bool)
(if bool
(send value-editor hide-caret #f)
(send value-editor change-style delta-normal 0 'end)
(send value-editor hide-caret #t)
(send value-editor change-style delta-inactive 0 'end)
(public set-name)
(define (set-name name)
(send name-editor erase)
(send name-editor insert name 0 'same #t)
(public get-name)
(define (get-name)
(send name-editor get-text 0 'eof #f #f)
(public set-value)
(define (set-value val)
(send value-editor erase)
(send value-editor insert val 0 'same #t)
(if (not editable?)
(send value-editor change-style delta-inactive 0 'end)
(public get-value)
(define (get-value)
(send value-editor get-text 0 'eof #f #f)
(define (property-focus on?)
(if on?
(send (send name-canvas get-editor) change-style delta-select 0 'end)
(send name-canvas set-canvas-background blue)
(set! current (get-value))
((val (get-value)))
(if (and current (not (equal? val current)))
(set-value current)
(set! current #f)
(send (send name-canvas get-editor) change-style delta-normal 0 'end)
(send name-canvas set-canvas-background white)
(public unfocus)
(define (unfocus)
(set! current #f)
(define property-editor%
(class editor-canvas%
(define/override (on-char event)
(case (send event get-key-code)
(let ((ok? #t))
(if (and callback (procedure? callback))
(callback (get-value))
(if ok?
(set! current (get-value))
(super on-char event)
(define/override (on-focus on?)
(property-focus on?)
(super on-focus on?)
((editor (send this get-editor))
(keymap (send editor get-keymap)))
(send keymap add-function "all-text-select"
(lambda (edit event) (send edit select-all)))
(send keymap map-function "leftbuttondouble" "all-text-select")
(define (init)
(send delta-normal set-delta-foreground "black")
(send delta-select set-delta-foreground "white")
(send delta-inactive set-delta-foreground grey)
(set! name-editor (new text%))
(set! value-editor (new text%))
(set! name-canvas (new editor-canvas%
(parent this)
(editor name-editor)
(style '(no-border no-hscroll no-vscroll))
(line-count 1)
(stretchable-height #f)
(vert-margin 1)
(horiz-margin 1)
(vertical-inset 0)
(horizontal-inset 0)
(enabled #f)
(min-width name-width)
(stretchable-width #f)
(set! value-canvas (new property-editor%
(parent this)
(editor value-editor)
(style '(no-border no-hscroll no-vscroll))
(line-count 1)
(stretchable-height #f)
(vert-margin 1)
(horiz-margin 1)
(vertical-inset 0)
(horizontal-inset 0)
(set-name name)
(set-value value)
(set-editable? editable?)
(send this stretchable-height #f)
(define property-choice-icon (make-object bitmap% (build-path "images" "down.png") 'png #f))
(define/provide property-choice%
(class horizontal-panel%
(name #f)
(choices #f)
(selection 0)
(callback #f)
(name-width #f)
(define name-editor #f)
(define name-canvas #f)
(define value-editor #f)
(define value-canvas #f)
(define button #f)
(define blue (make-object color% 10 36 106))
(define white (make-object color% 255 255 255))
(define black (make-object color% 0 0 0))
(define delta-normal (make-object style-delta%))
(define delta-select (make-object style-delta%))
(define (set-value val)
(send value-editor erase)
(send value-editor insert val 0 'same #t)
(public get-value)
(define (get-value)
(send value-editor get-text 0 'eof #f #f)
(public get-name)
(define (get-name)
(send name-editor get-text 0 'eof #f #f)
(public set-name)
(define (set-name name)
(send name-editor erase)
(send name-editor insert name 0 'same #t)
(public set-selection)
(define (set-selection select)
(if (<= 0 select (- (length choices) 1))
(set-value (list-ref choices select))
(define (property-focus on?)
(if on?
(send (send name-canvas get-editor) change-style delta-select 0 'end)
(send name-canvas set-canvas-background blue)
(send (send name-canvas get-editor) change-style delta-normal 0 'end)
(send name-canvas set-canvas-background white)
(public unfocus)
(define (unfocus)
(define property-editor%
(class editor-canvas%
(define/override (on-char event)
(define/override (on-focus on?)
(property-focus on?)
(super on-focus on?)
(define property-button%
(class button%
(define/override (on-focus on?)
(property-focus on?)
(super on-focus on?)
(define (init)
(send delta-normal set-delta-foreground "black")
(send delta-select set-delta-foreground "white")
(set! name-editor (new text%))
(set! value-editor (new text%))
(set! name-canvas (new editor-canvas%
(parent this)
(editor name-editor)
(style '(no-border no-hscroll no-vscroll))
(line-count 1)
(stretchable-height #f)
(vert-margin 0)
(horiz-margin 1)
(vertical-inset 0)
(horizontal-inset 0)
(enabled #f)
(min-width name-width)
(stretchable-width #f)
(set! value-canvas (new property-editor%
(parent this)
(editor value-editor)
(style '(no-border no-hscroll no-vscroll))
(line-count 1)
(stretchable-height #f)
(vert-margin 1)
(horiz-margin 1)
(vertical-inset 0)
(horizontal-inset 0)
(enabled #t)
(send value-editor hide-caret #t)
((popup (new popup-menu%)))
(set! button (new property-button%
(label property-choice-icon)
(parent this)
(vert-margin 0)
(horiz-margin 0)
(lambda (but e)
((w (send value-canvas get-width))
(h (send value-canvas get-height))
(x (send value-canvas get-x))
(y (send value-canvas get-y))
(send popup set-min-width (+ (- w 5) (send button get-width)))
(send value-canvas
popup-menu popup
(+ y (- h 1)))
(lambda (x)
(new menu-item%
(parent popup)
(label x)
(callback (lambda (m e)
(set-value x)
(if (and callback (procedure? callback))
(callback x)
(set-name name)
(set-selection selection)
(send this stretchable-height #f)
(define/provide property-edit-list%
(class dialog%
(empty-allowed? #f)
(define cancel? #f)
(define list-box-data #f)
(public empty-allowed-get)
(define (empty-allowed-get)
(public empty-allowed-set)
(define (empty-allowed-set bool)
(set! empty-allowed? bool)
(public get-choices)
(define (get-choices)
(define (get-choices-aux i n)
((= i n) '())
(cons (send list-box-data get-string i)
(get-choices-aux (add1 i) n)))))
(if (not cancel?)
(get-choices-aux 0 (send list-box-data get-number))
(public set-choices)
(define (set-choices lst)
(lambda (x)
(if (not (string? x))
(error "invalid choice for property-edit%: " x)
(send list-box-data set lst)
(define (init)
((horizontal-panel-data (new horizontal-panel%
(parent this)
(style '(border))
(list-box-panel (new horizontal-panel% (parent horizontal-panel-data)))
(vertical-panel-modify (new vertical-panel%
(parent horizontal-panel-data)
(alignment '(left top))
(stretchable-width #f)))
(message (new message%
(label "Value")
(parent vertical-panel-modify)))
(text-field-data (new text-field%
(parent vertical-panel-modify)
(min-width 100)
(init-value "")
(style '(single))
(label #f)
(stretchable-height #f)))
(horizontal-panel-add (new horizontal-panel%
(parent vertical-panel-modify)))
(button-add (new button%
(parent horizontal-panel-add)
(label "Add")
(stretchable-width #t)
(stretchable-height #f)
(min-width 50)
(lambda (b e)
((text (send text-field-data get-value))
(idx (send list-box-data get-selection))
(if idx
(send list-box-data select idx #f)
(if (> (string-length text) 0)
(send list-box-data append text))))))))
(button-edit (new button%
(parent horizontal-panel-add)
(label "Edit")
(stretchable-width #t)
(stretchable-height #f)
(min-width 50)
(lambda (b e)
((text (send text-field-data get-value))
(idx (send list-box-data get-selection))
(if (and idx (> (string-length text) 0))
(send list-box-data set-string idx text))))))))
(horizontal-panel-move (new horizontal-panel%
(parent vertical-panel-modify)))
(button-up (new button%
(parent horizontal-panel-move)
(label "Up")
(stretchable-width #t)
(stretchable-height #f)
(min-width 50)
(vert-margin 0)
(lambda (b e)
((idx (send list-box-data get-selection)))
(if (and idx (> idx 0))
((prev (send list-box-data get-string (- idx 1)))
(curr (send list-box-data get-string idx))
(send list-box-data set-string idx prev)
(send list-box-data set-string (- idx 1) curr)
(send list-box-data set-selection (- idx 1))
(button-down (new button%
(parent horizontal-panel-move)
(label "Down")
(stretchable-width #t)
(stretchable-height #f)
(min-width 50)
(vert-margin 0)
(lambda (b e)
((idx (send list-box-data get-selection))
(n (send list-box-data get-number))
(if (and idx (< idx (- n 1)))
((next (send list-box-data get-string (+ idx 1)))
(curr (send list-box-data get-string idx))
(send list-box-data set-string idx next)
(send list-box-data set-string (+ idx 1) curr)
(send list-box-data set-selection (+ idx 1))
(button-delete (new button%
(parent vertical-panel-modify)
(stretchable-width #t)
(label "Delete")
(stretchable-height #f)
(lambda (b e)
((text (send text-field-data get-value))
(idx (send list-box-data get-selection))
(n (send list-box-data get-number))
(if (and idx
(or empty-allowed?
(and (not empty-allowed?)
(> n 1))))
(send text-field-data set-value "")
(send list-box-data select idx #f)
(send list-box-data delete idx))))))))
(horizontal-panel-buttons (new horizontal-panel%
(parent this)
(alignment '(center center))
(vert-margin 2)
(stretchable-height #f)
(stretchable-width #t)))
(button-ok (new button%
(parent horizontal-panel-buttons)
(min-width 70)
(label "OK")
(stretchable-width #f)
(stretchable-height #f)
(lambda (b e)
(set! cancel? #f)
(send text-field-data set-value "")
(send this show #f)))))
(button-cancel (new button%
(parent horizontal-panel-buttons)
(stretchable-width #f)
(min-width 70)
(label "Cancel")
(stretchable-height #f)
(lambda (b e)
(set! cancel? #t)
(send text-field-data set-value "")
(send this show #f)))))
(set! list-box-data (new list-box%
(parent list-box-panel)
(choices '())
(selection #f)
(style '(single vertical-label))
(label "List of choices")
(lambda (l e)
((idx (send l get-selection)))
(if idx
(send text-field-data
(send l get-string idx))))))))
((editor (send text-field-data get-editor))
(keymap (send editor get-keymap)))
(send keymap add-function "all-text-select"
(lambda (edit event) (send edit select-all)))
(send keymap map-function "leftbuttondouble" "all-text-select")
(super-new (style '(no-caption))
(width 300)
(height 150)
(border 4)
(define property-option-icon (make-object bitmap% (build-path "images" "dots.png") 'png #f))
(define property-option-list%
(class horizontal-panel%
(name #f)
(choices #f)
(selection 0)
(callback #f)
(width #f)
(empty-allowed? #f)
(define name-editor #f)
(define name-canvas #f)
(define value-editor #f)
(define value-canvas #f)
(define button #f)
(define popup #f)
(define blue (make-object color% 10 36 106))
(define white (make-object color% 255 255 255))
(define black (make-object color% 0 0 0))
(define delta-normal (make-object style-delta%))
(define delta-select (make-object style-delta%))
(public empty-allowed-get)
(define (empty-allowed-get)
(let ((allowed? (send popup empty-allowed-get)))
(set! empty-allowed? allowed?)
(public empty-allowed-set)
(define (empty-allowed-set bool)
(set! empty-allowed? bool)
(send popup empty-allowed-set bool)
(public get-name)
(define (get-name)
(send name-editor get-text 0 'eof #f #f)
(public set-name)
(define (set-name name)
(send name-editor erase)
(send name-editor insert name 0 'same #t)
(public set-choices)
(define (set-choices lst)
(set! choices lst)
(send popup set-choices lst)
(define (property-focus on?)
(if on?
(send (send name-canvas get-editor) change-style delta-select 0 'end)
(send name-canvas set-canvas-background blue)
(send (send name-canvas get-editor) change-style delta-normal 0 'end)
(send name-canvas set-canvas-background white)
(public unfocus)
(define (unfocus)
(define property-editor%
(class editor-canvas%
(define/override (on-char event)
(define/override (on-focus on?)
(property-focus on?)
(super on-focus on?)
(define property-button%
(class button%
(define/override (on-focus on?)
(property-focus on?)
(super on-focus on?)
(define (init)
(send delta-normal set-delta-foreground "black")
(send delta-select set-delta-foreground "white")
(set! name-editor (new text%))
(set! value-editor (new text%))
(set! name-canvas (new editor-canvas%
(parent this)
(editor name-editor)
(style '(no-border no-hscroll no-vscroll))
(line-count 1)
(stretchable-height #f)
(vert-margin 0)
(horiz-margin 1)
(vertical-inset 0)
(horizontal-inset 0)
(enabled #f)
(min-width width)
(stretchable-width #f)
(set! value-canvas (new property-editor%
(parent this)
(editor value-editor)
(style '(no-border no-hscroll no-vscroll))
(line-count 1)
(stretchable-height #f)
(vert-margin 1)
(horiz-margin 1)
(vertical-inset 0)
(horizontal-inset 0)
(enabled #t)
(send value-editor hide-caret #t)
(set! popup (new property-edit-list%
(label "Choices")
(parent #f)
(empty-allowed? empty-allowed?)
(set! button (new property-button%
(label property-option-icon)
(parent this)
(vert-margin 0)
(horiz-margin 0)
(lambda (but e)
((h (send name-canvas get-height))
(x (send name-canvas get-x))
(y (send name-canvas get-y))
(((xx yy) (send name-canvas client->screen (- x 1) (+ y h))))
(send popup move xx yy)
(send popup set-choices choices)
(send popup show #t)
((lst (send popup get-choices)))
(if lst
(set! choices (send popup get-choices))
(if (and callback (procedure? callback))
(callback choices)))))))))))
(set-name name)
(send this stretchable-height #f)
(provide property-panel%)
(define property-panel%
(class vertical-panel%
(callback #f)
(unless (or (not callback)
(procedure-arity-includes? callback 2))
(raise-type-error 'property-panel%
"procedure of arity 1"
(define widget-table #f)
(define widget-empty #f)
(define widget-necessary #f)
(define widget-optional #f)
(public empty)
(define (empty)
(send this import #f #f '())
(define horiz-alignment-options '("left" "center" "right"))
(define vert-alignment-options '("top" "center" "bottom"))
(define boolean-true "true")
(define boolean-false "false")
(define boolean-options (list boolean-true boolean-false))
(define single-option "single")
(define multiple-option "multiple")
(define extended-option "extended")
(define selection-options (list single-option multiple-option extended-option))
(define text-field-options (list single-option multiple-option))
(define horizontal-option "horizontal")
(define vertical-option "vertical")
(define direction-options (list horizontal-option vertical-option))
(define horizontal-label-option "horizontal-label")
(define vertical-label-option "vertical-label")
(define label-direction-options (list horizontal-label-option vertical-label-option))
(define (bool-choice-value w name val)
((member name '(enabled value stretchable-width stretchable-height))
(if val
(send w
(- (length boolean-options)
(length (member boolean-true boolean-options))))
(send w
(- (length boolean-options)
(length (member boolean-false boolean-options))))
(define (style-options type value-list)
((true (- (length boolean-options)
(length (member boolean-true boolean-options))))
(false (- (length boolean-options)
(length (member boolean-false boolean-options))))
(w-lst '())
(lambda (type prop)
((w (hash-table-get widget-table type #f)))
(if (member prop value-list)
(send w set-selection true)
(send w set-selection false)
(set! w-lst (cons w w-lst))
(lambda (type prop)
((w (hash-table-get widget-table type #f)))
(if (member prop value-list)
(send w set-selection false)
(send w set-selection true)
(set! w-lst (cons w w-lst))
(if (member type '(button radio-box check-box
panel horizontal-panel vertical-panel
tab-panel group-box-panel
message slider gauge list-box
choice text-field canvas))
(widget-bool-set 'style-deleted 'deleted)
(if (member type '(button panel horizontal-panel vertical-panel
tab-panel canvas))
(if (equal? type 'tab-panel)
(widget-bool-set-not 'style-border 'no-border)
(widget-bool-set 'style-border 'border)
(if (equal? type 'frame)
(widget-bool-set-not 'style-no-resize-border 'no-resize-border)
(widget-bool-set-not 'style-no-caption 'no-caption)
(widget-bool-set-not 'style-no-system-menu 'no-system-menu)
(widget-bool-set 'style-toolbar-button 'toolbar-button)
(widget-bool-set 'style-hide-menu-bar 'hide-menu-bar)
(widget-bool-set 'style-float 'float)
(widget-bool-set 'style-metal 'metal)
(if (member type '(radio-box slider gauge))
((w (hash-table-get widget-table 'style-direction #f)))
((member 'horizontal value-list)
(send w set-selection (- (length direction-options)
(length (member horizontal-option direction-options)))))
((member 'vertical value-list)
(send w set-selection (- (length direction-options)
(length (member vertical-option direction-options)))))
(set! w-lst (cons w w-lst))
(if (member type '(radio-box slider gauge list-box choice text-field))
((w (hash-table-get widget-table 'style-label-direction #f)))
((member 'vertical-label value-list)
(send w set-selection (- (length label-direction-options)
(length (member vertical-label-option label-direction-options)))))
(send w set-selection (- (length label-direction-options)
(length (member horizontal-label-option label-direction-options)))))
(set! w-lst (cons w w-lst))
(if (equal? type 'slider)
(widget-bool-set 'style-plain 'plain)
(if (member type '(text-field canvas))
(widget-bool-set 'style-hscroll 'hscroll)
(if (equal? type 'canvas)
(widget-bool-set 'style-vscroll 'vscroll)
(widget-bool-set 'style-control-border 'control-border)
(widget-bool-set 'style-resize-corner 'resize-corner)
(widget-bool-set 'style-gl 'gl)
(widget-bool-set-not 'style-no-autoclear 'no-autoclear)
(widget-bool-set 'style-transparent 'transparent)
(if (equal? type 'text-field)
((w (hash-table-get widget-table 'style-text-field #f)))
(if (member 'single value-list)
(send w set-selection (- (length text-field-options)
(length (member single-option text-field-options))))
(send w set-selection (- (length text-field-options)
(length (member multiple-option text-field-options))))
(widget-bool-set 'style-password 'password)
(set! w-lst (cons w w-lst))
(if (equal? type 'list-box)
((w (hash-table-get widget-table 'style-selection #f)))
((member 'single value-list)
(send w set-selection (- (length selection-options)
(length (member single-option selection-options)))))
((member 'multiple value-list)
(send w set-selection (- (length selection-options)
(length (member multiple-option selection-options)))))
((member 'extended value-list)
(send w set-selection (- (length selection-options)
(length (member extended-option selection-options)))))
(set! w-lst (cons w w-lst))
(public import)
(define (import id type prop-lst)
(printf "import: prop-lst:\n~a\n" prop-lst)
(if (null? prop-lst)
(send this change-children (lambda (lst) (list widget-empty)))
((necessary-list '())
(optional-list '())
(necessary (assoc 'necessary prop-lst))
(id-w (hash-table-get widget-table 'id #f))
(lambda (key w)
(send w unfocus)
(if (equal? id "project")
(send id-w set-editable? #f)
(send id-w set-editable? #t)
(if necessary (set! necessary (cadr necessary))) (for-each
(lambda (prop)
((type (car prop))
(val (cadr prop))
(w (hash-table-get widget-table type #f))
(except '(selection style alignment choices))
(is-except (member type except))
(if (and w (not is-except))
(if (is-a? w property-value%)
(send w set-value (to-string val))
(if (is-a? w property-choice%)
(bool-choice-value w type val)
(if (and necessary (member (car prop) necessary))
(set! necessary-list (cons w necessary-list))
(set! optional-list (cons w optional-list))
((equal? (car prop) 'alignment)
((horiz-align (symbol->string (caadr prop)))
(vert-align (symbol->string (cadadr prop)))
(horiz-w (hash-table-get widget-table 'halignment #f))
(vert-w (hash-table-get widget-table 'valignment #f))
(send horiz-w
(- (length horiz-alignment-options)
(length (member horiz-align horiz-alignment-options))))
(send vert-w
(- (length vert-alignment-options)
(length (member vert-align vert-alignment-options))))
(set! optional-list (append (list horiz-w vert-w) optional-list))
((equal? (car prop) 'selection)
((w (hash-table-get widget-table 'selection #f)))
(if (cadr prop)
(send w set-value (to-string (cadr prop)))
(send w set-value "")
(set! optional-list (cons w optional-list))
((equal? (car prop) 'style)
(set! optional-list (append optional-list (style-options type (cadr prop))))
((equal? (car prop) 'choices)
((w (hash-table-get widget-table 'choices #f)))
(send w set-choices (cadr prop))
(set! optional-list (cons w optional-list))
(send id-w set-value id)
(set! necessary-list (append (list widget-necessary id-w)
(reverse necessary-list)))
(if (not (null? optional-list))
(set! optional-list (cons widget-optional (reverse optional-list)))
(set! optional-list (reverse optional-list))
(send this show #f)
(send this
(lambda (lst) (append necessary-list optional-list)))
(send this show #t)
(public set-value)
(define (set-value prop val)
((w (hash-table-get widget-table prop #f)))
((is-a? w property-value%)
(send w set-value (to-string val))
((is-a? w property-choice%)
(send w set-selection val)
(error (string-append "unhandled setting of property '"
(symbol->string prop) "'"))
(public get-text)
(define (get-text prop)
((w (hash-table-get widget-table prop #f)))
(if (not (is-a? w property-value%))
(error (string-append "trying to get wrong property '"
(symbol->string prop) "'"))
(send w get-value)
(define (add-property-widget type text vals edit?)
((list? vals)
(hash-table-put! widget-table
(new property-choice%
(parent this)
(name text)
(choices vals)
(selection 0)
(callback (lambda (val)
(if callback
(callback type val))))
(name-width 140)))
((string? vals)
(hash-table-put! widget-table
(new property-value%
(parent this)
(name text)
(value vals)
(callback (lambda (val)
(if callback
(callback type val))))
(name-width 140)
(editable? edit?)))
(hash-table-put! widget-table
(new property-option-list%
(parent this)
(name text)
(choices '())
(callback (lambda (val)
(if callback
(callback type val))))
(width 140)
(empty-allowed? edit?)))
(define (init)
(set! widget-table (make-hash-table 'equal))
(set! widget-empty
(new canvas%
(parent this)
(min-height 300)
(lambda (c dc)
((w (send c get-width))
(h (send c get-height))
(k-bold-font (make-object font% 11 'system 'normal 'bold #f 'smoothed #t))
(k-gray-brush (make-object brush% (get-panel-background) 'solid))
(k-invisible-pen (make-object pen%
(make-object color% 0 0 0)
(send dc clear)
(send dc set-pen k-invisible-pen)
(send dc set-brush k-gray-brush)
(send dc draw-rectangle 0 0 w h)
(send dc set-font k-bold-font)
(send dc
"<No selected element>"
(- (/ w 2) 70) (- (/ h 2) 10))
(set! widget-necessary (new horizontal-panel% (parent this) (stretchable-height #f)))
(new message% (label "Necessary")(parent widget-necessary))
(set! widget-optional (new horizontal-panel% (parent this) (stretchable-height #f)))
(new message% (label "Optional")(parent widget-optional))
(lambda (x)
((type (list-ref x 0))
(text (list-ref x 1))
(vals (list-ref x 2))
(edit? (list-ref x 3))
(add-property-widget type text vals edit?)
(list '(id "id" "" #t)
'(label "label" "" #t)
'(width "width" "" #t)
'(height "height" "" #t)
'(x "x" "" #t)
'(y "y" "" #t)
(list 'enabled "enabled?" boolean-options #f)
'(border "border" "" #t)
'(spacing "spacing" "" #t)
(list 'halignment "horizontal alignment" horiz-alignment-options #f)
(list 'valignment "vertical alignment" vert-alignment-options #f)
'(min-width "min width" "" #t)
'(min-height "min height" "" #t)
(list 'stretchable-width "stretchable width?" boolean-options #f)
(list 'stretchable-height "stretchable height?" boolean-options #f)
'(vert-margin "vertical margin" "" #t)
'(horiz-margin "horizontal margin" "" #t)
(list 'value "value?" boolean-options #f)
'(min-value "min value" "" #t)
'(max-value "max value" "" #t)
'(init-value "init value" "" #t)
'(range "range" "" #t)
'(selection "selection" "" #t)
(list 'style-deleted "deleted?" boolean-options #f)
(list 'style-border "border?" boolean-options #f)
(list 'style-no-resize-border "resize border?" boolean-options #f)
(list 'style-no-caption "caption?" boolean-options #f)
(list 'style-no-system-menu "system menu?" boolean-options #f)
(list 'style-toolbar-button "toolbar button?" boolean-options #f)
(list 'style-hide-menu-bar "hide menu bar?" boolean-options #f)
(list 'style-float "float?" boolean-options #f)
(list 'style-metal "metal?" boolean-options #f)
(list 'style-plain "plain?" boolean-options #f)
(list 'style-selection "selection mode?" selection-options #f)
(list 'style-text-field "style?" text-field-options #f)
(list 'style-direction "direction?" direction-options #f)
(list 'style-label-direction "label direction?" label-direction-options #f)
(list 'style-hscroll "horizontal scroll?" boolean-options #f)
(list 'style-vscroll "vertical scroll?" boolean-options #f)
(list 'style-password "password?" boolean-options #f)
(list 'style-control-border "control border?" boolean-options #f)
(list 'style-resize-corner "resize corner?" boolean-options #f)
(list 'style-gl "OpenGL?" boolean-options #f)
(list 'style-no-autoclear "autoclear?" boolean-options #f)
(list 'style-transparent "transparent?" boolean-options #f)
(list 'choices "choices" #f #f)
(send this min-width 300)